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Bedspread Bonanza


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Shay-I love your BS you are working on. I might have to look for that book, next time I am at the store. I like to look at all the patterns before I buy.

Tabby-I think the blue really pops on your motif. It looks great.

Everyones looks so good. I took yesterday off and decided to try out a bath mitt. Needless to say it didn't go as I planned and I am going to have to frog it and try again. So I still only have five squares finished. I am going to need to get off soon, so that I can start working on my projects again. I don't want to fall too far behind.

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Morning, ladies-- wow, this place has been hopping this morning . I hope I remember to answer everyone .

Shay =thanks for telling us the name of the book, now we know what to search for .


Wanda- that square is absolutely beautiful. We sure have some talent in here, ladies !


Linda- thanks for showing us your pictures. I love the purple and green too. Do you remember how much yarn that took and how long it took to do ? That is one BIG afghan !!!



ok, here goes to explain the pattern. It's very easy once you start it.

I have always started mine out with the darkest color, I just like it that way so that the first row of the diamond pattern shows up well .


Yep, you will sc in back loop only ,and do your dc's into the front loop only ,2 rows BELOW the one you are working on, but you skip the sc directly behind that stitch ( the skipped sc is on the row you are currently on )


I hope this was the only questions you had -- if I missed any, give another holler. I tried to remember to answer everything . :)

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Sorry if I am being a pest, I am just confused and think I've been doing it wrong lol




I am starting on the gray row (Row 10) and I have been crocheting into the very first dusty rose row (Row 7) Is that right do you think? The pic looks like a very bright pink but its not hehe its more of a dusty light rose color


So am I going too many rows down? When a new color is started is it going into the very first row of the previoius color or is it into the 2nd row of the previous color? And when ending a color is it being crocheted into the last row of the color before that? or is it supposed to be into the first row of the same color?


Am I making this too complicated, I really hope I'm explaining it right and not making it more confusing.


Thanks for all the help =)

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Wow...look at all these pretty BS...you ladies are moving right along and giving me ideals for new ones...I WILL RESEST!!!!!I promised myself i would finish the ones i have started...AND I WILL!!!


Ok here is what i have so far...i think its looking good...this is the frist 2 panels croched together and im almost done with the third one...i made it longer(110") becouse it has to fit my king size bed and i still have the fancy drop to put on it so i will still be awhile,its done in TLC cotton plus in the gold color,i think it will look great on top of my dark velvet spread.



Shaylen, I love the pattern you're using! Where did you find it? I haven't started on this, because I'm just too picky. I don't want to make it up in squares, I want something more in 1 piece (but I like the panels you're doing), lacy, because it's hot 374 days of the year in Central Texas. I think I'll use a cotton or cotton/acrylic yarn, since after all, it is hot 389 days of the year in Central Texas...

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Shaylen, Thanks for posting the info on the pattern book. I'll look for it when I next get out. I really need another project like I need a hole in the head, but your BS is really tempting me. Anyway, its turning out beautifully and I never would have thought to use TLC's cotton plus, but that is also an excellent idea:yes , so thanks for that as well!



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Since everyone is begging anyway, I will add my entreaties to the others. I would love to know where you got that pattern.


You will tell us where you found it :spin


You will tell us where you found it :spin


You will tell us where you found it :spin




:lol :lol :lol And here I thought I was the only one interested in where Shaylen got her pattern!

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sorry i wish to help but didn`t understend what your talking about:think

maybe because i`m native speaker :eek



now ladeis i`m shoked of my ripple afghan there is something wrong

in the side its not straight :eek i`m too mad i started to hate it :angry

i made exactly what was written in the pattern and i think it looks awful :cry why thats happening to me :thair:bang:rant:irk:shrug

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sorry i wish to help but didn`t understend what your talking about:think

maybe because i`m native speaker :eek



now ladeis i`m shoked of my ripple afghan there is something wrong

in the side its not straight :eek i`m too mad i started to hate it :angry

i made exactly what was written in the pattern and i think it looks awful :cry why thats happening to me :thair:bang:rant:irk:shrug



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You Ladies are so funny...and thanks so much for the compliments.


The pattern is out of a book called "Best Of Terry Kimbrough Afghans"There are quite a few in here i would like to make.


Here is a photo at amazon



Thanks for the info...but if I get one more pattern book DH will have me committed!

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Shaylen, I love the pattern you're using! Where did you find it? I haven't started on this, because I'm just too picky. I don't want to make it up in squares, I want something more in 1 piece (but I like the panels you're doing), lacy, because it's hot 374 days of the year in Central Texas. I think I'll use a cotton or cotton/acrylic yarn, since after all, it is hot 389 days of the year in Central Texas...



Thanks so much everyone!!!



I wait till mine isnt looking..lol..he really doesnt mind though and sometimes he will even look through my new ones and say things like ...Ohhh i like that one...so im lucky there.



This is the link where you can get the book at Amazon,didnt know if you saw the link before becouse its so far back,i love this TLC cotton plus,it soft but lite and so easy yo work with and it stays that way wash after wash and one skein goes alot farther then you think it does....its a really easy pattern to do.



