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Unsure what to make of it..

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I did a rug made out of strips of old jeans once, years ago. It wore real well and It had such a neat tone to it, with all the frayed edges and different thicknesses. It was a little tough to crochet, but back then and I am dating myself. a K hook was about as big of a hook as you were going to find. Good luck with what ever you decide to make. I am sure it will be spectacular. :hook

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How do you make yarn out of an old pair of jeans??? Do you mean tearing the fabric into strips? If so this would work well as a floor rug, trivot, hot pad etc.. Am I understanding you correctly? :think

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I've got an old box of outgrown jeans I am planning on cutting up for yarn, am planning on making purses. I have a pattern for a knitted one out of old jeans.



On another note, I have an aunt who cuts squares out of the legs and makes quilts out of them, she gets around $60 per quilt. She doesn't put alot of batting in them so they aren't real thick and the different shades of denim make for pretty quilts.


ETA: HERE'S the knitted bag pattern, it wouldn't be that hard to figure out a crocheted version.


I absolutly love this bag.

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When my daughter was younger I made a rag rug for her room out of jeans that she and my son had outgrown; it wore beautifully and she (and everyone else who saw it) absolutely loved it. The purse pattern that Kari linked really appeals to me too.

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I was thinking a rug, too. I think I am actually going to start saving outgrown jeans for it now, that would be fabulous for my eldest kiddo's room - and he'd my "hard" one to figure out what to crochet for!


Don't know if you were inspired by the rug idea, Aidan, but thanks for posting a thread that gave ME some! :lol

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I was just looking at the bag Kari mentioned last night. I need more jeans though. I used all our old ones for quilts. They work great as quilts because the kids can get very rough and it doesn't matter.

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This post came just in time. I have a bag of old jeans that I was going to throw in a donation box. I think I'll try and make a bag. I love using the waistband as the top of the bag.



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When my son moved out several years ago he left behind about 6 to 8 pairs of his jeans that "shrunk" in the closet. I made him a jean rag quilt out of them. Kind of thin batting and backed it with dk red flannel. Quilted each square with a red button in the middle of the square. It turned out beautiful! All the different colors of blue from med. to very light made it really pretty. He LOVES that quilt and says it the warmest thing he has ever slept under!




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