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Jury Duty

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As if my week hasn't been bad enough, in the mail box is a jury duty summons for next month. It's my first time, so want to know any problems with bringing a project to work on while waiting? Will treat it like the airport i.e. no metal hooks or scissors. So any suggestions for projects?



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Funny I have just been called up as well for the first time. I hadntthought of taking my crochet with me but sounds like a good idea.

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I can't go anywhere without something. I get really bored fast and I always seem to be "waiting" for husband, daughter, computer download, etc. I can't imagine being in a waiting room for hours without something to do. I'm afraid I'll run out of yarn! Think a repeating pattern (mindless repetition) like a shawl will be good. Or quick projects like dishcloths.



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We have a 'Viller here who works doing court reporting, and if I remember correctly from prior posts asking about crochet and jury duty... You can't take scissors in at all, so you have to find a 'safe' alternative cutter.

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I had a jury summons sitting in my mailbox last Friday. Unfortunately, it states in black and white . . . No needlework needles . . . nada. DH had to go last year and had a keychain swiss army knife they made him throw away. So, it looks like I'm bringing a book with me if I have to go (I need to call the weekend before I'm suppose to report to verify that they need me to come in).


I've seriously considered applying clear polish to pencils & knitting with them. I haven't figured out a way to create a crochet hook out of common, everyday items yet! I wonder if they would let plastic hooks through . . . especially when they've specifically stated no needlework items.

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I am just finishing up a stint of jury duty. At least today should be my last day unless I get picked for something.

I have taken my crochet with me everyday. I took just the hook I needed with a cap, and my thread. This is a steel hook I took, but it's a size 2. I have a nail clipper if I should need to cut anything. I planned ahead and started a shawl to work on. It is nearly finished with all the sitting I have done. The only thing they questioned was my tape measure. Don't ask me what sort of a threat that was but they were concerned about it. So after the first day I left that home.

Everyplace is different so I will not quarantee what your court allows. I am just glad they allowed me to bring mine. I did spend a couple afternoons with a fellow jurist who is also a crocheter. We had a nice visit sitting and crocheting together.

I did have a lot of people stop and ask me what I was doing and were watching my progress.

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You saved me from starting a thread!

I got called to, and wanted to know if I can bring crochet.

I'm trying to get it postponed, but don't know if they'll grant it. I'm supposed to start Jury duty on the 30th and I'm starting a new job on the 29th! I am really excited about this job, and they wanted me to start right away, but I had to give notice. Bad timing for jury duty, but if I have to go, I want to bring crochet! :)

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I had to be in court a couple of months ago, and I brought a project and a crochet hook. I had no problem getting through screening at the entrance, and part of the time I was crocheting in direct view of a security guard and nothing was said. I didn't bring scissors with me.


I'm sure that different courts intrepret the rules differently. When they say 'no needlework needles' that may not include crochet hooks.. to me it sounds like you can't bring a needle (as in a sewing needle). Is there a number you can call to find out if a crochet hook would be acceptable?



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I would THINK a PLASTIC crochet hook would be okay. And I know Susan Bates makes even the smaller (E & up) hooks in plastic.


But I'd definitely check with the court itself to make sure. You wouldn't want to bring the stuff and then have it confiscated! :no

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my daughter was also called for jury duty but she was excused as she can't miss work, if she don't work, she don't get paid then she has no money. so they excused her., i would at least ask if you can be excused wormie, the least they can say is no, explain your starting a new job, and maybe they will let you off, worth a try:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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I'm not sure about jurry duty, but as far as airplanes go, I've been taking my aluminum hooks for a year now. Also, one TSA guy helfpully explained that I was allowed up to 4" (yes, 4 full inch blade!) scisors in my caryon!!! :eek I think what people have said about each place being different is true. I know is't that way with airports. It might be a good idea to call now to the courthouse and ask. Also county, state and fedral courts probably each have different rules. *sigh* Why can't they make the rules the same everywhere?? :think

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I would THINK a PLASTIC crochet hook would be okay.
Hope so! I've gotta go in later this month and I'm taking some plastic hooks and a dental floss container to cut yarn. I'll try to be there early so I can take my crochet-project bag back to the car if they won't let me in with it. :)
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Nothing mentioned on my summons or the website, mostly information about postponement and parking. Have my plastic crochet hooks, my Clover cutter and trying to pair down the patterns I want to start. Only concern now is making sure I have enough yarn and I don't report till 12 Feb! LOL. Thanks for the advice.



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I know I've seen them somewhere before, but how about those thread cutters that you wear as a ring. As for patterns, I would take something that I wouldn't have to concentrate on too much. Something that repeats, and is easy to remember. Something you don't have to keep count. I would be frogging all the time LOL! Don't take much to distract me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well my first week of jury duty is complete. Did not sit on a case, but did experienced the selection process. The lawyers really liked "talking" to me. The best part is the waiting! I'm serious. I got a lot of crocheting done, I'm really pleased. I did a Blue Jean Shawl in wool-ease Oatmeal, 3 preemie hats, 1 scarf, almost finished with a small baby afghan and started a rectangular shawl. What surprised me is when I looked around the room there was only a handful of craft people. One lady was using a round knit loom, 2 quilters and one cross-stitcher. How the rest maintained their sanity, I have no idea. If I didn't have a project, I'd be driving everyone nuts.


I think I deserve a little shopping trip to restock my bag for next week.

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Hey Truckin - I took my chances on the hooks, but I use the clover ergonimic more these days, so it's mostly plastic. I took a couple of bamboo and plastics just in case I had my clovers confiscated. The machine operator was a nice lady that just asked me if I was a juror. I laughed and said "yes, can you tell by the size of the bag"? She laughed. The last day I had a guy and he asked if I had long scissors in my bag. Said "certainly not", but he has welcome to look at my projects. I bought myself a big skein of Red Heart in a soft green for a prayer shawl and my sister has asked me to whip up a small dog sweater for her neighbor's new puppy. I don't have to go back till Wednesday, so won't be crocheting as much till then. Pout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have finished 2 weeks. Was on a jury last week and manged to make 5 sets of booties and a scarf. Also ran a crochet clinic(lol) as some of the other jurors had crochet probems.


Now they want to buy the booties so I have to take the finished ones in on Monday. I didnt take a needle or scissors so couldnt finish them off. One day I was waiting for the bus crocheting and this bloke comes up to me and says "now thats what I like to see - a lady knitting instead of smoking"... closest thing I have had to a pick up line in years (lol)

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Well I have finished 2 weeks. Was on a jury last week and manged to make 5 sets of booties and a scarf. Also ran a crochet clinic(lol) as some of the other jurors had crochet probems.


Now they want to buy the booties so I have to take the finished ones in on Monday. I didnt take a needle or scissors so couldnt finish them off. One day I was waiting for the bus crocheting and this bloke comes up to me and says "now thats what I like to see - a lady knitting instead of smoking"... closest thing I have had to a pick up line in years (lol)


:lol Thanks! I needed that laugh. :) Glad to hear you gals have been able to keep yourself occupied while waiting around. That's when I get a lot of work done myself, but in airports, not courthouses :P I usually get some strange looks though, because I guess a lot of people still think of crochet (and knitting too I guess) as 'old lady' or 'gramma' activities. :shrug Their loss.

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