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Bedspread Bonanza


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I have been working on my Wips but yesterday I finally settled on the BS I am making. Now this will progress very slowly as I will only work on in between finishing other projects. I sewed 4 squares to see if I did like the pattern. I am pleased with it. :yay



You SHOULD be pleased! It looks terrific:clap :cheer !!!

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I have been working on my Wips but yesterday I finally settled on the BS I am making. Now this will progress very slowly as I will only work on in between finishing other projects. I sewed 4 squares to see if I did like the pattern. I am pleased with it. :yay




That is wonderful. I love the look of those popcorns, especially where they come together ... WoW! Great work.

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Fidgement thanks for that great poem.:manyheart


Jessi your squares are beautiful.:yay Dont worry they will lay flat once you have sewn them together.


Linda the green looks great against the other colors. Im glad you have sorted out the color problem. Your greenbriar is beautiful, is it done in squares or all in one piece.:cheer


Forines I like your BS pattern its very nice.:yay I have looked at the popcorn stitch and it looks hard to do.


Well I havent got anything for show and tell this week. Are we only showing on fridays. I will have some of my casablanca to show next week.

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Wow, Ines !


Just stunning. ALL of your work is stunning . Did I ever ask you who taught you to crochet or how old you were when you learned ? You certainly do have the talent , I know that . :c9


I have a question for those of you from other countries ( other than USA) .

Would you say that the majority of kids in your country grow up learning to knit/ crochet ? Is it kinda part of the education to teach kids these crafts ( or pass them down to the next generation ? )


I don't really think it is a BIG part of most areas around here anyhow --- maybe other parts of the country, girls are taught to do handicrafts ,but I doubt there are a very large number of girls in our area that have a clue how to crohet or knit and probably don't have a lot of interest in learning, which is a shame .


Just curious ! :)

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Wendy -

Nope , you don't have to wait til Friday to show photos, I thought I'd just pick a day so we could kinda get into a routine of it every week, but any day is fine,really .

Cannot wait to see the Casablanca in action here. I am anxious to see what you all are doing with it and the colors, etc !

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Teaching the kids to knit/crochet depends on family I guess. They are not shown in schools these old crafts. In Australia crochet is not as big a craft as America. Books like the Blue Star Afghan Book I have ordered was bought on ebay because there are no local shops here that sells crochet books. Its sad really. I have shown my eldest daughter how to knit and now shes doing crochet and getting the hang of it. She is making a stripey ghan.


My casablanca is going well. I have nearly 2 rows sc together using your method. Im using the same dark pink that I had for the chocolate dreams pattern and with that light pink and white. Im using a 4mm hook so my squares are actually only 2inches. Smallest squares I have ever done.

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Forines - That is very, very pretty! Great job!:cheer:clap

Wendy - Thanks for all your help last night when I was so frazzled.:hug Having someone to communicate with helped no end. I calmed down much quicker than I would have have with no one to talk to. Once I calmed down, my brain could start to work on a solution to the problem.:think:idea You're special!

I grew up in northeast Iowa. Not too many of my peers learned to crochet and knit, although some did. My daughter wasn't particularly interested in any of it until recently. (She's now 32.) Last fall she decided that it was cool, and has since learned to do tatting and crocheting. I've been helping a number of people here in Georgia to learn how to crochet, &/or helping them remember how to crochet when they had done it as kids, but hadn't done any in years and had pretty much forgotten what to do. The interest in it seems to be coming back.:hook

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Everyones BS's look great. It has been fun looking at all of them. I havn't made anymore progress on mine. So I don't have any new pictures. Sorry :(

DH is home for the weekend. Then leaves out Sunday night untill the 26th.

So I should get a lot of crocheting done then.

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I am experiencing difficulties with this site this morning ... takes ages to open and often have to try several times to open threads. Is it just me? It is only happening with Crochetville on my end.


Thank you most kindly all. When did I learn to crochet? .... my earliest recollection is doing it when I was 7. My mum was a seamstress and loved craft. She did amazing embroidery, knitting and crochet. She cannot to this day read a published pattern...


