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Major Yarn Diet starting NOW!

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I have really gone over the top lately. I am on a major and I do mean major yarn diet starting today. I have become such a snob lately, nothing in any of the stores interests me, so I have been ordering wool, mohair, etc online. Egads!


Tonight I placed an order for my wool swap partner and I HAD to order something for myself too. To make matters worse, there were about ten other yarns I wanted to order, but showed some restraint!


I have so many different types I am not shopping for anymore yarn til I use at least half of my stash!


I used my husband's credit card tonight and told him "$30.00" tops and what did I spend in total, $63.00!


MUST STOP I SAY! Anyone else having this problem lately??????

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I'm with you Deneen; I'm a yarn addict and fast becoming a yarn snob. My blog may be Acrylic Crack; but I'm heading into wool with a passion, and SOMEONE gave me some cotton to dye...omg, I'm hoooked. And the yarns I used to stay away from? LUST, pure lust for them.



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Oh yah, I'm finding that nothing in Walmart or Michaels does much for me, but get me into Ram Wools or my other LYS with the real stuff and I have zero control. I should consider me Visa card lucky since a lot of the places online that I want yarn from don't want to ship to or are way too much coin to ship to Canada.

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My stash isn't so much too much yarn - my weakness is many more patterns and favorites bookmarked on my 'puter than I'll ever use or ever be able to get organised properly!


To compound this I joined the local library today and while checking out 3 books the guy behind the counter handed me one on beaded crochet that had just been returned so now I have another pile of books to look through...

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I am now lusting after Cascade 220 because of the colors, but will not buy any! Will not, I say! I actually have only 3 skeins of acrylic, all the others are wool, mohair, cotton, cotton blends, silk/rayon, silk-I am really, really out of control! I don't have any good LYS near me, so online is my only way. I'm telling you-I really am on the diet this time. I am happy I have the wool swap to look forward to some new yarn!

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I just went to my LYS for the first time. They just opened up. Everything I touched said, "Made in Italy" on it. I bought some. It's the first REALLY nice yarn I've ever bought. This could have been a baaaaaaaaaad store to walk into! :lol

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My stash is bursting at the seams, and that's even with most everything bough on clearance or at least discounted! I'm trying to not buy it otherwise, but it's hard! At least I got the expensive stuff out of my system with a gift certificate I got for the holidays, but I'm sure I could do some more damage if given the chance.


I'm trying to be good and not buy anything until I use up at least one quarter of my stash (not much, but it's a start!). We'll see how that goes... :)

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Hah, a yarn diet?? NEVER......*grins and rubs hands together with glee*


Don't feel bad, I'm getting daily urges to buy buy buy, more and more yarn.....I'm like a squirrel, storing my treasures and searching for more haha! I use one skein I must replace it with 2, at least haha.


Don't feel bad when your resolve to stay on your diet fails and you find yourself surrounded with soft, lovely skeins heehee...you are simply one of many of us who can NOT resist the call of yarn!


:D heehee




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I want to be on a yarn diet too, but it seems like nothing in my stash will work for what I want to make right now! Really!

I want to get my husband a super nice b-day present this year, as he will be turning 40, so I just keep thinking of that.

I'm forcing myself to use up my stash, even if I don't want to make anything for myself with any of it, I'm trying to just use it up for doll clothes or charity hats.

It's really bad though, I go to the knitpicks site and just make up imaginary shopping lists.

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I'm definitely on a yarn diet. I want to be able to get the nice stuff but I'm trying to use the acrylics I have - making comfortghans (long story) with what I have to use up a bunch. If I can get a bin emptied, I'll start treating myself to something nice ... that's a lot of ghans though ... :lol


The only reason I might be tempted is to buy yarn to make a red sox afghan for dh ... lol. If I'm going to do something of that magnitude I'm not using stash because I know I don't have enough of each color to make the whole thing in matched dyelots!

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Wish I could say that I have that problem, but... I don't. I don't really get to buy yarn all that often... and when I do, I have to be economical with it, and get the el cheapo stuff. But I do have quite a bit of Simply Soft, because I just don't like Red Heart as much... now... hubby DID buy me a skein of Sari Silk off ebay a few days ago.<3 That's the first time I will ever work with anything other than acrylic or cotton. Should be a good experience.

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Say it aint so! I have been feeling a little overpopulated by my yarn, too. Must crochet (or knit...shhh) more....that is my motto!:lol


Last Spring I emptied my "drawer." Now I have...er...um...let's just say a few drawers. :eek oh...and some shelves. My husband asked what I could do with the clutter...I think he is wondering why my yarn is out on shelves and not in drawers (I would hate to have to tell him the drawers are full.)


I think it is because we are a repressed bunch of crocheters who have only been surrounded by Walmarts and Michaels and now our eyes are open to the glorious luxury of all different types of yarn, silk, wool, alpaca, bamboo, cotton...we don't have to choose from which varigated red heart ss we like best...with some clicks of the mouse and something called a credit card number the world of yarn is now open to us. Too much yarn, too little time, too little money...oh what is a yarn addict suppose to do?

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Deneen when you are feeling up to it you must curb your desire to buy and learn to spin with other fibres. Then of course you will have to buy more fibers and create a new stash so hubby has twice as much to complain about! lol!:devil:goodorbad:neener what do you get when you cross a :kangaroo with a :1sheep ? Don't know, a WOOLLY JUMPER :sheepjump (translation jumper means sweater) LOL !:yay:hug

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I kinda blew it-I found a seller on eBay selling Cascade 220 for $4.85 a skein and bought three including the 220 Donegal Tweed (more pricey, of course), but her shipping was only $3.25 for all three.


