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Bedspread Bonanza


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Hi Ladies- wow, am I behind on posts ! This place was booming last night after I checked in last .

Where to start replying to everyone ?

To those of you deciding to de-clutter your house, good for you ! I am the furthest thing from a packrat you could possibly think of. I don't know what the word is, but I hate clutter and stuff laying around that is not being used. I make weekly trips to goodwill to drop off bags. My motto is, if I didnt use it this week, I don't need it . When we made our last move ( up here, which was about 5 years ago ), we pretty much got rid of everything. We moved with the bare essentials and it was the easiest move ever . Needless to say, since we've been here, we accumulated more stuff . My husband probably has more STUFF than I do. I like a clutter-free environment .


Linda- congrats on finishing the huge afghan. Can't wait to see it !


Heather- glad you decided on your pattern ! Good for you .


Athba- I've never made a granny ripple , but they do look like they'd go much quicker than a sc ripple would.


You ladies married to the Greek guys- wow, I bet they are handsome. Those dark eyes and hair and romantic all rolled into one . Maybe we should ask to see photos of them ! ( Just joking) :lol

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Tabby- now don't go to thinking too hard. We don't want you blowing a gasket !

Do your boys go back to school yet today ? You'll probably be ready for some quiet when they do. I was always ready for it when my kids all went back to school .


Darski - I think we will re-name you, Tiny Tim .

Isn't he the one that said God Bless us every one in the Dickens Christmas story ?



I LOVE Charles Dickens .

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Julieanne~ Your MIL excepted you right away or after x amount of years. It took mine a good 12 years to like me. Even after she tryed to break us up thousands of times. I had been told to expect it from A greek girlfriend. As mine is off the boat and spoke so little english, it was a lot of fun just figuring out what he was saying half the time. I could tell you stories that would have ya'll laughing for hours over some real words that have a totally different meaning in greek. Thankfully his english is almost perfect now. I basically taught him to speak english, He figured out how to write it. Not bad with the greek alphabet is totally different than ours.


Well, I got four large motifs done and one small one and they are all attached. When I went to attach the small one in the center, I realized I made a mistake in attaching one motif to it's neighbor. There is suppose to be 3 picots clusters to attach to the center, and there was only two. :( so I had to undo that motif and redo it to make it work. There is a little note at the bottom that states that you can make all individual and attach them together later. If these mistakes keep up, I may just do that.

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Morning everybody! I've already been to the car repair shop today. Up and running fast today for a change. I promise I will post pictures VERY soon.

Have a great day.:D

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Wow! Everyone has been active here.


Athba, your square is pretty.


Julie glad to hear that Cam is better. I can't wait to see a new picture from you. How many colors are you using?? You mentioned something about seeing the "pattern".


I didn't get any work done on my BS yesterday. But I will be working on it today.

I have also been working on decluttering. I have offered a ton of stuff on freecycle. That has been a great way to get rid of useful stuff. (No, havn't given away any yarn) I have also been cleaning up my craft area. Well one of them. I have been working on closet which is packed with yarn. I can't believe how much I have. I think I just might look to see if I have enough to make the new CAL that just popped up. I love that afghan. I bought that book a few years ago hoping to make it. If I do make it the main color will be Claret as I have a ton of that color.


Wendy how many squares do you have done now?

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hello judi

how is your work going



Only one square so far (12"), but I'm not putting a time limit on myself - too much else going on in my life in general to do that:P . I worked the first one in the soft sage and it makes me like the color:yay !!

I don't have a digital camera, so I'll take regular photos sometime in the weeks to come and try to shrink them to the guidelines so I can send them.

Did I happen to mention how much I LOVE the Wheel Lattice pattern??:c9

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Morning to those of you up and at 'em already today !


Cam is better- he seems to be able to bounce back fairly quickly once he gets his medicine . He has been sick a lot . He's a frail-looking little guy and can't seem to fight off illness very well .


To those of you asking about my BS pattern- it is coming along well, I like the colors and I think it will be pretty when done. I should have a photo ready to post sometime today. It won't be a big surprise-type pattern to most of you. It is a very common pattern that you have probably all seen and may have all made them before . I have made a couple of them myself in the past .

Anyhow, I wanted to get the first "pattern" in the afghan to show before posting it,and it is half done, so it should be ready to post today, since I have very little other stuff that needs done today .


