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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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I would like to be in the dishcloth swap.

We got back near home last friday evening and spent the weekend with my daughter and granddaughter.

My brother called me late afternoon on Easter and said he was having his pacemaker replaced on monday. So we stayed over night another night. Finally got home for a couple of days and were back at daughters place for a few days.

We have a gd who had a mole removed and it came back precancerous. She had an appointment wednesday and needed a ride so I took them. They took more cells and sent it off for testing. It will be 2 weeks before we hear anything. We were coming down tomorrow so I said we might as well make it a long weekend.

I did get some crocheting done on the way home. I worked on some squares for my Jackson afghan. I got most of the sleeves done for Maya's sweater. I have to get it out and fitted to her so I can finish it off.

Also need to get are taxes done. I don't ususally wait this long, but I wasn't planning on doing them this year. Aarp has places you can get them done for free, but all the ones in the area I called are full. So I will be doing them this weekend.

Have a lot of things going on so I'll be back when I can or when I need a break from everything else. Funny the computer used to be the main thing in my life and it isn't any more. Somedays I don't even get to my emails. I hope things slow down here soon.

Hope everyone is doing well! Have a nice night or day!

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Good morning all

Raining here on this Friday morning!


Hope everyone has a great day- I am running a little late and don't have time to take/post a pic of the progress of my large granny. I'll try after work!

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Hello the House :clap


Wow has this board been moving fast. It's been a few days since I last posted, wasn't being rude, just lots going on.


Paying bills was fun this month after the whole identy theft thing. Took a little longer than I thought it would but everything is finally resolved. :)


I finished the Amish Star lapghan for my mother's birthday. Will take pictures tomorrow. I think she will like it. Also bought her a cotton batik dress in the same shades of purple/plum. That will be for Mother's Day, so she will be all matchy matchy. :yes


Went to the opthomologist today, first big checkup since my cataract surgery. Everything looks great and he thinks the glaucoma is finally under control. Said to stop taking the eye drops until next appt. (June). If eye pressures are still down and no change in visual field I won't have to go back for a year. If pressures are up, I go back on meds and monitering every 3 to 4 months. So I am hopeful. :cheer


There have been so many posts here in the House, sorry I can't comment on all of them. Loved the pictures, everyone is so talented and I get inspiration every time I check in. If the dishcloth exchange is moving to the Fall, I would love to join in then.


Oh, Mary, BTW, Luke is adorable. :manyheart


Have a great day, looking forward to Foto Friday. :hook

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Good morning House mates:hug


Marlene, Jules decided to wait till after the Summer for the dishcloth swap. It'll be fun looking at patterns while we wait.

I hope the biopsy comes back clear for your gd...sounds like they were quick in getting it checked.:hug


The lady gave me literally 2 trash bags full of antique crocheted pieces...3 absolutely divine bedspreads (just wait 'til I get pics...seriously awesome stuff) and then a bunch of other pieces she had acquired over the years...I'm still stunned...


You give of your heart and it comes back to you 10 fold and then some...


Oh and I had taken a pic of the hippo to show to my SIL, SHE LOVED IT...guess what I'll be making her for her birthday next month????

Oh, I would have been :drool at such a sight!! Can't wait to see the goodies!!

And, yup....you do sometimes get those nice surprises ...and often when you least expect it:yes


I hope you enjoyed making the hippo - I have a feeling you;ll be getting more requests:lol


Paying bills was fun this month after the whole identy theft thing. Took a little longer than I thought it would but everything is finally resolved. :)


I finished the Amish Star lapghan for my mother's birthday. Will take pictures tomorrow. I think she will like it. Also bought her a cotton batik dress in the same shades of purple/plum. That will be for Mother's Day, so she will be all matchy matchy. :yes


Went to the opthomologist today, first big checkup since my cataract surgery. Everything looks great and he thinks the glaucoma is finally under control. Said to stop taking the eye drops until next appt. (June). If eye pressures are still down and no change in visual field I won't have to go back for a year. If pressures are up, I go back on meds and monitering every 3 to 4 months. So I am hopeful. :cheer


There have been so many posts here in the House, sorry I can't comment on all of them. Loved the pictures, everyone is so talented and I get inspiration every time I check in. If the dishcloth exchange is moving to the Fall, I would love to join in then.

Sounds like you had a couple of good things happen ...that's great!:cheer

And don't worry about keeping up - not everyone has the same amount of time in their day...

I'm looking forward to seeing the pic of the Amish Star!! You moved fast:yes

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Good morning everyone.


Marlene, hope that your Gd's biopsy comes back okay.


I have to do some cleaning today, although I'm not feeling very ambitious. It's my FIL's 85th birthday today, so we are taking him out to dinner, (all his children) and then having an open house for him.


In the meantime, I'm going to go take a picture of my friendship ghan so far, and see if my computer will let me post it.

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Joanne.......... good morning to you too........ stay dry :) Cant wait to see pics of your granny!

