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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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A saltine is a two round granny square that we build quilt afghans with. The Happy Yellow House site listed in the first post will show you lots of patterns for them. Julie's castleghan and my dragonghan are two examples of them using patterns that I designed. Most patterns use solid and/or bi-color squares. I have a quiltghan in process, but on hold at the moment, which also uses 4-color squares. (Everyone thinks I'm nuts, but they are an integral part of the pattern. The pattern is another one of mine.) Here is the pattern of the dragonghan and the amount I've got done so far (the top two rows of 8 total.) The bottom one is the beginning of the one I call the Painted Desert. I've more than that done, but I'm not sure where the picture is at the moment.




I've been working on the saltines for the next block on the dragonghan so far today.


These are so great. I always learn something new here. Thank you.

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Good morning!!


Finally starting to see the light at the end of this very very long work week- I'm on day 9 of 12 (in a row).


Judy- I think I just might be starting one of those quiltghans:devil- with the itsy bitsy squares aka saltines. :lol All the talk of them here and how beautiful they look.....well, I'm having a hard time resisting:yes


Diane- Sorry to hear about the ATM issue! And I watched Dancing with the Stars last night while I did some more granny squares.


:eek Just looked at the clock and I'd better skedaddle and get ready for work!


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Good morning, House mates!:hug


Judy- I think I just might be starting one of those quiltghans:devil- with the itsy bitsy squares aka saltines. :lol All the talk of them here and how beautiful they look.....well, I'm having a hard time resisting:yes

:yay:yay Another victimparticipant:devil

The best part is they're portable: hook, yarn, and acissors and you can do them anywhere. Good as a stash buster for pet ghans for shelters, etc.

I leave tails at least as long as 2 sides of the square so whe you join them it looks better, and there's less weaving in of ends.

Maybe we can meet in RL at a coffee shop and have a hook session - if you ever get a day off from work:lol

Have a great day!


Shay, having the knitting needle come out of the yarn is my worst fear. I think I would have to frog it all and start all over. My sister is fearless when it comes to knitting. She thinks nothing of pulling the needle out, unraveling and picks up all the stitches without any problem. Not me. I knit with a death grip on the needle. :yes


Well here's my bad news for the day. Got a phone call from the bank today. The Fraud Dept. Somehow, someone charged something on my ATM card. They needed to confirm that I didn't use it. They have canceled my ATM card, sending papers to file to reverse the charge and all 3 credit reports to review for any other discrepancies. What a pain in the a$$. Although I am glad that they were so on top of things. It was only $15, but who knows what could have happened. This is the second time it has happened to me. First time, the identity thief was my DIL. Grrrr! That was over $1100. Took 2 years to get straightened out. And is part of the source of a major rift between DH, myself and S and DIL. Haven't spoken in 4 years. :(

I recently learned to knit -- and got so tired of frogging I taught myself how to "unknit" I guess you'd call it. At first I couldn't, because of my death grip on the needles, but now my tension is not as tight.


That stinks about the ATM card! I hope they find out who did it. Take care and keep on top of it.

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I hope everyone has a good day today . :yes

Our girl made it home safely ,thank goodness. I am deathly afraid of planes, so had to spend the day telling myself she's just "going home", but not thinking of HOW she's getting there . :think


Sam is back to work today,so first day by myself again.


Still no car .... I will be ripping out my hair by tomorrow. I never go very far, but like to have my car handy just in case I want to go someplace .


They are having some type of spring program at Cam's school tonite, so I guess we'll go to that . His school is one block from here (same school I went to for elementary ).They are supposed to sing songs, that's all I know .:lol


I worked last night on more saltines ,so should have considerable progress for Photo Friday .


I also watched Dancing --last night . For those watching ,who is your prediction to win ? I think it'll be the little skinny girl with the dark hair ( sorry, don't know the names of lots of the people on this new one ) . I think she is a singer or something .. anyhow, she is GOOD !!!


Sometimes you can just tell in the beginning who will be the last ones left . I also think the boy skater will be a finalist .


I think the space guy will go tonight. Bless his heart for trying, but the guy has 2 left feet .


