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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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ooooooooh we have a July BIggest Square!!!!!!!!! Now I can give you a hint,,,,,,lets see,ok, she/he has at least ONE number in their user name.....humm, do we have any guys in our list, or can i just say she?? throughout, lol ........ does that narrow it down at all, lol:think


Im excited, so was the winner! Cindyssweetthings dear has today, tomorrow, and Saturday, before she relinquishes her Biggest Square Crown here on Yarn Hill......to the new Queen of Yarn Hill for the month of July! Maybe she will have some speech ready or something, we'll see, lol! :lol


A fullfilling reign and quite successful too, I think, and looking forward to her total count when her crown is passed on to, oops, almost said the name! :eek


SO, Yarn Hill will have another Queen to bury in puffys for the month of JULY!! ANd I think we will all agree, that Cindyssweetthings was an excellent FIRST BIGGEST SQUARE winner!! I think all of us did a fabulous job of fullfilling our pledges too, and from what i hear, there may be a few still coming in July, lol....that's ok, we can handle overlap any day, long as they are squares!!!! :clap


Ok, so just wanted to let you all know, we have an acceptance, and an idea of color, size, yarn, and number needed, to be posted on Sunday, the first of JULY! Im off, gotta pick up some scoopable cat litter, used the last bit last evening! take care!!:hug

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Kim--Sorry! I was going off of memory for the spelling. Thanks again for the squares!


I figured out the whole 1/4" off thing. I went ahead and did a round of sc and it came out to exactly 8 inches. Off to pm someone for their addy...


It's quite all right. If I had known you needed more 2 inchers, I would have included more, lol. They're so easy to make.


I have thought about adding a round of black to all of mine, and putting them together with black, to really help them stand out.


What size are most of you aiming for with your ghans?

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What size are most of you aiming for with your ghans?


Not aiming for mine to be hugely large as both are for babies (DD1 is 1 on the 10th July and DD2 is due in November).


Can't wait to find out who July's Square Lady is. Can mail my pledge for Cindy this weekend. Yay for payday! :cheer

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wow, guess what I got in the mail today! A pUFFY,,,,, FOR ME!! Im not even collecting but i think this is Estee's way of luring me to collect and make another ghan, lol gotta admit, been thinking about it seriously! The squares are both beautiful, but i particuarly love the striped one, i think slip st, and sc, if I don't miss my guess, wow, what work, thank you so much estee, you made my day!! pics of said squares below, and the second pic is what i was playing around with the other day, got on a pastel kick, so they will wait till someone needs 12 inch pastels, or two! lol thank you again Estee, love them both! and such a nice note enclosed too! :hug



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wow, guess what I got in the mail today! A pUFFY,,,,, FOR ME!! Im not even collecting but i think this is Estee's way of luring me to collect and make another ghan, lol gotta admit, been thinking about it seriously! The squares are both beautiful, but i particuarly love the striped one, i think slip st, and sc, if I don't miss my guess, wow, what work, thank you so much estee, you made my day!! pics of said squares below, and the second pic is what i was playing around with the other day, got on a pastel kick, so they will wait till someone needs 12 inch pastels, or two! lol thank you again Estee, love them both! and such a nice note enclosed too! :hug



Wow! those pastels are beautiful. Whomever you send them to will LOVE those! I have never seen anything like those!

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What size are most of you aiming for with your ghans?


I honestly don't have a size I am doing. I haven't even started mine, and never thought about it until recently! I would like to make one, though, for my twin size bed, more of a blanket than a ghan.

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Wow! those pastels are beautiful. Whomever you send them to will LOVE those! I have never seen anything like those!


I honestly don't have a size I am doing. I haven't even started mine, and never thought about it until recently! I would like to make one, though, for my twin size bed, more of a blanket than a ghan.

thanks, was just messing around using up some odds and ends pastels, lol and they turned out 12 inches!! how bout dat!


