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Bedspread Bonanza


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8 minutes to go until 2007. It has rained all day here, too. I've been watching movies and crocheting all evening. I'm on the second row of the border with either 2 or 4 more after that. Then the monster will be DONE!!!:hook

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Be very blessed

in 2007



I got some of my SE done this evening...this seems to be my project for all of 2007.


I'm praying that all who are unwell will be well really soon :ghug

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happy new year for all of those celebrated it after us :)


i just waked up and i`m too feeling i need a long nap

bad headeck

good for you you`ve made 4 squares

i just called the yarn shop

do you know the lazy just awaken voice? i think i`ve scared them hehehe

instead of saying are opining today i`ve said are awaken today hahaha

i`m crazy loooool

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I'll barge in here (apologies to Tracey, who I think this was addressed to)...AC is short for Atlantic City, the gambling mecca here in New Jersey. Not Las Vegas, but it's certainly become more upscale since the 1970's when it began!

We forget this is a world-wide group!!

I'll watch my "shorthand" in the future...

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wooooooooooow i baught the yarns for all my bed spreads :)

i`ll start the herb garden afghan today :)

wish me luck

Do you have the link for the herb-garden afghan?:think

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Morning Ladies :ccompute


Boy did i miss alot by not being on yesterday!!

Hope everybody thats sick gets better soon...My 11 year old is what the doctors call a fever baby...one minute he will be fine and the next he will have a temp of 104 or higher so life with him is always a scare...i have to be ready with fever reducer and a cool bath at all times...the hospitle even gave me a quick read themometer when he was only 2(this was back before you could buy them),if it goes above 104 i have to rush him to the hospitle.Luckly as hes gotten older they are alot less and hes not as bad as he was.


Well i wont be doing what i thought i was going to do bedspread wise...my DH said it was to checker board for him...so i had to come up with another one and will get photos up soon..its really nice...i will be working slowly on the other one and make it into a lapgan.


Julie...I need to know what yours is now :thair


Everyone is moving right along and doing a great job....cant wait to see some photos.




Same here about the herb-garden afghan...would love to see it.


Happy New Year Ladies

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Morning everybody! Sunshine! :sun Wheeeeeeeeee!!!! It's been soooo overcast and rainy the last week. I'm really ready for the sun. Thanks for deciphering AC. I was wondering, too, but kept thinking I would figure it out. Athba, can't wait to see pictures and a site for your herb garden. Just the name brings up good feelings, scents, and tastes. I love to use herbs in cooking. This green & purple afghan probably should be called a BS. It's that big. And since it's crocheted with two strands of ww at a time it's super warm. And it's going to a couple who presently live in Hawaii of all places! :hot My cat insisted on lying on the afghan AND yarn strands all the while I was crocheting, so I was continually having to move him all the time I crocheted. The silly critter.:cat More later. Bye.

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Hello and Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all had a safe & happy New Year. I was asleep by 10:30 but I figured i'de better incase my son needed me during the night. I was only watching "Ace of Cakes" so it's not like I was doing anything special. My Hubby also has to work today & is working right now so we made it an early night.

I'm hoping to get working on my BS while watching Carebears with my son but we'll see. I'm off to watch Carebears, lol. Later.:manyheart

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thanks wendy



no its in the book of quick and cozy afghans



guess what ladeis?

my fuonce prefer the rupple afghan than the one i wanna make

thanks god easier and i wish faster


so i`m gonna change my project for mester (owner of the present)



where is julie?

i miss her today

i wish cam feels better soon

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Judyanne,Thanks for explaining what AC is. I forget that this is a WWW :clap .


Queen, I was watching Ace of Cakes as well last night. Some of his cakes are amazing. Did you stay up for the Flamigo cake he made. Some of them where well WOW.


athba.. I would love to see the herb garden blanket as well


I hope all the kids are feeling better today. We woke up to rainy and overcast skies this morning. So it should be a good day for crochet. Just have to finish taking down the tree. The boys didn't bring in the boxes last night, so I couldn't finish.

