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Design dilemma...suggestions

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I have been working (slowly) on the Coronet Doily pattern




I am using only white yarn and I am now at the 29th row of 76 rows and my "blanket" is now 45 inches across. I am just past one third of the way thru. row 29 is the row just before I start a large segment of mesh that looks solid in the picture.


This has used up 16 ounces of white yarn.


The challenges and considerations:

1. this will take a lot of white yarn to complete, I would guess at least two more balls of 16 ounces and more likely to be 3 more. This is a lot of 'resources' to be put into this project.


2. the completed "doily"/round blanket would be about 11 feet across.:eek


3. I don't have need of an 11 foot round blanket but it would be totally WoW when done:c9 It might just serve as a bedspread :yay


4. I am about to begin a section that could be a logical place to stop.:think


I just need some thougth from others on this. I really can't make up my mind --which is unusual for me-- but what would others do with this pattern and the requirements for a completed blankie.


To crochet or not to crochet; that is the question :hook

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I would keep going just to see how big it would turn out in the end. After that though, I'd probably just keep looking for bigger patterns to see how big is too big but that's just my weird side talking. The WoW factor of it is reason enough to keep going, that and bragging rights. If possible, I would also buy the one pounder balls of yarn just so you'd have less weaving ends to do.


Whichever you decide, I can't wait to see the doily blanket when you finish it.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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This sounds like it's going to be just beautiful, Darski. I understand your reluctance to purchase so much yarn, however. If you are getting bored with it, then you might want to complete it as a lapghan. Otherwise, I say go for it!

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I would go for the WOW factor as well.....purchase the yarn NOW so as to be sure your dye lots are the same, but then work on it every once in a while as it is such a large project....I just think that a bed with that on top of it would be fabulous!!! I think this would definately qualify as your large lifetime piece.......I think we all have to challenge ourselves somewhere along the line with atleast one of them!

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That should be something when done. I think I would figure out what size I wanted for a bedspread and see if there was a good stopping place close to that size. In reality that really isn't that much yarn for the size project you are doing. To be safe I would buy 4 more as it looks to be thread heavy torward the end and will probably use more than you think. Good luck on this project.

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i guess that I will be going on to the end then. the 11 feet measurement is a guess based on how big it is now and how much further I have to go.


In the new year, I will head out to buy the yarn for it. I think 4 might be a good plan as you can always use white yarn.


Thank you all for responding. I just got stymied on making this decision. :think

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I also have thought about using that pattern for a doilyghan!! I love using doily patterns to make blankets, and that one was giong to be one of my projects for 2007 (well, we'll see! ;):D ). I was thinking of making that one in "layers" of different colors. You definitely HAVE to take pics and show us! Way to go!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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When I looked at the pic, I thought what a great rug that would make but it would be huge. I really admire you for doing such a project. It'll be so beautiful. Please keep us updated on your progress on it. Do you have a lot of yarn left right now so you can keep going on it before you have to buy more?

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I am just about out of the white yarn at this point. I'm not sure I can finish the row I am on.


I can get out next week and get some then. i am beginning to think that 4 is more realistic as this thing grows.


Will post pics when I can

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:cheer Darski,

I am going to be the practical voice here.

Think of one day having to wash or clean it in some way.

It will be so heavy to handle.

I have a very large blanket done in the simple Granny Square, which is so heavy I almost cannot fold it to put it away after it has been used. I do not have any way to wash it so it does not get used very often which is a pity.

One day I may see if I can separate it into two smaller afghans which will be mor practical.

Dont get me wrong, I love what you are doing and it must be very tempting to just keep going.

I have made a few doily patterns, using thicker cotton and just the first 20 rows of a 40 row pattern, then I just add a finishing edge to make them look complete.

Have fun whatever you decide to do.

Seasons Greetings.


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i hope you keep going.... I can't even imagine how long it would take me to complete a project of that magnitude! And dear goodness..... can you even imagine how long the last round will take you?? gl! and can't wait to see the finished product, whichever size you make it!

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I think it will be beautiful. In fact, you have sent me to my doily books looking for my next project! I have always used thread and made the doilies (which my hubby says are taking over the house). I think I have a bedspread in my future!:lol


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The one think that came to my mind was a picnic blanket or beach blanket, then I realized it is white and may not with stand that type of use. AggieMay brings to point some of the down falls to large blankets. I crocheted a long hair chenille blanket for my kingsize bed. It hangs over the sides almost to the floor and I have a 22inch deep mattress. Thankfully, it is at home as a cover at the bottom of the bed and rarely gets used/ therefore doesn't need washing often. Our laundry mat has really huge washers, that I can fir only this blanket into. I visit it once a year to wash blankets too large for my own machine, it cost 6.50 per wash. Just giving you my 2 cents.

Personally, I would probably go for it though, I love huge long projects that make me happy. :)

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