I was educated by the Irish nuns (girls' boarding school) and one of them would commission me to make gifts and prizes for raffles etc. She would reward me with treats such as an extra piece of cake and she did teach me a few stitches. I taught most of the girls how to crochet and usually if I meet one of them, she will remind me that I taught her to crochet.

Back in the 70's, when I was a spring chicken, crocheting was very popular in Australia and I did not have a problem accessing books and notions.

I stopped crocheting for at least 25 years (other things grabbed my interest) and resumed this art after I attended a craft show and saw 2 ripple afghans on display. The very next day I went out and bought some yarn and I haven't stopped since. When I was 17 I remember making BSs and tablecloths in thread... I was big on thread work.


I have encountered very few young people who practise this artform. I was stunned a few years ago when a 12 year old brought in the afghan she was making to show me. As for my daughters...my 24 year old managed to make her own fabric quilt last year and has tried crochet but is not passionate and my younger daughter 15 maintains that crochet makes her cry. They are, however, both very skilled in art and design.

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I feel hopeless:thair :bang

I have the photo of my squares in photobucket and read and reread the instructions Julie posted and still cannot post the shot....


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ok, trying to remember how I do this..


at photobucket, left click on the "URL" this will highlight it. right click for copy


At the Ville end


use the Post Reply or Go advanced to start your posting.


say a couple of words (ok type) and then pick the little picture ICON from the tools bar


When it comes up, just paste your "saved" URL. do not remove the "http//" that is already in the little window.


sometimes you can see the image in your working window and sometimes it only shows up in preview


Does anything here strike you as different from what you were doing?

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Yeah. I go into post a reply.

Type till I get to where the picture will go.

Click the little icon that looks like a yellow and black mountain scene.

Then I go to photobucket.

Click on the URL of the picture I want to post (be sure you have resized it).

Right click to copy the URL.

Return to Crochetville and paste the URL. And like magic it appears.

Hope one of these helps. Took me a while to figure it out, too.

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OK...the buff looks pinkish at my end, but here are my 3 (12 inch) squares. Using a different brand of yarn for the black had me alter the last row to keep them uniform in size (used sc instead of hdc).



well, at least the link is here...:P

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Wow...look at all these pretty spreads...makes me want to start saving patterns.


Ok here is my show and tell for the day..ive got another panel ready to add to it but im to tired tonight.

I also have 3 rows of my casablanca done and more to sew on(it flys the way Julie showed us)...again to tired tonight and feel icky :sick...will lay it out on my bed tomorrow and get photos of it for you...it is a monster.







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Okay, I resized my photo three times, and its still too big! Hopefully the bandwidth police won't come after me.


Juliekay and Wendy, thanks for the kudos on the poem. For some reason it just fell off my brain this morning, and thats a scary thought!!!

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Shaylen - that is AWESOME!:cheer:clap

Fidgemnt - I really like yours too.:hug

Judi - Very pretty! :yay

You/we all are making such nice things. This inspires me to keep going in a big way. :manyheart [On the greenbrier - it is done in squares that are approximately 2 feet square. Then sewn together.]

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:clapShay, Judi, and Fidge...how gorgeous! I love both of them! Shay what color are you using and what kind of yarn? That color is absolutely gorgeous! Good job ladies! If I could get some more wips done I want to join you all! It looks like you all may be here awhile so maybe I will have time!

Keep on hookin ladies!:hook

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Theresa, I know i'll be here awhile. I'm working on mine along with all my other WIP's and learning to make socks with pointy sticks (sshhh, don't tell, but the crocheted ones just weren't working for me!)

Plus, my LD is also going to be a monster for a queen bed. Shaylen and I will have to compare total stips and diamonds when done!:eek

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Heather I love those colors! So bright and Cheery!

Fidge..I'm trying to learn socks the same way too! I don't know if I am enjoying it or not...I keep thinking in terms of crochet and it is getting frustrating, but I am determined to at least finish one pair!

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