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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I have TWO more points to add ! I'm nearly at the end of my Prairie Star, and my sandstone and light sage are finished. I rolled them up into little balls for my next project.. :D




But.. I might be losing some points again... ACMoore has pounders for $3.44 this week, and I've never seen them on sale that low before. I use pounders a LOT, so this might not be a good week... :(

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i used up a ton of yarn yest.

i made 4 pairs of slippers and i was up until 4 a.m. because a fam. friend is selling them at a big show (the womens show/expo. at the rock financial showplace in novi, michigan) so this is my big break i made over $40 in one day yesturday! which is good for me im 15

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I have another +6 to report from the busy weekend! I used up a whole ball of thread finishing up a shawl I was testing for Katchkan (I put pictures in the Thread Show and Tell section), and I gifted 2 skeins of yarn to my summer scarf swap partner (along with her fabulous scarf).

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RoseRed - just keep adding onto your signature line as you go. Instead of adding to the WTD, add to the MTD and use that number at the end of the month! Dear me, I can't remember what I did this MORNING let alone have to remember a number til the end of a month! :rofl

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whew I finally get to tally my points from this bedspread. I finished off 2 skeins for +4 and made 6 other skeins into small balls for +6 so +10 total and real close to getting to finish those 6 balls for easy points later.

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I am going to be so in the negative soon! 28 skeins (some only part) from eBay coming any day, with 20 skeins coming in about a week.

Just gotta hope it comes when dh is at work and I can 'blend' it in with the rest of my yarn!


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I used 2 balls finshing a baby blanket I found in my stuff (I don't remember starting it). I used 1/2 a skein making 7 X 9 rectangles for Warm Up America. I should use the rest by the end of the week. I've been making dolls and teddies, but I ran out of stuffing. If I don't go to the craft shop, I won't be tempted.

Ellie 13

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I used up 9 partials starting a new uglyghan, +9

then frogged it all for something else, -9 :lol

THEN bought 110 skeins from Smiley's on Sat & it's here today, -220


Can anyone tell me how to crochet in my sleep... successfully?!??

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Nght! You did sooooo good last week! Ah well, you reign supreme with the yarn, so it's all good.


I used up two skeins yesterday finishing up the accessory sets for my Quidditch Team. I'm still weaving in ends, but at least I don't have to crochet anymore ponytail holders, headbands, or wristbands!!! I'm hoping to finish up some more yarn tonight getting other things done. I leave for New Orleans soon!!

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Nght: I know you have been asked this before.... but where do you keep it all!!! I'm so jealous! My fiance' and I have a deal... Ill keep my yarn down to just two cupboards... IF he doesn't get any more fish tanks... LOL so far so good.... but wow.... your whole house must be covered in yarn!!



Well I just started another baby ripple, have to finish it in a week, so I should get some points soon!

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I couldn't help it - it's been a while since I bought yarn, I've been so very good every time I go into Michael's or Hobby Lobby. But I needed to get several skeins of yarn to finish a project I'm currently working on for the Van Gogh CAL (I needed more TLC Water Lily).


Luckily, they had 4 skeins left, so I bought them. Then I looked, and they had RH in the most gorgeous teal I've ever seen! The color is called

Real Teal, and I bought 4 skeins of it. I don't know what I'll do with it, but I'll figure something out. It was too pretty not to buy it! Then I found a very pretty Dusty Teal color as a nice accent for the Real Teal, so I bought 2 skeins of it, for a total of 10 skeins, giving me a -20 (I started out with +6, so that brought my total to -14). However, last night I also used up 2 full skeins, so my -14 is really -10 so far for the month.


I will actually be using up a lot more yarn soon for the Van Gogh CAL afghan I'm making, so I know that total will go up, and I just hope I end up with a modest positive for the month.


But I just couldn't help myself - that yarn was all too pretty!

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Nght: I know you have been asked this before.... but where do you keep it all!!! I'm so jealous! My fiance' and I have a deal... Ill keep my yarn down to just two cupboards... IF he doesn't get any more fish tanks... LOL so far so good.... but wow.... your whole house must be covered in yarn!!



Just about, DH sure thinks so!! :rofl


I have... (doin' a quick inventory since last count).... (4) 55-gallon garbage bags, (4) 50-gallon tubs, (7) 30 or 33-gallon tubs, (2) 22-gallon tubs, (4) Xtra large boxes, (2) large tote bags and (5) laundry baskets all full of yarn... plus a zippered bag that a doggie bed came in full of eyelash yarn and 1 Xtra large box of thread, which I don't even really like! It came in an ebay lot & I keep thinkin *one day* I'll actually be able to make something with it & like it! :blush All said, they're in the LR, DR, Kitchen, Pantry, BR & a few closets. Hey, least I haven't got any in the bathroom and there isn't anything in the Jeep anymore! :rofl

I'm not counting the various WIP's that I have stashed along the way between the LR, BR, DR, my pocketbook... :think



Oh, and the 20 skeins of Luster Sheen arrived a few moments ago... -40

Ya can't blame me for those tho, they were only $2.35 a skein for the 4 oz. size :lol

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Nght, You crack me up.


I received a skein in the mail today from my scarf swap pal, so that -2, but I am think about making a cute little hat with it tonight at work, so hopefully that'll disappear!!

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crochetville burped when I tried to post yesterday... weird...


anyway I have to report my first negative number since I began stashbusting. I received 3 skeins of SWTC Oasis in the mail yesterday. It's for a secret project - I'm crocheting the sample for one of the designs in Robyn Chachula's upcoming book - I love her designs and I'm so psyched for her that she has a book coming out... and I'm honored to be asked to crochet for it! The yarn is incredible!! Run, don't walk to your closest LYS and check out this 100% soysilk heaven!


Anyway that adds in -6...


Thankfully, I used up a skein on my Twyla cardigan (+2), and a skein on the Vintage Motif cardi edging (+2) and will use the final yards of the last skein for the motif cardi sleeve edging tonight (+2)


So I break even:clap !!!

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4 points, I used up 2 more skeins! I am still making placemats for my dining room. The unfortunate thing is that I had to buy 1 more skein in order to finish the project. :yell I still have to block and edge them, else I'd post a preview. :blush Only 1 and a half more to go. :hook

I need to be working on squares for the afghan, but I just can't manage it at work like I can this simple repetative stitch.


Darn it. I have some subtraction to do soon when my Maggie's order gets here. I bought a kit that was on sale, then discounted on that day. I didn't have enough Moonlight Mohair to make what I wanted, so I HAD to, else I'd never get enough! :) I was waiting for a good deal since the stuff is like 9 bucks a ball usually.

Well, it's a good thing I joined this just for self motivation, not to win. :lol

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