I know one of the reasons I love grannys is because you can do so many different patterns, and colors, and put them together so many different ways, etc. It's like a blank easel, and we paint it! lol

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and snowflake, you are down for turq. white and or black, so i h ope that is what you need, lol cause I already made you o ne, waiting to mail on the first, with the New Biggest Squares puffY.. I gotta tell ya, it's one of the prettiest color combos i have come across, it turned out stunningly!!! If your colors changed, do let me know, but this look soooooo southwesterny and jewel like, just gorgeous, so cudos on the combination of colors! makes me wanna make one with those colors too!!

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and snowflake, you are down for turq. white and or black, so i h ope that is what you need, lol cause I already made you o ne, waiting to mail on the first, with the New Biggest Squares puffY.. I gotta tell ya, it's one of the prettiest color combos i have come across, it turned out stunningly!!! If your colors changed, do let me know, but this look soooooo southwesterny and jewel like, just gorgeous, so cudos on the combination of colors! makes me wanna make one with those colors too!!



lol. nope, my colors are not changing, at least for this one!!! Maybe if I like it as much as I think I will, I may change and do another one for someone in my family!

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wow, guess what I got in the mail today! A pUFFY,,,,, FOR ME!! Im not even collecting but i think this is Estee's way of luring me to collect and make another ghan, lol gotta admit, been thinking about it seriously! The squares are both beautiful, but i particuarly love the striped one, i think slip st, and sc, if I don't miss my guess, wow, what work, thank you so much estee, you made my day!! pics of said squares below, and the second pic is what i was playing around with the other day, got on a pastel kick, so they will wait till someone needs 12 inch pastels, or two! lol thank you again Estee, love them both! and such a nice note enclosed too! :hug


Those are beautiful squares!

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How is he doing? And I hope he will be alright :hug

He's doing okay,think he'll be fine as long as he stays away from bp meds,the kicker is they gave them to him for low bp,thanks for asking.

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Beautiful squares!!

I am making mine to cover my queen size bed.I am also putting black borders on all my squares.Mainly so all my squares have the same amount of stitches to make for easier sewing later on.

Now we have confirmation for our next square bombing,I have decided that I am going to hold off sending my squares I have made and recieved addresses for until Monday. Conveiniently it just so happens to be your Sunday :D

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Morning all!


Cindy, hope you get my squares today! Mailed on Tuesday and you aren't that far from me......so hopefully today! Come on postal service!


Hot here, moving my office to another tiny location today so gonna be a not-so-fun day! But I'll pull up my big girl panties and move on!


Take care all!


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I totally know where you are coming from :hug


I moved countries in January and then 5 months later moved out of my Mums to my own apartment. First I had to remember what we'd left in Sweden instead of bringing it to the UK with us, then it was what box it was in when we moved out of my Mum's. Still got 5 boxes still needing to be unpacked but we just have no storage space left.


Oh well, atleast I knew exactly where my yarn and stuff was... no way I wa loosing track of that. I'd go insane if I didn't have my yarnie stuff.



I feel ya'lls pain! I moved from Indiana to Louisiana (almost 1000 miles) back the end of October, only brought what would fit in my car. Nowadays I am like, I know I have this and I have to slap myself in the head cause I remember I didn't bring it with me!!! I think when I go visit in August I might just bring an empty suitcase and pack it up with some of the things I need!!!

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Morning all..

another hot sticky one today Im afraid. Grinning and bearing it, as it is summer here in the old midwest, lol.


Nothing much new yet, day has just begun, hoping to get something done in my bedroom closet today, but can't make promises on that yet either! Hope you all have a great day, and for those of you, like me, in the heat zone, take care, keep cool!


Paula, is it winter in Austrailia now??? just curious, thanks all. later!

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Morning all..

another hot sticky one today Im afraid. Grinning and bearing it, as it is summer here in the old midwest, lol.


