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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Julie, its a beautiful day here as well. Its already almost 60 degrees.


I'm bordering some of the friendship squares that have been sent to me over the past few years at the moment. I did a few in black last night, but when I looked at them this morning, I thought the black looked quite harsh, so I started over with white. That looks better to me.

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Thanks Dusti. The pattern calls for 5 oz of Lion brand cotton, (236 yards) I used part of a 14 oz skein, so I am not sure how much I used.

Thank you so much for the information. That is so much less yarn than I anticipated, that I am mentally thinking of patterns I can tackle with the "extra/found" yarn-shopping money :lol I appreciate your help.


Dusti, we survived the deluge...thought we were going to have to build an ark for a bit! According to the weather report we got about 5 inches of rain from that storm. I wore my hubby's old waterproof boots outside and from the line of the dead grass clinging too them, I'd say that was about right:lol

Now all we have is mud.

Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts. I have another brother in RI and I left a message on his answering machine this afternoon...there was flooding in Bristol and some evacuations, so he and his wife could be anywhere...or he's just not even home from work yet:lol

He's a ship broker, and his hours are dictated globally, not locally.

So glad you are alright. :hug During local spring flooding, I, too, wear DH's tall mud boots. Yep, I look a sight, but there is no need to ruin my good shoes in the water and muck :yes I hope your brother just was not home, when you called him last night, and that his house is surviving the deluge. Continue to stay safe.


Good morning!


The sun is going to shine :sun and its supposed to be warm today! Sure can use it after all the rain we have had- wettest March since 1983!


Hope that everyone has a fun-filled April Fool's Day!:devil


Well, I'd better get hopping- I am bringing bagels in for my co-workers today- just because we've all been working so hard....and the extra carbs will give us fuel to forge ahead through these last two days before the weekend!:)


Oh, that and :coffee lots of :coffee

What a nice treat for everyone, Joanne! Enjoy the goodies, and good luck as you plug-away towards the weekend :cheer Your morning posts are always so cheerful; your patients must know how much you enjoy your work by your positive attitude. We like it here, too :yes Have a good day, and I hope you do not get home too late this evening.


It is not Friday, but here are my two finishes for the week. I am so happy with the shoulder bag in Bernat Softee Chunky Twists. It is perfect for grabbing and tucking a project in to work on in the car as I wait for the girls to finish with school in the afternoons. post-20536-135897518527_thumb.jpg


This is my flannel-ghan. It only took a week from start to finish in Caron Pounders. The whole blanket was so nice, neat and square until I put the border on it, which made me a bit sad. I increased at the corners as per usual, and I counted my stitches diligently, yet it still ruffled. Ah well, the little babe for whom it is intended is not going to mind, I hope. post-20536-13589751856_thumb.jpg I like the pattern an awful lot and will do another, shortly, as soon as I hear of a need for a gift.


I hear little munchkins moving about, so I am off. We have to do laundry, pack our suitcase and make some of the food I will contribute to the meals at Mum and Dad's house this weekend. I hope I can squeak in a few minutes of crocheting, as I am *this* close to finishing another sock for Kyri. Ta-ta-for-now.

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Dusti~ love the bag and the blankie! Aren't those flannelghans awesome?! I love the pattern even though I don't like joining.




Don't let anyone fool you today!:D

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Good Morning House :coffee


I had a lot to catch up on this morning since I wasn't able to visit y'all since Tuesday morning :ohdear


Mary - Congrats on baby Luke :yay:photo It was very exciting news to catch up on.


Cindy - I hope you had fun at the zoo. I brother just took my nephews to the zoo last week and when I asked the oldest boy of 5 what his favorite animal was......he said the otter!!! Definitely caught me off guard on that one. :huh


Sheila - My brother and his family live in Phoenix and I do wish they'd come back home. We also have no family out there (netiher does my SIL) so it's hard and they are my parents only grandkids (Oh, we're in PA). However, we make do with the Wii and the internet. Those kids have my parents playing Mario Kart and on the webcam ALL the time, it's crazy!!! My mom's always complaining she's not getting stuff done around the house and my advise was don't worry about it because life's too short and she's needs to enjoy this time with the boys because in a few years when they get older they won't be around as much to keep her busy. LOL :D So, she gave in!!!


