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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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honex  :hug  :hug 

kuddles  :hi

grannyannie, glad to see you are back, I wished you felt better


I don't know where this week has gone.  I worked outside on Mon moving wood out of the woodshed  so we can clean it up and then fill it for winter.  Then I carried several bags of landscape gravel over to the places where we dumped them.  We had appointments on Tues, more tomorrow, and bonsai on Sat.  Wed I had some computer projects that took a long time.  I spent this morning sawing up old plastic sewer pipe into manageable sized pieces so they can go in the trash.  I think I have finished tacking down ends on this batch of squares so I can start working on the layout and assembly.  

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you are a busy little bee Bgs!! lol    hi kuddles, and everyone else, hope all is going well, tomorrow we will have the new queen announced, and our outgoing queenie, will pass on the crown, i hope holly you got lots of squares to report to us!!


Did a bit of organizing in my craft room, whenever i finsih a project, I clean stuff up, vac and such, and only then, can I call it Completed!! lol


Was disappointed last evening, we went to a restaurant we used to really like, they have closed the ones near us, so it was a drive, anyway, looked the same, the guy that took the order, didn't smile once, nor, did the order come to the table right.. We were not offered another salad bar  plate, and had to look around for a stack so we could get another serving, i love salad bars, then, the manager or someone said, you have to get that from your server, and I said, ok, where is that person then? She came out from the back, handed us a plate, first one, was dirty, second one ok....


Not once, did she come to refresh our sodas, nor check to see if we needed anything, for which i Had to call her over once, as my order did not have gravy on the potatoes, as ordered...


Then, never saw her again, one waitress for the whole place,so lously service, some  loud people right next to us, food was smaller, prices higher, I dunno,not a good dining experience, won't go back. NO one smiled. ever..but .Did bring home some steak left overs for the doggie though, for which she enjoyed more than we did the whole meal... sigh, another one bites the dust..


Cooking at home this evening, lol 


have a great day all, enjoy your evening!!

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you are a busy little bee Bgs!! lol    hi kuddles, and everyone else, hope all is going well, tomorrow we will have the new queen announced, and our outgoing queenie, will pass on the crown, i hope holly you got lots of squares to report to us!!


Did a bit of organizing in my craft room, whenever i finsih a project, I clean stuff up, vac and such, and only then, can I call it Completed!! lol


Was disappointed last evening, we went to a restaurant we used to really like, they have closed the ones near us, so it was a drive, anyway, looked the same, the guy that took the order, didn't smile once, nor, did the order come to the table right.. We were not offered another salad bar  plate, and had to look around for a stack so we could get another serving, i love salad bars, then, the manager or someone said, you have to get that from your server, and I said, ok, where is that person then? She came out from the back, handed us a plate, first one, was dirty, second one ok....


Not once, did she come to refresh our sodas, nor check to see if we needed anything, for which i Had to call her over once, as my order did not have gravy on the potatoes, as ordered...


Then, never saw her again, one waitress for the whole place,so lously service, some  loud people right next to us, food was smaller, prices higher, I dunno,not a good dining experience, won't go back. NO one smiled. ever..but .Did bring home some steak left overs for the doggie though, for which she enjoyed more than we did the whole meal... sigh, another one bites the dust..


Cooking at home this evening, lol 


have a great day all, enjoy your evening!


We will be on the road awhile tomorrow -----50 miles one way for appointments in the morning and afternoon and will run errands in between.  Then its back home to feed the cat and then off to the REC meeting and dinner 23 miles one way the opposite direction. 


Sorry about your dining experience. We have had some experiences like that and usually never go back.  I hate to gloat but we ate out Tues for lunch at a steak place and it was fabulous.  Server was very attentative, steak melted in our mouth, and their bread is so light and fluffy.  It had been a couple of years since we had eaten there and we kind of forgot just how good it was. 

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Hello, and good morning squares!! You do know what today is, besides the end of the work week, do you not?? Haven't you been waiting to hear whom our new Queenie will be Of Squaresville?? I thought as much, lol..