Nothing much new yet, day has just begun, hoping to get something done in my bedroom closet today, but can't make promises on that yet either! Hope you all have a great day, and for those of you, like me, in the heat zone, take care, keep cool!


Paula, is it winter in Austrailia now??? just curious, thanks all. later!


I know it is in the 100's down here and EXTREMELY humid! This is my first summer down here, though I have visited here many times, and they say it stays humid all during hurrican season!


Everyone stay cool!!!

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Kuddles--I got your squares yesterday. Thank you so much! I LOVE them! I'll post pics later. The camera is charging.


Nira--Stay safe! I grew up in SoCal and we had fires every summer. One summer, I remember 12 at one time! One of my friends had to evacuate her home that summer. It was really bad for my migraines as smoke is one of my triggers.


I hear you all on the heat. We had a heat index between 105-110 yesterday (actual temp was only 97). To top it off, we are moving some more stuff out of storage today. This will be the last of the stuff that is coming out. The rest is staying. Well, we still need to move the stuff to a smaller unit (to save $25/mo). There is one thing in there that we want to get rid off. Do any of you know someone that wants to buy and upright piano? :P

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Careful with all the heat. It was like that here yesterday morning, horribly humid... then in the space of 1 and a half hours, well over 2" of rain fell. Most of my region spent last night flooded, 5000 homes without power, even a guy got swept away by the flooding. Hope no-one on here gets flooded.

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wow, so much destructive weather happening, makes one stop and think about this whole 2012 thing....fires, floods, hurricanes, extreme heat, now I just got an alert about the ozone, as it may reach dangerous levels for us......sheesh....


On a brighter note, had to go out anyway, so made a stop at hobby lobby, i can never just go in there for like one thing, or one skein of yarn, you know. anyway, got some varigated black, turg,and white, and some other teal, and agua, and dark grey, Im thinking shawl, or ghan, lol not sure yet, but i loved the color combo that Snowflake chose, so I am dead set to do something in that area of colors! lol


Uh oh, just heard thunder, some storms may become severe, time to check on the weather channel, you all take care in this unpredictable weather and fires and flood and hurricane, and tonado zones........it effects us all in some way or another!:worried:ohdear

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On a brighter note, had to go out anyway, so made a stop at hobby lobby, i can never just go in there for like one thing, or one skein of yarn, you know. anyway, got some varigated black, turg,and white, and some other teal, and agua, and dark grey, Im thinking shawl, or ghan, lol not sure yet, but i loved the color combo that Snowflake chose, so I am dead set to do something in that area of colors! lol



Wish we had Hobby Lobby here. Received some ILTY from someone on C'Ville in a package and I love the stuff! Only just broken into one of the skeins but I love it. Same with RH. We have nothing like that here... which is so annoying. I like RHSS. Got sent some in a RAOK last year. Your economy yarns are fantastic. Ours can be really thin and REALLY hit and miss in quality.

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On a brighter note, had to go out anyway, so made a stop at hobby lobby, i can never just go in there for like one thing, or one skein of yarn, you know. anyway, got some varigated black, turg,and white, and some other teal, and agua, and dark grey, Im thinking shawl, or ghan, lol not sure yet, but i loved the color combo that Snowflake chose, so I am dead set to do something in that area of colors! lol


Oh sure, blame it on me!!! LOL. Any excuse to buy yarn is a good one for me! I met with a local group on Saturday for three hours, most are knitters and there are a few "hookers" (I had never been called a hooker before! LOL). Afterwards, I went to Hobby Lobby, bought a book on prayer shawls and there was soooooo much yarn on clearance!!! I couldn't believe it! I can't remember how many skeins I bought, but if I would have had my credit card activated, I probably would have bought much more!!! There are at least two here in Baton Rouge I haven't hit yet, but have hit Michaels. There isn't a Michaels in Ponchatoula, but there is one in Hammond, which is like 10 minutes from my house. I could live at HL. If I got a part time job there, I would just tell them to give me crochet stuff for pay, no many needed!!!

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