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thread snowflakes CAL


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I am falling apart here. I only have two snowflakes done. Someone please give me a :kick

OK Karin. I'm looking at your siggy. You have got to stop all those huge projects and throw in a quick snowflake. You are 1 snowflake behind. You'll be ok if you throw out a few. Go ahead you can do it.

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I have about 7 snowflakes done, but got interested in making a poncho for my niece. But I don't have any certain number of flakes that I want to make, you guys just got me going!:manyheart

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I have 15 done and am now designing my own snowflakes since I am getting bored with the patterns I have. I have about 10 snowflake books with tons of patterns in them but they don't all appeal to me for one reason or another.


We have lots of snow here and I am getting inspired to make snowflakes all the time. If I use the thread with the iridescent thread through it then they sparkle like the ones outside too, looks really nice.


100 here I come!



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I had been taking a few days off...funny but it seems like when all the snow started to fall around here I wasn't as interested in making snowflakes anymore :lol perhaps the novelty wore off after seeing all of it piling up out there waiting to be shovelled. :rofl I rebounded though and I'm busy working my way through the '99 Snowflakes' book, here are my latest:



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I had been taking a few days off...funny but it seems like when all the snow started to fall around here I wasn't as interested in making snowflakes anymore :lol perhaps the novelty wore off after seeing all of it piling up out there waiting to be shovelled. :rofl I rebounded though and I'm busy working my way through the '99 Snowflakes' book, here are my latest:



Kiki, those flakes are beautiful. Makes me want to go find that book. I'd rather order it though. don't really want to drive all the way to Jacksonville for it. They are truly delicate & lovely.
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Kiki - Beautiful. When I get back to them (hopefully tomorrow) I'll be starting the big ones in that book They sure have some pretty ones. I hope mine turn out as nice as yours did.

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Hi all. I haven't had a chance to post or do many snowflakes until tonight. I am going to try to do them each Monday night. I managed to do up 6 of them tonight. I just don't want to think about blocking them. I do have to say that is my least favorite part. Oh well, I have 16 done now. I guess I really do need to start blocking. Hey maybe I can do that between commercials on Sunday. I think that there is some big game or something going on.

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Thanks everyone for the compliments! :D


Melissa, I would definitely recommend getting this book! There are so many lovely patterns in it. I managed to luck out and found it at Michael's and was able to use the 40% off coupon. I did see it advertised on Amazon for cheaper than it was at Michael's though, so if the shipping isn't too much maybe it would be a better idea to get it online.


Heather I know what you mean, there are some really gorgeous larger patterns in that book! They would look wonderful hanging in the windows!


Astrid you made me laugh :lol Yes I guess it's nice of them to run that game with the ball between all those good commercials....too bad up in Canada all we get is the game with the ball :( They won't show the commercials up here...something about our CRTC having some regulations about American commercials...if we're lucky we can see them when they are rerun on different shows or sent in media files through the net. Hubby and I aren't big football fans anyway, he just likes to watch the sports channel that gives all the scores for everything.

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Ok I've got my snowflake stuff in front of me and will get some done today lol. I've been sidetracked but I'm peeling myself away from my other project so I can stay on track here if I'm going to try to make all those flakes in my books. lol.

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Finally got started on snowflakes last night. I only got one done, but since I went the entire month of January without getting anything done, that's something! :lol I suspect I'll make a lot this summer, when it's too hot to handle yarn. But I have been keeping up with the thread and admiring eneryone else's snowflakes. Patty

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Heather, simply gorgeous flakes!! :clap


Keetch, I'm not sure what you are asking...I've seen multidimensional flakes patterns, but they all require you to make 3 or so of the same flake and then block them in such a way so that they are 'folded' in half, then you piece them all together, but I've never seen a half flake pattern....

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Thanks everybody.


I think Keetch meant that for the snowflake afghan CAL. I was waiting for a nod on putting up a half snowflake pattern for the afghan since the original pattern didn't have one.


I'll be looking for them Sammi.

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I finally made another snowflake. I did Bev's 15 minute snowflake from Bev's Country Cottage. It did take me more than 15 minutes though.:blush But, hey, at least I got another one done. I'm going to try to do another one today. I think my tension with thread is improving (finally).

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