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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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it was 93 degrees here today and high humidity,when its hot that I can handle,but that humidity

really sucks all your strength out of you.

we spent 4 yrs in Hawaii,back then there was no humidity there,have since heard it is starting to get humid there too,anyway we were totally unprepared for our first Virginia summer,it felt like you opened the oven set at 500 degrees

went to PT,cause the hip was acting up limiting movement,boy she leaned on and released muscles I didn't even knew I had,ouchy,lol

 Aw bless you, I hope after the initial soreness it starts to feel loosened up and a bit better. I've seen the look on some of my patient's faces when I say the PTs are on their way around the ward, funny, they often ask for a bath around about that time...! 

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WOW, lots of posts to catch up on, sheesh, bears and yarn, and welcome back to lacey, carol, and linda, and anyone else I missed, happy Birthday to Kiddles and granny is right, she is keeping you young!!


I know I haven't commented on a lot of posts, honest, just can't keep up when I don't check a couple of times a day, so forgive me if I missed your post, lol


Eye candy, yes, matter of fact ladies, I will have some for you very soon, of the ghan you helped create!!!!!!!! Im going to put a very simple edge on it tonight or in the cooler temps of the morning, and call it done!!!!! I love it, everytime I look at it, i think of all you lovely people, that contributed! Thanks to you, this lovely ghan will go over my comforter when the winters breaks out its frosty face in these parts!!!!!! I ended up with a few squares I couldn't fit in, two of them are flowers,and another is  varigated I think, and one solid i made, that didn't fit in the color scheme, lol... That' ain't bad! And i will keep those for my next ghan, but i got in some of everyone that sent, so hope you spot a few of yours in it everyone !!!!!!!!!

Becca, had to laugh, you are soooooooo fitting right in, Hello Squares, lolol too cute!! Pineknot and Ann, hope all is well with you, Lacey good to see your post, and who else, gosh, well just hi to all, and Ill catch up better tomorrow, lol


Best of the best, and may the rain soon fall upon this scorched earth, and take some of the heat away soon for us all!!!!


OH, and i just had ice cream, and it's almost 8 pm here, perfect time, in fact, i don't think there is a bad time to have ice cream.Kind of one of those things like, one can NEVER have enough yarn........snickering!!

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Me too!!!!!!! I confess it sounds as though you have even more than I do though! I love fabric coz I make patchwork blankets, and its like with yarn, I just buy stuff because I love it, whether I have a project in mind for it or not!

Me three! I try very hard to limit my yarn buying to stuff I have a specific project for, but for fabric I buy stuff I like when I see it because you never know when you might be able to use a fat quarter's worth of batik panda bears! :lol


Hi all. Its been forever since ive been on and ive missed you all so much. Theres no way ill be able to catch up on all the posts but i will try. Im waiting to hear good news on the house we are hoping to rent. I hope they call in the next day or two. Im so excited. And nervous.


Hope you all are doing well. :hug

Hi Lacey! You know, I was just thinking about you and your nephew the other day! I hope everything is going well!


According to the post it was about 1pm here when you were eating you ice cream.  Perfect time of day! (I was having a spoonful too, lol) Anytime is a good time for ice cream!

I saw that too - coworkers have definitely grabbed ice cream around that time! :D


The closest I've ever come to a bear was one Thanksgiving at the family cabin, when somebody saw a mother bear walk by on the other side of a treeline, followed by her cub. The whole extended family (except some elders who remained seated) all crowded around to try to get a look, though I didn't actually get to see the bear, and I remember one of my cousins saying "Wait a minute, why are we all excited about trying to see a bear?" and I was just like "Hey, unlike all y'all, I've never actually seen a bear not in a zoo." Still haven't. Sigh.

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I have uh......7 large tubs of yarn and 6 computer paper boxes full of yarn.


Hello. My name is Kuddles and I am a Yarnaholic.


My name is Laurie and I can totally relate.  My stash is about the same as yours

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Well my insomnia appears to have reared its ugly head once again. It is currently 4:30 am here in England and I still don't feel anywhere near sleep, despite being tired. The birds have just started singing outside my window so it will be getting light soon. 


Good news however is I have made another 6 squares :) I am LOVING my new purpose in life haha! It certainly passes the horrible no-sleep hours!


