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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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love your baby blanket. love how you did the border. do you have a pattern for the blanket and borer?


I will look for the official pattern, but the body was chain 91, sk 1 ch, 2sc in next chain across - 90 st.  Keep doing that pattern until it's big enough.  The border was sc around, 3 in the corner, next row was dc,ch 1 in every other stitch 3 in the corner, and the last row was 5 dc in the previous dc.  The ribbon gets woven in the dc row of the border in the ch 1 spaces

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I was on my way to work yesterday morning and got passed by a Uhaul pulling a trailer with an SUV on it, had the license plate "TURTLVR". Haha, at first I thought it was a Florida plate! But I caught back up with them and it was Virginia. Just a funny coincidence. :)


I started out with good intentions this morning but I seem to have stalled out... need to get my motivation back so I can get my chores done today so tomorrow can be just enjoyed!





Unless she has moved she is in FL

That's a pretty one.  As far as joining squares I think you just have to line them up and make it work.  It would probably be easiest to sew them together.   If they are close to the same size but different number of stitches you have to skip a stitch here and there to get them to come out.   You might try putting another round on the squares and by skipping or adding stitches make them come out to the same number of stitches. This method might work for you as she is putting together different  types of squares 


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Crochetwise, been doing a lot of granny work. I had asked Katy but will post here too.... does anyone still like plain ole granny squares or are you guys wanting fancy? If so, I'll find some patterns. Also, any advice on joining squares with different amounts of stitches? I dug my squares out from before.. I had asked for 6" and they all have different numbers of edge stitches so what's the best way to join? 


I like plain ones too

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Crochetwise, been doing a lot of granny work. I had asked Katy but will post here too.... does anyone still like plain ole granny squares or are you guys wanting fancy? If so, I'll find some patterns. Also, any advice on joining squares with different amounts of stitches? I dug my squares out from before.. I had asked for 6" and they all have different numbers of edge stitches so what's the best way to join? 


I like plain ones too

 I like both the plain ones and the fancy ones. :)

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Hello dear friends!  Sorry that I have another long gap in my posts.  August is turning out to be unkind to me also.  My doctor has just switched some of my meds around plus added one, so fingers and toes crossed that I will see a difference soon.  I see that Reiann is our reigning queen.  I will do my best to get some squares mailed out this month!  And welcome back Sopo!  So good to see your post.  I didn't go back very far, so hope I haven't missed too much.  I'll try to get back soon.  Right now I need to get some sleep. Take care and hugs all around....

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Good to hear from you as well, Ann. Hope you get to feeling better soon.  I finished a couple of squares yesterday to go out. Also started a Katiy style scarf and did some african flowers for a project. Would rather crochet some more today but seems I'm giving motorcycle riding lessons to my dd and sil. Everyone have a great day. 

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OH YAY sopo, do show us a pic  here, when you complete those scarves, are you having as much fun with them as I do?? lol


ANn, poor baby, still not feeling better, this is a long bout, well nevermind, you just rest and come in when you are up to it, we'll be here!!


Oh heard from our Jessica, and she has changed up her preferences now, her other ghan nears completion, and photo ing, lol soon...


Check out the first post of this thread for her changed preferences, and Sopo's prefs, are up now as well, and I have four made so far for her, will go out, Im hoping, with Reiaan's tomorrow, keep our fingers crossed on that as well, i have forgotten to take it with me when i go out, for a week now, but today, I will stick in near my purse and keys, can't walk out with it, and Sopo;s then, well, I can, but it will at least be more a not missing type of thing, lol


SOPO, i have always admired that Drop in the Pond, but look so confusing and difficult to me, .lol maybe i will give it another peek soon, you inspire me as well!! Be careful on those motorcycles!

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Now this is better, all of us inspiring each other to try and do things out of our comfort zone! I like that!! Come on crochet 321, pwetty pwease send me your prefs, and addy, so we can start squaring away for you as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


all for now, gonna take a peek on ravelry,,,,,,,,,,he he he......

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Hi all!  Surprise to see me again, lol!  I'm just here for a second, but wanted to say "hi".  Take care and be well!


a.creative.mrs I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's dad.  It is very hard to lose a loved one.

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Hey all! I don't make it on the forum a whole lot anymore! Especially with the boys out of school! They have 9 days left before they go back (They have been gone the past 2 weeks with  my parents) so the next 9 days, I probably won't be around much at all because I want to enjoy all the time with them that I can! 


I haven't gotten my 'ghan complete yet but soon! Hopefully by the week end! I do have a TON of squares to send out (mainly 6") so I'll get them worked up & put into the puffies & mailed when I can! 


I have been traveling quite a bit this summer.. We went to Colorado for a weekend in early July. That trip got cut short due to my grandfathers death, so as soon as we got home from CO, we went to southern Missouri for his funeral & to do arrangements there. We were home from SoMO for 3ish days & when my husband got home from work that following Friday, we went to Florida for about a week! (He originally went there for a job, but it fell through & so we just enjoyed time in Port St. Joe at the beautiful beach there) 


I just got back from SoMo again getting my boys so needless to say, I have gotten quite a few squares done from being in the car for so long!! I have to get envelopes & baggies to put them in then as soon as I get the extra $$ I will start gathering addresses & get them in the mail.

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I finished a star blanket for our niece's baby shower. It was the first time I'd done anything with ripples of any kind, and I'm happy with how it turned out.


That looks very nice!! Good job!

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OH YAY sopo, do show us a pic  here, when you complete those scarves, are you having as much fun with them as I do?? lol


SOPO, i have always admired that Drop in the Pond, but look so confusing and difficult to me, .lol maybe i will give it another peek soon, you inspire me as well!! Be careful on those motorcycles!


