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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am still looking at this book and trying to figure out which blocks I want to make and the color combo. I have a couple of more things I need to finish up before I start on this one so hopefully within the next couple of weeks...


Can't wait to see your finished pics, Vik!!

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Holy Stuff on Toast, Renee! How do you do it? I guess if I lived in Texas, I'd have to have AC. Unlike here. I just suffer through the heat waves. Aside from the really bad 100 degree heat wave we had a few weeks ago, it doesn't get too bad here. I get really testy, though, when the heat goes on for too long. One of these years I'm going to break down and buy an AC.


Vik, I, too, eagerly await your finished 'ghan. I'm almost done weaving in ends. But now I want to make four more squares because I need some darker ones. Aargh! Fortunately, it's been cooler here and not too hot to work with yarn.

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I'm just dropping in to say HI! I haven't been around in a while and this project is on "stall" for me. The odd assortment of purple squares that I had made just wasn't looking right. When the weather cools down again, I want to pick a pleasing combination of squares and get them put together in a lapghan.


But enough about me....Renee! I hope it's not too hot next week for your move! Is it humid there too? That can make things extra HOT!


Vik~ I eagerly await a pic of your finished 'ghan. I'm glad the joining is going well for you. The joining can be the least fun part of the whole 'ghan so if it's going well then all the better.


Cupcake ~ the black and white color combo looks super!

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hot hot hot, while I am cold cold cold. The temperatures are getting more extreme.


Despite me having the flu shot, I have been crook the last few weeks with this shocker of a flu that has been going arround. I havent made much progress, but I am dying to see Viks completed rug. It is sure to be a hum dinger! :lol

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Sue, you make me laugh! Too hot to move? That's what movers are for (I'll only be moving light stuff like yarn and clothes and fragiles like art and pottery - the movers get everything else, including my 514 boxes of books)! :lol


It actually hasn't been terribly humid this summer (which is unusual). But when folks say it's not so bad, it's a dry heat, I remind them that an oven is also a dry heat, and cooks a turkey just fine.


Cupcake, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, and I sure hope you get over the flu soon! No matter what time of year, it's always miserable to be sick.

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Renee, are your movers big hunky guys? Or are they more the big belly hanging over the belt guys? I'm glad to hear that you won't be doing all that yourself, especially in the heat.


Sue, anytime you want to jump in, the pool is open!


cupcake, I'm sorry that you feel like poo. Another month or so and your weather will start warming up (and ours will start cooling off, but I don't want to think about that!)

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Hello everybody! How are you?

Sue,I´m so happy to have you here again!!!! I missed you!!!! ;)

Cupcake, I´m with flu too! It´s so cold! :wgrin I´m regreting the tea cosy swap... Maybe I send you an e-mail or PM asking you something, if I don´t get the pattern, you tea cosy expert! :kettle No idea what "a hum dinger" means in English!

Renee, good luck with your moving, and then the unpacking!


Claire & Co. If the joining continues like now, without problems, ghan will be finished and ready for a pic at the end of next week! :hook


Have a nice week end!!!

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Renee, are your movers big hunky guys? Or are they more the big belly hanging over the belt guys? I'm glad to hear that you won't be doing all that yourself, especially in the heat.


I'm pretty sure they'll be the big belly types. I just can't be that lucky! :lol

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you gals make me laugh. Re movers, we had a false fire alarm in the building I work in the other day and the fireman were checking out the sensors.


My colleagues and were lamenting that we never seemed to get the firemen from the Firemans Calender, but the blokes that look like they need a good work out! I am sure you have a similar thing, this is a fireman a a month, so Mr April is in the nude with his helmet or fire hose just covering his manhood. They sell the calenders as a fund raiser.



Vik re humdinger it means

One that is extraordinary or remarkable: a humdinger of a blizzard.


It is a slang term which I am not sure the origin of.

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OK, so my achievement is a bit of a feeble one compared to the gazillion and one blocks that Vik and cupcake are churning out :D but here they are, finished: my 12 wibbly wobblies!!




I've decided to take the fastest possible way out by

a) not blocking them,

b) turning them into a bag instead of a lapghan, and

c) crocheting them together with a slip stitch instead of doing all that yukky sewing!


Not sure when I will get around to making the bag itself, but it will be a very simple one done in 2 pieces - a lining and a dc [uS sc] gusset/strap. :)

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Rose, remember, when it comes to crochet, no attempt is feeble!!!!


I love the colors you chose. I see that you made quite a few of the same squares that I did. Not that I have the book right next to me to check the names, nor can my mind recall them (speaking of feeble!). That will be a lovely bag, but you better get cracking and finish it up. Once that little lovely arrives, your crochet time will dwindle for a while....

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Vik your rug is stunning! I stumbled across it on your blog. The colours and blocks have turned out very well indeed.

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Hello my friends!!!!

I´m so excited because finally I can type the following:

Second crochet square afghan finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce


Can you believe what happened? I finished it yesterday and took the pictures, and immediately came here before posting them in my blog I wanted to give you the breaking news and... CV was down because of that new server!!! :ccompute So... back to my blog, hope you like it!


Please don´t leave it without writing your comment!!!!!!!!! :compute

I really enjoyed this CAL! Small nice group! :ghug

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vik...I really like your afghan! You guys have all done such a wonderful job with this CAL...I'm hoping to do something with this book now that I've almost finished all my WIP's...just one more and I'll allow myself to start a new project!


Good job everyone!!:cheer

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Thanks Renee!!! Thank you very much! I´ll tell Kitty that you like her, but of course not what you wrote between () hahaha! The "partial" would hurt her! :lol

Insurechick, thanks to you too! If you have the book... just start with one block and you won´t stop! :hook

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Rose, thank you very much for your comment and for the link to your post! How did I miss it??? :think As I answered you in my blog, I would have paid to be with you that evening!!! :c9

Hey! The baby is coming! I wonder how are you feeling, just a couple of days!!! :manyheart

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Thanks Renee!!! Thank you very much! I´ll tell Kitty that you like her, but of course not what you wrote between () hahaha! The "partial" would hurt her! :lol


Oh, no, I mean that I especially love the orange kitties! (My first ever cat was a big fat orange kitty.)


Okay guys, I start moving into my new place tonight.


Wish me luck (or just shoot me now and put me out of my misery!).

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Good luck with the moving Renee!!!

Haha! I misunderstood "partial" as "not so much", "not complete". I´ve learned something then! Partial means "specially" too! :manyheart I´ll tell Kitty!

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