Diane........... I'm so glad things are settled finally for you.... man that just so stinks with the whole identity theft thing. :hug!

oooooooooh.... cant wait to see pics of the lapghan for your mom!


I've been busy all week cleaning ... rearranging and organizing my craft room. :whew I'm almost done.

My pic today is of a graph'ghan that I hadn't worked on in months. I'm so ashamed! I only put on a couple rows.... so the progress isnt too noticable. But here it is so far.....

Cubs Graph'ghan for my son-in-law








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It's rainy and in the 50's here...me and Joanne have the same weather...and I'll take the dreary look to the day as long as Summer has disappeared for a while!


Good morning everyone.


I have to do some cleaning today, although I'm not feeling very ambitious. It's my FIL's 85th birthday today, so we are taking him out to dinner, (all his children) and then having an open house for him.


In the meantime, I'm going to go take a picture of my friendship ghan so far, and see if my computer will let me post it.

Have a good time tonight! Does your FIL love being the center of attention? I hope so - sounds like it's going to be a wonderful party! :clap

I'll be looking for your picture...I don't have anythong to post since I just made more Jackson squares and more squares toward the Moon and Stars ghan...no obvious difference, except to me.




I've been busy all week cleaning ... rearranging and organizing my craft room. :whew I'm almost done.

My pic today is of a graph'ghan that I hadn't worked on in months. I'm so ashamed! I only put on a couple rows.... so the progress isnt too noticable. But here it is so far.....

Cubs Graph'ghan for my son-in-law






I have to clean up my "nest" of tote bags with their projects that sit in 2 corners of my small home office. It'll be a nice surprise for hubby when he comes home later this afternoon:lol


Tam, I love making graphs....try and set a small but managebale weekly or daily goal for yourself.

It looks sharp so far:hook

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Good Morning! I'm already running late and it's not even 9:00. :lol 'Hope everyone has a good day and I will check in later after appointments and some time with the little guy. :manyheart

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Good Morning Everyone!

Julie we started going to Texas 3 years ago. We did Florida several years back. We didn't like it there. The park was really nice but the people weren't no where as friendly as they are in Texas. I wish your parents luck with there decision on moving back home. We just had a couple leave this year. Both are 85 and her health is causing her some troubles so they decided to stay home. He's 85 but lives like he is 65 and feels he could go another 5 years. I hope we can go that long. They were the oldest ones in the park and we are the youngest.

BusyBee, sorry you only see your grandchild once a year. It would be hard. We are going to get a web camera for the computer as the kids have them then we can see them. How old is your gs (I hope I remember that right)?

We spent the day with my sister yesterday. We took her to see a VA representative. My bil died in September and they have lost her paper work. This lady was very helpful and has things rolling. I hope it doesn't take months for her to start receiving her benefits.

I'm going to get Maya's sweater out and finish it up.

Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Hello the House :clap


I love Foto Friday. Can't wait to see everyone's progress.:D


Cindy, looking forward to seeing your friendship 'ghan. On your signature line, is it the 8" squares? Any color?


Tam, great start on your Cubs 'ghan. :cheer I am planning on a Baseball All-Stars graph 'ghan for my nephew for Christmas.


Judy, I have a tote "collection" as well. :blush Everytime I buy yarn for a specific project, I put it in a tote. I have the yarn already purchased for the next 12 afghans. Only a few more to go and I am set $wise for Christmas.


So. Peach, you are making great progress. Luv your colors.:yes


Marlene, Hi, don't think we have met. Hope everything works out for your sister. These are trying times. :hug


Getting ready to watch practice and qualifying for NASCAR. Yay for the weekend. I get lots of crocheting done watching the cars.


I will check in later to see photos. Hope everyone has a good weekend.:hook


So here are my pics for today. Mom's Amish Star



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Hello the House :clap


I love Foto Friday. Can't wait to see everyone's progress.:D


Cindy, looking forward to seeing your friendship 'ghan. On your signature line, is it the 8" squares? Any color?


Tam, great start on your Cubs 'ghan. :cheer I am planning on a Baseball All-Stars graph 'ghan for my nephew for Christmas.


Judy, I have a tote "collection" as well. :blush Everytime I buy yarn for a specific project, I put it in a tote. I have the yarn already purchased for the next 12 afghans. Only a few more to go and I am set $wise for Christmas.


So. Peach, you are making great progress. Luv your colors.:yes


Marlene, Hi, don't think we have met. Hope everything works out for your sister. These are trying times. :hug


Getting ready to watch practice and qualifying for NASCAR. Yay for the weekend. I get lots of crocheting done watching the cars.


I will check in later to see photos. Hope everyone has a good weekend.:hook


So here are my pics for today. Mom's Amish Star

Oh Diane................... thats Beautiful!!! you did a GREAT job!!!

thanks so much for the compliment on my graph'ghan! :hug






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Great work, ladies!! :cheer:clap

And I've always loved the colors in the Amish Star.


