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Bedspread Bonanza


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good chice with perfect colours

go for it bravely and let it be your last desition looooool :)


is it morning in your countreis???

i dont know about your time but its 6:01pm right now in my country

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:rofl See that's why I love you guys, too funny.


Julie~Yours sounds great, love the color scheme.


Melissa~The problem is that I have NO idea what I want. I guess I had my heart set on the spiral vintage BS and when it didn't work in yarn I gave up. I have looked through my patterns a million times but nothing is jumping at me. I like the floral one I had in mind but I don't think i'll stick with it because it's not calling to me. Grrrrrrr..........:think What to do?

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Good morning Melissa

Thanks for being the backup person with Tabby -- she'll come out soon, so get ready !

I went to look at your blog -- nice job on your hubby's sweater and you couldnt have picked a better color !


Q8 - It is a little after 10 AM here on Thursday morning . It mixes me up keeping track of other country's time. I THINK you guys are ahead of us, or is it behind ? If your time is close to Wendy's, then she is ahead of us .

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That one is very pretty. What if you'd use a yarn heavier than thread, but lighter than ww ?

Do you have any baby yarn laying around that you could sample it with ? Maybe if you used a nice sturdy-type baby yarn and ,say a C or D hook( so the design would stay kinda solid-looking ) . I think if you'd go with baby yarn and a G or H hook, it'd be too flimsy for that pattern to show to advantage .

I'm trying to think here--- can you still get that Aunt Lydia's Denim ? It was thicker than thread, but should hold its shape well. I would recommend trying it in dishcloth cotton ( the big cones of it ), but I'm not sure how well the design would stay when you washed it . Most of my crocheted dishcloths kinda lose their shape when they get washed .


Waddya think, any of those ideas Float Your Boat ?

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Julie~I have a ton of baby yarn laying around so i'll give it a try. I've heard of Aunt Lydias but i'm not sure if Walmart sells it, i'll definitely look. I know the yarn shop down here has some nice cotton yarn that is fine but it's very, very pricey. I don't want to make this non-affordable. Thanks for all of the great ideas & i'll look at Wally's today. I'll keep ya posted. Thanks again. :hug

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Tabby, there is a cotton yarn called Eco or something like that that seemed to be less expensive than Bernat's Handicrafter. it also seemed a bit finer.


Might be worth a look.


I do like that pattern but 25 rows does seem a lot to make.

The Monticello square that I have been testing is 15 rows and that is a lot to do.

Since I am using WW yarn it is also about 2 feet square- could be the world's fastest bedspread if I went for it :yes:no:wlol

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Thanks Darski, I will look for that yarn when i'm out. I'm hoping that I don't go through all of this & then wish I never started it,lol. That would be horrible.

Melissa~Thanks, i'll check out what the store has & i'll let ya know.

I'm going to go back & check out the site Julie's using and maybe I can force myself to decide on something without so much trouble involved. :devil

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Tabby, I also second the sports weight yarn suggestion...in between the too-fine baby yarn and the too-heavy ww for that pattern...:hook

Happy yarn shopping:sher

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Good idea for the sport weight yarn . I don't know WHY I didnt think of that . Our Walmart actually even HAS some sport weight (RH brand). Not a real large color selection, but they do have some. That may be a better bet than baby yarn, since it's a little thicker and stiffer and may hold the pattern shape nicer .


We'll wait and see what Tabby comes up with today .


Tab- I can actually hear your brain gears grinding from down here . :lol

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The Monticello square that I have been testing is 15 rows and that is a lot to do.

Since I am using WW yarn it is also about 2 feet square- could be the world's fastest bedspread if I went for it :yes:no:wlol


Darski, do you have the link for this square?:think

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I may have posted it elsewhere but the pages build up here pretty fast.


It is a very pretty square and I am going to make another one to test the pattern match in this large size.


I figure they will make good kitty rugs if nothing else for my local SPCA

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I may have posted it elsewhere but the pages build up here pretty fast.


It is a very pretty square and I am going to make another one to test the pattern match in this large size.


I figure they will make good kitty rugs if nothing else for my local SPCA

Thanks, Darski! Yup, I'm sure it's already on the first page of postings, but I had no clue under which heading!!:think

Ditto for any discards at my end...donate to the vet for his rescue cages, etc,:cat

bye, and thanks again, sweetie

:sher (Sherlockian...)

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Still no power in my computer room:angry and the electrician won't be here til sometime next week:eek. So while I'm oh so patiently waiting I decided to dig out some squares I started making a couple months ago and then forgot about. They're supposed to be 12 inch but are only coming out to be 10. How many do you think I'd need for a twin or double bedspread? I promised a friend over a year ago that I'd make her one so I guess I better get my butt in gear!


Someday, when I get to use my own computer again:manyheart I'll find the link for the pattern. For now here's a really bad pic I found on the laptop of one of my squares. It's RH Claret.


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Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Also thanks to you all for welcoming a newbie. :hug


I've decided in the maroon/wine/claret family for color. As for pattern, I'm undecided. I really like Chocolate Dreams, and a few other ones. So once I get some extra money off to the store for yarn to start some sample pieces.


darski, that monticello square is really pretty. That's one of the patterns I'm deciding on.


FadedBlue, I really like that square. If you ever get around to it please post the pattern link.


Decisions Decisions!:think:eek


Have to get back to work, I hear the boss coming.


PS- This thread moves so quick with all the posts. It's great!



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Adia, i think this is the square that Jessi used. it is called Wheel Lattice and is under the 12 inch squares - in case the link is only a general one




This designer is one of the top 3 or 4 to my way of thinking


This link is general - look to the What's New and and Arrow and select 12" squares from the menu choices. then look for Wheel lattice

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Tabby - Sorry I wasn't around earlier, but I had an 8:45 doctor's appointment this morning and didn't get home until about 15 minutes ago. :hug Didn't get the news I wanted either. Pout, Pout! Oh, well. Back to the oh so restrictive diet on January 1. Have to loss at least another 30 ponds. Sigh! :( Diabetes.


The size 6 crochet hook is working great for the Greenbriar BS. I got lots of ooo's and ahhhh's at the doctor's office, even though I've only got 4 1/2 rows done on the first square. I'd forgotten how much fun filet crochet can be and how quickly it goes together. :U This BS may not take forever to complete after all.:dance


Julie - I really like the pattern and colors you decided on. It should be gorgeous.


Linda T

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Darski, that Wheel Lattice pattern is gorgeous!!! Uh-oh -- here I go again!

This really IS going to be a "crazy quilt" pattern I'm going to do!:loco:morcoffee


:sher ...Sherlockian

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all the credit for finding that one goes to Jessi - I just located her source.


I really am down to two patterns,

well there is that...



Julie Kay really did have evil intent when she started this thing. she knew we would all be in knots narrowing it all down to one pattern alone :sigh I feel like I am playing Twister here with all the patterns on the floor.


Officially, we still have 3 more days to choose. (like that is gonna help) :heehee

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