Diane -- sorry you are having ATM or Identity theft issues. It hasn't happened to us, and hope it doesn't . That is scarey thinking someone can get your bank info and wrack up big bills with it.

That's one reason I don't have a credit card or ATM -- or I dont do online banking -- just too worried that something like that could happen .



Shay- great idea, to turn the dishcloth patterns into afghan squares ! That oughta be cute !


Wanda- good luck with your saltines-- hope you pick a pattern and decide to join in.


Joanne- so what pattern is catching your eye ? It sounds like we almost have you hooked too ! Hope your long work schedule is soon done -- that must be very tiring .


You all have a good day today-- i'll be checking back in from time to time today . Not much else needing done, but may do a little cleaning ,OR get the rest of the wallpaper border down from the bedroom so it'll be one step closer to getting painted .


Will drop back in , in a little bit .:)

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Shay - I love that coffee maker cloth!


As a newbie to knitting: the rows not described in the pattern (she gives directions for every other row) are they done in purl stitch?



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Good morning, everyone. The sun is shining! :sun Yeah! And it's supposed to get into the upper 70*s by this weekend, maybe even 80*s. John and Mark are going turkey hunting this weekend.

Can someone help me find a crochet tutorial on how to do the half square stitches? aka triangle grannies?

Peach, they are actually a square done in two different colors. You crochet half of the first round. At the second chain (corner space) you join the second color with a slip stitch and finish that round. Join like usual. Then turn and slip stitch in the corner space. Do a chain three and 2 dcs, chain 1, in the next corner do your 3 dcs, chain 1 (or 2), 3 dcs, chain 1, and 3 dcs in the next corner. Pull up a loop and drop that color. Now pick up the loop of the first color and repeat the sequence you did with the second color for this row. Join the corners. And now you have a bi-color saltine all ready to go. Be sure to tug opposite corners as this will help to square up the saltine. I find that the tugging is extra important on saltines of more than one color.

Well here's my bad news for the day. Got a phone call from the bank today. The Fraud Dept. Somehow, someone charged something on my ATM card. They needed to confirm that I didn't use it. They have canceled my ATM card, sending papers to file to reverse the charge and all 3 credit reports to review for any other discrepancies. What a pain in the a$$. Although I am glad that they were so on top of things. It was only $15, but who knows what could have happened. This is the second time it has happened to me. First time, the identity thief was my DIL. Grrrr! That was over $1100. Took 2 years to get straightened out. And is part of the source of a major rift between DH, myself and S and DIL. Haven't spoken in 4 years. :(

Oh, dear. On both counts. I'm glad they caught it early and hope they find out who did it, too.

These are so great. I always learn something new here. Thank you.

That's one of the great things about this CAL. No matter what we're working on at the moment, there are always wonderful patterns and new ideas popping up.


Last night I ended up working on the prayer shawl that's been on hold for a while. I just had 2 and a half rows left on the back section. I finished those and have started on the first side section. I didn't even have to look at the directions to remember how to get the side started. (Although I did frog the first row and redo it. :lol)


Hope everyone has a good day. More later.

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Good Morning.


Most of my week will consist of schoolwork. This week is my final week for these two classes, so I have to final projects to do plus my normal homework. UGHH!!


I did manage to get some crocheting done the day before yesterday. I made a baby hat with a flower and a matching pair of mary jane booties. I am really pleased with how everything is turning out.


Hope you all have a great day. It is rainy and chilly here, so another day spent inside.

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Hi, Linda - enjoy your nice day.


Tabby, good luck with the school work.


I hear ya on the miserable weather. I just finished making a thin trench along one side of my yard so some of the lake that has appeared over the past several hours can start heading downhill.:lol


Bad idea to build up the side of our yard as we did, so many years ago. We were trying to stop erosion...and now have the opposite problem when we have storms.:P


Later, gators:hug:manyheart

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Good Morning Everyone!!! :rain


I always have so much to catch up on when I don't have a chance to get back in here during the day :(


Julie - I'm glad you had such a great visit with your daughter and thanks for mentioning 'dishes'.....I completely forgot I loaded the dishwasher, not something I do very often since it's just myself :eek


Linda - Your patterns are amazing! :yay I love both the dragon and the desert one.


