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Bedspread Bonanza


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:D Jimmie I totally understand how you feel. Most of the time I make my DH drive so that I can crochet something. I know it gets frustrating to him sometimes, but c'est la vie.

I have finished 5 squares and pieced together two to see how it would look and so far so good. I need to put up some new pics, but I want to piece some more together to get a better idea.

I have also frogged the blue square that I was making my Mom and started on a new pattern. I will try to post a pic of that soon also. I just have to be sneaky so that she doesn't see it. Hmmm, I might have to post it in some obscure spot on my website. I will try to do that tomorrow. I am only making her an afghan, but the squares are 5 inches, so I will have to make quite a few.:hook

Tracey I am from Texas and if you are in the Huntsville area that is a really nice part of Texas. No wonder you can't wait to retire. I am from the Houston area, but we had to move once DH joined the Army. He decided he wanted to fly helicopters.:manyheart

Glad everyone is making progress and keep up the good work.:cheer

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Forines I like your BS as well. The squares are really nice. what colors are you using.


Wendy I am sure you can relate to the saga of this colour combo. I originally wanted to use up the variegated red and I made the snowflake and then I was going to do the borders in different blues. Did not like the effect so I played around with the colours until this was the result. It actually looks much better in reality than in the photo. The colours are:

Variegated red snowflakes- carnival brand

cream -(carnival) around 2 snowflakes

country blue - unknown brand

ink blu (carnival) around other snowflake

Moss (acrylic from Spotlight)

lime green (acrylic from Spotlight)

lavender (carnival)

steel blue (carnival)


I am quite happy with the colours now but some of the acrylic from Spotlight (especially the moss) is very soft and it does not hold it shape very well. I like the colour so I still use it and ultimately it will blend in I hope.

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OK OK I'm falling behind already and it's only been 3 days. I hadn't started any of mine yet but hope to start no later than this weekend. I'm trying to finish up a few other things so I can put more time into it and maybe have room for other CAL's that come up :D

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forines -that is going to be a nice color combo. Spotlight have a sale on at the moment 100gram acrylic yarn for 99 cents. im going to have a look on saturday.


Heather - dont worry about not been able to start yet and falling behind. I think quite a lot of us will be here for a long long time. Your colors for your trip around the world look great. I cant wait to see how it looks.

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hello ladeis


nice to see more active people with us



julie he is an artist

love playing on the violen and a perfect drawer and painter :)

maybe i`ll buy him some drawing sheets with diffrent kind of colours :)



nice choice keep working don`t stop

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Julie I love that Navajo Indian Pattern and the colours you have selected are great. I may even copy that colour scheme for my next one. It will be spectacular when you complete it.


I hope everyone is progressing happily with their spread. I say happily as I go through the colour pains before I finally commit to a colour combination. Sometimes I am sure I would be half finished an afghan if I add the time I play around with different colours. After lots of starts and frogging here is the next one I' m making.



The yarn I am using is from my stash - I am determined to use what I have at home before buying more.

That's a neat looking pattern! I'm trying to use my stash first, too -- but I live way too close to Michaels and I feel it calling me:eek

Do I want multi color...or do I want something more calming:think ...??

Still thinking about it as I crochet away...:D

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Hi, Anie,

I just joined in November and love it here...hope you can get more involved again, too.

I visited your blog...beautiful work!!

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Jewel~ I am from Houston as well. Mom lives there as does my two brothers. I just don't want to move back to a big city when I finally retire, So My Sister and I started looking for property in the Piney Woods section of Texas. We (actually she) looked for about three years before they found this little community. We orginally bought lots next to each other on the lake. Then we ran in to some snafu's. Like a overly large gully running through the center on my property, and then her contracter built half her house on my land. It was great, but it all worked out in the end. I bought two pieces of property , one is 14.76 acres that I built my house on, and the other is across the street and over an acre on the lake.


Well I finished the fifth square and attached it last night, then I started the sixth one when I got up around 1 am this morning~ I hate hot flashes. Anyway, I realized the fifth circle was done wrong and I will be frogging today.. Great. Hope everyone had a peaceful evening and that sick kids are doing better today.

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Holy Smokes , Batman !