Also, I went to Michaels and MY MOTHER (shock here), bought three skeins of Amore for me to make her a ponchette like the one I made my SIL for X-mas and 9 skeins of Ticker Tape for a poncho like the mohair one I made her for Christmas for Spring (the Ticker Tape was on clearance for $3 each). Now, my mom bought it and it is for her, but I get to make it-so it's kinda like new yarn.


In total I only spent $18.00, but still. I want to get some roving now for spinning (I want to seriously start spinning this month). Darn it!

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Hello, fellow junkies.... My name is Gail, and I am a yarn addict. :welcome Gail! For many years I have seen but disregarded the symptoms of my addiction. I often found myself saying "I can stop buying yarn online any time I want to, I just really don't want to right now." Or I would congratulate myself on having a good week, not buying that much... then I would remember that I had to stay on the lookout for the 3 boxes of yarn I am awaiting from UPS guy, with whom I am on first name terms. I even bought him a Christmas gift! We have a wonderful relationship... he loves me because my boxes are so light! I can recount several times that I slipped the latest charge bill into my pocket and skulked toward the stairs to sneak my lastest purchase up to my already burgeoning stash. :blush I remember losing track of time seaching for the perfect skein on Ebay.... just one more auction... I have to bid higher... the rush that went with winning the lot of yarn that contained EXACTLY the colors I've been wanting..... Then there were the times that I would be late for appointments because I was AGAIN petting my stash and drooling :drool ... or the times I would climb upstairs to my stash area (the room overflowed..) with the yarn mess I had created with unused yarn, only to return an hour later with 5 times more than I took up for the WIM's, 50% of which MIGHT get started, let alone finished... And there were the times that I would find myself thinking about WIMs or my stash, or that illusive PERFECT skein at the most inappropriate times :dreaming (ponder on that one!) OK, let's say the pledge... *God grant me the serenity to accept the yarns that I already have, The courage to walk out of my LYS empty handed, And the wisdom to....." Oh, nevermind, I'll start NEXT week...

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I somewhat organized my yarn today...spent hours going thru the closet. Um 3 Huge totes, the underbed box, um, bags on the shelf, and that's not counting the cotton in the two sets of drawers or the wool I dyed in the other set. Where am I going to put the Wool Ease I got for 2 1/2 afghans coming from Ebay? or my KnitPicks order? or the wool from the swap? Do I really need more than one set of bedsheets? If I toss the linens...HELP!!! I just gave half my Bernat Boucle to a friend, she's going to make me an afghan from some and keep the rest as payment.



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I, too am a yarn junkie.

Gotta have my fix and if I find yarn on sale, LOOKOUT I overdose big time.


I managed to kinda sort my yarns out over the weekend. Dragging tote after tote out of the closet and sorting the whites, colors, threads and heavy cottons.


Tiring of the ever concealed plastic tote box, I neatly placed my beautiful yarns in a clear poly zip bag !!DONT THROW OUT THOSE KING AND QUEEN POLY ZIP BAGS THAT COMFORTERS COME IN!! added a couple herbal satchets (found in the laundry aisle of walmart).


Now I have 3 king bags full, 3 queens to match and 4 twin bags displaying all my beautiful yarns and allowing me to find what I need without hassle.


angela aka.bayoucritter

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Oh I love those comforter bags! I have a few small zipper bags too, that I have different projects or yarn for projects in. One comforter bag is full of Christmas yarn I bought and didn't have time to use this year, and another has most of the colors for my afghan to be just waiting for a pattern.

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I have a sweater stacker closet organizer thingie (y'all know what I mean) that has a zip front, and the front panel is clear. It was given to me, and I hate using it for clothes because the front panel gets in the way, but HEY- I bet it will be perfect for yarn! What a thought! Now what clothes should I get rid of so it fits in the closet...

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:2blush well... I am seriously suffering from the same problem - err, lets call it an attribute! I would be ashamed to admit how much I've spent on Alpaca alone this month (much much much money) but I do work full time and recently quit smoking so... I suppose there are worse ways to spend my money, huh? I absolutely love yarn. All kinds of yarn. My hubby recently encouraged me to move my stash and books from the upstairs bedroom where it was crammed into a closet to downstairs where we made my "Creative Corner"... here are some pics of my stash and my area!


th_lovelyyarn.jpgThis is a picture of some of my stash... the large white hamper is all full of just wool and nothing but wool... the wooden box on the floor is some of my alpaca... it's crammed full. The little metal basket is full of cottons.



This pic is of the corner. The big bookcase is full of patterns, my antique bottle collection, baskets full of my tools (quilting, sewing, crochet...) and the baskets that are between the bookshelf and the wall are all full of yarn. The top of the bookshelf has more bins of yarn...


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Here's a few more pics (can you tell I've been dieing to show you my little place in the world that I :manyheart so much???)


Here's my table with my sewing maching on top, another machine underneath along with some totes with some misc. stuff in them. See my January swap squares on the pin up board behind my machine???



Here's where Mr. Sheep hides...


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and lastly...

A close up of where my faeries play in the yarn...



and my bookshelf full of goodies.



I truly love this space and this room. Hubby and I installed crown molding in here a few months ago. There is a fire place at the other end of the room.


I am sooooooooo lucky!!!


Oh... and that's not all the stash... I still have lots of loose hanks of yarn, mostly wool, still in the upstairs closet. And, on the opposite wall from the bookshelf is an old china hutch that has the lower shelves jammed with the acrylic that I'm using for my 35 grannies afghan.


I sure hope it doesn't appear that I'm bragging... I'm just so blessed to have such an awesome space and such yummy yarn I wanted to share.:yay

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