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Bedspread Bonanza


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Hi Wendy

So then each ball is about equal to 3 1/2 ounces ? I think that is how it would figure. Our Red Heart ww is in 7 oz skeins . The Simply Soft is 6 oz .


There is a yarn store the next town over which has fancier yarn -- theirs comes in 3 1/2 oz skeins .


I made an afghan that had those big squares once and it took about 4 ounces for each square . I hope this helps you figure it out. Does your yarn come in dye lots ? Our main brands I just mentioned always say No Dye Lot, but you actually have to be careful ,because sometimes they don't match exactly, even though they are supposed to .


**** I forgot, someone mentioned a couple pages back about the Caron pounder yarn and asked how it was .

It has a different feel to it than RH. I guess that's what I am most used to is the RH yarn. The Caron pounders seem to feel THICKER , for lack of a better term. They may feel a little softer than RH does, but I think I'd go with a size bigger hook if I used it, because of the thickness . I'm not much more familiar with it than that,so not sure how it holds up, etc. It seems to be pretty sturdy yarn though .

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Hi Guys

I just thought I'd add another pattern to our ever-growing list. This one isn't specified as a bedspread, but it'd certainly work for one. The picture doesnt do it much justice. The squares turn out VERY pretty ,especially if you like a pattern with some texture .


It'd also make a nice warm afghan . Just in case someone is still looking for a pattern and can't find one you like yet .

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Our wool(yarn) has dyelot numbers on them. Im going to have to go and get more I reckon. Here I am thinking 20 would be enough, now I have to buy 43 more.


Julie wouldnt we all need this amount of yarn.


I like that pattern you put on here. You know you are just going to confuse the people that havent decided even more.

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Morning Ladies :ccompute



I thought of using gold to since i have some back there...im going to dig that and some brown and black out to try today...when i get to the frist defferent square i will try all three colors(black,gold,brown)and see what looks the best.Like you i allso like the RH the best,i saw on Joann where they had the caron one pounder on sell thats why i was asking...but they dont have good colors,so stick with the RH as i allways do.



Concrats an getting married...me and mine are going on 28 years and i wouldnt trade one day of it...love him more now then i did then...


Well i have a ton of clothes to wash today so i need to get with it...i hate washing becouse its so :wbrr in our basement....cant wait to move in a few weeks.

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Ok Ladies...I have finelly desided on the one im going to do...it will take me awhile becouse my bed is a king but i think it will look great when done and its all in one pece so i wont have to sew squares together.


Link to photo of it!!





What colors would you use???My brain is allready smoking like a chimney...

My walls are a tan color and my headboard is a massive(all 1000 pounds) wooden old country(looks like what kings used in the old days...it even has two balls on either side that are about the size of bowling balls)My bed is high off the floor.My carpet is a dark cream and my curtains are gold velvet.


So eny help would be great so i can go get my yarn tommorw.

That's a gorgeous pattern!! With your colors what about one of the yarn choices being a wine color? Or a russet...all warm and cozy...the other complementary colors...? I usually have to go to the store and pet the yarn before I can decide on a three-tone color scheme. It has to "speak" to me :P ...


Happy yarn shopping!:hug

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Hey Wendy

We'd all need quite a bit of yarn to make bedspreads. I guess it'd depend a lot on the pattern each person uses, as some would take less than others. Yours would probably take a little less than a thicker-woven type design, since there are "holes" in the pineapple design, but if someone was making a real solid type pattern ( say all sc's, then they'd use a ton of yarn since it'd take more to make it in solid sc's . )



Yes,I'd give the gold a try , in fact, I went to walmart just now and your color combo was so pretty, I ended up buying some browns and golds too. What I'll do with them right now, I have no clue, but they will be waiting for me in the closet til i come up with something .



I know what you mean about the yarn talking to you. I need to start wearing EARMUFFS when I go look at the yarn . It ALL talks to me, then I end up bringing home enough to make a cover for our house .

THEN I start talking to MYSELF ... like

Why in the world did you buy 87 skeins of baby -gag yellow ?

(Because it was on sale )

Not a good answer, try again .

(Becuse I didn't HAVE this color yet. )

Do you wonder WHY you don't have this color ? It's UGLY .

