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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Found a simple pattern for mary-jane slippers that I'm gonna try after finishing jjs blanket. Finished my infinity Swarthmore from the leftovers of my blanket. Pics soon. 

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Good morning!


Back to regular work hours today, not long days M - Th and having Friday off. Kiddles and I are both glad to have more time again in the mornings!


Have a good day all!


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reiann, pretty scarf


kuddles, glad schedule is getting back to normal and thank you for the grannyannie update.  With her health issues I always worry about her when she goes missing here.


katy, a few years ago a lady that is on the fire dept with Jim knew I crocheted and she had an aghan that her grandma had made that was coming apart.  The lady was in her 50's and the afghan was loved and used.  I told Jim to have her bring it  so I could see it.  It was a scrapghan of diamonds assembled to look like colored stars on a white background.  It was in sad shape coming apart pretty much everywhere. I bought a skein of white yarn and pretty much restitched the whole thing.  Her ends were also left short on the diamonds.  I just couldn't think of anything else to do to keep them from coming undone except tack them down with sewing thread.  

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Hello everyone!  Remember me? Lol!  I'm sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. It has been a challenging month between my health issues kicking up a bit more and my cousin staying with us for the month, whew, but things are starting to settle down.  My cousin left on Thur. I sure do miss her, we had a great visit.  It worked out for us because I was mostly bedridden for the month, but she visited her mom during the days and we got to chat in the mornings/evenings.  I, unfortunately, wasn't up to making it to my aunt's house the day we had planned for a get-to-gether.  What else have I been up to?  I'm in a KAL and loving it!  It's cabled afghan KAL with Edie Eckman on creativbug.  I'm also trying to keep up with a mystery afghan CAL on Ravelry with Julie Yeager.  That one is a lot of fun too.  She is a wonderful designer.  There have been some challenges in this one, but there is a great group of people in the forum and we all try to help each other out.

I haven't had a chance to go back thru the posts.  Have I missed anything important?  I want to thank Kuddles for tracking me down and letting me know she was concerned.  It's good to feel loved. Well hubby wants some "time to chat", so I'm out of here for now.  Hugs to all.  I'll be back soon, I promise, lol!

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:heartI am over the moon excited and had to share. We added a new crochet buddy to our family. :):yay :yay :yay


Her name is Veyda (vay-duh) And she is the cutest most bestest most awesomest little puppy I know.lol :heart :heart




Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! 4 is practically a grown up in this day and age. :cake


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Howdy! I know, two check ins in one day, crazy me!


reiann - pretty!!


Veyda is a doll!


bgs - you are welcome and then boom! There is our grannyannie posting! Yippee!


Have a great nite all!



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hi all, well, must say grannyannie, welcome back and you were missed, and thanks to kuddles who kept us all updated too!!


Puppy is a doll kay, veyda, cute name!



Hello everyone!  Remember me? Lol!  I'm sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. It has been a challenging month between my health issues kicking up a bit more and my cousin staying with us for the month, whew, but things are starting to settle down.  My cousin left on Thur. I sure do miss her, we had a great visit.  It worked out for us because I was mostly bedridden for the month, but she visited her mom during the days and we got to chat in the mornings/evenings.  I, unfortunately, wasn't up to making it to my aunt's house the day we had planned for a get-to-gether.  What else have I been up to?  I'm in a KAL and loving it!  It's cabled afghan KAL with Edie Eckman on creativbug.  I'm also trying to keep up with a mystery afghan CAL on Ravelry with Julie Yeager.  That one is a lot of fun too.  She is a wonderful designer.  There have been some challenges in this one, but there is a great group of people in the forum and we all try to help each other out.

I haven't had a chance to go back thru the posts.  Have I missed anything important?  I want to thank Kuddles for tracking me down and letting me know she was concerned.  It's good to feel loved. Well hubby wants some "time to chat", so I'm out of here for now.  Hugs to all.  I'll be back soon, I promise, lol!



:heartI am over the moon excited and had to share. We added a new crochet buddy to our family. :):yay :yay :yay


Her name is Veyda (vay-duh) And she is the cutest most bestest most awesomest little puppy I know.lol :heart :heart




Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! 4 is practically a grown up in this day and age. :cake



our queen to be, has accepted, yay, so on aug first she will be announced!!

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Hello! The grandkids are in bed, I'm not sure if they're asleep yet but it's quiet. Tomorrow is their last full day her, we head to their house Wed. morning and then on to Orlando Wed. evening, we are all a little excited.