My little cat is lying next to me suckling on the duvet cover... she still suckles bless her, think its a comfort thing. Still no sign of her kittens yet, should only be a matter of days now, can't wait! 


Anyhoo, I'm rambling again... happy Saturday everyone!  :manyheart

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My name is Laurie and I can totally relate.  My stash is about the same as yours


I don't even want to talk about my stash (and my subsequent storage issues). I have three large utility totes from Thirty-One (you ladies MUST look into these, they're amazing for yarn and large projects), at least a tub or two, and some yarn in our cedar chest. Plus a few extra tote bags sprawled throughout the house...I seriously need a craft room!

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Me three! I try very hard to limit my yarn buying to stuff I have a specific project for, but for fabric I buy stuff I like when I see it because you never know when you might be able to use a fat quarter's worth of batik panda bears! :lol


Whoa, wait they make batik panda bear fabric!????? Momma would want some of dat!

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Well my insomnia appears to have reared its ugly head once again. It is currently 4:30 am here in England and I still don't feel anywhere near sleep, despite being tired. The birds have just started singing outside my window so it will be getting light soon. 


Good news however is I have made another 6 squares :) I am LOVING my new purpose in life haha! It certainly passes the horrible no-sleep hours!


My little cat is lying next to me suckling on the duvet cover... she still suckles bless her, think its a comfort thing. Still no sign of her kittens yet, should only be a matter of days now, can't wait! 


Anyhoo, I'm rambling again... happy Saturday everyone!  :manyheart

Good morning! And you have a fellow insominiac (sp?) here! I've never been a good sleeper but now with the puppy out in his pen in the living room, if awake, I can't get up and go out there! I'm a prisoner in my bed!


I don't even want to talk about my stash (and my subsequent storage issues). I have three large utility totes from Thirty-One (you ladies MUST look into these, they're amazing for yarn and large projects), at least a tub or two, and some yarn in our cedar chest. Plus a few extra tote bags sprawled throughout the house...I seriously need a craft room!


Oh we all have an 'illness'.......but it's one we don't want a cure for!



Temps broke a bit, I turned off the air and opened the sliding door to the balcony! Kiddles got up at 4:45 to potty so of course the puppy started barking so I had to get up. Will I ever sleep again???


Taking Kiddles to a local church carnival for some fun today, since it IS her BD weekend! She expects to be 'treated' the entire weekend and of course, I'm obliging like the weak mother that I am! Hey, she's the only one I'll ever have, right? Right??


Hope everyone stays cool and you have a wonderful yarny day!



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Good Morning! :D  How are all my lovely friends today?  I'm still half asleep, lol.  I think we should have a sub-section of the group; the insomniac squares.  We can crochet and chat during the night since we can't sleep.  Whatcha think? :lol

Good morning! And you have a fellow insominiac (sp?) here! I've never been a good sleeper but now with the puppy out in his pen in the living room, if awake, I can't get up and go out there! I'm a prisoner in my bed!



Oh we all have an 'illness'.......but it's one we don't want a cure for!



Temps broke a bit, I turned off the air and opened the sliding door to the balcony! Kiddles got up at 4:45 to potty so of course the puppy started barking so I had to get up. Will I ever sleep again???


Taking Kiddles to a local church carnival for some fun today, since it IS her BD weekend! She expects to be 'treated' the entire weekend and of course, I'm obliging like the weak mother that I am! Hey, she's the only one I'll ever have, right? Right??


Hope everyone stays cool and you have a wonderful yarny day!



Good to hear that your temps dropped.  That means ours will later today as predicted.  It sounds like you and Kiddles have a nice day planned!  I always loved going to the church fairs.  There aren't that many any more, not like when I was a kid.  Hope you have a great time!


Too bad you live so far away or we could get together and compare!


Oh I'm not even gonna get into this, lol.  Let's just say I have a few totes full of yarn and then some. :yarn

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this house is over runneth with yarn,my stash and also Rene's

20 copy paper boxes,3 massive totes that hold about 100 skeins,and of course assorted hand totes jammed packed

hubby just shakes his head ,like yesterday when I brought in two new skeins,can't help it,when Walmart gets in new colors.

anyone try blacklight yet?,oh its got lots of possibilties

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Not been on much. alot going on. friend has me hemming a bunch of dresses for her in her words "I want to make sure they are short enough for the cruise." I am a christian woman and at points feel I am doing something wrong making the so short lol. Also working on a t shirt quilt for her. Plus I taught myself to Filet crochet because a friend wants a table runner doley with her daughters last name on it.  Shew alot on my plate. 