Joanne - I also need new glasses, but am holding off until I get to my last pair of contacts. I don't want them to tell me I need a new prescription and have to waste them. So bad, I know :badidea


Tabby - Happy belated birthday to you....I hope it was wonderful :bday


Judy - I think I saw someone wich you a happy birthday as well so happy belated to you also (and if I saw that wrong, sorry) :birthday


Well, I went to JoAnn with a friend last night and picked up some brown yarn to work on a cardigan type sweater that I copied the pattern for out of a 'Crochet Closet' book she picked up :D However, I will wait on that project for now. I'm almost finished with one sock, hopefully for photo friday tomorrow since I only have the heel left....but of course, then he needs a match ;) I also picked up some solid pink fabric last night to line my tote bag, which will be a project and a half for me.


Not sure what will get done over the weekend with Easter. I'll be heading up to my parents house after the 76er game on saturday and will be coming back after dinner sunday. I will surely bring something to work on though but will be helping my mom prepare dinner and I'm hoping they have nice weather to take my motorcycle out for the first spin of the season :devil:sun However, they just got 6 inches of snow on tuesday :snow They are in the Poconos and I am in Philadelphia so it's only a 2 hour difference, but now I'm thankful for the rain :lol


Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

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All I have to say is...think of all that sewing together....:devil

That's why I do it all in sections - I intentionally count the saltines I'll need for each color block, so each one is totally finished before going on...or I would be :thair


Marisa, no, my B/day was in December...thanks anyway.:)

You're very diligent on reading the posts you missed!;)


Off to hunt and gather at the food store...BBL:hug

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Dusti, the purse is so cute!! Looks like a regular purse, not "just" a tote. The FG is too cute... from my own problems with borders" either go down a hook size, make the border small and plain, or decrease stitches as you make the border.

Or...all of the above:hook


I have a feeling my brother and SIL may have taken the bad weather as a sign to go visit her family earlier than planned for Easter...and of course, being a guy, my brother never did give me his cell number:P

I don't worry about no news...time to worry is when they call and you find out there is something to worry about.

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Good Morning.


Thank you all for the birthday wishes. :c9 My day was ok, I laid in bed all day and ate a ton (which is abnormal compared to my normal 600 calorie diet). :yes



I probably won't get any crocheting done this week with my projects. I did finish all of my normal weekly school work, so now I can focus on my projects. I am hoping to be done with them on Saturday, so that I can spend Easter with my Hubby and boys.


Have a great day!! :manyheart

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Good morning, everyone. The sun is out and it's supposed to get up to almost 80* today. John left for the hunting lodge with Mark last night. He's determined to get a turkey this weekend, but of course the turkeys have to cooperate for that to happen. I need two sets of turkey tail feather fans for John and Kim's "Kenturkey" Derby hats this year. I have all the stuff for mine now. Just have to put it together. Mine will have lots of tulle and flowers on it.


Dusti, your tote and blanket are lovely. Lots of baby blankets have a ruffle on them. It looks great in my book.


I have to run some errands today, so Kim and I will be out and about for a little while at least. We might even take in a movie at some time this weekend.

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Morning Cindy --

Good for you for taking the time to border your squares. I know how you hate sewing thm together -- wish there was an easier solution for you. You could always sl st or sc them,but some people don't like the ridge that leaves on the backs .



Hi there Dusti- great job on your bag and the baby FG- BOTH are very pretty !!!



Morning Marisa-it sounds like you are in for a fun weekend, going home to visit family . I hope you have a nice time !

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Good morning!


The sun is going to shine :sun and its supposed to be warm today! Sure can use it after all the rain we have had- wettest March since 1983!


Hope that everyone has a fun-filled April Fool's Day!:devil


Tam- I agree with everyone- your son is handsome!:yes


Well, I'd better get hopping- I am bringing bagels in for my co-workers today- just because we've all been working so hard....and the extra carbs will give us fuel to forge ahead through these last two days before the weekend!:)


Oh, that and :coffee lots of :coffee

Thanks hon!

Yes... plenty of :mug.... you can have all the bagels you want... but you wont be any good without the :mug... or maybe thats just me.... :):heart my :mug



Hi Joanne

Sorry I didnt see your question til this morning. The block size you make your afghan in, is kinda up to you,as far as number of saltines you want to use for the block size .

