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Do you have any crocheted heirlooms?

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My sisters and I have doilies that our paternal grandmother tatted. She could watch tv, or carry on a conversation, without even looking at what she was doing, and before you knew it, the item was finished! Gramma tried teaching me, but I couldn't get the hang of it.....

I don't have it yet, but I've been promised the tablecloth my mother crocheted when I was younger, around 40 years ago. My mom decided, after going through a tough time with her brothers and sisters when their parents passed away, that she wanted us to let her know what we would like to have, so she could put it in her will.......

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I am sad to say that I don't have any of those heirlooms so I have made it a priority to see that my daughters do. I have asked both grandmothers to make something special for their hopechests and I am doing the same.

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Yes I have alot.

you all have seen these - doilies

those were from my Great Great Grandmother


I have ALOT of afghans from DH's gma

ALOT of afghans from my mother


AND the best is

My families Crocheted Christening gown!

I have to take pics, but my mom made it when she was pregnant with my sister, then i wore it then she gave it to her sister for my cousin to wear.

(the rest were boys so they did not wear it)

So when my Daughter was born she wore it as well, as I pray she will want to put it on her daughter when the time comes.

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My two grandmothers and mother were very crafty, so I have many things made by them. Quilts, doilies, a tablecloth, and then depression glass items from both of my grandmothers. I also have a baby jacket that was crocheted for me by one of my grandmother's friends some 55 years ago. I treasure these things very much.

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Oh yes I do I have tons from both of my grandmothers (being the youngest grand daughter on both sides) I got emb. pillowcases, dresser scarfs, dishes, old coins from other countries, and tons more but I guess what a treasure most is I was able to get both of my grandmothers wedding bands, those I will treasure for a life time!

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I don't have any really multi-generational handed down items. I do have a few knitted sweaters, bonnets and booties my paternal grandmother made for me when I was a little girl. There are spots on the sweaters, keep hoping sometime I can find something to remove them, probably formula or cereal stains from my babyhood.


I also have a ripple afghan that was made by her too. I don't know who she made it for really, but it's been around since the time I was born or before, as I have a picture of me when I was weeks old and it's 'on the back of the couch'. I love the afghan, it's old, battered, some 'fixed' spots and still scratchy (my guess is wool), but it is one of the few things I have that she made.

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here are a few more my mother had made with heirloom intentions


This dress and jacket was crocheted by my mother and worn by my sister, me, my cousin and my daughter.

I also have the orginal pattern she made the dresses from ;)

I dont have it right here because its in safe keeping but she made this around 1973.

lol dont laugh behind the baptism dress is my very first tutu from Ballet class.



the first and 3rd dressed were crocheted my mom for my sister and I , for pictures one year. on top the shelf were 2 beautiful baby blankets that were made my my moms aunt for my sister and I when we were babies.

then the shawl in front of the third dress (from the left) is one of the shawls my mother crocheted ( size 10 thread) for my sister and I .

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I have no crocheted heirlooms. I do have a few things my paternal grandmother made for me as a girl (which my dd is growing into still). More special now, as she's passed on. I also have the baptism/christening gown my grandmother made for me out of leftovers from my mother's wedding dress (which she made for herself!). That one my dd also wore, and it will pass down through here. And a funny "heirloom": my mom made my sister and I matching jumpers (when we were about 5 & 3) out of a pair of old velour-ish bellbottoms my dad had from his teen years! (I can't picture the pants!! yikes) but the jumpers are cute. :D


Oh ya, my maternal grandmother embroidered pillowcases for my sister and I (I still have mine...badly worn) When I got married, she embroidered a tablecloth for me...not an heirloom yet, but it will be! :)

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I have my Grandmothers Bible. I have a cedar chest that belonged to my Great Great Aunt. My Dad bought it at her auction. I will be 52 this year and she was my Grandparents neighbor and I can remember going to her house so I'm thinking it's at least 50 or more years old. Will have to ask when she died.

One Grandma sewed and knitted. She never did finish the sweater she was making me when I was in grade school. But she made (it was sewed)my Daughter a light coat with many different flowers and things on it. I call it the coat of many colors (Dolly Partons song). Grandma made my kids shirts for summer one was a matching set. One had a boy on the front and the other had a girl on the front. I kept all of these.

My other Grandma crocheted and I have many doilies, hot pads made in the shape of grapes they were crocheded around bottle caps.

My ex-husbands Aunt crocheted a 2 blankets, a sweater, booties and different hats (1 for boy, 1 for girl). I have passed on to her for her daughter. I took pictures of GD in the sweater set while she was here when I was passing it on to her.

