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Bedspread Bonanza


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And here I felt like an idoit posting that. I am self taught and really don't know a lot of these stitches. I was at Barnes and Noble today and I found and bought " the Stitch Bible" by Betty Barnden. There is so many really neat stitches in that book, and it explains everything so easily.

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I have been there and done that! I have also read a pattern, tried several times to do it, and it still wouldn't come out right. Then I give it and me a rest, go back and do it again, and viola!!! it works. Seems like sometimes we misinterpret what we read and put into practice. I know I'm guilty of that even though I'm not conscious of it at the time. I'm hoping something will jog Athba and she'll be on her way!:yes

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i think we have all been there and missed a simple stitch instruction.


the hard part is that it is so simple that it is hard to change the way you say it to help.


boy have I been there, done that and hated the Tshirt

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Find below a photo of my progress into row 4




Although all the stitches are close together, thats okay, cause in the next row, you will separate them with black. Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

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Oh Wow! You all have been busy. I have a lot of catching up to do. Like hmmm about 15 to 20 pages. LOL! We had a really great time with DH home.

But we had to take him to his truck after church this morning. He is heading to NJ tonight. Then we aren't sure where to next. He will be home again on the 26th.

So I will have some crochet time. So I plan to do some more work on my BS this week. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

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Wow, has this been busy, while I've been out and about. I've been there and done it, too. And usually when I finally figure it out, I feel so dumb for having missed the obvious in the first place. I frogged a third of a centerpiece not too long ago for that very reason. When I tried it again, I almost made the same mistake. I had misread one six word piece of the instructions. What a difference those six little words made. Good night, all.:hook

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Melissa, hello how are you going. Im glad you had a good time with hubby home.

Athba, I hope you can work this out.


Fidgement it really looks nice what you have done so far to show Athba. Nice Pattern.


I havent done anything today. I went to the shop bought more yarn. Then took the girls to the pool and watched them swim for 3 hours. I read my book. Now I could do with a nap before tea time.

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He is heading to NJ tonight. Then we aren't sure where to next. He will be home again on the 26th.

So I will have some crochet time.

I can identify with you with DH being gone a lot:( ...mine worked extremely long days when he wasn't out of town - I'm amazed at the huge projects I finished! Putting the time to good use makes it go faster, too:)

:waving from NJ (exit 117 on the Garden State Pkwy (where would we be without those truck drivers!?)


...:sher sherlockian...

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thanks every one


julie we study by the subjects and points (something like that)

each subject has 3 point

i will graduate after i finish 132 points

now i`m in the first semester of the 2nd year i will complete 45points done

we cant take less than 12point in the semester (4sub.)

and not more than 18

i hane 2 1\2 yrs :\

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Good morning one and all.


I worked on a square last night and I have to say I am not pleased with it. This is actually the first crochet that I have done since my vacation. I just can't seem to get my mojo going again.


Off to find another square.

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Oh gosh, you gals are so sweet. I am just not "feeling" it ya know? When finished with the square it just wasn't me.


I will go thru the LOADS of pattern books I have this afternoon, I promise you, I will FIND a square I like!

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