( Too late now, it's home in the closet and here to stay )

Nope, I kept the receipt. I'll take it back and buy something prettier , like Road-Kill Red .


Good grief, it's a vicious cycle. Good thing I don't buy LIQUOR at this rate. I'd be a raging drunk 24 hours a day .

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Good Morning Everyone! I have missed alot of posts I see. I did FINALLY finish my motif this morning. I've been working on it since I came home yesterday around 3 p.m. and even had to get up and finish it for the past 2-3 hrs., geeze louise. It is very simple & repititous, I didn't even have to use the pattern much but it is very time consuming with such small yarn & hook. I'm using a size D hook with baby sport wt. yarn. I've decided on using the white for the main motif & pale blue for the filler motifs. I may change my mind about the pale blue if it looks to babyish, we'll see. My finished motif measures 13". It was well worth the time & effort because I think it's beautiful. It looks like a doily, lol. Here's a pic.





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Tabby, I love that motif. I htink the pale blue will be lovely. I don't think it will look babyish when it is done. the motif itself will take care of that.


13" means that you won't need a 1,000 of them and that helps. (I know - needs a filler too :heehee )


very nice indeed



JulieKay, I am so with you in your conversations with self. Funny you should mention yellow because I have a never-ending skein of yarn that is either yellow or green but it is not sure which... I hate this stuff but I have made a scarf )keyhole), hat and mittens and I still have some left. what is it about yellow that does this?

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thanks for those sweet words

every body are scaring me with marrige they say its life grave looool




we are gonna get marreid in the first half of 2007

i wish

so many things happend and the day of wedding is changing

here owr sermonies are deffrint than yours but the same tired work

wish me luck<<<<big mouth to much talks hehehehe

actully this afghan is for his birth day wich will be at the21st of Jan.

i`ll buy the yarns in this week to start rushing up with work :)

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Tabby that is gorgeous! I wanted to join here and do that pattern in thread, but I just have too many other things to finish first! Maybe with any luck I will be able to get done and join this before you all are finished! I just love that pattern and would love doing one in thread! Good job, girl! And everyone else that has posted progress pics....I love them all! Shay...I am going to pm you...that pattern is luscious!

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Can I ask how old you are ? It made me laugh the way you worded marriage-- kinda like LIFE IS GRAVE ?

Does that mean you think it will be SCAREY to be married ? Is it ok if I ask you questions about it ? I'm not too familiar with the marriage ceremonies in your country . Do you wear a fancy dress and have a pretty cake and flowers ?

Are your marriages like here, where YOU choose who you marry, or do they have arranged marriages over there and your parents choose your partner ?

And do most people get married at a certain age, or just whenever they want to ?


I've been married ALMOST 30 years and I haven't gotten scared YET . ( My husband might have a different opinion. I probably scare him spitless because I talk to him til his ears fall off .) It's really not scarey to be married . It takes many adjustments in the beginning to learn how to live with another person ,then once you have kids, things are adjusting again, so there are a few humps to get over . I think we are about over all of them at this point and on level ground . either that, or we are just NUMB at this point . :D

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Shay -

I just went to look at your blog -- your tablecloth is gorgeous ! The pattern reminds me some of Tabby's bedspread,only with a different edging. VERY pretty !


And also, I see you are due to have a new grandbaby soon, or has it arrived since your blog was updated ? Is it your first grandbaby or do you have others ?


I love grandbabies !!! :c9

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Hi, everybody. I just got moving for the day. Was up too late last night. Just looked at the list of things I was to do the last 2 weeks and realized that I accomplished very little that was on it. Sigh! :no Oh, well, things will get done when they get done.

Athba - Walmart apparently doesn't sell the yarn over the internet. I couldn't find it there either. In fact, most of the places I get yarn don't have it available over the internet. GRRRRRR! :irk I did find two that do sell yarn. Crafts Etc! and Joann Fabrics. Crafts Etc! seemed kind of expensive, but Joann Fabrics actually lists yarn that's on sale as well as yarn that isn't on sale.:applauseMarriage to the right guy is wonderful!

