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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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I feel like the gosh darn grim reaper our girl scout leader (I am co-leader) lost her grandma. Anyone know of a pattern that works up super super fast? Like bulky yarn and huge hook fast? I need to do this for her but time is of the essence. I feel my plate is overloaded.





Sopo that sounds like a fun trip.

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howieann, Pretty star afghan.


Ann I hope you feel better soon


sopo, jessicali I have been to CO twice and loved it there.  The first time we only spent a a couple of days in the CO Springs area and we only saw Pike's peak for a few minutes as it was fogged in the rest of the time.  The next time we spent a week in the area.  We drove to Gunnison one day just to get there shortly before sunset and then we headed back to CO Springs.  Just looking at the map it had looked like a "day" trip and it would have been had it been in KS.  


jessicali, sorry about your grandfather


mrs, sorry about your friend's father and your other friend's grandma.  I am sure both will appreciate anything you send or do for them.  I think one of the best things is when people are still there for support and comfort later (weeks and months) when they are going through all the firsts (holidays, anniversaries) without their loved ones.  I try to send thinking of you cards or call on days that I think might be hard.

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I feel like the gosh darn grim reaper our girl scout leader (I am co-leader) lost her grandma. Anyone know of a pattern that works up super super fast? Like bulky yarn and huge hook fast? I need to do this for her but time is of the essence. I feel my plate is overloaded.





Sopo that sounds like a fun trip.


What about a corner to corner afghan? They are pretty quick, in my opinion!

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I finished a star blanket for our niece's baby shower. It was the first time I'd done anything with ripples of any kind, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

It is very pretty.


Hey all! I don't make it on the forum a whole lot anymore! Especially with the boys out of school! They have 9 days left before they go back (They have been gone the past 2 weeks with  my parents) so the next 9 days, I probably won't be around much at all because I want to enjoy all the time with them that I can! 


I haven't gotten my 'ghan complete yet but soon! Hopefully by the week end! I do have a TON of squares to send out (mainly 6") so I'll get them worked up & put into the puffies & mailed when I can! 


I have been traveling quite a bit this summer.. We went to Colorado for a weekend in early July. That trip got cut short due to my grandfathers death, so as soon as we got home from CO, we went to southern Missouri for his funeral & to do arrangements there. We were home from SoMO for 3ish days & when my husband got home from work that following Friday, we went to Florida for about a week! (He originally went there for a job, but it fell through & so we just enjoyed time in Port St. Joe at the beautiful beach there) 


I just got back from SoMo again getting my boys so needless to say, I have gotten quite a few squares done from being in the car for so long!! I have to get envelopes & baggies to put them in then as soon as I get the extra $$ I will start gathering addresses & get them in the mail.

Sorry for the loss of your grandfather.


Today was the first day back for teachers. I got my classroom furniture arranged and most of the things that needed to be hung on the walls put up and I am absolutely exhausted. I might do a little crocheting tonight but I'm sure I will be asleep early.


Have a great evening everyone.

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hi all, just a quick holler out to all my square friends!! Tomorrow will be post office day, sopo, I will try to get a lavendar or pink 12 inch done tonight, and put in your black and white cotton puffy, but not sure that will happen, so if it isn't in there, it will be coming at a later date, if you still need it by then, ok..


Reiann, still no word from you, we are all getting worried, are you feeling alright? First few months pregnancies can kick your you know what, so waiting to hear from you, as we all miss you..

Crochet321, your paticulars are still pending, but several of us would love to start squaring for you, just don't know our preferences yet,. Pm when you can, ok.


Pineknot, dragnlady, chshort, kuddles Bgs, Holly , and Ann, and sopo, and kay I did send you some squares, I checked my book, (see previous post about if i did or not, lol)


All others i missed, oh, jessica, good to have you back, kay,. sorry about the friends grandmother, and kuddles and kiddles, welcome back.


Well, i think I have caught up, but invariably, will have missed someone, so apologies about that ...


Memory is only about 90 percent today, but Im trying!!


Well, ok, off for now oh random question here...........thinking about making up some make up removal puffs for my brunch bunch, and inlclude a mild facial clenser with them, I was thinking Noxema, I have use that a long time, but maybe if some of you have some favorite mild facial clenser that is not dollar tree cheap, but not Dept.Cosmetic Dept COunter expensive, I would appreciate knowing, lol thank you all, I know you won't let me down!!!!!!