Shay - OMG!!! I would have done the same thing :cry I've dabbled a bit in knitting and enjoy that as well. But, am not far enough advance to pull out stitches like that....I need to catch a mistake on a row before I proceed to the next.


Cindy - It's awesome that you hubby likes to try his hand at cooking, and indonesian food :lookout that's great. Sounds like you're making good progress on your knitted scarf :yay And hopefully, you'll get your computer problems resolved. :compute


Cheeria - I wish I could motivate myself to do my spring cleaning too. That's one thing that I really just don't like to do. :ohdear


Sheila - Sorry to hear about your hubby :hug Hopefully he won't have too hard a time finding something new! :worried


Diane - Fraud is such a pain in the tush, but at least it was only a couple dollars and found it before it was able to amount to more. They usually don't pay much attention until they see 'unusual' activitiy. :whew


Well, now a little from my end. I've been working on crocheting a pair of socks......well, just one sock so far :think It's kind of fun working on it, but not sure yet how it will turn out. I have quite a bit done, but it seems the ankle will be a little bunchy. The pattern didn't say to decrease stitches, but now am kind of thinking I should have. However, I'm just gonna go with it and whatever I get.....at least I'll be able to wear them in the house! :eek I was going to try to knit them, but need double pointed needles, which I don't have yet. I also started a hat in navy blue to which I only have the band done so far ;)


I'll try to check back it later.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day!!!!!

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Tabby, good luck with the final projects and exams. :hug


Judy, hope the ditch helps with the lake. :hug


The weather this year is sure weird! With the winter and spring being so long and cold and wet, I wonder what the summer will bring.

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Judy, hope the ditch helps with the lake. :hug


The weather this year is sure weird! With the winter and spring being so long and cold and wet, I wonder what the summer will bring.

looks like the water is going in that direction...it's helping a bit!


I don't think I want to know what Summer will bring:eek

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Morning everyone, Yipee I got my strenght back today and it's raining and cold here in Central New Jersey. Spring where are you. After today we are suppose to have nice mild weather I can't wait. I did some knitting last night and finally picked out a knitted dishcloth pattern from the site Julie pointed us to. Thanks Julie. I decided to knit Baked with love and it is my plan to frame it and hang it in my kitchen. I will also be finishing and starting a new square today and working on crocheting some more half granny squares for my afghan. I guess that's enough stuff for me to work on today.


Shelia - sending prayers and hugs your way. Hopefully your DH will be back working real soon. :hug


Linda - WOW 2 years of planning to design your dragonghan he's going to be beautiful.


Judy - Sounds like you are having fun criocheting your Moon and Stars ghan.


Tabby - wishing you all you need in order to complete your final projects and exams.


Diane - A year ago I was faced with the same problem but the bank caught it before it could even got out of hand, Please call the credit reporting agency for they provide 90 days of fraud protection on your credit report. That is what I had to do.


Julie - I'm so glad to hear that you had a lovely visit with your daughter and I pray that you will see her again soon. :manyheart


Well gang going to run now and get into some crocheting. :hook

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Hello the House,:clap


I am up and feeling renewed. Thanks for all the kind words about my ATM mess. I am just glad that they found it right away but the timing sucks because it is end of month, time to pay bills, so that puts a crimp in things. Oh well, I won't let it ruin my day, I want to crochet.


Julie, Dancing/Stars, I'm with you. Think Buzz the astronaute would/should go home. Pussy Cat Dolls girl, Nicole....I think is her name, seems really good as is skater boy. Sorry, just not a fan of Kate +8.


Linda, weather here today is beautiful but we have been given fair warning to expect lots of grasshoppers/locusts this year. I am dreading that. We had them so bad one year, the roads were almost slimy with them. I left for work in the a.m., had a lovely garden with sugarbaby watermelons and heirloom cantaloupe. Came home and the melons were all gone and the locusts were happily munching on the remains. :yuck


Judy, I "unknit" too, one stitch at a time. Just don't have the guts to pull the needle out and unravel and then try to pick it all up again. Too chicken here. :hen


Well, I'm off to sew more saltines, about 1/2 done. Will check in later. Hope all my ladies have a wonderful day! :hook:crocheting Whichever. :yes

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:sun…………….. :mug Good Morning …………..