Reiann, your scarf is very pretty.


Happy Birthday Sami! :bday


Veyda is very cute.


I'm sure I've missed some posts, sorry. I'm a little tired these days, must be all the outside play and pool time. I think DD2 is coming over tomorrow but I haven't told the little ones yet because they will drive me crazy asking "When is Auntie M coming?" Guess I've rambled enough for now. have a great evening.

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Hi Carol, sounds like a whirlwind time you all are having, have fun!!


That cowl/scarf is gorgeous reianne, I love it! pretty colors all combined, right up my alley, lol


I almost got chilly this evening, lol, love this milder weather!!  All for now, got to do a couple things before I relax for the evening, lol nothing major, but want to get a shower, and then change up my bed, so all for now everyone, take care.

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Here's my very first slipper!! I'm thankful I have two feet but, jeez, now I have to make another slipper so my other foot isnt so jealous. It's going to be in a different color tho bc I mismatch my socks and therefore will mismatch my slippers.

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Reiann, the slipper looks great.


I am exhausted tonight and the little guy doesn't want to go to sleep, he is in bed but every 15 minutes or so calls out to me with some nonsense. I think his 30 minute nap was too much, he fell asleep in the car on the way back from lunch and the book store. I have everything packed to tomorrow, the real fun is fitting it all in my little car in the morning. And at this time tomorrow I will be in Disney World! Guess thats about it. Have a great evening.

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Good Morning Everyone!  I'm afraid it's another quick hello, but these migraines don't want to stay away.  I'm heading back to bed for awhile but needed to say good day to all of my friends first!  Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Good morning!




Good Morning to you too!

:heartI am over the moon excited and had to share. We added a new crochet buddy to our family. :):yay :yay :yay


Her name is Veyda (vay-duh) And she is the cutest most bestest most awesomest little puppy I know.lol :heart :heart




Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! 4 is practically a grown up in this day and age. :cake

Veyda is adorable!  And a Happy Birthday wish to Sami too!


Hello! The grandkids are in bed, I'm not sure if they're asleep yet but it's quiet. Tomorrow is their last full day her, we head to their house Wed. morning and then on to Orlando Wed. evening, we are all a little excited.


Reiann, your scarf is very pretty.


Happy Birthday Sami! :bday


Veyda is very cute.


I'm sure I've missed some posts, sorry. I'm a little tired these days, must be all the outside play and pool time. I think DD2 is coming over tomorrow but I haven't told the little ones yet because they will drive me crazy asking "When is Auntie M coming?" Guess I've rambled enough for now. have a great evening.

Sounds like a fun busy time!  Enjoy Orlando!




Here's my very first slipper!! I'm thankful I have two feet but, jeez, now I have to make another slipper so my other foot isnt so jealous. It's going to be in a different color tho bc I mismatch my socks and therefore will mismatch my slippers.

Very pretty!  sounds like I've missed a pic of a pretty scarf!  I'll have to go searching when I can get back on here!


Ok folks, that's all I've got time for.  See you later!  Hugs to all.... :hug

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[Hi ann good to hear from you ann, I do hope soon, those migraines leave you and you start to feel better!! "Fingers crossed" and soon, is the accent word!!

On a cheerful note, I used up some more very small balls of yarn, I know I should be in that one thread where you get points or soemthing for that, lol, but I found a delightful thing to make with them, more about that later, lol. I have them done, just not photoed yet, lol..


Oh, and here is a pic of my yo yo ring, lol, needed a place to put it where I would see and use from it everyday, so this particular item came in handy, loll here it be...



yep, put it around the bottom of my "mood candle" lol, I ususally have that going, but more in cooler weather, than now, cause now, I have the ceiling fan on when Im in there, lol and it blows the flame, well, Im sure you know what i mean, right.


anyway, it's in sight, and i wont' forget when I need a particualr color yo yo, where to go go to get it!!

note: I have since removed the bottom coaster, was a bit much, you know, so now just the ring, and the candle plate it sits on....better.....

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Sorry havent been around in a awhile.. Just been so busy with everything and not catching up either. I did however finish another bear will take pictures to show.

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Well, this is a happy and sad day.  I found out that my daughter had her baby today...a little girl.  However, since she is not speaking to me, I did NOT find out from her,obviously.  It's hurtful to think  that I won't get to be grandma to this little child or her older sister.

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