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Encouragement for Making Gifts, 2016 version ;)


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Now that is so cool looking.


Here is what I have done so far.  I just finished up the misfit elephant and jack-in-the-box.  I am now going to make the last character.


Hopefully I will have it done today.



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She is about 20 inches long not including the tail.

Awesome!!!  :clap  :clap


Now that is so cool looking.


Here is what I have done so far.  I just finished up the misfit elephant and jack-in-the-box.  I am now going to make the last character.


Hopefully I will have it done today.


attachicon.gifAmi Ville Christmas Village008 (2).JPG

:faint .....adorable!.....I would never have the patience to do this!!

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Love the Rudolf characters!

Always bothered me that the little doll was on the island of misfit toys ... they never explained why.

I think the doll said something other then Mama, always cried at that part LOL


  Just got back from doing some travel for work with DH,  it was his birthday week.....( he spreads it out)  I spent tons of time in the car traveling and crocheting.... almost done with all the panels for Ethans puppy blanket.....


Love what everyone is doing..>!

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Oh everyone's projects are just so cute!!! I love amigurimi! 


I had the day off for Vets day so I was able to sit and stitch the whole day!!! I use the term whole day rather loosely because I slept 1/2 of it. I'm in the middle of preparing all 3 of my school Christmas concerts (I teach music at 3 schools) so it's a very stressful time for me. I was exhausted! Now I'm quite refreshed and very happy with all the progress I got done over the weekend!


I finished a skein on my DH's scarf but will need to dip into another one as it's not long enough yet. Do you know how long a scarf should be for someone who is 6'4"??

Then I put in some major hours on my brothers granny square 'Link' blanket. Got most of the squares sewn together. Wait until you guys see it. Every time we look at it all spread out, we start laughing. It's going to be a hit!

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Hi everyone.  I have been busy with my last figures, and I finally finished the Lion.  He just has to get his wings on.  They are drying as we speak.


I have finally posted my Thanksgiving table and tree.  A little late, but I do hope you like them.



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Nice work Mary Jo!

How's everyone doing this weekend? I hope you will all have some time to stitch away at your projects ❤️


As for me, I've been obsessively sewing this granny blanket together. All my big chunks I had previously sewed are joined together! I'm now working on filling in the gaps on the outside of the pattern. I just hope it's big enough, I won't really know until all the pieces are on...I wanted it to be big enough to go on a queen bed.

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MJ, love the table.....


   spent a bunch of time in the car this week and finished the last strip , the eyes, noses and bones for the puppy blanket, all I need to do is make 22 ears and put the whole thing together...


  I also need to line the older grands baskets and do a couple appliques.... I should have some time this weekend...

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I finished my first Christmas tree bookmark - thanks to a fairy godmother who sent me brown thread! Next one should go easier... :lol

  I love that! I was thinking I need to make a new bookmark cause Iused an old snickers wrapper found in the car as a book mark today :lol


  finishe dall the small pieces for the puppy ghan... tomorrow I hope to get all the strips joined! This is one of Ethan's big gifts so I will be so glad to get it done!!

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Oh my gosh you guys! I finished sewing all 208 squares together tonight!! This is the biggest project I've ever done so I'm really excited!! Pictures to come soon!

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I was so excited about finishing that I forgot to comment on how pretty those bookmarks are!! Nicely done!


So I've laid out the newly finished blanket and decided that it needs one more row of black squares on one side. So I'm back at the hook but I did take a picture of it! It's a Link blanket from NES Legend of Zelda, a favorite of my brother, which is why I made this blanket for him! :)post-61033-0-40207000-1479933439_thumb.jpg

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