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Athba - The gal in the picture is Kim, the lady I take care of while John, her husband, is at work or otherwise away from home. I'm her companion/care giver. She helps me by pulling the yarn from the skeins, helping choose colors, and making sure that what I'm doing looks the way it's supposed to look. She's my buddy.:hug I've been living with them & working for them for almost 2 and 1/2 years. She had 2 major strokes about 7 years ago.


Julie - It takes a lot of yarn. I bought all WalMart had twice and then a little more. I think it was about 16 skeins of the green and 12 of the purple.:think

Miztrezzlyn - I love the colors you are working with.:cheer:clap

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Hi Lyn

Thanks for showing the photo of your work up close. My digital camera doesnt have a zoom , so I can't show you a close up shot of mine.

The best way to explain it is to skip one row of the sc's ( where the loops are sticking out ), and to make your dc into the next loop underneath that row .

If this mixes you up , let me know and I'll try to explain it differently . :)


Athba - yep, it looks like you might be doing the ends of your ripple rows wrong . The edging of the ripple should be straight as a piece of paper -- the stitches all kinda end up on an angle, for lack of a better way to explain it .

Which pattern are you using, is it one online ? Most of them that end on a DOWNWARD row, you will skip the second to last stitch or even the last stitch, when ending a row and when starting the next . If you want a really easy ripple, try this one -




It is not real big, so you may want to double the starting chain. It is VERY easy and pretty. It takes a little less yarn than the other solid sc ripples take ,too .

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oh julie i don`t know whats wrong

ireally want to cry :'(

i `ve seen that pattern before (youre pattern) but i wanten to do something special

this is the pattern



i think at the end i`ll do the most simple pattern ever hahaha

how about granny hexagons or granny squares

or maybe the pattern that you started some blocks of it and stoped :)

i dont know i wanna give him something special made by me i think it will be romantic spacially in that coooooooold weather

do you know what i mean??

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Athba Im sure he will like whatever you decide to do. Try the ripple that Julie has given you. I havent done a straight ripple only the round ripple pattern but it would be the same.


Wanda I love the square you are doing. It does look very time consuming, is it an easy pattern. How many of those do you have to do.


Linda I love all the things you have made and your square looks beautiful as well. You are so kind to take care of Kim while her husband is not there.

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Well...I think I have it figured out lol I think there is only ONE way to do it anyway because on later rows you wouldn't be able to go as many down as I was going...hard to explain but, anyway I have about 20ish rows done and my hands hurt now lol


Like I said I am using Bernat Softee Chunky in White, Black, Dusty Rose, and Grey. The white and black and nice and soft, the rose and grey...not so much. I don't understand why there is such a huge difference between the two..its quite stiff compared to the white (which is the absolute softest and the black which is soft enough)


I even noticed a difference between a couple of the black skeins I have. Its aggrivating =( Think it will soften up once done and washed? They really are quite different between the colors, I hope it doesn't stay that way.


Anyway, thank you so much for all the help JulieKay...I loved that pattern and wanted to give it a try. Its addicting to keep working the different colors and watch the pattern emerge =) I thought I was doing something wrong since mine looked so different from yours but you must have deviated from the pattern because it only calls for one row of black and then to work the colors backwards. Either way, I like the way they look.


I hope this works out ok lol I will take a picture of it later the pics I just took are way too bright, the thing looks so bright and the colors are mostly washed out.

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I tried Amazon . ca for that book Shaylen and they acted like I was making it all up :wlol


I do like it. Maybe my son can order as he has an account at your amazon and I can pay him.

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Julie thanks for the pattern on the ripple lapghan, I have been looking for one to send to my DH's PaPa (grandfather), he just found out that he has cancer and will be going through radiation treatments. I just need to see what yarn I have.

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Dear Athba

Don't give up, you'll find a pattern you can do. Do you think that it's hard for you to understand some of the directions in our language ? Maybe that's why they are hard for you to follow ? I will try to help you all I can. I have not done the bobble ripple you showed me, but it does look a lot more complicated than a simple ripple.

Here's another -- it's one of my favorites and is also easy -



It is done in dc and makes waves rather than real sharp ripples, but it is very pretty .


Lyn- good luck, I hope it goes ok for you now. Holler if you need any more help . I don't mind at all. :)


Jewel - that is kind of you to make your husbands grandpa an afghan. I really like that ripple it is so very simple and turns out so pretty . What colors does he like, do you know ?

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Boy the competition in this forum is fierce... in just one hour we ended up half way down the page. How can we find Shay's wonderful pics and posts if it is not at the top of the pile?


I have to tell you that I am very tempted to change horses here. Square Elegance is going to need a lot of yarn and I only got 4 - 16 ounce skeins.


I have been testing that Monticello square pattern from Celt's . Guess I have to decide soon huh...:hyper:badidea


I get so annoyed at myself for promising myself that I will do something, getting the yarn and then changing my mind...Why do I do this to myself?

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