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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Night happy house friends!

I did not sleep well last night- couldn't fall asleep till almost 12;45 and got up at 5:23 for work. Another long day tomorrow and eyes are getting tired.


have a good evening.


I found a salsa jar and put the salsa in another container, washed out the salsa jar to use it to make the attic24 jar jacket, but won't be starting till tomorrow night!

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Hey Julie and Gardner...I think you guys know me by now to know I'm the "Possibly extreme crocheter..." I'm quick when I set my mind to it...but I can drag my behind too sometimes.


On Thursday I go off island and hang out with some ladies at Debbie Macomber's A Good Yarn Shop in Port Orchard and last time I was there I was working on this Heirloom Stitch afghan (it's on the back cover of Crochet World magazine this month) and this one lady (well two of them actually) were like, "OMG you're FAST!"


I don't think I'm Lily Chin fast, but fast enough.


Right now I just finished making up a pattern for those little mini crocheted shoes. I have 27 to make (I managed to score a box of those clear plastic high heeled shoes that the crocheted part can be formed on) that I will be selling at our Relay 4 Life event this summer.


My little design is super simple in style, but it will work and it fits on the little plastic shoe and I don't think I'll have to use stiffener on it...

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Hi I'm Cheeria from the 63 Club. Just came back from spending 2 days taking care of my grandbaby so I'm just finding out that the group moved over here. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends. I will be working on my 63 squares afghan, my knitted baby blanket for my soon to be born grandbaby and I just picked out a pattern to work on from April's "Crochet World," magazine called Half-Square Granny. I am hoping that I can get to know all of you and that I can keep up with such a large active group. Talk to you all soon. :manyheart

Hi, Cheeria! :hi Welcome to the group! :welcome

Hello Everyone. :hug:hug I'm moving over from the 63 club.


Julie: Thanks for the PM to keep me up to date on move. Have been playing Farmville on Facebook, so not really staying caught up here. Glad you are having a good visit with DD. My DD lives in the area so we see or talk to each other at least once a day. Son lives in Phoenix and haven't seen him in about 2 years. He is a good son though and calls me at least once a week. He sent me all 4 of the 63 square books.


LeAnna: Tree of Life is really great.


To all of the old friends from 63 club: After I frogged the herringbone square, I have finished 3 more squares. Got a lot of experience doing reverse single crochet doing the corded ridge square. Alternating between squares, a scrap afghan for my brother, and a lapghan for charity. Posted pics of the 2 ghans in progress in the stashbuster thread.

Hi, Wanda! :hi Welcome to the group! :welcome That's a great son to send you all those books. Happy crocheting from them for your 63 afghan.

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Evening Ladies!! I am worn out :yawn


This is 7 of my Gradbabies...i have 4 more that live closer to me that weren't here and another on the way(we think).They are a hand full but i love them :c9 although they do make me feel old for 47 :lol

From left to right

Adasin(5m)Bladen(5years)Lil Davey(9m)Gracie(4y)Trinity(3y)Wesly aka Lil Billy Bob(8m)Eli(1y)


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Goooooooooooooood Evening all..........

Whew... man... I just cant seem to keep a regular schedule for popping in here.

I've been so busy with the boys and school and sports. I've also been busy knitting a shawl for a lovely friend just as a gift. Cant wait to show you Shay............. :D

BTW............. Love those grandbabies! I have 7 grandbabies too :yay ranging from 7yrs down to 5mo.

I'm also working on a little project that I cant wait to show you all too....;) but you'll have to wait.











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Here I am..the night shift. :lol

I'm so far west of most of you ,plus gone to work during the day, it's like your my imaginary friends. ;)


Thanks for all the comments and welcomes. And WOW ! What nice projects I see passing through here. Beautiful work. :cheer


I continued playing around last night. Here's what I managed...:hook


I love the blue and red one. That's from the new fifth book is the sampler series. The yellow, orange, red one is using the Harlequin pattern, and just switching colors. Seemed like a good idea and now if the edge can work onto it nicely I'll be happy.:yes

edit to add..if you click to enlarge it really shows lots better on this one.

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Seven !:eek You were taking care of seven ? :hug


Hey.. check it out. We joined Crochet-ville at the same time. :dance


BTW.. in all my figuring out when and what color to do my Tree of Life, your wonderful green has been my only choice..but I need a new color 'cause I don't want to be a copy-cat. It's perfect.. so there. :dreaming

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Shay -You sure have a couch-full of blessings there !!!! How many kids do you have ,could I ask ?


And 11 grandbabies with maybe number 12 ? WOW, you lucky thing, you .


