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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Morning folks

A happy Friday to all of you -- and Joanne-- Glad you are almost done with your long stretch of work and will be getting some days off .


It promises to be a good weather weekend here, so I hope it will be for all of you .


Shay- your filet curtain is SO pretty ! My gosh, you have so much talent .



I'll get my photo for the week posted. I mainly worked on my castle-ghan,so it'll be the only photo I have . I have my knit dishcloth maybe about 1/3 done, so will save it til next week's photos .


Sheila- I'll wish you a happy birthday today ,a little early. That's my son in law's birthday too .:yes


You all enjoy the egg hunts, family dinners ,etc ... our weekend will be very quiet , not sure what Cam's plans are - I need to call his mom today to see if we can see him this weekend or if they have plans made.


I know he usually takes a vacation with his other grandma on spring break,down to visit her sister. They have 2 hound dogs ,a tire swing ,and a creek out back,so he gets to enjoy a boy's life from that scenario,and gets to grow up remembering his trips to that part of his family, so it's good ,even though I miss seeing him that week .


Will get Sam to snap my castle photo before he heads out today -- hope it'll be light enough to see it well .

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Good morning ladies and happy friday!!! :D


It was gorgeous yesterday and should be again today, unfortunately work gets in the way of actually enjoying it :(


I have completed one sock and just began it's match. I will get a pic up later for y'all to check it out. But for now, I gotta run so I'm not late for work.

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Hi, ladies.


Shay, your filet piece is astoundingly beautiful!:clap:clap:clap

Have a wonderful Easter with your family:manyheart


Jules, I hope you can see Cam...but if not, you're looking at it from the right angle: he;s building fun memories.


I'll be back on some time today - need to get myself ready to go to DS's apartment at a moment's notice to be there for a furniture delivery. He's so booked this AM he can't leave his office and they can come anytime between 9 and 1. Tehy're supposed to give him an hour's notice - and it takes 1/2 hour to get there from here....


Have a good day everyone:hug

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Morning Marisa & Jude ~~


I hope you both have a good day today . Marisa- hope works go quickly and you get home in time to enjoy some daylight !


Jude- I hope the guys come early-- dont'cha just hate it when you wait all day and they get there in the last hour they say they'll come ?

I hope they get there early so you can get home in time to enjoy your day too !


I bet you brought your crochet with you to keep you busy !





No photo for me this morning - Sam was running late ,plus my big computer hard drive gave out and he was working on that . I told him it's ok, I use this little one all the time anyhow.

I think my big one broke because it's jealous. I pay no attention to it anymore . It's one of the nice ones with the huge screen, but I like my little handy-dandy mini and use it all the time .

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Good Morning.


What a couple days i've had. Our car was parked yesterday and some old lady hit 2 other parked cars and took the mirrors off and then BAM hit our last and probably totaled it, but our mirror is still on. GRRRR!!! I need to go hibernate until all the bad stuff stops.


I have to busta move on my projects since I got nothing done yesterday. Fun, fun!!


I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the nice weather. :manyheart

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:sunGooooooooooooooooood Morning.............


Shay........ your saltine instructions are great! And your filet curtain is absolutely outstanding! WOW! Love it!!!


Sheila......... If I dont get the chance to wish you a happy birthday on Sunday........ have a wonderfully bless day sweetie!



We have a busy day of shopping......... We still need cleats for Patrick for baseball and track. Michael needs regular tennis shoes.... David wants a new pair of crocks... and Michael needs a whole new set of catcher gear for baseball. :whew

Well............. lets see................ for my photo sharing today..............

Things I made this week..........


Easter 'corner to corner' garter stitch cloth




Knitting Needle case for a friend




'Cougar Paw Print' blanket square (first of 12 or 16)




and last.... My new monthly give away. Crochet Hook Case















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Good Morning, Ladies. The week has been so busy and I've missed so much...hopefully I can go back and catch up with your pictures, birthdays, and lives sometime today. :manyheart


Little Luke will go home today and they've asked if we can help bring everything home from the hospital...of course we will! :) I have pictures for Photo Friday! This was taken yesterday - not even two days old yet. :c9


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Oh Tabitha...................:hug :hug :hug


Mary.................. Luke is absolutely precious!!! Congrats again grandma!!!! :hug








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Morning Linda-- it sounds like for once, you might be rooting for the hunters rather than the animals !!


