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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Tam- you sound ornery as ever today !!! that's a good sign !


Where all has your boy been while in the navy ,and how long has he been in ? Is he going to stay , or get out when his time is up ?


It's really hard, when they are in the military-- such big blocks of time go by without seeing them .

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Nicole- you sound like you are on cloud nine from your concert,and a wonderful time. I'm really glad !


I'm not familiar with the people you saw, but I'm pretty out-of-the-loop about music,movies,sports..


I have NO CLUE what I do with all my time, but I seem to live in some type of planet where no one else lives. I really don't keep up much with things going on .


Maybe it's where we live-- it's so outdated it's like living in Mayberry .

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Morning Jude !


Sounds like you are keeping crochet-busy as usual !! You can sure turn out the work. It always makes me look slow and sluggish .


I work on stuff, I just don't keep up a good steady pace like you can,so I tend to get off track .


I'm doing better than I used to though .

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Nicole- you sound like you are on cloud nine from your concert. It sounds like you have a wonderful time. I'm really glad !


I'm not familiar with the people you saw, but I'm pretty out-of-the-loop about music,movies,sports..


I have NO CLUE what I do with all my time, but I seem to live in some type of planet where no one else lives. I really don't keep up much with things going on .


Maybe it's where we live-- it's so outdated it's like living in Mayberry .


Julie, I'm out of touch too. I think its my age. As for how I spend my time, I don't know either, but it sure passes quickly.

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Nicole - Glad you had an awesome time at your concert!! I've never heard of him, but will have to check it out. :)


Shay - Gorgeous grandkids! I bet they are a big handful for 1 person when they are all together :eek But, even when it gets crazy, I know they light up your day. :lol


Julie - Enjoy the time you have with your daughter, it's hard not knowing when you'll get to see them again. My brother and his family live in Phoenix (I'm in PA) and while it's at least the same country, we only get to see them maybe once every year and a half to 2 years :(


Pam (I think) - I actually really like the pattern you did with the yellow in it....it has a cheery kind of feeling to it. I do love the blue and red as well, but my eyes were immediately drawn to the bottom pic ;)


Everyone - Good morning and I hope y'all have a wonderful thursday!

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Aint that the truth, Cindy ? As we get older, the days seem to go by quicker . And maybe it IS age . I'm not familiar with very many of the current singers, tv shows, movies ...


I DO watch a very few tv shows, but not many . Most time, I spend on here watching really old tv shows .


Maybe I live in a time warp ---back in the Lost in Space days still .

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Marpan --


Yea, it's hard when family lives far away. I can't even remember when the last time was that our whole family ( my parents, sister,and her kids,my kids, etc,) were all in one place together .


As time goes by people drift away .


We are almost the only ones left here -- everyone else has moved to greener pastures.


I like it here though,so probably won't be leaving anytime soon .

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Just wanted to say good morning to everyone. WOW I have a lot of post to read, this sure is a busy group. Have a great crocheting day. :crocheting

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Hi Everyone! I was with the pirates group. My afghan is still a wip. I'm making for my sister. She is having a new gd in July and I thought since it has been several years since she has had a new baby in the house she would like a new one to keep at her house.

My hubby and I are retired. We ending are third winter in Texas next week. Were in a great park here lots of activities to be involved in. I have join the entertainment committee and was asked to work in the kitchen. A little to busy for me though. I think next year I will only be committed to the kitchen.

We have 8 grandkids ages 2 3 year olds (not twins my son and daughter each had a girl a month a part) to 15. We watch one of the 3 years olds full time. She lives an hour from us so she stay with us and we go to her house on weekends. They also live near where we use to live before we moved to the lake. So we get to see family and friends which makes me happy. We love having Maya with us. She loves to have yarn and a hook and has since she was little so grandma is going to teach her to crochet in a couple of years. She also loves to go outside with grandpa. We have so much fun with her.

I'm also working on a lace and bobbles for me. I'm up to row 57 on it. I'm making a sweater for Maya for a wedding were going to in april. I have the sleeves to do then check the size I made to her and put it together.

Julie it's nice your dd is home for a visit. I have a nephew in the army. He's been to Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. He's making a career out of it. My dil is in the reserves and just completed 20 years with them. She came close to going to Turkey 7 years ago, but it got canceled. She was sent to Germany when her oldest son was 6 months old. She wasn't in the family then so I don't know how long she was gone. But that would be hard to leave the baby.

I've rambled long enough. Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Good morning, everyone. It's gray and overcast again today. Sigh! But it's already at 50* so I won't complain too much. Kim and I are just getting going with our day. John gets home tonight from a business trip to Texas. (For the new gals, John & Kim are the couple I live with and Kim is the lady that I care for. She's had 3 major strokes in the last 10 years and needs assistance throughout the day and night. She's a sweetie and I'd go completely bonkers if my life was as limited as hers is. We're buddies and she enjoys keeping track of all my crafts and how they progress.)


Evening Ladies!! I am worn out :yawn


This is 7 of my Gradbabies...i have 4 more that live closer to me that weren't here and another on the way(we think).They are a hand full but i love them :c9 although they do make me feel old for 47 :lol

From left to right

Adasin(5m)Bladen(5years)Lil Davey(9m)Gracie(4y)Trinity(3y)Wesly aka Lil Billy Bob(8m)Eli(1y)

What a wonderful bunch of grandchildren, Shay! Give them all a hug for me. :hug


Nicole, it sounds like you had a truly marvelous time at the concert. That's great!


Pam (?), I love the strip with the yellow, orange, and red flowers in it.


