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Bedspread Bonanza


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Tabby~ Thank you the kind words, I dcidn't see your post till this morning. :oops Can ya'll believe I left my WIPs bags at home this morning. That means no crocheting at work today. Now I will have to pace myself to stay busy till 6 tonight. It's going to be a very long day.

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Tabby~ Thank you the kind words, I dcidn't see your post till this morning. :oops Can ya'll believe I left my WIPs bags at home this morning. That means no crocheting at work today. Now I will have to pace myself to stay busy till 6 tonight. It's going to be a very long day.


Not having a bag of crochet around my feet to pick up whenever I have a minute is almost as bad as caffeine withdrawal, IMO.

I feel for you Tracey - I really do!:hug

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Well, I have to go the NJMVC today, Judi you will know what that is like. I messed up and got a customer passenger plates for his new van, and he needed commercial. Oh joy! And on top of that He though that I would take care of his insurance transfer as well. So I get to deal with his insurance comapny was well. even more fun. Well, need to go to NJMVC now and deal with the ladys there. Hopifully, I will get one in a good mood :lol Please pray for my return.

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Morning, all. Boy, is it ever nice to be able to jump on here whenever I want to. :woo

Kelle - Welcome! Glad to have you here. :hug

Fidge - I'm so sorry to hear that you are still under the weather. Have you tried taking some Echinacea along with everything else? I know some people think herbs are nuts, but it really does help me fight off the bugs.:morcoffee And don't forget the chicken soup. :soup

Shaylen - Moving is the pits. It always seems to take longer than you think it will. I always think that things have been multiplying behind my back. :mdust

Tracey - You left your crocheting at home! You poor thing. And having to deal with the MVC and the insurance company as well. Yuck!:shrug Hope the rest of the day goes better.

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:yay I think I'm finally starting to see some improvement (fingers crossed so I don't jinx myself). Thanks to all for the good wishes. I'm still going to take it easy so I can shake this for good. Perhaps I can get some done today on my BS!!!:yes

Till next time, Cheers!

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Thanks for the warm welcome y'all! I am using RHSS in Claret and Black. I had originally planned on edging the entire afghan [a bedspread is basically just a huge afghan, right?] in hunter green but I'm not so sure now - I think it will be much more striking in just the two colours (not to mention that the mix of claret and green probably won't go with the colours I want in our new bedroom - I'm thinking of blacks and chocolates and browns... the claret might go better by itself)... But I'll definitely show pictures this Friday, and see what y'all think!


I managed to get 7 chains together last night, when I should have been working :blush but I've been feeling under the weather too, Fidge.... I just don't have much energy. I take Echinacea too BusyBee and I usually avoid all the colds and flus going around but think I've been working too hard and my body couldn't fight this one off... oh well...


Anyways, I must get back to work! Have a great day everyone :hook



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Hey I found a trick to getting through MVC. So I go up to the dealer's counter at MVC, and I waiting there for a while then a lady walks up with a frown on her face, and looks at me. She had this really pretty crocheted cardigan on. I told her it was beautiful. Turns out she is a crocheter and had made the cardigan herself. The biggest smile came over her face, and I got in and out of there quickly. I go there all the time, and she said she would get me the pattern to boot.

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That's great Tracey,


My husband works at an auto shop and he had a customer the other day come in and got talking to him and started to talk about crochet. She tried to give him an afghan, he told her he didn't need any since I was crocheting and she got all excited and wanted him to have me call her, she has a ton of patterns so I told him to tell her about here too. You never know where crochet will pop up :D


I'm not getting anything done on my BS today, it's my day for doing my thread snowflakes :flake since I didn't do any last week :eek

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Uhm .... I've lost the thread :think I just want to compliment you all on your wonderful creations. I have returned to school and I have been returning home dead beat. I have a new teacher that I am supervising and have been preparing work for a temp. as I will be absent for 2 days to take my dad to specialists. Not the best time to be absent. Exhausting!!!!! Sadly I have neglected my BS but am hoping to catch up on it in the next 2 days as I wait for dad to have the tests. That is my plan....as I want to post a photo on Friday.

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2 days to take my dad to specialists. Sadly I have neglected my BS but am hoping to catch up on it in the next 2 days as I wait for dad to have the tests. That is my plan....as I want to post a photo on Friday.

Waiting rooms seem to be the place where I get lots of crocheting done, too...nervous energy, I guess. Bring the BS with you...you may need to do something like that while you wait.

I hope all goes well with your Dad...:hug

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Morning Linda


Fidge -glad you are feeling better .


Kelle- your colors sound pretty . Cant wait to see a photo .


Tracey- wow, that was neat !


Heather -good day for snowflakes ! It's snowing here today ~


Ines- it sounds like you have a full plate right now. I hope your dad's tests go well and that things quiet down for you soon .

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Hi all!

I am still here. I took my DH to pick up his truck last night. He had to head out to CT. He is actully there now, but dosn't drop the load til tomorow. Then he is heading to Carteret, NJ again. They seem to like sending him there a lot. I really didn't get ny crocheting done over the weekend. Spent time with DH and the kids. We had really great time. It just went by way to fast. DH will be home again on the 10th of Feb.

I guess my BS has decided to sit in the corner and collect dust. I need to try and shake it off and work on it again. I just seem to have lost a little steam.

I am feeling a little run down. I think I am coming down with something. It has been really cold here the last few days. And I am always running in and out.(Part of what happens when you have about 20-30 chickens,4 ducks, 3 goats, 2 outside dogs, 1 indoor/outdoor cat, 2 indoor cats, and 2 indoor dogs.-one is a new puppy---hmmmm guess we have ourselves a small farm. Our outside dogs watch over the chickens, ducks and goats. The in/out cat found her way here and never left.)

Julie I saw our other CAL. Looks like you had a great response over there.

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Evening Ladies,

Ines~ I hope your Dad's test come out okay. I agree with Julie, waiting rooms are a great place to crochet.

Wanda~ Have a nice break from the popcorns.


Melissa~ Wow, you must really love fresh eggs. :lol I can barely handle three cats and bird.


I finally got to crochet a little this evening. yippee. Today we were so busy, I luckily wouldn't have had the chance if I had taken my WIP to work.

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Melissa, I don't know HOW you find any time to crochet!!! Keep up the fluids, maybe you can avoid what's going around...plus you miss your DH, too, I know...your resistance is low.

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Good Morning Everyone!


I am ashamed to say I haven't picked up my BS lately. Someone kick me, please. :lol I started on a Valentines Day doily & it took over the spot of my BS. It shouldn't take me much longer to finish it so i'll hopefully get back to my BS shortly. :D

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Morning all,

I remembered to bring my BS in today. Hopefully I will get to work on it. I got two more squares done over the last two days. I am going to try and just get a few centers done during the day today, then I can add the red this evening. Still have to attach them though. But so far it's looking good.

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