BTW: Jules isn't here because she's having trouble getting HH to open for her. She's checking with Amy and Donna to see if it needs to be archived and is still waiting to hear from either of them.

I had trouble opening HH last week, too....

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Cindy, looking forward to seeing your friendship 'ghan. On your signature line, is it the 8" squares? Any color?




Judy, I have a tote "collection" as well. :blush Everytime I buy yarn for a specific project, I put it in a tote. I have the yarn already purchased for the next 12 afghans. Only a few more to go and I am set $wise for Christmas.





So here are my pics for today. Mom's Amish Star


The Amish Star is just wonderful! If only it didn't require so much sewing......


Yes my friendship ghan is 8 inch squares.

And I have a huge tote collection too. (I have a purse and tote bag obsession!)

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WOW is Friday already. I havent crocheted anything I dont think all week long.it must be something in the air about cleaning out your totes or craft room that is what I was doing:lol hey found my hoops that I have been wondering where they were. found hooks in this bag and that bag.

Amish star is very pretty!

Hope that everyone has a good day.

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Hi Ladies. :) It's been busy here today! Photo Friday (or any day ;)) is always fun.


Diane ~ Your Amish Star is lovely. :clap Congratulations on the good news from the eye dr. :manyheart


Brenda ~ Great progress on your Wind Walker! :cheer


Tam ~ That is a beautiful start to your graph ghan. Can't wait to see it grow. :hook


Joanne ~ Yep, I can always find something to buy for Luke. :lol Yesterday I got a little madras romper with matching hat. :c9


Leanna ~ What wonderful sounding gifts! And did the Easter Beagle get all the goodies delivered? :D


Marlene ~ Glad your trip home was a safe one...and glad you like Texas! Do you stay at the Coast? Sending good thoughts for your gd.:hug


Hi to Cheeria, 1wani, Cyndy, Judy and Linda. :manyheart

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WOW is Friday already. I havent crocheted anything I dont think all week long.it must be something in the air about cleaning out your totes or craft room that is what I was doing:lol hey found my hoops that I have been wondering where they were. found hooks in this bag and that bag.

Amish star is very pretty!

Hope that everyone has a good day.


Hi Sheila! It's like Christmas when you find hooks hiding somewhere. :hook


Julie ~ I hope our Happy House thread starts working for you soon. :manyheart It's been really slow for me today, but pages eventually open.

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Hi Wanda- good work on your 63 ! Keep it up !! I have laid mine down for other things, and it is sadly sitting there waiting on me .


PS-- FINALLY got back in here after a whole day of trying -- not sure what the problem was, but it may be the huge number of posts we have in here making it more sluggish and harder to get into .


Anyone else had that problem ?

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It's odd that HH won't open for Julie, and for once it will open on my computer. Usually it won't, and I have to use DH's.


Here's some pictures of what I've been doing this week. Two dishcloths and some work on my friendship afghan. My phtotography skills leave something to be desired, so it's hard to see the snowman on that dishcloth, but it's there. I did a different edging than the pattern called for.




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Hi Sheila --!!!


Hey LeAnna- wow, those sound SO pretty . Can't wait to see them -- they are probably yet ahead of me here in posts, just trying to catch up one page at a time .



Hi Joanne -- yea,maybe after Labor Day would be best... now I'm not sure what to do, we have gotten a few more-- let's see how many people total I'll have before deciding --

back to catching up on posts.


Hey TAM ! -Will give you a shout about the swap once I take another head count -

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Hi all...I have one more dog to get the Easter Beagle to give the biscuits to, and that might be next week...


I just got home after being off island again all day today. Had a dental appointment at 8:00 a.m., so met my dad for breakfast across the street from the dental office. Have another appointment next week for a root canal...oh fun...got a couple of prescriptions though...


Don't have pics of the goodies yet...will do that a little later...I need a nap, then I need to scan some documents and then pdf them and email them out, chat with Hub-E and THEN I'll lay out the pieces, take pics and then upload and post...


I am wiped out at the moment.

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Hi Marlene - thanks for the interest in the swap-- will see what we have in place once I count everyone .



Sorry to hear the health news in your family -- hope it all comes out ok --keep us updated . It also sounds like you are very busy !





Joanne- we'll be excited to see your big granny-ghan when you have time - I kept meaning to ask you how big it was getting . They go fast at first, then slow down as they start getting huger .




Diane- good news at your eye checkup -- I hope it stays good !! Thanks for checking in, it's ok if you have been busy- we all get times like that .





Heya Jude !! I finally made it in here .




Cindy-- wow, another party ! You guys are the partiers this week ,aren't you ? Hope it'll be fun !

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Tam- great work on your graph-ghan -- you guys are braver than me . I THOUGHT Jude would enjoy seeing that ! It is one of her specialties !!



Tralee & Jude-- you guys are doing good at this spring cleaning -- I need to get the gumption to do some of that myself !




Brenda-- great job on your quilt-ghan progress ! You are so speedy !!!

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