More later. :hook

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Morning , Cheeria ! :hug Hope your day goes well too !



Marlene- do you guys always go to Texas in the winter ? My parents used to go to Florida ,and now they live there, but are talking of moving home. They hate winter, but they are getting more elderly and both are starting to get some health issues that need addressed, so they need to be closer to us or my sister, who lives in Indiana -- we also have lots of family in southern Ohio, so even if they moved there, I could get there in a couple hours if need be .


My son in law has been to Iraq twice ,so my girl has pretty much had to learn how to handle everything on her own while he's gone . She needed this trip -- she is pretty worn out and hasnt had any ALONE time for years.. Today, she keeps falling asleep on the couch, so finally she got up and went back up to take another nap. :lol

(We live in such a boring town, sleeping could be OUR Olympic sport )



Morning Linda ! Working on your dragon today or FG or what ? You always have so many things going, I can't keep track . :)

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Hi, Marlene. I'm jealous. I only have one grandchild, a boy, and I only get to see him about once a year. But I do get to talk to him on the phone and that helps.


Hi, Julie. Give your DD a hug for me. :hug Enjoy the time with her. I know it will go by way too fast.


I'm planning on working on the flannelghan today. I worked on the thread piece yesterday and now have two rows completed on it. I had to frog just a little bit of it because of a mistake, but not very much and it's all fixed now. The dragonghan got missed this week, with working on the preemie afghans. I'll get back to it next week. Maybe I'll have a good weight loss this week and be able to add a lot to it. :D

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Happy Thursday, Ladies. :) I've had computer issues this morning, but everything seems okay now. It's my fault...Zoe the Cat likes to sleep on my keyboard and I left my laptop on last night. :lol


Welcome to Cheeria, 1wani and Marlene! It's so fun to have so many new people and read about what everyone is doing. :yes


Judy ~ I'm glad you're back and that your crocheting is helping. :hug


Joanne ~ Is 5:23 always your wake-up time? ;) When I worked, mine was 5:35. I love the attic24 site...her patterns and colors are wonderful!


Dusti ~ That is such good news about the girls eyes. :manyheart 'Hope you all are doing okay with your DH so far away. :hug


Leanna ~ Your Thursday group sounds like lots of fun! We have a LYS near downtown that has crochet and knitting groups, but I haven't been there in ages.


Shay ~ The picture is so cute...your grandbabies are just adorable. :c9 And I'm wondering if I'll be able to keep up with one! :lol

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I hit submit on purpose...otherwise, my post might be as long as a novel. :D


Pam ~ The new stitch patterns are lovely! Thanks for the link...I need that book. :hook


Nicole ~ Are you awake yet? Yay for having such a great time! :clap


Cyndy ~ I sure wish the "urge to clean" would hit me...I seem to get further and further behind. :lol


Hi Tam and Marpan!


Linda ~ Enjoy working on the flannelghan! We had major storms and a cold front come through last night, so I could use something that keeps me warm while crocheting. (And I hope the storms don't come your way.;))


Julie ~ I'm glad you're having a good visit with your DD. :manyheart Sorry about the car problems...that is never a fun thing.


As you can tell, I love "talking" to everyone...and I hope I haven't missed anyone. :) My plan is to spend some quality time with my yarn this afternoon. :crocheting

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I know it's not Friday yet, but I just got the pictures taken of the preemie afghans I made for the March Charity CAL and they turned out really well. Can you tell I'm more than ready for spring to be here?






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Hello the House, :clap


Wow, It's only been a few days since I've posted (got into the crochet zone again) but when I came in this a.m. it looks like we have an entirely new, blended house. Luv, luv, luv it. And oh my, what a chatty group this is. I had quite a few pages to catch up on. So much has happened in here the last few days I will just say Hello to all of you and welcome to the new ladies.:welcome


This new house is great! I had signed up for the Tree of Life, bought my yarn, but as it is for me, it very easily moved to the back burner. I have always been intrigued by the 63 club. Have all 4 of the books and now, thanks to Pam's link, I have just ordered the 5th (along with 2 other books) :ty, Pam.


Linda, I too, took a look at the calendar and realized Mother's Day and my mom's 95th birthday (May 1st) is rapidly approaching. I need to be done by April 27th when we leave on our trip to visit her. So the graph ghan Nemo, for my g-gs has been temporarily retired. I am now making Saltines. Mom is going to get a lapghan. The pattern is Amish Star, http://www.happyyellowhouse.com/htm/amish1.html My colors are light plum, lavender and black. Mom loves lavender. I have it 1/4 done. Will post pictures tomorrow.


I have my 11th scarf for charity about 1/3 of the way done. It is knitted, which always takes me longer.


We've been very fortunate this week. No more skunk activity. We've had a running joke around here that there are only 2 skunks in this entire town and that the wrangler owns them both, he picks them up (for a fee of course) and redeposits them in someone elses property and patiently waits for the call. We even joked that he has a GPS chip in them so they don't get lost. Hahaha.


Well I made my first trip to Hobby Lobby. OMG, you ladies warned me. :eek I Love This Yarn.....my head was spinning at all the wonderful colors. I left $85 poorer but wow, is my yarn stash happy. :dance DH actually helped me pick out colors. Some of the colors were "just because" they were so pretty. Don't know what they will be. DH said, if that's the criteria, why not just buy one of each. Please note, this was said with much sarcasm. So I decided it was time to quit, my cart was full anyway. Now I am happily going thru my pattern collection assigning each skein to a project. :devil


I will check back in tomorrow. Looking forward to all the pictures/progress. Have a wonderful day to my new found friends. :hook

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