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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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Vik, your next 'ghan will be gorgeous with those colors. I can't wait to see them!


Hi Cupcake! How's your latest coming along?


Miranda, the book is a big part of what makes this CAL so much fun. One of our CAL participants actually got to "meet" the squares from the book! If you go to rose-anglaise's blog, you will find them there.


Renee, is it cooler down there yet???

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um....:blush i got distracted by the trolls and the 63square booklet that a secret Elf sent me. I was so excited that someone sent me I had to start on it right away. While I am emabarrased to say I have done 4 of the black and white, I have done 18 of the 63. I did warn my son that I would find the back and white boring. I do plan to get stuck into over the weekend once I decide which blocks I am doing. The full book is a bit tricky to juggle in the train.


Thats my excuse for the day any way!

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Renee, whoo hoo, 97! Break out the parkas and the snow boots! Seriously, how cool does it get there, ever? Do you ever get much below freezing? I've heard of roses blooming in Texas in December, fer cryin' out loud!

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Hi girls! Hail storm again last night, non stop raining today, and very cold!

Highways in the south closed because of snow.

Believe me, Winter still exists in the world!



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Good Morning CAL! How are you? Do you remember that song from the 80´s "It´s the final countdown! Doo-doo doooo dooooo. Doo-doo doo doo doooo ..."? I´m singing this again and again while I´m piling up the blocks... 39! Gr8t! Just 3 more for the 42 I need (6 x 7 )!!!!

Pictures here:



:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Ok here I am, finally writing the details about the afghan...

I´m using 10 colors :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn :yarn

Do you have the book? See page 23. I´m following that Decó layout regarding size (6 x 7 = 42) and the 12 # 34 in the edges. About the 30 blocks inbetween, I crocheted 10 different patterns and 3 of each. Most of them are with pompons (# 203, # 4, #29, #17, etc) others are # 143 and the last 3 are stripes with 8 colors!

I´m crocheting the last 3 blocks :hook ... and then ... waving in some ends and ... the big question about to block or not to block :think ... and the awful process of joining :( ...

Having a deadline (the birthday) helps to hurry up! :clap

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Vik, my dear, you are a crocheting machine! Do you have bionic hands? If so, where do I get a pair installed? Can't wait to see the finished product!

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Good grief woman you are manic......or cold.


Funny how all the Northern Hemisphere crocheters seem to have disappeared, and us in the South are madly crocheting to keep warm!:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



Ok here I am, finally writing the details about the afghan...

I´m using 10 colors

Do you have the book? See page 23. I´m following that Decó layout regarding size (6 x 7 = 42) and the 12 # 34 in the edges. About the 30 blocks inbetween, I crocheted 10 different patterns and 3 of each. Most of them are with pompons (# 203, # 4, #29, #17, etc) others are # 143 and the last 3 are stripes with 8 colors!

I´m crocheting the last 3 blocks :hook ... and then ... waving in some ends and ... the big question about to block or not to block :think ... and the awful process of joining :( ...

Having a deadline (the birthday) helps to hurry up! :clap

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Hello! You are the best, you made me laugh so much!!! :lol I´m not that weird!!! I was crocheting 2 blocks a day every day. One during the day, in the breaks, and the other one while watching TV at night. Not so hard girls!!!


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Hey, this Northern Hemisphere chick is still here! I can make at least two a day when I put my mind to it and there aren't all these little beasts running around here making demands of me. And it's not hotter'n he!!. The cold weather helps, though. Today is cool, so I may just get out the squares and play with them again, and make that last one!


Fall is coming(or Spring, depending on your hemisphere)!

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hehe, I know the feeling Rose. I am in two CALS this one and the 63block. I am more active crocheting the 63s at the moment but I hang arround here cos I like the atmosphere. :D :D and I am waiting for that Argentinian crochet princess to finish her second project.


I also have a few other things on the go in thread, and am working on some stuff for Christmas. Dont feel bad you have so many projects.... just think how versatile you are and how well you multitask! The trick is to make sure you remeber which hook is for which project. I have made a few stuff ups here and the baby hat turned out the size of something that would fit comfortably on a gorilla!

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Just to prove I have made some progress I took a photo




I have decided the blocks I am doing are numbers 5, the stripe, 82 white mesh, 55 and 101 which are the squares, and black popcorn number 8.


I am yet to work out a design. I am sort ot toyong with the deco delight striped effect on page 24 of the book.


The black ones are the worst to do as I can't work on these at night. The others not so bad. I am not a really black and white person, but this could turn out rather snazzy. Of all the blocks my 14yo son likes the white mesh one the best. Given he wanted an all black rug I find that surprising.

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Cupcake this black and white is going to be cool!!!

I know what you mean about black yarn! Only with daylight! We have to keep our eyes!


Update from my afghan: Thank God blocking was not necessary. I started the joining without blocking and it looks good. Again with the flat braid method. I´ve joined 8 so far. I´ll have to hurry up!


Happy crocheting!

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The black and white is quite dramatic. Isn't it just like an adolescent to be so contrary as to like something we don't expect him to like? But, I like it, too! I crocheted the Bobbling Along Tote a few months ago, all black and had a dickens of a time working on it at night. Never again!


Vik, I can't wait to see yours! I worked on weaving in ends on my squares last night, amazing, I know! Got quite a few done, too.

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Good grief woman you are manic......or cold.


Funny how all the Northern Hemisphere crocheters seem to have disappeared, and us in the South are madly crocheting to keep warm!:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Well, Cupcake, I think that about sums it up! :lol Not only have we had 100+ for I dunno, 465 days in a row (or so it seems), but I'm moving in a week and a half, so guess what I did: I packed away all my crochet stuff! :eek Seriously, once I get settled in my new place (in which I will have a separate room just for all my crafts stuff) then I'll get hooking again. Plus, since my new place is a lot more money than my current place, I won't be eating out as much, so I'll have nothing better to do than stay at home crocheting.

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Good Morning Girls! How are you? :ccompute Brrrr here is very cold!!! :wbrr

I tell you that I joined 27 blocks so far. Good news is that I feel much more comfortable by joining than with my first afghan. I remember that one was a nightmare and I hated it. Not at all with this second one, can you believe it? It´s not a pain, it goes easily, and it´s looking very pretty!

I´m not posting a pic cause I want to surprise you with it FINISHED!

Have a nice day!


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