Well, the time has come to say farewell to holly, and to thank her for her reign as queen, and now time to then pass the crown to our new Queen, who by the way,




Reiann!!!!!! Congratz Reiann, may you have a happy and square filled reign!! Pinks and purples, will be fun to work on, a ghan for her mom in the making!  I pledge at least four!!!!!!!!!!!! again, congratz Reiann, welcome to the throne!!!!!!!!!

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lots of driving for you bgs, glad you enjoyed YOUR steak, lol    mine was ok, but small, I like my steak well done, but not burnt around the edges, I really didn't get either, lol Oh well,,,,,,,lol


take care till later, going out for a bit today, will be back later this afternoon......


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Good afternoon, everyone! I took a day off today to stay home and get some housework done; some painting in the kitchen (our cabinets have been in various stages of sanding and partial painting for nearly a year now... in a way it's kinda convenient since no handles makes it harder for the small child to get into things. :lol I just wrapped up my afternoon painting session and I'm going to go do some sewing; working on summer pjs for the little guy, and one set is to be a surprise so I want to work on it while he's at daycare... Then... uh... oh geez I forgot the laundry! Ok, so I'm going to go move laundry around and then I'll start sewing. It looks like it's mostly sewing stuff I'm working on today, then off to get Little Viking and tonight we're going out for dinner and ice cream after we all get home.


I haven't gotten much yarning done lately, but I've been way more productive than normal lately. I've even started drawing again, told myself I have to draw a picture every day! I haven't drawn regularly in a good ten years and I was really missing it, but somehow never found the time to work... well, now I have to, or my "Carrot Guy" will lose hit points! :D


Oh, while I was cleaning this week ( :2eek  I know!) I found a motif I made playtesting a pattern for Cindy a while ago. I like it, but I can't use it in anything I've got going on now and I don't see anything coming up where it will fit (I don't know why I picked those particular colors!) so I thought I'd take a picture of it and offer it on here to anyone who might want it. It is a hexagon and not a square, so it'll take a little extra working on the corners to square it up, but it should be doable! I'll post picture as soon as I get one.  :photo


Ok, sewing time now!

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that would be nice, i have two I think 6 or 8 inch yellow and white squares, two strands of bby yarn held together, that I won't probably use either, Ill throw in too!!     


Oh, supper tonight IN, was so much better, but i did miss a salad bar, lol, I just can't eat a whole head or bag of lettuce by myself and handyman isn't big on salads, so I usually only get those kinds of things out, oh well, corn on the cob, steak and fries, and for desert, i have some home made cupcakes from CAKE FLOUR, lol I love that stuff, next best thing to bakery, and if you count the home made frosting, it';s better than anything you buy!!!


Nice out tonight, dryer is going, few things getting washed, and dried this evening, vac. my bedrooms, and hall, and laundry today, did some dusting in the living room, and did the floor in the kitchen, soI think I have earned a crochet evening, lol


Hail to the new queen, have we heard from Reiann yet??????? come on queenie, speech speech!!!!!!!!!

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Hey all. Just popping in to congrat our new Queenie.  Been busy hookin' Got my cow finished this evening and now working on a square for the stitchcation from crochet crowd. plus got 3 other afghans in the works and still gotta make a goat and Baby stuff.  Trying to stay up late tonight. Tomorrow I am working the overnight 9 pm till 5 am shift at work to cover for a girl that got fired/quit. Our poor manager works 90 hours a weeks and is on salary.  add it up and she is making 3 dollars an hour less then me most of the time. So I told her I would pick up the shift other wise she would have to do it.

 School starts Monday for my 2 in high school. the 21st and 28th for my college bound boys.  Well gonna get back to my  front treble post square.


Love and Hugs to all  :hug  :manyheart

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Its been a very busy week!! I'm having to play phone tag with two dentists offices and my family doctor to be able to set up an emergency root canal, its so frustrating! Time is kind of of the essence as I found out as of Thursday that I am pregnant! We've been trying for a year and we finally succeeded. This will be our first. My first prenatal and ultrasound are coming up soon. Cravings have set in, no morning sickness thank goddess, but I do feel generally kind of "meh". Extreme fatigue is the worst symptom for me, I just want to sleep!!! My mama is very happy, to say the least, and we've told select few others as it is so early.