I made mne 16 saltines-- 4 x 4 ,but some make theirs a little smaller or a little bigger .It won't really matter when actually putting the afghan together ,so whatever you make it ,it'll work out just fine .

** Just a reminder that tomorrow is Photo friday -not that any of you needed reminding, but thought I'd toss that in here just in case . I have quite a lot done on the castle this week and have been experimenting with the picture-dishcloths (knitted), but not sure how much I'll have done by photo time. I'm pretty slow at it .



Hope you all have a good day !

yep... 4x4 is what I do too!

I love Photo Friday.... I love seeing what everyone has been up too!


It is not Friday, but here are my two finishes for the week. I am so happy with the shoulder bag in Bernat Softee Chunky Twists. It is perfect for grabbing and tucking a project in to work on in the car as I wait for the girls to finish with school in the afternoons. [ATTACH]18785[/ATTACH]


This is my flannel-ghan. It only took a week from start to finish in Caron Pounders. The whole blanket was so nice, neat and square until I put the border on it, which made me a bit sad. I increased at the corners as per usual, and I counted my stitches diligently, yet it still ruffled. Ah well, the little babe for whom it is intended is not going to mind, I hope. [ATTACH]18786[/ATTACH] I like the pattern an awful lot and will do another, shortly, as soon as I hear of a need for a gift.


I hear little munchkins moving about, so I am off. We have to do laundry, pack our suitcase and make some of the food I will contribute to the meals at Mum and Dad's house this weekend. I hope I can squeak in a few minutes of crocheting, as I am *this* close to finishing another sock for Kyri. Ta-ta-for-now.

OmGoodness............... Love that bag and that Flannel'ghan!!!

you did an awesome job on Both!!!

I kinda think the wavy rippley edge is neat!


Good Morning House :coffee

Well, I went to JoAnn with a friend last night and picked up some brown yarn to work on a cardigan type sweater that I copied the pattern for out of a 'Crochet Closet' book she picked up :D However, I will wait on that project for now. I'm almost finished with one sock, hopefully for photo friday tomorrow since I only have the heel left....but of course, then he needs a match ;) I also picked up some solid pink fabric last night to line my tote bag, which will be a project and a half for me.


Not sure what will get done over the weekend with Easter. I'll be heading up to my parents house after the 76er game on saturday and will be coming back after dinner sunday. I will surely bring something to work on though but will be helping my mom prepare dinner and I'm hoping they have nice weather to take my motorcycle out for the first spin of the season :devil:sun However, they just got 6 inches of snow on tuesday :snow They are in the Poconos and I am in Philadelphia so it's only a 2 hour difference, but now I'm thankful for the rain :lol


Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

Very cool... cant wait to see your sock!

I need to finish a couple sweaters! One is a toddler sweater that needs a sleeve finished and buttons.. the other is a sweater for me that needs assembly! I need to stop playing with so many other things... LOL

you have a wonderful Easter dinner at your folks!!



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Everybody must be busy today - just days before Easter.


I was busy with other things today, so I barely had time to make another square to add to the pile for the baby ghan I;m working on. One more square after that and I can join a strip. Then it's only 4 more strips of 5 and a deep border.

I think:lol

Have to see the measurement before stitching them so I can see if it'll be a decent size (looking for 36 to 38 inches).



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Hi everyone! The sun is still shining- it's 70 degrees and it is wonderful to be home when it is light out- got home at 4:45 today!


One of my co-workers lives by Easton PA and she went to Hobby Lobby yesterday- she brought me a skein of I love this Cotton!! I had mentioned that I wish HL was closer to me and that I wanted to try the ILTC! It made my day!!


Julie- (and Judy and Tam) Thanks for the advice on the size of the blocks- how perfect- 4X4- 16 saltines- just the amount I've made already!


Dusti- Love you tote- and I agree- could be used as a purse! And the flannel'ghan- lovely! My DH literally has his wrapped around him every night while he watches tv (well maybe now that the weather is getting warmer he won"t) He raves about how warm it is. They are definitely on my list for some Christmas gifts- but probably won't make them till Sept or so.


I think I'm going to go out and take a walk and soak up some sunshine, before coming in to try out my new yarn!!!

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:waving Hi to everyone.Hope that your day is going good.. its windy here but nice 70 degrees which is 1o degree cooler then yesterday.