Do they all live close ?





Tam- thanks for dropping in --set down and take a seat next time you come in .




Pam- love the new stitches you showed us,especially the red with blue over-laying-- I know that's a stupid way of explaining it, but that is SO cool !!!!


Thanks guys, for jumping in here ! :):hug:)

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Pam- love the new stitches you showed us,especially the red with blue over-laying-- I know that's a stupid way of explaining it, but that is SO cool !!!!



Yep ! That's my favorite of all the patterns I've tried so far. :yes

Forcing myself to not just keep doing that one over and over. It wouldn't quite be a "sampler" anymore at that rate. :lol


Hope your having a great time with your daughter. :hug

Edit to add Here's the post where I explained about the new, fifth book for the sampler series.

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My, ya'll have been talkative! It's great! :cheer


It's 2:30 in the morning and I just got back from Cincinnati so I'll catch up on posts sometime before I head to Detroit Friday morning.


The Michael Buble concert was fantastic. I can't even begin to tell you all. He came down into the audience. I was the third seat over (I had really good floor seats) from the aisle he walked down. I screamed my fool head off and actually got to touch his back!!!!!! :faint


Naturally 7 was his opening act and they are amazing. I bought one of their CD's and got all 7 of them to sign it. They held an autograph session afterward. So, I got to shake of their hands and get their autographs at the same time. It was so cool. If you all get a chance to look on the internet to hear them, it's worth it. All of their music, instruments and all, is done by the human voice only. The drums, the bass, everything is done by their voices. It was incredible. I wouldn't have believed it was their voices alone if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


It was the best concert I've ever seen. He was on stage for a little over two hours, which is the longest the main act has been on during any concert I've seen. His voice is amazing. He's one of the few artists who truly sound better in person instead of worse.


He allows pictures during the concert so I have some really great shots. I'll put some on my blog in the next few days if you want to check them out. I'll let you know when they are up. He sang a lot of my favorites including the song that introduced me to Big Band Music/Jazz....Make The Knife.


Okay, I'm probably getting on your nerves because I'm all pumped so I'll stop. :lol I'm going to be on cloud nine for awhile I think!!! :D


I hope you all have a good day. I'm sure I'll be sleeping in late tomorrow. :yes

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Good morning! Nicole- sounds like you had an awesome time at the concert. I'll have to check out naturally 7 and I love Micheal Buble too. Glad you had such a good time.


Shay- Wow- your grandbabies are adorable- lucky, lucky you! I have 3 DD's and no grandchildren ...I do have 2 step grandsons (14 and 15) and a step grandaughter (7).


Pam- those samplers are really pretty- love the red and blue!


Well, ladies- just realized that it is 6AM and I've got to get ready for another day at the place that I spend most of my time- my job! Cya all later!


Have a fanatastic Thursday!

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Another day ,another square made ?


At least for me, I hope. Been trying to visit with my girl, plus keep up a little with crochet and the group .

We're having a nice visit . It' been about 2 years since we saw her . She's married to an army guy, so they have always lived far off . They are getting ready to be sent to Korea next ,which will be at least 3 years ( possibly 4, depending on what my soninlaw decides to do about re-enlisting. He'll have his 20 years by then ,so can retire from the army, but may decide to stay in even longer .)


So, it's been nice seeing her and catching up on things . She has been gone for a few hours a day to see friends,etc .


My car is in the shop again --we took it to one guy ,and Sam wanted another one to look at it to see if they both said the same things are broken or not. It is really old, but has run well til lately .


I'm not sure what our weather is doing today - it's been a little more like March this week, a little colder with a little rain at times, but not bad .


I have been making more 63 squares. Won't have a lot for photos this week ,but a few .


Also got a little more done on the castle since last week .


I hope you all have a great day !:)

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Cindy- I just checked out your blog- I love the blanket you made- I love using that pattern for squares too- I have made 3 of those "never ending square" blankets.


Thanks. (I just checked my blog and was wondering who Joanne was!) Isn't it amazing how such a simple square pattern, can look so nice? I use it a lot, because it is so versatile. I like to use a more solid square for baby blankets, and this one works great. I also like how easy it is, so I often make these squares in the car, or when I'm crafting with my mil.

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Evening Ladies!! I am worn out :yawn


This is 7 of my Gradbabies...i have 4 more that live closer to me that weren't here and another on the way(we think).They are a hand full but i love them :c9 although they do make me feel old for 47 :lol

From left to right

Adasin(5m)Bladen(5years)Lil Davey(9m)Gracie(4y)Trinity(3y)Wesly aka Lil Billy Bob(8m)Eli(1y)


Oh my, what a beautiful bunch. I'm sure they are a handful. I have three grandsons, (and another grandchild on the way, and I can't imagine having 11 of them! Those three boys keep me on my toes all by themselves!