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badley for the copyright protection i cant post the photo from my book:\

but belive me nothing shows a garden exept the shades of the green that the afghan made of :\

no flowers no motifs just name to attract people

i thought it fits more for men than the other desighns

but here i am facing the zig-zag ghan :)

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Tracey~No, I didn't get to see the flamingo cake, awww. I went to bed after his Fathers airplane cake with the fireworks. I did see the german shepard cake, wow was that a masterpiece or what? The jeep cake was cool too & then they didn't even have an amazing reaction they just dug into it, poor guy & all of that work. Oh, and I really loved the California wedding cake with all of the scenery painted on it, absolutely gorgeous.

The kids are a bit better. Jaden says his ears still hurt but his fever is down for now but it always is early in the day. He did bless me with vomit at 5:30 a.m., thankfully my bedroom floor isn't carpeted. :D Then my other child Darius that is sick also is still running a bit of a temp. but he's coming around slowly.

Julie~I hope Cam is feeling a little better today. :manyheart

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tabby how about sending you a ticket to come to my home and help me finishing my 3 ghans projects hahaha

and bring your child to bless mine to

i wish they all get better soon

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Tabby~The only one I didn't see was the jeep cake. Some people don't know how to show appreciation for things, I believe those are the ones that are spoiled rotten. Glad to hear the kids are doing better. I removed all carpet for my house because of the kids, I have a beautiful area rug in the kitchen and the living room. Everywhere else is hardwood floors except the bathrooms, kitchen and finished basement. So much easier to clean up. Kids are older now, but Abby my cat has a thriod problem and throws up all the time, even with her meds. Going to have to play with them again and see if I can get her to stop doing that.

Athba~ 3 ghan projects at one time. Don't want any fingers left do you? Good luck getting them all done.

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Happy New Year everyone! It was cold last night, so I lit a fire (I really love having a fireplace!), got some hot chocolate and chicken wings, and settled down to watch FOOTBALL! My beloved Miami Hurricanes played a great bowl game in Boise (on the blue field, for anyone who watches college football), against UNLV. It was a thrilling game, and my Hurricanes won, which was exciting! They had a rough year, so they needed that win.


I don't have any sick children (don't have any at all), but my kitty Sam hasn't been doing well. Something is wrong with his liver, and we're not sure what it is. The liver itself is okay, but the liver functions are really high, which means something is affecting the liver, compromising it. He may be going back to the vet soon, don't know just yet. He's actually okay, except for some unpleasant litterbox symptoms (since it may be morning for some who are reading this).


The state agencies are all closed tomorrow, so I don't go back to work now until Wednesday, so that's alright.


I'm headed home now to spend the rest of the day watching more FOOTBALL! And maybe crocheting some. It's sunny, but still cool out, so I'll get a fire going, some more hot chocolate, some more chicken wings, a good book, football, man it doesn't get any better than that!

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Morning everyone,


Wow Renee, that sounds great, sitting by the fire and crocheting while eating and watching tv. Can I come to your place and escape this heat we are having.


Athba - 3 afghans you are certainly going to be busy but then I cant talk. Im doing the bedspread, the 9 patch quilt and the stripey ghan. I take it in turns doing some of each.


Tabby - morning, Im glad to hear that your boys are a bit better. How is your BS going.


Julie - How is everything, we havent heard from you. Is Cam ok.


Well I have to go get ready for work. But I would rather stay home and crochet.:yes

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morning wendy

yah to much work :eek

ibrought a pic for first square from the 200squares ghan

and i`ll go to start the ripple ghan :cheer

tomorrow maybe i`ll start the captivate cosmos:clap

i cant wait to finish them :c9



what do you think ?? :blush

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latest news


the ripple afghan got smaller because of the ripples which means the afghan owner will face problome with it

because of his tammy

so there are 2 choices :

First: i`ll let him make hard diet and enter a sport jem to fit the afghan

OR: i`ll just keep it for me and buy him any other present

because there is NO WAY that i`m gonna larger the afghan and add more chains

i`n getting mad :\

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