I talked to my daughter a couple of days ago and was informed that she has taught herself to crochet in the last week or two, with a little help from her mother-in-law. (MIL lives close to her & I'm over 1,200 miles away!) I suggested she join Crochetville and last night I found her introduction here!:dance It's nice to have another activity that we share.

More later. I have to go and try to accomplish a few more things from the list.

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I think we are about over all of them at this point and on level ground . either that, or we are just NUMB at this point . :D


:rofl Maybe thats why my DH falls asleep on me when im tring to talk to him.I cant even begain to know what it feels like to have to marry someone your told to :eek...i have heard its like that in some countrys thow.



That is stunning..cant wait to see a few of them together...that pattern would test me big time.


I understand what you ladies are talking about with buying yarn...everytime i dig in my yarn room i find yarn i cant even rememebr buying...and then i think why in heavens name did i buy that ugly stuff for...or haw about that 25 skiens of jamie baby yarn that i got just becouse it was a great price...then i wonder why mt DH rolls his eyes when i buy more.

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Good Morning Everyone! I have missed alot of posts I see. I did use the pattern much but it is very time consuming with such small yarn & hook. I'm using a size D hook with baby sport wt. yarn. I've decided on using the white for the main motif & pale blue for the filler motifs. I may change my mind about the pale blue if it looks to babyish, we'll see. My finished motif measures 13". It was well worth the time & effort because I think it's beautiful. It looks like a doily, lol. Here's a pic.





Tabby, it is beautiful. I am glad you found a yarn that works for you in this pattern. It will be a beautiful bedspread when it is done.

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Thanks for the coments on my tableclothe...its alot of work but i think its going to look great when all done...the worst part is sewing them all together.


My grandbabies were born about 3 months ago..2 boys and a girl)So that brings the total to 5 now and i love them all to death...love keeping them and watching them grow.AND i have a new one due in july of this year so one more to love.



Another great place to get yarn online is at Knitting Wearhouse and they are cheaper then joAnn even when on sell.


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Shay -wow, 3 grandbabies all in the same year and another one coming ! You'll be caught up with me then. I have 6 .


My husband has a real talent for keeping his eyes open and nodding his head while I am talking. He's kinda like them little bobble-head dogs that people have in the backs of their car windows - He knows when to bob his head and PRETEND he is listening to me .


Good monring, Linda ! Glad to see you here today . :)

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Julie - That is gorgeous! It is going to be stunning when it is done! WOW!!!!! :cheer:clap:cheer I love it!!!!:manyheart I don't have the patience to do than many little motifs and then sew them all together, but I admire those of you who do.

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Howdy gang -

Not sure this will make much sense to you . It's one square laid out, but not sewn together yet . It's a little hard to tell how the woven thing will look, but maybe once I put more of them together you'll be able to see the pattern .



Looks great so far Julie!

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Julie, I love that.

It is going to be stunning when you get it all put together.

That white really pops! this should definitely keep you off the streets at night with all those squares to make.

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Howdy gang -

Not sure this will make much sense to you . It's one square laid out, but not sewn together yet . It's a little hard to tell how the woven thing will look, but maybe once I put more of them together you'll be able to see the pattern .


Julie, that looks great. Love the color combo. I agree with darski, that the white really pops.


I think I may have decided on the Lattice Wheel. But by the end of the day, I'm sure I'll change my mind again.


As for my name, I was named after my paternal grandmother, who was not a nice person. :no So I always hated my name growing up. No one in my family calls me Carmela, Since the moment I was born my Mom started calling me Millie, don't ask where she got that from. (It was my dad who named me after his mother! The nerve! :eek )


But when I started working and for all legal documents I had to use Carmela.


Then I met my husband, and started to like my name. When he said Carmela for the first time, I was in heaven. He's from England and has a pretty thick accent that sounds a bit more Scottish than English. He is from Newcastle Upon Tyne which almost borders Scotland. (he refuses to wear a kilt for me!!!)

We've been married 3 1/2 years and I still melt when he says my name. :manyheart


Anyway, I don't know that many Carmela's either. I have one cousin in Italy on my mom's side and that's it.


Enough rambling.


Back to crochet talk. Still undecided here!


Boss is coming! :devil


Gotta Run!


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