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I was looking at patterns last week on www.ivarose.com and purchased two booklets. She runs a contest every month and picks a name. I didn't even give it a thought, I never win anything. But this time I won a $100.00 gift certificate. I am so excited about this.:yay I can spend hours on her site. She has such beautiful :manyheart vintage patterns.

Thanks for listening! I had to share my happy news.

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Thank you all! I am still buzzing.


I am going to see if I can find more bed jacket, and doilies. It's all vintage booklets and you can view inside them.


WOOOHOOO!!! way to go! I never win anything either. What are ya going to spend it on??
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donna, thats just awesome. what a great thing to get to do. i will have to check her site out more closly. i have so many booklets i tend to forget there are more out there that gets mycreative juices flowing:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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How COOL is that????!!!!!!!! I've never seen that site before but I clicked on it and you are so LUCKY!!!! I bet you are excited... I could spend the evening looking at all those great vintage patterns and books... but then who would crochet my scarf?

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Way to go Donna! :yay A great big pat on the back for you!!! Have a great time deciding what to use you certificate on!

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