Well… it’s a beautiful Tuesday… sun is shinning … air is cool.. .but makes for a lovely Spring day!


So Miss Julie… how’d ya do on your saltine count yesterday? Man … I’m sorry to hear still no car…. Yeah… .just something unsettling about not having your car “just incase”

Oh Linda……….. I hope you’re feeling better today! Did you manage to get any work done on your flannel’ghan yesterday?

LeAnna………… little high heel shoes………….. oh .. I bet they’re cute!

Shay………….. oh my sweet dear knitting buddy…………. I would have gone and cried too!! Bless your heart! I’m glad you were able to save what you did! Oh goodness!

Umm……………… that is an awesome dishcloth. Yep… that will be my next one! LOVE IT :hook thanks :hug

Sheila……… I’m so sorry to hear about hubby’s job! Where one door closes… another one will open!

Come on Joanne……….. You can do it… its just a little square………. :hook… and another little square… and another…. Hehehhheehee… Quilt’ghans are really cool!

Diane…………..thats terrible about the bank issue………. Omy! I’m so sorry to hear this isn’t the first time. I know how family issues can hurt! :hug The misunderstanding and mistrust is worse than the act itself.

Marisa…………oooh… socks…. Love crocheted or knitted socks! Its fun to make them and then actually wear them. J Cant wait to see yours!

Hey Miss Judy… you and me hon… lets knit that Coffee Maker cloth together……… :knit All the even rows in that pattern are done in knit stitch. I LOVE MY COFFEE! :mug









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Diane - A year ago I was faced with the same problem but the bank caught it before it could even got out of hand, Please call the credit reporting agency for they provide 90 days of fraud protection on your credit report. That is what I had to do.



Thanks for the heads up. The bank agent immediately transferred me to another agency that they work with. they are sending all 3 credit reports to review so as soon as I receive them, I will make the call.

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Just had a phone call! DD is in labor and we're on our way to the hospital. :manyheart


Oh, Mary, how fun. When I got the call on my first grandchild I was at work. It happened to be Halloween. I arrived at the hospital completely decked out in my frog costume. Grandson didn't arrive until wee hours of the a.m. felt ridiculous walking out of the hospital in a frog suit on Nov 1st. What a hoot! Enjoy this time, it's a memory of a lifetime. :woo

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Just had a phone call! DD is in labor and we're on our way to the hospital. :manyheart

:woo................... cant wait

Congrats sweetie!!!! :hug










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Linda - WOW 2 years of planning to design your dragonghan he's going to be beautiful.

Hi, Cheeria. I didn't spend two years on this particular pattern. I spent two years trying this way of doing one, that way of doing another one, and yet another way on yet another one, etc. until I finally figured out a way to successfully convert a picture into a pattern. I used that method on the castle and pirate patterns I came up with for Julie. I'm going to go back and try it on one for John's mom. I came up with a pattern using graph paper, but it's really complicated. I think this new method will help me come up with one that's more doable.

Oh Linda……….. I hope you’re feeling better today! Did you manage to get any work done on your flannel’ghan yesterday?



I am feeling much better today. The headache is just a slight residual ache. I didn't get anything done on the flannelghan, but did get a bit done on a prayer shawl and enough squares for another block on the dragonghan.

Just had a phone call! DD is in labor and we're on our way to the hospital. :manyheart

Oh, boy! :clap :clap :clap Good luck, Mary and DD. Hope the labor is short and not too bad. We expect newborn pictures when you get home.

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Oh boy !!! A new baby on the way !!! How exciting ,Mary !!!:yay:yay:yay


Sorry, I think it was Tam who asked how many saltines I've gotten done ?


I've not been counting, I just get a block of 16 done, then add it . I am now about halfway down the middle on the second set of blocks .. havent been counting saltines, just making blocks and adding them on .


Howdy miss Jude-- I think we missed each other today ,and howdy to everyone else who has been on since I last was .


Gotta go work more on my danged wallpaper border in the bedroom. NEVER AGAIN will I put that stuff up. Too hard to get off .




Will check in later on .

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