( Maybe they can just get close enough to yank out a few feathers then the turkey can get away !!!)

:rofl:rofl The thing is that I need more than just a few feathers if I want them to turn out right. And somehow I can't imagine one of those big old tom turkeys strutting his stuff for the ladies without his tail feathers.

Can someone tell me what I did wrong with this square? I am trying to figure out how to do the bi color squares but I cant figure it out.. here's my very first attempt!http://www.flickr.com/photos/48395180@N02/4483637692/

Like Julie said, you are almost there. The color change is in the middle of the corner on the second row. I use a chain two in the corners of my saltines and do the first one of the first round with one color and the second chain in the second color. This seems to help the corners to square up for me.

Ok here is my photo of the week...i didn't get my saltines sewn together yet so no new photo of my ATW.


I did get my Filet Curtain done and hung in the kitchen and i think its just great.My kids will be here this weekend so i wont be on to much so everyone have a happy Easter :hug


Sheila...have a very happy birthday :birthday

Shay, your filet curtain is absolutely stunning. WOW!!!!

Good Morning.


What a couple days i've had. Our car was parked yesterday and some old lady hit 2 other parked cars and took the mirrors off and then BAM hit our last and probably totaled it, but our mirror is still on. GRRRR!!! I need to go hibernate until all the bad stuff stops.


I have to busta move on my projects since I got nothing done yesterday. Fun, fun!!


I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the nice weather. :manyheart

Oh, Tabby!!! That's awful! It is kind of funny that your mirror stayed intact through it all.

Good Morning, Ladies. The week has been so busy and I've missed so much...hopefully I can go back and catch up with your pictures, birthdays, and lives sometime today. :manyheart


Little Luke will go home today and they've asked if we can help bring everything home from the hospital...of course we will! :) I have pictures for Photo Friday! This was taken yesterday - not even two days old yet. :c9

Oh, Mary. He's adorable. So sweet. :hug :hug :hug


Good morning, everyone. It's sunshiny and beautiful out again today. The trees are a mass of blooms. In places it's like a lovely fragrant cloud. Kim and I are going to a birthday party for the wife of one of John's coworkers tonight. She's turning 30. (Oh, my, but that was a long time ago!) We're all meeting at a Japanese steakhouse to celebrate. I didn't get any crocheting done yesterday. I just pooped out. I need to make a run to WalMart today and I'm going to look for some fabric for the jacket pattern that I picked up at the Sewing & Quilt Expo last month. I want something that is soft and will drape well and won't need any ironing. And of course it has to be in the right colors. :lol :lol :lol (Not too much to ask, is it?) I think we'll get some lunch while we're out, too.

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Oh, Tabby!:hug:hug:hug


Linda, enjoy the party!! Our weather is warming up...will be in the mid 60's today:)


Jude- I hope the guys come early-- dont'cha just hate it when you wait all day and they get there in the last hour they say they'll come ?

I hope they get there early so you can get home in time to enjoy your day too !


I bet you brought your crochet with you to keep you busy !


No photo for me this morning - Sam was running late ,plus my big computer hard drive gave out and he was working on that . I told him it's ok, I use this little one all the time anyhow.

I think my big one broke because it's jealous. I pay no attention to it anymore . It's one of the nice ones with the huge screen, but I like my little handy-dandy mini and use it all the time .

Jules, the truck came early. I was lucky I had already gotten dressed, etc - and was actually starting to clean when DS called.

The afterwards I was able to stop by the vet's office and drop off some meds and food from Susie that I thought the vet could use....I thought I was ready to do that.


Not. :(


But it's done...the vet was with a client, so I didn't see her. I'm sure she'll call when she can, though - she's that kind of person.

I then went and got the ingredients for an easy dinner and found a good deal on some ice cream...rocky road is the absolute best when it's slightly melted from being in the car.:D

I hope we get to see your pics soon...


Well............. lets see................ for my photo sharing today..............

