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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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It sounds like you had a restful day yesterday,so that's good !


I have a knit dishcloth ALMOST done now- I think I have 11 rows to go yet .


I'll be making more- I got lots of colors to use,so I'll start another when this one is done .

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yesterday my DH made my daughter alittle bracelet and made me a necklace for my cross to go onto. since I kept breaking the chains:blush

He was going to make a cake for me:lol inwhich I really didnt want to have that mess to clean up too so I told him next week we can have my birthday cake since there was so much candy and cookies.

So I said make me something:clap



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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured out the bi color granny thing! *does a happy dance* :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer




I can finally make my bi squares for my quilt ghan!!





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I'll say a good morning to anyone else out there-- Cindy and Sheila, I see you were here last night, but may not be here now --


Cindy- you might be here before work -- if so, a jolly good morning to you and hope your work week goes well .

I rarely get up early enough to get online before work. I like to sleep as long as I can!!


I just got home from work an hour or so ago, and I'm beat. Very busy day today. (I'm not complaining, I like it to be busy.)


So far I have done the edging on two friendship squares while waiting for my computer to do something. I finally gave up and am using dh's. One of these days I'm going to break down and get a new computer.

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Judy, great pictures. You look younger every time I see a picture of you. How do you manage that???


Sheila, your dh is sweet to make jewelry for you two.


Tab, hope the 4 days your 10 year old is gone, fly by for you. I remember how much you miss them when they're gone. (and how much you wish someone would take them off your hands for a few hours when they're there.:D)

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured out the bi color granny thing! *does a happy dance* :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer




I can finally make my bi squares for my quilt ghan!!



Good for you! All it took was a little practice. Don't wait till you have huge pile before joining them...experience;)

yesterday my DH made my daughter alittle bracelet and made me a necklace for my cross to go onto. since I kept breaking the chains:blush

He was going to make a cake for me:lol inwhich I really didnt want to have that mess to clean up too so I told him next week we can have my birthday cake since there was so much candy and cookies.

So I said make me something:clap

What a talented hubby! I love the color of your necklace:cheer

I have a knit dishcloth ALMOST done now- I think I have 11 rows to go yet .


I'll be making more- I got lots of colors to use,so I'll start another when this one is done .

Did you make uo the pattern? I haven't knit in days ...need to remedy that soon. Meanwhile I've made enough squares to add 3 rows to my Jackson ghan - then I'll see if I need more so it's a bedspread size. Need to lay it out so I can place the colors where I want to. Probably get to that tomorrow.

Hello all. Happy belated Easter!! Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but I was cooking, peeling, doing a project, packing my 10 yr. old for a 4 day trip to natures classroom, cleaning, washing clothes, etc, etc, etc.


My boy left this a.m. and of course I cried, he has never been away from me before. :( We cannot even talk while he is gone because there is no phone access for the students and they'll be busy i'm sure. My twins went when they were in the 5th grade and they came home in one piece so i'll just have to have faith.


Judy~Love your pics, great looking family.

Thanks Tabby!

The hardest thing to do with kids is let go - esp boys, who seem to want to cut the apron strings faster than girls.:hug Esp if their buddies are looking:lol

Judy, great pictures. You look younger every time I see a picture of you. How do you manage that???

Thanks alot, Cindy.

...but me...look younger?:think

I'll take any and all compliments:lol


Have a relaxing evening:hug

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Hello everyone!

What a beautiful day today was- too bad I was inside working for most of it!:(


Julie- Glad that you got to spend time with Cam on Easter! And I loved that easter egg hunt idea using a pirate map- how fun!!!


Judy- I love the pictures of you and your family.:manyheart Love the NY Yankee shirt too!!! :yes Now if they can beat the Red Sox tomorrow night I'll be happy!!!


Marissa- So you are a Red Sox fan, huh? You had your win, now tomorrow night is Judy and my teams turn! :devil


Sheila- Very nice bracelet and necklace- and now you have cake to look forward to this weekend- the never-ending birthday celebration!