I'll be sure and post a pic. 200 miles riding in 100+ heat index and I am beat. Getting old.  As to the drop in the pond, TRY IT!!! It's so easy! I LOVE it. I've made a lapghan, a baby blanket and don't like much on my king bed size one. Seriously, it's fun cause it's relaxing grannies but interesting enough to not get boring. 


A close friend lost his dad to cancer(they found out too late) and his mom lives 3.5hrs from him. Very sad and breaks my heart. I really want to help somehow but I have no clue. Cannot imagine losing a spouse.


So sorry about your friend and his mom. I've been through that, lost hubby to cancer and it is hard. I just know she'd appreciate a card or a call just to know there are people that care. Prayer for you all.


Hey all! I don't make it on the forum a whole lot anymore! Especially with the boys out of school! They have 9 days left before they go back (They have been gone the past 2 weeks with  my parents) so the next 9 days, I probably won't be around much at all because I want to enjoy all the time with them that I can! 


I haven't gotten my 'ghan complete yet but soon! Hopefully by the week end! I do have a TON of squares to send out (mainly 6") so I'll get them worked up & put into the puffies & mailed when I can! 


I have been traveling quite a bit this summer.. We went to Colorado for a weekend in early July. That trip got cut short due to my grandfathers death, so as soon as we got home from CO, we went to southern Missouri for his funeral & to do arrangements there. We were home from SoMO for 3ish days & when my husband got home from work that following Friday, we went to Florida for about a week! (He originally went there for a job, but it fell through & so we just enjoyed time in Port St. Joe at the beautiful beach there) 


I just got back from SoMo again getting my boys so needless to say, I have gotten quite a few squares done from being in the car for so long!! I have to get envelopes & baggies to put them in then as soon as I get the extra $$ I will start gathering addresses & get them in the mail.


Sorry about your grandfather. :( Sounds like you've been on the road a lot! I got to ride to Colorado last month, it's so beautiful there. 


I finished a star blanket for our niece's baby shower. It was the first time I'd done anything with ripples of any kind, and I'm happy with how it turned out.


Very nice! I'm going to try to relax a bit but bet I end up with a hook in hand. :) 

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I'll be sure and post a pic. 200 miles riding in 100+ heat index and I am beat. Getting old.  As to the drop in the pond, TRY IT!!! It's so easy! I LOVE it. I've made a lapghan, a baby blanket and don't like much on my king bed size one. Seriously, it's fun cause it's relaxing grannies but interesting enough to not get boring. 



So sorry about your friend and his mom. I've been through that, lost hubby to cancer and it is hard. I just know she'd appreciate a card or a call just to know there are people that care. Prayer for you all.



Sorry about your grandfather. :( Sounds like you've been on the road a lot! I got to ride to Colorado last month, it's so beautiful there. 



Very nice! I'm going to try to relax a bit but bet I end up with a hook in hand. :)


It's gorgeous!! We went straight through Kansas on 70 & then down to Colorado Springs from there & being able to watch the mountains pop up & get bigger the closer we got was amazing! My boys thought it was so cool! We climbed to the top of Wolf's Peak & I was able to take quite a few awesome pictures too! 


Thank you - My grandfather is in a much better place. He had Alzheimer's really bad & got to where he knew absolutely no one! He had a stroke not even a week before he passed & wasn't able to eat. 

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We went up through New Mexico on our bikes. Stayed in Gunnison then made a huge circle through some tall mountains up to Carbondale and stayed in Aspen. Then I went over to Colorado Springs and came down I-25 home. I got caught in that crazy flash flooding and hail storm outside of Colorado Springs lol but yes, It was absolutely breathtaking, especially coming through Independence Pass. :)

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so sorry to hear of that loss kay. Im sure he is in a better place n0w.

A close friend lost his dad to cancer(they found out too late) and his mom lives 3.5hrs from him. Very sad and breaks my heart. I really want to help somehow but I have no clue. Cannot imagine losing a spouse.

Hi Ann, always good to hear from you, Hi back!!


Hi all!  Surprise to see me again, lol!  I'm just here for a second, but wanted to say "hi".  Take care and be well!


a.creative.mrs I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's dad.  It is very hard to lose a loved one.



Hey all! I don't make it on the forum a whole lot anymore! Especially with the boys out of school! They have 9 days left before they go back (They have been gone the past 2 weeks with  my parents) so the next 9 days, I probably won't be around much at all because I want to enjoy all the time with them that I can! 


I haven't gotten my 'ghan complete yet but soon! Hopefully by the week end! I do have a TON of squares to send out (mainly 6") so I'll get them worked up & put into the puffies & mailed when I can! 


I have been traveling quite a bit this summer.. We went to Colorado for a weekend in early July. That trip got cut short due to my grandfathers death, so as soon as we got home from CO, we went to southern Missouri for his funeral & to do arrangements there. We were home from SoMO for 3ish days & when my husband got home from work that following Friday, we went to Florida for about a week! (He originally went there for a job, but it fell through & so we just enjoyed time in Port St. Joe at the beautiful beach there) 


I just got back from SoMo again getting my boys so needless to say, I have gotten quite a few squares done from being in the car for so long!! I have to get envelopes & baggies to put them in then as soon as I get the extra $$ I will start gathering addresses & get them in the mail.

you got your traveling pants on girlie!!


I finished a star blanket for our niece's baby shower. It was the first time I'd done anything with ripples of any kind, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

That is gorgeous holly, nice job!!!


Going out sometime tomorrow, if the rain lets me, and mail those two packages, one for our queen, and one for a returnimng member!! Kay, have you received squares from me yet, I can't remember if I mailed you some a wh ile back..Ill check my list too, and see.. \\

well, weekend is almost over, I hope you all got done what you wanted to, and found the time to relax and crochet too, lol.. see ya later on, take care all...

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