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Right now I just finished making up a pattern for those little mini crocheted shoes. I have 27 to make (I managed to score a box of those clear plastic high heeled shoes that the crocheted part can be formed on) that I will be selling at our Relay 4 Life event this summer.


My little design is super simple in style, but it will work and it fits on the little plastic shoe and I don't think I'll have to use stiffener on it...


The little shoes sound cute. And yes, I know you can really crochet when you set your mind to it. have fun on your little trip out.




I'm also working on a little project that I cant wait to show you all too....;) but you'll have to wait.











well, now I'm really curious......:D





I continued playing around last night. Here's what I managed...:hook


I love the blue and red one. That's from the new fifth book is the sampler series. The yellow, orange, red one is using the Harlequin pattern, and just switching colors. Seemed like a good idea and now if the edge can work onto it nicely I'll be happy.:yes

edit to add..if you click to enlarge it really shows lots better on this one.

Pam, I really like the multi colored piece. Something about those colors and the sheen of the yarn. Are you just trying the design out, or are you making something? edited to add: Never mind, its just early morning brain freeze. I just remembered that you are making your afghan out of different size blocks.

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Good morning everyone.


Julie, glad you are having such a nice visit with your daughter. I bet it's hard to think of her moving even farther away. Isn't she in Hawaii now? Although I guess that's far enough away too.


No crochet done yesterday at all. I got this urge to clean. (I know, I can't believe it myself!) I spent 4 hours spring cleaning the living room, and I still have one task to do. I have several tea sets, and I display three of them on top of some tall shelving units. I rarely drink tea, but for some reason my mom and mil both decided about ten years ago that I needed a few tea sets. I have two sets from Singapore, (my bil and sil lived there for a number of years) and a set from the Netherlands on display. I am too old and stiff to climb up and down off a ladder to get them all down to clean them, so I will do that when someone is available to help me. On the other hand, they are 7 feet up in the air, and no one can see them.


Then I went to a meeting at work that ran 30 minutes over, and then grocery shopping. Today I am going to meet a friend for lunch and shopping. I live near a town that is know for it's interesting shops. She lives about 45 minutes from here, but she is thinking of setting up some sort of craft based business, and wants to see what these shops are like.


Then tonight we are going out to dinner with the in-laws. Tomorrow I have to work. I don't know if I will get much crafting time in.

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:sun .......... Good Morning kids!!!

how is everyone this cool March morning?

The sun is wanting to shine today... but its still ... brrrrr out there! Its okay.... One day at a time the temps rise and the Summer gets closer to being here! :yay


Here I am..the night shift. :lol

I'm so far west of most of you ,plus gone to work during the day, it's like your my imaginary friends. ;)


Thanks for all the comments and welcomes. And WOW ! What nice projects I see passing through here. Beautiful work. :cheer


I continued playing around last night. Here's what I managed...:hook


I love the blue and red one. That's from the new fifth book is the sampler series. The yellow, orange, red one is using the Harlequin pattern, and just switching colors. Seemed like a good idea and now if the edge can work onto it nicely I'll be happy.:yes

edit to add..if you click to enlarge it really shows lots better on this one.

Those are really cool Pam!!!

Gosh... I think I like the yellow and orange one best.


Shay -You sure have a couch-full of blessings there !!!! How many kids do you have ,could I ask ?


And 11 grandbabies with maybe number 12 ? WOW, you lucky thing, you .


Do they all live close ?





Tam- thanks for dropping in --set down and take a seat next time you come in .




Pam- love the new stitches you showed us,especially the red with blue over-laying-- I know that's a stupid way of explaining it, but that is SO cool !!!!


Thanks guys, for jumping in here ! :):hug:)

Where do you want me to take the seat too? LOL...LOL..LOL

I know... get more coffee before I try to be funny in the morning... :U


My, ya'll have been talkative! It's great! :cheer


It's 2:30 in the morning and I just got back from Cincinnati so I'll catch up on posts sometime before I head to Detroit Friday morning.


The Michael Buble concert was fantastic. I can't even begin to tell you all. He came down into the audience. I was the third seat over (I had really good floor seats) from the aisle he walked down. I screamed my fool head off and actually got to touch his back!!!!!! :faint


Naturally 7 was his opening act and they are amazing. I bought one of their CD's and got all 7 of them to sign it. They held an autograph session afterward. So, I got to shake of their hands and get their autographs at the same time. It was so cool. If you all get a chance to look on the internet to hear them, it's worth it. All of their music, instruments and all, is done by the human voice only. The drums, the bass, everything is done by their voices. It was incredible. I wouldn't have believed it was their voices alone if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.