Things I made this week..........


Easter 'corner to corner' garter stitch cloth




Knitting Needle case for a friend




'Cougar Paw Print' blanket square (first of 12 or 16)




and last.... My new monthly give away. Crochet Hook Case


Beautiful work, Tam!!! Love the colors you used, too - are you a bright color person?? I am. I can make hubby nuts with my color slant on decorating.:lol

Little Luke will go home today and they've asked if we can help bring everything home from the hospital...of course we will! :) I have pictures for Photo Friday! This was taken yesterday - not even two days old yet. :c9

Oh, how absolutely precious:c9:manyheart:c9:manyheart

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I forgot to post my pics:blush


The square is for my Christmas ghan. It's #28 from 63 Sampler Stitches to Crochet.


The other pic is the squares i've made for the baby ghan so far. The moon is made from glow in the dark yarn. I think I'll have enough to go back and outline the stars with it at the end - I'll see.



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ok you all..shush about your nice weather. Picture below :hooker


on squares for the quiltghans...how close to the same size do they need to be? Having a hard time with gauge from one color to the other..having to change hook sizes, but still having problems getting it the exact same.


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I forgot to post my pics:blush


The square is for my Christmas ghan. It's #28 from 63 Sampler Stitches to Crochet.


The other pic is the squares i've made for the baby ghan so far. The moon is made from glow in the dark yarn. I think I'll have enough to go back and outline the stars with it at the end - I'll see.

Very nice, Judy. :hug :hug

ok you all..shush about your nice weather. Picture below :hooker


on squares for the quiltghans...how close to the same size do they need to be? Having a hard time with gauge from one color to the other..having to change hook sizes, but still having problems getting it the exact same.

Oh, dear, Mary. That doesn't look like any fun at all. :hug

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ok you all..shush about your nice weather. Picture below :hooker


on squares for the quiltghans...how close to the same size do they need to be? Having a hard time with gauge from one color to the other..having to change hook sizes, but still having problems getting it the exact same.

Oooops....not so nice weather!


About the gauge: different colors of yarn, even in the same brand, vary in thickness, so it's trial and error. I manage okay if they're off by up to half an inch by fudging on the joining...skipping some stitches, doubling in others.

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Hello everyone. The Heirloom afghan is DONE! Pictures forthcoming. I completely created a different edging for it though and really like it. This puppy is big enough for a Queensize bed...and it's heavy. Gotta thank Caron One Pounder for that. I feel like I made this out of Kitchen Cotton.


Pictures as soon as I upload from the camera.

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I present the Heirloom Stitches afghan from Red Heart free pattern, was featured in a print ad on back of current Crochet World magazine. I did it in Sage Caron One Pounder (took about 5 and 1/2 of those...)


The border edging was my own design using treble cross/weave stitch and the corners were a braided stitch using treble front posts, ending with a treble cluster stitch...


Hope you like.

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glad you like Sheila...now fingers crossed that it garners big money for the school auction towards the end of the month...

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Boy, I'm sorry to hear about your car getting destroyed. At least you guys weren't IN it .Cars can be replaced. People can't, and her insurance will pay for it, so no worries there . I'm just glad you guys weren't hurt --

How about the lady , did she get hurt ? And do they know what happened with her ? Was she sick or too old to drive or what ?

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Mary -

We have had some beautiful photos in here over the years, but I do believe you have outdone us ALL with that one. Luke is absolutely adorable !!!!!







Jude- glad you didnt have to wait long for the furniture guys --and also you got the chore at the vet's done. I know it was hard, but at least you accomplished it ,now won't have to dread doing it still .


And Rocky Road ice cream ! WOW ,sounds good !!!


Your photos are great ! Very pretty !!




Linda -sounds like you have a fun day ahead. You could always cheat and buy feathers from a craft place if you can't get the actual ones straight from the turkey .

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LeAnna, that's fantastic!! What a wonderful job and the color is so pretty.:c9

I know what you mean about the Caron. I helped make and put together a comfortghan using that yarn last year, using the Becky Blocks pattern from Cara's site, and that thing is heavy. The family we gave it to loves how warm it is.

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