You all have a great week this week ~ :)

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Tracey, my MIL was always sweet to me, but I could tell she REALLY warmed up to me after I learned how to cook Greek food! Now, unfortunately, she's in a Nursing Home (2 1/2 years) and she has actually told her daughter that I'm better/nicer than she is! Oooops....I told her not to do that again :>) Greeks DO hold grudges...

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Tracey, your work is beautiful!!:cheer :cheer

I haven't worked with thread in so long... your pattern is going to make one very gorgeous BS. How big a bed are you covering?:think

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Kingsize, so I should be here for a while.


Judianne~ The nicest thing that my MIL said to me was a few years before she past away. Through my godmother said that she couldn't have picked a better wife for her son than me. We actually got along quite well the last four years of her life.She was living with me off and on over those years and her daughter Maria sent me the beautiful crocheted tableclothes and matching napkin sets as a thank you for taking care of Mama. When Mama pasted she was here in the US and I made all the arraignments for her to be sent back to Greece to be buried on her Island. It was her wish to be buried there.


Thanks for the compliments, it hasn't been as easy as I hoped. Now that I got the first pattern finished, I hope that we will go quicker.

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Julie~Yeah, the kids went back to school today but my 7 yr. old is home. He waited until today to vomit, grrrrr....... Oh well, he's actually keeping my 4 yr. old entertained so it's all working out well. I would like to get alot of crocheting done today, but I have to finish cleaning first. I just have to vacuum, mop and make my bed. I'll be back later. :manyheart

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Morning Ladies :ccompute



Thanks for letting me know and the offer to show me the walmarts...will keep that in mind...we didnt get the house in Bessamere we are buying one in Gastonia...Hubby signs the papers today...it way smaller then what we live in now but its only Hubby,Me and son so its time to down size....so i will be throwing out alot this year to.



Love your square...cant wait to see it all together...so do you have a big shopping store over there???We have a Wal-Mart and stores like that...just wondering if you did???



You go girl on you diet...it can be done...my sister is starting hers basck up this year and i plan on keeping her on track.



That pattern you are doing looks time cuncuming...is it as hard as it looks??



You are a better woman then i am...i cant begain to image doing that many little squares,its been hard enough doing the Grandmas Flower Garden.



So very glad that Cam is getting better...its amazing how fast kids can bounce back..i kept my Grandbabie gracieyeasterday and she started fussing and pulling at her ear about mid day...i think she getting one to...shes only 5 months so she cant tell us(poor baby)...i told my daughter she needed to get it checked.Cant wait to see your bedspread.



That is so pretty...its going to be a show piece when done...i love it.


Morning Tabby...


Whew...i think i am all coyght up now...go away for aday or so and it becomes a back log.


Im done with the frist part of my BS and am now moving on to the next part...im really liking this pattern...its called the Lacy Diamonds and im doing it all in TLC Cotton Plus in the Gold(i have 20 skeins of this that i got on ebay at a great price awhile back)...its looking great so far...will get photos up as soon as my DH gets back with the camra.I sure do miss him...we have never in all our 27 years together been apart this long and its getting old real fast :cry


Have a great day everyone.

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Question for you ladies~ The BS that I am working on is suppose to have a satin tube type ribbon that goes thru the outer double crochet spaces. I haven't bought the ribbon yet, as I couldn't find it at Micheals, AC Moore, or the RagShop. Co you think I should add the ribbon or leave it alone.

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thanks for all of you


julie - it seems to be faster to do



shaylen- its not that big but i hate it the yarns always done and every time i go they say we will order next week

so i will order from the net



tracy nice work go on that :)

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As for the ribbon, it'll be up to you to add it if you want to. I proably would, only because I like afghans with ribbons as a border- it makes them a little more "dainty ".... no, thats not the word. Maybe Fancy ?

I don't know. Is the ribbon something special or just any ribbon you could find at a craft or sewing type shop ? It sounds pretty with ribbon .

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I haven't been able to find it anywhere, so it something I will have to order, and it will have to be a lot of it. The ribbon has to go around each large motif. It isn't the expense, but I was worried it would be too busy.


Darski, Love the pattern, you have got to take pic's when your done!

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Tracey, what about chaining some light pink Crochet cotton -or whatever colour you choose - instead of ribbon for the open stitches.


My only concern would be the cost of the ribbon or the compatibility of the ribbon with the spread when wash day comes around.

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