Tabitha- I'm sure your son will do just fine! And you've been through it before with the twins! It's never easy and as Mom's we never stop worrying about them- even when they are adults!!


Cindy- I like to be busy at work too- it makes the day go faster. I couldn't wait for work to be done so I could get outside in the beautiful weather!


SouthernPeach- :clap Congrats on figuring out the bi-color square- I can tell you are on :c9 Doesn't it feel great to finally figure something out?


Mary- Hope you had a relaxing day and caught up on bills (but are we really ever caught up?:lol)


Linda- glad that the curtains have all been figured out!!


I hope everyone had a wonderful day!!

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All I got left are my bi colored squares and the white ones. And yes I am going to wait till they are all done before I connect them.. I get too frustrated before if I do a little at a time, it will take for ever LOL I'll get them done faster this way :)

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Hey Cindy- good to see you . I dont blame you for wanting to sleep in ,in the mornings as long as you can .



Good job on the squares, Brenda !



Jude- the pattern was a free one online ,the ones that have the pictures in them -- I'll show a photo of it on photo Friday !



Joanne- yep, Cam loves pirate stuff ,so I concentrate a lot on that theme when I can --



Hi Nicole- how's it going ? Sounds like you are busy as usual !

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Joanne, I looked at the Yankee loss this way: they got their first loss out of the way:lol And DS bought me that shirt for my last birthday:D


Hi, Nicole!:hug


Jules, I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of the knitted cloth!



'nite all:hug:manyheart

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We have me with hubby and DS...and there's Sparkie, of course, never far from us.

Great pictures, Judy.

An update on my first quilt ghan...


So far...


I got all of my light blue squares done...


Last night I finished the last of my turquoise squares...


And today I am going to work on my white squares.. I got 50 more to go... buuuut...

You are really going to town on your quilt. Good for you!

Hello all. Happy belated Easter!! Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but I was cooking, peeling, doing a project, packing my 10 yr. old for a 4 day trip to natures classroom, cleaning, washing clothes, etc, etc, etc.


My boy left this a.m. and of course I cried, he has never been away from me before. :( We cannot even talk while he is gone because there is no phone access for the students and they'll be busy i'm sure. My twins went when they were in the 5th grade and they came home in one piece so i'll just have to have faith.

:hug :hug He'll be fine Tabby. And so will you. :hug :hug

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured out the bi color granny thing! *does a happy dance* :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer




I can finally make my bi squares for my quilt ghan!!



Congratulations!!! That is wonderful!!! I knew you would.


It's been a busy day here today. I got the 4th curtain done for the master bedroom and I put a quarter inch hem in the top of two of the others that were hanging just a little bit too low. I've gotten one of the curtains done for the office now. I don't have the rods up in here yet, but maybe in a bit I'll tackle that. I've started on the next one for in here, too. The mesh material isn't as easy to work with as I expected. It likes to unravel and snag in the foot guide. I've got almost 15 yards of the stuff so I'm just going to have to plug away at it. Patience is a virtue, they say. I may need a lot of it before I'm through. :lol

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Linda, sounds like you've been keeping busy with those curtains. It'll be worth it when you're all finished.


Julie, looking forward to seeing your dishcloth. I like knitting those picture cloths.


I just bordered the last of my friendship squares. Now to see if I can figure out a layout, or if I just put them together randomly. And then the part that I hate...sewing the squares together.....


I'm not sure if I will be back tonight or not. We're supposed to get thunderstorms, and its starting to look pretty nasty outside, so I might just shut down.


I have to work again tomorrow, so I'll see everyone after work.

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Hi! It's been a busy Monday at the Happy House. :)


Cheeria ~ Your day yesterday sounds so nice...glad you got to relax!


Sheila ~ Thank you for the well wishes for Little Luke. :manyheart Your necklace is beautiful!