I have a granny square poncho a friend made for my Daughter when she was a little girl.

I crocheted a crib blanket for both of my kids when I was pregnant for them. I passed those on when they had there first babies. And they both use them.

My Sister got my Grandma's crochet hooks. I asked her for them as she doesn't crochet. She always said I'm keeping them in case I want to learn.

So finally last year I was ready to tell her either learn to crochet or give them up. So I asked about the hooks again and she surprised me and said she was trying to crochet scarves for her Grandkids. So I have been teaching her. Which makes both of us happy!

One of my Aunt's got a hard cover Crochet Book that belonged to one of my Grandma's Aunts. It is all pineapple patterns. She doesn't crochet either. But I'm sure she wanted it as it belonged to her Aunt. I asked her about it. I was looking for a crochet collar with pineapples in it. She didn't know where the book was. How sad! I did get patterns from it when Grandma was alive she let me take for awhile.

I also have a desk that my ex-husbands Grandfather made. Not sure how old it is. And I have a small 3 drawer dresser that was passed down to my Grandma. I will have to ask my Mom from who and see if we can figure out how old it is.

I crochet and sew for the Grandkids so if the things are kept they will have something made for them by Grandma.

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I have no crocheted items, none of my grandparents crocheted. My aunt taught me to crochet, but I have nothing she made. I do have some painted plates that my grandmother made.

Plus I have a wooden chest that my Dad made, and also a very detailed wooden cart (the ones with the linen cover over them) that my Dad made and put in a case for me.

One thing I do think of while I'm crocheting though is that one day someone will appreciate what I have made, and that they may become heirlooms. I do worry though, because it looks as though I may not be able to have a child of my own, so I worry who will appreciate my things when I pass. A very morbid thought I know, but I would like to have someone to pass what I make on to. My step-daughter has shown some interest (I'm slowly teaching her to crochet), but I'm not sure if she'd appreciate anything hand made.

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I have a granny square scrapghan that Grandma made, and a snowflake squareghan that my great-grandmother made for me when I was about 4.


My Aunt has promissed to "loan" me my grandma and greatgrandma's wood crochet hooks. I'm supposed to give them back to HER daughter when she grows up...but since I'm the only crocheter in the family I have every intention of keeping those hooks until my young cousin who was 3 when grandma died(She's 12 now)...and NOT EVEN THOUGHT OF when great grandma died.

I suspect that my young cousin won't ever think of it again...unless I make her something special with grandma's hooks...then again, I'd be thrilled to teach her the art of crochet and share the hooks if she's interested.:manyheart


My sister has a set of a baby sweater and hat that we found in grandma's closet after she died. My sister was 2 months pregnant with the first great-grandchild, and since it appeared that this was a newly finished WIP that needed ends weaved and ribbons added...we did so and gave it to my sister at her shower "From Grandma Ann"...perhaps we should have chose a more private moment to give the set to her...she started bawling and only those of us who knew what was in the box and who it was from knew why. Stupid us we never anticipated that reaction...DUH!!!! She forgave us and really did appreciate the gift.

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I just remembered something... it's not crocheted, but it's something special to me.


I have the first scarf my aunt Bernadette ever knitted. (She's the one that taught ME how to knit.) You can TELL it's the first scarf she ever knitted, but it's something SHE made, and she doesn't really do crafty stuff like that anymore, so it's special to me.


My sister has a set of a baby sweater and hat that we found in grandma's closet after she died. My sister was 2 months pregnant with the first great-grandchild, and since it appeared that this was a newly finished WIP that needed ends weaved and ribbons added...we did so and gave it to my sister at her shower "From Grandma Ann"...perhaps we should have chose a more private moment to give the set to her...she started bawling and only those of us who knew what was in the box and who it was from knew why. Stupid us we never anticipated that reaction...DUH!!!! She forgave us and really did appreciate the gift.

If it were me receiving that gift... there wouldn't be anything to forgive!!! I'd proudly announce - once I'd calmed down, of course ;) - what it was, who made it, who came up with the idea of giving it to me, and why it was so special in the first place!


That is such a sweet, thoughtful thing to do!!:hug

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I forgot, I have a quilt that my husbands grandmother made. Actually it was just a quilt top. My MIL took it about 2 yrs ago and had the chuch quilters turn it into a complete quilt. I forgot about because I have it stashed in a cedar chest. Unfortunately the colors are not something that will go well with anything in my house.

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