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Bedspread Bonanza


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hello everyone,


I have started my 5th square and then my shows came on. I love watching Close to home and off course Survivor. The final show of survivor is on friday night so cant wait to see who wins. Dont tell me....


Its going to be a stinker of a day tomorrow. The temperature is going to be 40 degrees celcius which I think is 104 for you guys. The girls want me to take them to the beach after work but it will be so hot you wouldnt be able to walk on the sand. More indoor activities with the a/c on.


Have a great day everyone. Im going to bed.

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Go ahead and use lots of colors if that's what you wanna do ! It's your project, so make it however you want to . That's what is so nice about crocheting-- you have the freedom to take any pattern and use any colors .I usually see a design in my head, then spend the longest time standing in the store looking at the colors, laying them beside each other til I see what would look good to me in that pattern. It's fun playing around with the colors like that. That's another thing that is so neat about these groups. We may all be working on the EXACT same pattern, but no 2 of them ever end up looking alike, because we all see it in different colors and want it to look our way .


Athba- wow, you just woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon ? You must be on night shift !


Tracey- it sounds like you live a little farther out than I do. Our town has 6000 residents, although it doesn't seem like that many . We don't have much here in the way of entertainment, other than 2 Dollar Stores ,a Goodwill, A Burger King and a gas station .

You can drive 5 minutes in any direction and see cows, though, so we have cows on every side of town .

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Have a good rest, Wendy- it sounds like you need it. All that heat might make you tired out. We still have pretty good weather here for this time of year -- still no snow and I think the high today was gonna be 50. That's pretty good for Ohio in January .


Don't worry, I won't tell you who wins Survivor -- enjoy it, it was a good one. I am excited for the next one to start ,but it will probably be another month before it does.

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Good Morning Everyone! Good Night Wendy, have a good sleep. :manyheart

Hello Julie-O! :lol:P

I just wanted to pop in to let you know i'de be MIA for part of the day. I have to take 3 of my kiddos to the doctors office for check-ups. I'll be back later though & i'll try to post a pic. of my progress so far. Later! :D

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Good morning everybody. Good night Wendy. I'm in a better mood now. I worked on the striped popcorn BS last night. 3 rows done.

Tracey - Thanks for the offer. If I can't get this thing figured out I may take you up on it. I'm pretty stubborn though, and will really give it a lot more tries before giving up. My daughter (purrcat) will probably be able to coach me through it via the phone.

Had a very productive day yesterday on the staightening, sorting, and pitching front. Will try to do as well today. My tea is brewed now, so will get to it. Have a great day. More later.

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:lurkGood morning/afternoon/evening everybody. Sorry I haven't been around much. My computer room STILL has no power. The landlord, who told us he'd have an electrition here this week, told us yesterday that he can't afford to get an electrition yet.:irk Makes me wonder what he did with the rent money we just gave him a couple days ago!


Anyways, I have 8 squares done now. I must have been thinking bad thoughts with the last 2 cause it looks like I was crocheting super tight and they're all wrinkly and won't sit flat. I'll have to try and block them. Everybody's looks great so far! I can't wait to see the rest of them.


Anybody have any tips on dealing with a teething baby?:tired

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i was thinking of the ending of the ghan<< without working on it hehehe


ok now i have headeck but still working :)


how about changing the ripples ghan into 200crochet blocks ghan?? << please stop changing mind


i love the 200crochet blocks i`ll make one for me then one for mom and maybe someday for DH


who has the 200 ripples crochet stiches book?

worth buying?? how about 63 crochrt stiches for blankets ...etc?? worth buying?

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Hello All!!!


Got back from my vacation on Monday evening, and I am STILL not caught up with everything I need to do.


I came back and took a look at my square I did before I left, and ya know, I am not happy with it. I have to try something else. But I wont have alot of time until this weekend.


I am going to go thru all the posts here again and see if I can come up with something. As it stands, I might just go with the 63 squares thingie! :lol


Nice to see so much activity on here...it took me FOREVER to go thru all the posts and I believe I might have missed some.