I am REALLY behind on posts this morning. Almost so far behind, I can't answer everyone.


Ines- your new afghan is very pretty. Of course ALL of your items are stunning. You have such talent. I'd be honored if you'd want to use my combinations for a navajo afghan.


Wendy- you asked if it was hard, no it's REALLY easy to do, just kinda time consuming since it is mostly sc, but thats ok .What better thing do I have to do with my time ?


Athba- it sounds like your fiance is very talented in a lot of areas .


Welcome back to the ladies who may have been busy for awhile but are back now. I wish you all luck in finding a pattern and colors you like .


I hope everyone has a great day today . :)

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Good morning everyone! :manyheart I've finished 8 rows of the striped popcorn BS. I am really, really liking this pattern. The shell rows go very fast. I had never done the popcorn stitch before. It's not hard at all, just time consuming. I can do several rows of the shell stitch in the time it takes to do the popcorn row. Will take a picture of it when I've got a full color scheme done.

By then, maybe I'll have figured out how to post the pictures here. I'm still working on that.

Jimmy - I feel for you. There's nothing worse than wanting to crochet and not being able to.:(

Bye for now. More later.:hook

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I can't figure out how to get a picture to show up here as part of the message so I'll just link to my blog. I've put a small pic of my first nine-patch there. It's not blocked and I can tell it's going to take at least 5 patches before it'll look half decent. But I'm LOVING this! I haven't done a granny square in years and in the past month I've done a bunch. I forgot how sweet they really are!





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Good Afternoon Ladies!

I've been at daycare & am pooped from all those energetic children. :sleep

I haven't had time to work on my BS yet today & i'm not sure if I will. Thursdays here are busy but tomorrow there's no pre-school so i'll have all day to crochet. Then our van is being taken for two days to have the water pump replaced so i'm sure i'll have plenty of time to crochet this weekend.

Oh, I promised a pic. of my progress. BRB!

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Tracey- that certainly is a beautiful spot ! Thanks for sharing the photo with us .


Mel- welcome back, we missed you . :manyheart


Ok guys, here is a photo of what I have done on my new Bedspread idea - I ended up changing colors. I was gonna make it in all REALLY bright colors, but thought it'd look too much like a little kid's bedspread . I havent been a little kid since the cavemen were still alive . :D


Anyhow, it's just the Navajo Afghan, made with an I hook, starting chain 285. Colors are dark brown, cafe, linen and blue .



Julie, this is beautiful but looks like a lot of weaving of ends. I like how the blue pops against the browns.

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Okay here it is. My son lost my measuring tape again so I can't measure it but I can tell you one motif is 13 inches. I was able to make 3 motifs with one 5 oz. skein of baby sort wt. yarn. Not too bad. I still have a small ball left over. I could probably get 1/2 of another motif done with it. Anyways, here it is. Sorry about the off centering but i'm tired. :lol







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Tabby that's beautiful!! I love the spirals. You're gonna send it my way when you're done right???;)


Brae yours looks great too! If I ever get this one done I might try something like that too.


Last night my cousin called and invited me to her birthday party on Saturday. DH jokingly said I should whip up a scarf for her...so guess what I'm doing now instead of my BS squares?!?:blush

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Howdy Renee

Nope, no ends at ALL to weave in with my pattern. It is done one row across-- you leave a long tail at the beginning of each row and at the end for the fringe, so as you work each row, eachrow is completely done . You always start at the right hand corner, work across, then end at the left -- do the same over and over .


Tabby- that bedspread is gonna be so gorgeous ! It is gonna look like an item you'd give to your child on their wedding day -- you know, something really priceless looking that would be handed down ? It is stunning.

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Thank you Everyone! :blush:manyheart



Here's the link for the pattern. http://www.angelfire.com/folk/celtwich/Heavenly.html


It would make a gorgeous doily for anyone that would want to do one but not a million. It's a very easy pattern too just time consuming.


Jessi~It mat take me my whole life to finish it, lol.

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Omistars, Tabby that is gorgeous! It's so feminine ... I just wanna run around in ballet slippers spritzing everything with perfume on my tippy toes! :mdust


Really pretty!


(And this brings me up to 40 posts! Yay, I'm regular now!) :clap



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