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Winter Holidays in Argentina


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While you are having Summer :hot in the North Hemisphere, we have Winter :wbrr in Argentina!


Before leaving for her winter holidays, my aunt got this crocheted scarf from me! :gift


She was so happy that I didn´t had to insist her to take a picture! Here she is:







Happy crocheting!

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Very very nice! It does look warm, soft and cozy. I love the color! Aunty must be very happy by the looks of that fabulous smile!! :D

Great Job! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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I saw that on you blog and thought what a stunning woman your Aunt is as well as what a flattering scarf you made her. Well done!


It is our winter too and a bit shivery at present.

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Very lovely scarf. Your aunt looks like she likes it as well. It looks nice and snuggly for the cold. :wgrin I do have to compliment the bag she made as well. Love that bag.

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I already said it on your blog, but I love the scarf your aunt looks very pretty:wangel in it:yes and I love the bag aswell it's very classy:manyheart Can you send a bit of that chill over to the UK? it's a bit too HOT:hot for my liking right now over here LOL

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Thank you Janelle, Susan, Debora, Ruth and Petra! :manyheart You are so nice!

Petra, if I could, I would sent you some cold from here. But you know, it isn´t a "cold" winter here. Never below 10º C. Poor planet earth, the warming is true, all over...

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We Got A Heat Wave In So. Calif. In Which We Have Triple Digits Degrees. I Wish We Could Have Some Of Your Coldness Pass This Way. But It's Startin' To Cool Down A Few Degrees, But Not Much.

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Beautiful job :manyheart Vic! And your Aunt looks like she loves it as well! It is still difficult to get in my head that July and August are cold in half of the world.....lol! Thanks for sharing with us:hug

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That scarf is lovely, Vik! I can see that the talent runs in your family! My youngest daughter loves your knitted socks, too!


I'll send you some of the heat we're having, if you're feeling too cold down there!

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