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Good (late) morning all! Couldn't get on the ville this morning so thought I'd try from work. Shhhhh!


Sorry for the losses in our group. Squares - stay strong! Hugs to all!


I'm still tired from our weekend but wait, I'm always tired! I'm 58 in a few weeks, with a 10 year old. Good grief!



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Just a quick run-by posting to let you all know that I am okay. We are moved into our new place and most boxes have been empty (current count of not-yet-unpacked boxes: 5  Woot!) I lost, and then found, my crochet bag with Lucy's unfinished blanket and my squares that are supposed to be mailed out. I promise to get some out soon!

Lucy is growing like a bad weed and my older girls are adjusting nicely to the new life. We are excited to finally have money!! Now comes the very difficult task of digging ourselves out of all this debt.



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wow, something happened with the ville, ,my research showed it ws not me, so I knew it was down for some reason,Im glad it's up and running again, though, visions of withdrawl crept into my mind!!


Good to see ya cindy, glad things are going well!!!


Is anyone reaching Reiann for her addy???


Hello to eveyone else, have a nice afternoon!!

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Cindy, glad to hear you are getting settled in.


I survived day 2 of back to work. Not quite as tired tonight but I have a headache, sinuses hurt in the front and a dull ache in the back, probably from all the dust stirred up setting up my classroom and the change in my sleep pattern. Hope to make it to the post office tomorrow to mail some puffies. I was working on a crocheted top for me but had some problems with it and emailed the magazine, I think there might be a few rows missing from the pattern which I could probably figure out but I wanted to check first. So tonight I will probably work on a lapghan that is in progress. Thats about it for me. Have a good night.

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I have been working on finishing my first ever graph project today and I am super happy to say that I finished it! I made a Dr. Who bag for a very good blogger friend of mine! 




I am pleased with how it turned out also! 


It's a very cool 68 degrees outside right now. I am going to go crack the window in my bedroom & head to bed!! Going to work on my 'ghan tomorrow some! I have some more black finally (I ran out before so that's why I hadn't really worked on it any.. Everytime I was at a store with yarn, I forgot to get it!) 


Talk more in the morning.

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Good morning all!


cshort - hope your head feels better! I suffer from allergies and sinus issues myself. Not fun!


Jessica - outstanding job on the bag!


Everyone else - Hi! Have a great day to everyone!



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hi lacey, kuddles, and jessica, nice job on the bag jessica!!


Packages to our new queen Reiann, and one for sopo went out this am, so look for those ladies, in about three days!


Getting a bit worried about Reiann, no word from her since she became queen, least if there was, I missed it, anyway, hope all is well with her "condition" and she checks in soon. Has anyone had trouble getting her addy??? Has anyone emailed her and not gotten a reply.. Lemme know...


Got serveral things done today, that were on my to-do list, so feeling pretty good about that, lol some days, the list just even doesn't get looked at, if you know what I mean, lol. But got it cleaned off once again, ready for the "new list" lol


well squares, Ill check in later, to see how it is all going, have a great aft. kids are bck in school here, as of yesterday in some places, today in the rest, so it was a quiet day, usually is quiet around here anyways though, but I did see the school bus today driving by, lol so that was a good sign the kids were off on a new school year!!

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I have been busy working outside this week taking advantage of the milder than usual Aug weather.  There is always something out there that needs doing.  I hope Reiann is doing okay.  I hope she received my package that I mailed out last Fri.


Lacey, pretty ghan.  I have started doing a join as you go on the last round of granny squares and I am really liking putting squares together that way.  


Jessica, nice bag.

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Jessica, your bag looks great.


I made it to the post office today and mailed puffies to our Queen Reiann, a.creative.mrs, and sopo, hopefully they will be at their destinations in a few days. Then I ran around trying to find a particular cd for my dad for a birthday gift next week, ended up ordering it from Amazon and paying a little extra to be sure its here before next Wed. I found out today that I will not be getting my second aide back in my classroom before the kids come back even though I have enough students. The department that funds my aides is waiting for the "warm body count" before they authorize more people. It really stinks because the aide was really good in my classroom last year and its hard to find good people to work with my students. She was let go at the end of the last school year and has been hired at another school. Ok, enough rambling, have a great evening.

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