It was the best concert I've ever seen. He was on stage for a little over two hours, which is the longest the main act has been on during any concert I've seen. His voice is amazing. He's one of the few artists who truly sound better in person instead of worse.


He allows pictures during the concert so I have some really great shots. I'll put some on my blog in the next few days if you want to check them out. I'll let you know when they are up. He sang a lot of my favorites including the song that introduced me to Big Band Music/Jazz....Make The Knife.


Okay, I'm probably getting on your nerves because I'm all pumped so I'll stop. :lol I'm going to be on cloud nine for awhile I think!!! :D


I hope you all have a good day. I'm sure I'll be sleeping in late tomorrow. :yes

OMGosh.................. that all sounds so wonderful! I am so darn happy that you had such a wonderful time! :hug

Cant wait to see the pics on your blog!


Good morning! Nicole- sounds like you had an awesome time at the concert. I'll have to check out naturally 7 and I love Micheal Buble too. Glad you had such a good time.


Shay- Wow- your grandbabies are adorable- lucky, lucky you! I have 3 DD's and no grandchildren ...I do have 2 step grandsons (14 and 15) and a step grandaughter (7).


Pam- those samplers are really pretty- love the red and blue!


Well, ladies- just realized that it is 6AM and I've got to get ready for another day at the place that I spend most of my time- my job! Cya all later!


Have a fanatastic Thursday!

Have a GREAT day hon!!!!


Another day ,another square made ?


At least for me, I hope. Been trying to visit with my girl, plus keep up a little with crochet and the group .

We're having a nice visit . It' been about 2 years since we saw her . She's married to an army guy, so they have always lived far off . They are getting ready to be sent to Korea next ,which will be at least 3 years ( possibly 4, depending on what my soninlaw decides to do about re-enlisting. He'll have his 20 years by then ,so can retire from the army, but may decide to stay in even longer .)


So, it's been nice seeing her and catching up on things . She has been gone for a few hours a day to see friends,etc .


My car is in the shop again --we took it to one guy ,and Sam wanted another one to look at it to see if they both said the same things are broken or not. It is really old, but has run well til lately .


I'm not sure what our weather is doing today - it's been a little more like March this week, a little colder with a little rain at times, but not bad .


I have been making more 63 squares. Won't have a lot for photos this week ,but a few .


Also got a little more done on the castle since last week .


I hope you all have a great day !:)

:hug... .so glad you're having a nice visit sweetie!!!

One of my older boys is in the Navy... so I know what its like to miss them. Of course my daughter lives 2 hours away and because of the choices she is making in her life.... I dont see her or talk to her... so I miss her too. :( But... the good Lord knows what He's doing.... so I must wait on Him!!!

Good luck with your car! Hope the issue is resolved and its up and running good as new again!

you have a wonderful day my dear!


The little shoes sound cute. And yes, I know you can really crochet when you set your mind to it. have fun on your little trip out.




well, now I'm really curious......:D



Pam, I really like the multi colored piece. Something about those colors and the sheen of the yarn. Are you just trying the design out, or are you making something? edited to add: Never mind, its just early morning brain freeze. I just remembered that you are making your afghan out of different size blocks.

heheheeheheheeee... I'm getting closer to done! :hook










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Can be used for putting pens/pencils in. I think I'll make one for me to set my hooks in on the table next to my favorite crochet chair. The pattern is here http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/crochet-jar-jacket.html

Last night I just finished 2 face cloths for a commission and the same friend would like a baby boy blanket for a great nephew being born in May...or I would be so tempted. Her color combos are wonderful.


Shay, your grandchildren look so precious...I bet many grandmothers seeing that picture would wonder how you were able to get them all to sit so still at one time!

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Hey Cindy-

wow, I wish you would have been here when the cleaning-bug hit !! I could stand to do some of that around here myself,but don't have much gumption to do it . Maybe I'll do it a little at a time and get it all done in short blocks of time .


Your tea sets sound really pretty . I'm not a tea drinker either, but they'll be nice keepsakes for you .


Yes, our girl and family are in Hawaii as of now, but due to be shipping out to Korea in April -- she wanted to make this trip back now ,because it has been a long while since we saw her and may be awhile til we see her again .They may get to come home either next Christmas or next summer, but they aren't sure yet .


Hope you have a good time today !

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