Hi Tabby! It's so hard when kiddos leave even for a short time.:hug How is school going?


Julie ~ We're enjoying every minute we have with Luke. :yes Yesterday, we took lunch and Easter baskets. DD and her DH finally got a real nap, while my DH and I held, rocked, and talked to the baby. :c9


SouthernPeachHooker ~ Congratulations on figuring out the bi-color squares! I remember struggling with them for a while, too. :hook


Cindy ~ Stay safe - I hope your storms aren't too bad.


Nicole ~ Hi! I was thinking about you today...hope all is well. :manyheart


Linda ~ Way to go on finishing so many curtains! I read about your sewing frustrations and can totally relate. :lol I don't seem to have the patience to sew much anymore...at least with crocheting, we can frog easily. ;)

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Thanks for the vote of encouragement! I showed my friends at work and they LOVE it! it's really unique and now i cant wait to finish this afghan! I only got 20 more cream squares to make then I got to do my bi colored squares! I am hoping to have my very first quilt ghan finished by friday! I am soooo loving this!! And then I am going to start my second one. My boss wants me to make her grand baby a quilt ghan too :)

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Good morning House!


Stayed up late last night- watched Dancing with the Stars and although I know who I want off, we'll have to wait till tonite to see who actually gets the boot! Then I switched to the NCAA finals- what a great game. Both Butler and Duke are winners in my book!


:eekI just looked at the clock- I'd better get hopping here!


Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks, Linda...We're a small family, but mushy:manyheart

...you're so talented! ANd patient...good luck finishing the curtains.


This is a WIP of my quilt ghan! Though I think I messed up already... but oh well, it will work out. I hope...



Nice colors!!


I have an ealry appointment...will see you all around lunch time or so.

Have a great morning:hug:manyheart

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Morning gang -


Joanne,would be interested in hearing who you want off the Dancing show.


I was kinda surprised about who got it last week. She wasn't by far the best, but there seemed to be several that were worse dancers than her .


Anyhow,I have one who I'd vote off --we'll see if that one gets it or not .


We'll see ... I'm also a Biggest Loser fan,so will watch it tonite instead, and have to flip back and forth to see who gets tossed off the Dancing show tonite.






Brenda- good start on assembling your squares-- which one are you making ,and if you have one in the wrong place, you might want to get it taken out before adding more squares or it'll be harder to do later on ,plus will probably be noticeable in the pattern easily .


Since I don't remember which one you are doing, or where you are starting to assemble them, I don't know where the mistake might be .





Howdy to everyone else --supposed to be 80 here today ! Good day to sit out and enjoy some sunshine .

Still plugging away at my squares for my castle ---about halfway done with the 3rd section of blocks !

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Brenda- if you are where it looks like -- I think your one square needs moved, but the others are ok -- up at the top where you have the 2 light squares, then the row below,where they come to a point ?


The one on the left needs changed -- the one on the right is facing the right way, but the other needs to come down to a point, kinda like an arrow -


Can you see where I'm explaining? It'd be the left square that is half blue and half white-- it needs turned so that the 2 half& half ones make a point .

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:sun Good Morning!

Hope everyone had a wonderully blessed Easter!

I'll try to catch up on posts. :whew..... LOL

love all the show & share pics!!!



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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Brenda ~ Your squares and colors are great! :cheer I agree with Julie - it's so much easier to make changes now, before you add another row. I've done it more than once. :lol


Julie ~ 80 degrees! You guys are having a warm Spring. Enjoy the sunshine. :manyheart Can't wait to see more of your Castle!


Hi to Joanne, Judy and Tam. :hug


The painters finished about 6 yesterday and I was going to work in my neglected yard today. With 40 mph winds and high humidity, I think I'll run errands instead. :) DD and I are texting, so I won't wake them up if I call...hopefully I can run by and help her with chores and of course hold Luke, too. ;)


I made and joined more Ducky squares yesterday evening. I'm thinking about putting a fish or two on the towel. :think

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