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Jessi~ Ice cold clean white rags worked well for my kids. Also my hubby used to rub cognac on their gums, Not something I would have done, but it worked on my son not my daughter. Not alot just enough to wet your finger. I would have two clean white damp rags one in the freezer and the other in their mouth.


Morning everyone, it looks to be a fine day, but as expected busyy again here at work.

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Afternoon Everyone


Sorry i havent been posting as much but my keyboard is messed up and im waiting on my new one to get here....cant wait.


Im doing good on my Lasy Dimonds...im almost done with part 2...will be glad when DH gets back so i cant post photos.


Welcome back Knicknac!!!


:wavingHello to everyone.



I use to freeze a rag and let them gew on it depending on how old they are.


Edited to add...Tracey weposted at the same time..lol.

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Tracey- it sounds like you live a little farther out than I do. Our town has 6000 residents, although it doesn't seem like that many . We don't have much here in the way of entertainment, other than 2 Dollar Stores ,a Goodwill, A Burger King and a gas station .

You can drive 5 minutes in any direction and see cows, though, so we have cows on every side of town .


Juliekay~ That is to be our vacation home or get away from reality space, which evey you perfer. Well, at least for now. We plan on retiring there one day. God knows when as it seems we will never leave the NJ for good.Maybe in ten years or so. The house isn't even finished. So when we do go down, we stay at my sisters , her place is the five lots now from me.

This is a view off her back patio.


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Shaylen and Tracey, thank you! She'd probably love that. She's only 7 months old and is already working on her 6th tooth!!


Tracey, my grandpa says he used to put southern comfort on all his kids and grandkids gums. She screams at the taste of baby orajel, i can't imagine what she'd do if we tried something like that!

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ok everyone I am back from the winter break at the school I work at....over the break I finished a doily that I was testing and worked on another square for the Rose Bower BS. I am thinking that I will purchase a white coverlet and put the BS over it. I even found my darning needle to start whipstitching it as soon as I feel I have enough to stitch up.....up up and away......

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julie this time he is the one who changed his mind :\

adding to thst he prefer the light blue with white which force me to use the captivating cosmos afghan`s yarn to make his afghan


oh i ordered 63stiches book the one you all made of it ghans

and 200 ripple stiches

adding 200 knotting blocks

wow ain`t me amazing loving to buy books lady :)

keep on working i`ll post photo of my first line of squares

need photos ladeis

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Ohh, what a great idea. I have been wondering how to use this thread bedspread I have been making. I could sew it to a duvet. Thanks Melannie.



You're welcome! The only thing I am worried about this BS is I have a black and white cat who claims everything that I crochet.....guess I will have to break out the old waterbottle and retrain her.....:lol

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Welcome back Knicknac. have you been able to find another pattern to use.


Tracey, the area you are planning to retire looks very peaceful and beautiful. Just the place to sit and crochet. I can understand why you cant wait to get there.


Mel - Hi glad to have you back.


Jessi - we bought some cream from the chemist that we could put on the tooth. It certainly worked. Also you can buy these plastic rings with water inside and you put them in the freezer and once frozen they can gnaw at it. My girls loved the plastic rings the best.


We are certainly lacking in photos here arent we.

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Tracey- that certainly is a beautiful spot ! Thanks for sharing the photo with us .


Mel- welcome back, we missed you . :manyheart


Ok guys, here is a photo of what I have done on my new Bedspread idea - I ended up changing colors. I was gonna make it in all REALLY bright colors, but thought it'd look too much like a little kid's bedspread . I havent been a little kid since the cavemen were still alive . :D


Anyhow, it's just the Navajo Afghan, made with an I hook, starting chain 285. Colors are dark brown, cafe, linen and blue .


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Julie~You're very welcome. :manyheart The boys are doing good. They're all better but Jaden, he has an ear infection and has been a bit cranky. They put him on omnicef today but we'll see because a while back that didn't work. :think

How is Cam, back to school yet? I hope he's better. :manyheart

*I know I forgot to post pics. of my progress today so it'll have to wait until tomorrow* :P

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