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Frogging for no valid mature reason?

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I'm guessing everyone has frogged more than one project if you've been crocheting very long at all... probably for many different reasons.


I'm curious to know if anyone has ever began a project and even though you had no problems with the pattern, the project was going just fine, even looking good, when you realized you just didn't WANT to make it. If so, did you drop it completely? And how far along have you been into it when you frogged it?


I'm asking cause I've just started a Christmas afghan, and the squares are turning out fine, the pattern isn't hard, but I realized I just don't want to make it. The thing is, I've put a few hours into it already, and I'm feeling seriously guilty for thinking about dropping it for something else.




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I have done this on more than one occasion. Don't feel guilty. Frog it and move on to the next project. I still have one that is only lacking 2 panels sitting in the bottom of my closet. It is now over 10 years old and I have absolutely no desire to ever finish it.

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okay, here is my confession! I just googled the word frogging and I now understand the term! LOL


I have done this many times... Especially if I really like the yarn but didn't finish the project.

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Ok---confession of my own. I don't always frog them and start over. I have just snipped the yarn and thrown the entire thing in the trash. I have done this regardless of whether or not I like the yarn.


Me too! I usually don't frog. Sometimes. But mostly not.

Once I gave a lady a bunch of little doilies that were actually unfinished doilies for her knick-knacks... I told her they were unfinished and she was fine. She thought it was kind of funny though.

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I actually have a project that I'm planning to do this to right now. Thankfully, it's just a scarf, and it's only about 60% complete, so there wasn't too much time invested and the yarn is all in one piece. I thought I liked the pattern and was excited to make it, but once I started, I just didn't like the way the real thing looked, so "a-frogging" I will go. :lol

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:cheer Been there, done that, got the book, seen the movie, bought the t-shirt, ridden the Disney Ride and everything else you can think of, several times.

Dont unravel it yet though because it may come in handy for something else, especially if it is squares which are in several colours, because you will just end up with lots of bits.

I started a piece in Green, Red & White, sort of Christmasy, and after making 9 squares, decided I did not want to make any more so I joined them and decorated them with White Eyelash Yarn, made a back for them and turned them into a Christmas cushion.

I was so pleased with the result, I sent it to my friend Linda in the US.

There is a use for everything.

It is a bit like when a cake fails, it still tastes ok so you dont throw it out, you eat it anyway.

Have fun.


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I use to make a lot of 2 strands of yarn for an afghan and I am not frogging that (99% of the time) And it was either too short or too wide for a scraf and just too bad for anything else. So that would get trashed. And sometimes the first few rows of a lengthwise afghan isn't worth it to frog or motivational to finish into a scraf to whatever... So that would go in the garbage.


Since coming here I'm more motivated to frog, but doesn't happen. I can see the benefit of frogging something and reusing the yarn, but sometimes it's just not worth it.


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Actually, I have done this many times.


But I have sent my squares, yo yo's or whatever to people that are making scrap ghans or something in that size. There are a ton of people that have wish lists that are looking for certain size squares - it will be put to good use!

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When I read that some of you threw away the project instead of frogging:eek :eek :eek :eek

Please consider donating them/it to a charity. Many times I will take apart donated WIP for the yarn from others and do a completly different project.

If you ever run into that situation and do not want to frog, please send me a PM and I will help you out.:manyheart:yes I will even pay for the postage to receive it.:hug


Sometimes I save frogging WIP to help with stress.

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OK...y'all might think I'm crazy, but I have been known to work on something for 5 or more hours and then just decide that if I have to do one more stitch of the thing, I'm going to scream!! So, I frog it and re-use the yarn...Unless I've changed yarn alot, then it's just too darned much effort and I'll only frog to the last change and toss the rest or weave in the last end and give it to my DD to play with...that kid has more tableclothes/potholders/dressup clothes things than I can count LOL!!!


I figure, I do this for fun & relaxation...how's that going to work for me if I'm dreadding every stitch I have to do???



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I have done that but you could always take the squares and send them on as RAOK's then you are not wasting yarn and you are giving a gift to someone to let them have joy it making something from it. I love the idea of recycling yarn.:hook

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I recently bought a pattern for a CAL and literally had it done except for sleeves and it just wasn't doing anything for me...I don't know what the deal was...and it was a very popular pattern too...and then I saw a pattern I liked better that was better suited to me, but I didn't want to buy more yarn/thread for it...so, I'm using the yarn in the previous pattern for the current pattern and it's working out much better. I ordered so much of the yarn that I'm using up the new skeins first and then I'll frog the other project. At first I felt bad, but I'm getting over it...if something doesn't stir your passion, unless it's a gift for someone else, by all means frog and do something else with the yarn...normally I would have made a gift of the one project, but I don't know anyone that that design would have worked for or would have been happy with...


Yeah, it's easy to fret, albeit briefly, about the time spent on a project that doesn't turn out for whatever reason, but not everything's gonna stir one's passions or be a success...there's a saying, "If you hit bullseyes all the time, you're standing too close to the target..."

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I have NEVER throw out a failed project...it's either given to charity or to someone who's express an interest in doing something with it or frogged...unless the piece was damaged (i.e. mice got into it...I discovered a very old - to me - project that had been in storage for years...and mice had worked it over really good...) I'm just too materialistic otherwise.

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I have an afghan right now that I detest - there's nothing wrong with it and it's pretty but I don't want to finish it. Each motif has multiple colors so there's no sense in frogging - I'd end up with 1 yard strands of colors all over the place. Right now it's in a bag waiting in case I change my mind but I've about realized that's not going to happen and should just toss the whole thing and make room for something else.

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Count me in. I have done this as well. Sometimes something looks fun, or interesting, and just turns out not to be so. Or I'll think, I just want something easy, and decide I would rather do something else. I have even lost yarn doing this; but my minister and his wife maintain a bird habitat at their farm, so I send all my scrap yarn to them-they strew it out over their vegitation for birds to use in making their nests (they cut up stuff that is already knitted or crochet into something or other). You could donate the finished portion of your item to your local animal shelter as a snuggly for a furbaby.

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I do this all the time and I do guilt free! This is my hobby and it is supposed to be FUN....when it becomes a source of stress and problems something is wrong someplace!:yes Follow your heart and crochet what makes you happy......that is the reason you are crocheting in the first place...isn't it?

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