Over night I made myself a bag for my birthday just finished it this morning. still keep looking at my afghan and wondering if I want to make another row around the border or not. will post pictures of that tomorrow. I might just have it done lol

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Sheila is it your birthday today? Or did I miss it? Or is it tomorrow? In any event,:birthday


I think all I'll be posting tomorrow for photo Friday is a pile of granny squares and a pile of saltines!:lol


Or maybe I'll get something finished with my new I love this Cotton!:hook

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Joanne, how nice of your co-worker to buy you that yarn. I haven't used it, although I bought some a while ago. I ended up giving it away though.


I'm going to say good night. I'm not sure if I will check in again or not. My computer has been running really s-l-o-w in the evenings. Most of the time I'm too impatient to wait for the pages to load. Luckily, it runs fine in the day time.



I have to work tomorrow, so it'll be early to bed for me tonight.

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Sheila is it your birthday today? Or did I miss it? Or is it tomorrow? In any event,:birthday


I think all I'll be posting tomorrow for photo Friday is a pile of granny squares and a pile of saltines!:lol


Or maybe I'll get something finished with my new I love this Cotton!:hook


thank you my birthday is on Easter this year:lol get to be the big ole bunny

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Cindy, have a good day at work tomorrow.


Joanne, I have some ILTY in acrylic that I was gifted... it's a wonderful product!


Sheila, have a great Birthday weekend!:cake:fame:party


'nite, all:manyheart

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P.s. I need to learn how so I can continue with my windwalker quiltghan! I've so far finished my light blue squares, and I got 90 more turquoise squares to go. Next is white then I have to do the bi color squares but I need to learn how to do them first...

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Can someone tell me what I did wrong with this square? I am trying to figure out how to do the bi color squares but I cant figure it out.. here's my very first attempt!http://www.flickr.com/photos/48395180@N02/4483637692/


SouthernPeach....im going to try to explain how i do it then add a photo.Im not very good at writing a pattern so i hope you can understand it if not maybe one of te other ladies can.


ch 4,form a ring,ch 3,2 dc in ring,ch 1,3 dc in ring,drop color and pick up new color and ch 1,3 dc in ring,ch 1,3 dc in ring,join to top of ch 3,turn and ch 3,2 dc in same hole,3 dc in next ch 1 spot ch 1 and 3 more dc in same spot,3 dc in next ch 1 space,pick up first color,3 dc in same space,3 dc-ch 1-3 dc in next space,3 dc in next space and join.


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Ok here is my photo of the week...i didn't get my saltines sewn together yet so no new photo of my ATW.


I did get my Filet Curtain done and hung in the kitchen and i think its just great.My kids will be here this weekend so i wont be on to much so everyone have a happy Easter :hug


Sheila...have a very happy birthday :birthday


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Good morning and Happy Friday!!!!:cheer:clap:yay:woo Finally made it to what is promising to be a warm, sunshine-filled weekend off!!!! This is it- 8 hours of work- then freedom!:lol


Shaylen- Your filet curtain is beautiful!!! Lovely- hope you have a wonderul Easter!


I just have to say - I love this Cotton- seriously, I love it!! It is so soft and glides off the hook!:hook


Can't wait to see what everyone has been working on- I didn't even finish the dishcloth I started last night- once again, tiredness overcame me- I was trying to stay awake to finish- but thought to myself, I need sleep more than I need another dishcloth:yes so sleep won out!


Time for another :coffee (I'm with you Tam- I :heart:coffee)

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For your bi-color square -- the only thing you did wrong was this -- (and I'm a hillbilly ,so pardon my explanations)


There in the photo where your thumb is-- you ended the dark color too soon - you needed to continue using it on into the next corner JUST THE FIRST 3 STITCHES ,then switch to the lighter color for the 2nd 3 ..


THEN, when you are coming around to the last corner of round 2 ( where you finish the square) , you need to do the LAST 3 DC's of that corner in the LIGHT color .


So , you almost did it right, you just need to move the beginning and end around a little further ,so it begins and ends in the corners-- making the colors more like a triangle -shape .


See if this helps --try it again, and add another photo so we can see if it looks right. You almost had it .:)


Thanks Shay ,for explaining this too ! :hug

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