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Bedspread Bonanza


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Morning, all. Had a great day yesterday. Bought a pair of pants a whole size smaller than the smallest I own. I'm losing inches as well as pounds. Yeah!!!! :yay I haven't worn a 12 petite in over 20 years! got almost two whole stripes added to the BS. Back to our routine today.

Athba - Good luck on the exams. Don't forget to eat and sleep. I remember studying for exams & it's no fun. I'm sure you'll do well.:hug

KnicKnac - You can do it. Find that perfect square & you'll fly.

:cheer:clap Go KnicKnac:cheer:clap Go KnicKnac :cheer:clap

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:snowSNOW DAY! :snow


The kids are home ... no school buses are running, and I've been out to the highway twice to check on the road conditions and there's no way I'm taking on the ice pellets. If the snow trucks have been around, it's not working. This is our first snow day since we moved out to the country!


So the kids can fight over the internet and I'll get lots done on my Prairie Star! My daughter wants to bake something so I've put on a pot of coffee to go with it and will settle in for a snuggly, calorie-ridden, yarn-filled day!



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It sounds like you have a good start on your studies -- keep it up - you will be so proud one day when you complete it .


Wendy- have a good night's rest and we'll see you probably later on this afternoon or evening .


Linda- good for you on the weight loss ! Glad you are achieving your goals !


Tabby - WAKE UP ~~~~Time to start a new week. If your weather is like ours today, it is still dark out --looks like bedtime but it's 10 AM .


Knic- it's ok if you didn't like your other pattern -- keep searching, you'll find one you like . You'll know it when you see it !


Brae- it sounds like you are in for a nice quiet homey day ! Let us know what you bake so we can all sit and wish WE had some too ! :lol

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Oh my goodness! :eek This board moves so much and so quickly! Last night I was trying to catch up with all the posts I've missed. My eyes started hurting so I continued this morning at work. I think I'm all caught up now. Over 100 pages to read!!!


As for me, this CAL has been far, far, far in the back of my mind as I just got over having a sinus infection, a bronchial infection and strep throat all at once! Needless to say I was a complete mess! :sick:out:tired:fever

I was feeling really funny on New Years Eve and then New years day BAM! It all hit me like a ton of bricks.


On top of me getting sick, we had to rush our daughter to the hospital twice, for an unrealted illness. Then my husband got sick as well.


It's been slow going but we're all better now :yay

and I'm back at work. :thumbdown


I think I'm all caught up. You gals(and guys-any here?) do some fantastic work. The pictures I've seen are great!


I'll be starting my BS sometime in Febraury, after we get our tax refund. (at least I hope to)

I'm thinking of making a matching bedskirt. Has anyone crocheted a bedskirt? Any tips/suggestions on that?

Would it be cheesy to have the bedspread and bed skirt match?


Hope you still consider me a part of this CAL.


Boss is coming, gotta run.


See ya later!

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Poor Adia. You've really had a time of it. Glad to hear that you are all on the mend. Of course, you're still part of the Cal.

Brae - Sounds like a nice day to be inside. Have a good time with the kids. How many inches so far? Any idea how much more is on the way?

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I can identify with you with DH being gone a lot:( ...mine worked extremely long days when he wasn't out of town - I'm amazed at the huge projects I finished! Putting the time to good use makes it go faster, too:)

:waving from NJ (exit 117 on the Garden State Pkwy (where would we be without those truck drivers!?)


...:sher sherlockian...


This is still new to us. He started his training in Oct. And got his truck about 2 weeks ago. After he has had 6 months safe driving he can take passangers with him. The kids are all looking forward to going on a trip in the truck.

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Hi Adia

Sorry to hear of all the illness in your family. I'm glad you are all on the mend now and doing better. We'd be glad to have you join us whenever you get the chance !



Melissa -

Your mention of your kids taking turns riding in your husband's truck reminds me of once when I was little.

My dad worked at the local factory here in town ( where about 75 % of the men worked ) ,and they had frequent strikes, every time their contracts were up for renewal, the union would call a strike so they could try to get better wages, etc for the workers .

Anyhow, my dad would always get other jobs to supplement his small pay the union would give the guys during the strike, so lots of times my dad would work 2 or sometimes 3 other part time jobs to make ends meet til the strike was over .

One summer, he got a job driving the ice cream truck and he let me go along on his route one day with him .

He told me I could sample any of the ice cream in the truck, so I started with an ice cream sandwich, on to a fudgesicle, on to a drumstick, on to a superman popsicle, and on down the line.

By the time we got home that night , I was GREEN ( believe the old saying "Too much of anything is not a good thing ", EVEN if it's ice cream ) .