Needless to say, I sadly haven't been able to crochet as much as I have been so busy making appointments, working on school, being at work, and sleeping as much as I can. Hopefully I can get back to it soon.

Thank you for making me Queen this month, I am very surprised and delighted!!!

Have an awesome day!! :c9:manyheart:ty

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Wow, reiann, how exciting!! cONGRATZ!!


And queen too, wow.. buzygirl, try to get plenty of rest.......


Nice of you to fill in for your manager dragnlady, I can't believe you have two boys old enough to go to college, you look so youthful in your icon, lol.


Kuddles, gotta say, those are the cutest ever little chap stick things, and the others, the owl one, is darling too, they all are, you have been a busy girl too!!


Cshort is probably on the Matterhorn roller coaster this weekend, he he he, hold on tight Carol!!
Pineknott, is busily hooking with her wrist, did it ever improve any, bet it still gets tired quick though, even now....


Don't have much to report, all is well, lazy weekend, other than  a few self appointed things I need to accomplish, oh and I have pics I will have to get them off the camera, I call this an easy cute way to use up some smaller balls of yarns, and scraps, lol, I will do that tonight.........post them I mean......


Ok, what else, nothing much, should take down the curtains in  my bedroom, and gently wash them, (lacy white) and hang to dry, but don't know for sure, that chore mght have to wait a day or two, other things I promised myself I would do this weekend, and need to do, to earn a crafternoon tomorrow, lol........a free crochet afternoon!

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Hi! Congrats on the baby - woot!


A friend took DD to Seusical downtown so I've had 5 hours to SEW! All in the hoop on my embroidery machine......got 4 items done. Just need to trim them, turn them and press them! Woot!


She'll be home soon....


Have a good evening!



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Double Congrats Reiann !


Sorry i have been MIA all week. I think. Im sitting in my hospital room atm. I came in yesterday wit severe pain and couldnt pee for 15 hours. I have a 6x4mm kidney stone. Yippie :( so if it doesnt pass today naturally thay are going to have to sedate me and remove it. But the nurses have been taking real good care of me.


So everyone please say a little prayer for me, send positive thoughts, anything. Im scared :(


Love you all. Ill post soon as I am able to let you know I am ok.

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Congrats on the baby !


ImmaFreek I am sending lots of prayers your way. Hope all goes well and you pass it fast and heal quickly.

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Imma I have been just where you are many time. Living in the Limestone capital my body doesnt like tap water. I would produce 2 or 3 kidney stones a year for about 7 years. did a biopsy on one of them and it is just me making them. Also had 2 huge gall stones and had to have it removed.  You will be fine. And the meds are fun lol. Diladid and phenagren is what I had.   One time i had an attack and my friend took me to ER. they doped me up and I was laying there we were quiet and I suddenly shouted out this long word. Candy asked me if I was ok. I said yea I was just giving (DS) his Spelling words. Little bit later we were talking and I got quiet. She again asked if I ws ok. I said yeah I think we were talking but I wasnt sure so I shut up. 

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So sorry lacey, this too , shall pass, or so we hope, lol, sorry little bit of kidney stone humor, to brighten up your lovely hospital stay,,,sign, poor baby!! sending hugs your way!!

Double Congrats Reiann !

Sorry i have been MIA all week. I think. Im sitting in my hospital room atm. I came in yesterday wit severe pain and couldnt pee for 15 hours. I have a 6x4mm kidney stone. Yippie :( so if it doesnt pass today naturally thay are going to have to sedate me and remove it. But the nurses have been taking real good care of me.

So everyone please say a little prayer for me, send positive thoughts, anything. Im scared :(

Love you all. Ill post soon as I am able to let you know I am ok.


youe welcome, you are a cut 36 year old to be sure!

Oh And Katyallen....   THANK YOU!!!  :hug   I am only 36 though. My oldest is 20 I am sure you can do that math lol


what?? how can that be?? You are usually right on top of things, lol, just kidding, you take all the time you need sweetie!!

the yard has been keeping me busy,I haven't gotten much done,I'm still working on 2 Queen's ago square,gosh how bad is that??

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