I think my dad had to pay THEM that day, instead of them paying HIM . :lol

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I agree wholeheartedly, but, no more projects until I get at least one done!!!


Fidgement, those colours look really nice. It would be pretty done up to the full afghan in those.


At least, thats todays outlook!:devil

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Melissa -

Your mention of your kids taking turns riding in your husband's truck reminds me of once when I was little.

My dad worked at the local factory here in town ( where about 75 % of the men worked ) ,and they had frequent strikes, every time their contracts were up for renewal, the union would call a strike so they could try to get better wages, etc for the workers .

Anyhow, my dad would always get other jobs to supplement his small pay the union would give the guys during the strike, so lots of times my dad would work 2 or sometimes 3 other part time jobs to make ends meet til the strike was over .

One summer, he got a job driving the ice cream truck and he let me go along on his route one day with him .

He told me I could sample any of the ice cream in the truck, so I started with an ice cream sandwich, on to a fudgesicle, on to a drumstick, on to a superman popsicle, and on down the line.

By the time we got home that night , I was GREEN ( believe the old saying "Too much of anything is not a good thing ", EVEN if it's ice cream ) .

I think my dad had to pay THEM that day, instead of them paying HIM . :lol


Oh My!! :eek I could see my kids doing the same thing if they had that oppurtunity. I know that there Dad will spoil them when they are on the road with him.

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Judi I too need 56 sqs

With everything else we're both doing, I'm wondering how long it'll take us! Crochet is a great stress reliever for me.:)


Off topic:

As an aside, after a long, debilating illness and 2 1/2 years in a Nursing Home near us, my MIL has just been put on hospice care. It's only a matter of a short time now, we think. She's suffered a lot. No complaints, but our homelife will be getting even more stressed now, adding to the already existing busyness we have been living with because of the fact that my 89 year old FIL lives alone, 1 hour away, and doesn't drive.

As always, you do what you have to do...the small bite analogy again...

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Off topic:

As an aside, after a long, debilating illness and 2 1/2 years in a Nursing Home near us, my MIL has just been put on hospice care. It's only a matter of a short time now, we think. She's suffered a lot. No complaints, but our homelife will be getting even more stressed now, adding to the already existing busyness we have been living with because of the fact that my 89 year old FIL lives alone, 1 hour away, and doesn't drive.

As always, you do what you have to do...the small bite analogy again...


Julianne~ I know exactly how you feel, My DH's parents lived with us as MIL was nearing the end. I was so very close to her, and the Hospital she was in and out of wasn't here in Passaic county, rather Bergen County up close to NY state. Her brothers live near there, but I made the trip daily to sit with her and to take FIL to be with her. On top of working and taking care of kids and home. It is very draining and stressful, but I wouldn't have changed anything because of the time I had with her was very special to me. My Greek is non-existant as was her english, but we knew just what the other wanted or needed. It really was quite remarkable, more so, as she didn't like me when DH and I first got married. There at the end, it was a different story.

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Today was a total bust on my squares thanks to my DH, and my MIL. Everytime I set down to work on a square it was Waannndda. I've got a little left on the one I started this morn, so will finish it after I check out the ville. Sure hope its quiet for me tomorrow.

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Linda - :clap well done on losing weight, I know how hard that is to do.


Brae - wow your all snowed in. I can send you this heatwave if you like to melt the snow. Sounds like a great way to spend the day though. Your staying inside because its too cold and its snowing and Im staying inside because its going to be way too hot outside.


Adia - I glad to hear your feeling better now and your welcome in here anytime.


Julie - your story of the icecream truck is so funny.:lol I bet you didnt eat icecream for awhile after that.


Judi - Im so sorry to hear about your MIL.:hug:manyheart

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it is amazing how life just happens without our permission doesn't it.


I am praying for all of you. for those in joyful times and those in sad times.


These threads that we play with do bind us together. :ghug :ghug :ghug :ghug :ghug


Be blessed all.


My cable was out today so what else could I do but go to WM... let us just say that I have lots of yarn to make stuff with.


I even got an outrageously priced Dora to play with. You folks should not let me out without a leash. boy did I miss you all when I couldn't get here.

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Darski, wow you bought heaps of yarn to make heaps of little squares.:D


I know what its like when your internet is down. Im certainly lost without it.

The girls at work say I need to get a life when I tell them I spend most of my time on the internet or crocheting.

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Not making any promises about the little squares. I have a 9 foot doily to finish (well it's a doily I am making into a bedspread)

But there might be a strand or two that could go to little squares :wlol

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