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Hello lovelies! 

Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday  :hug

Good morning! And you have a fellow insominiac (sp?) here! I've never been a good sleeper but now with the puppy out in his pen in the living room, if awake, I can't get up and go out there! I'm a prisoner in my bed!



Oh we all have an 'illness'.......but it's one we don't want a cure for!



Temps broke a bit, I turned off the air and opened the sliding door to the balcony! Kiddles got up at 4:45 to potty so of course the puppy started barking so I had to get up. Will I ever sleep again???


Taking Kiddles to a local church carnival for some fun today, since it IS her BD weekend! She expects to be 'treated' the entire weekend and of course, I'm obliging like the weak mother that I am! Hey, she's the only one I'll ever have, right? Right??


Hope everyone stays cool and you have a wonderful yarny day!



Aw I love kids birthdays! Such a great excuse to spoil them :) treating kiddles all weekend isn't weak, it what makes you supermom!! Lol 


Good Morning! :D  How are all my lovely friends today?  I'm still half asleep, lol.  I think we should have a sub-section of the group; the insomniac squares.  We can crochet and chat during the night since we can't sleep.  Whatcha think? :lol

Good to hear that your temps dropped.  That means ours will later today as predicted.  It sounds like you and Kiddles have a nice day planned!  I always loved going to the church fairs.  There aren't that many any more, not like when I was a kid.  Hope you have a great time!


Oh I'm not even gonna get into this, lol.  Let's just say I have a few totes full of yarn and then some. :yarn


I like the idea of this insomniac squares haha! Although I think maybe I'll be a bit out of sync with other people's time of day... haha!


Funny how all the way across the pond here we too are getting cooler temps! Today is cloudy and quite breezy, stilly muggy though (do you guys say muggy in your neck of the woods?!), think we may be due a storm later too. 


Typical that after days and days of clear skies today it has to cloud up, while the relief is welcome, the local RAF air show is on and I was hoping to see some planes from my garden. I did see the Red Arrows though, they flew right over our house really low and loud! Love the Red Arrows! Maybe next year I'll be well enough to actually go the show :)


Wow certainly sounds as though you've been busy busy Draganlady5, I have some hemming coming up too, a friend just passed her nursing degree and when they give you the uniform it has like 5 extra metres of fabric on it... I mean seriously, do they think they might employ someone who is 15 feet tall?! 


Anyhoo, have a great day everyone and enjoy the weather respite! 


Ooooh it's 3pm here... not long til I can have ice cream again!! 


Becca x

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Welcome becca!! 


Wow, I can't get enough sleep around here between puppies who need their treat and not let me sleep in to dh who is whistling and singing getting ready for work...I wouldn't have it any other way though.


QVC is having Christmas in July this weekend!!! I'm so excited!! I've got my stash bags around my chair.....I still have to have laundry, groceries, puppies to wash and housework to do though. 

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mandymae I'm with you on craft room. I need my own too. I scrapbook, quilt and crochet and can't stand putting my machine on the table but have to take it down all the time. I just need my own space.:)

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Good Morning! :D  How are all my lovely friends today?  I'm still half asleep, lol.  I think we should have a sub-section of the group; the insomniac squares.  We can crochet and chat during the night since we can't sleep.  Whatcha think? :lol

Good to hear that your temps dropped.  That means ours will later today as predicted.  It sounds like you and Kiddles have a nice day planned!  I always loved going to the church fairs.  There aren't that many any more, not like when I was a kid.  Hope you have a great time!


Oh I'm not even gonna get into this, lol.  Let's just say I have a few totes full of yarn and then some. :yarn

Hi Ann! Yes, we could form a subgroup, couldn't we!

It is SO nice not to have the air on! Yes, cooler is coming to you!

Around here, there are tons of Catholic churches and a bunch still do the fund raising carnivals......so there is always one you can go to! We leave in an hour!



this house is over runneth with yarn,my stash and also Rene's

20 copy paper boxes,3 massive totes that hold about 100 skeins,and of course assorted hand totes jammed packed

hubby just shakes his head ,like yesterday when I brought in two new skeins,can't help it,when Walmart gets in new colors.

anyone try blacklight yet?,oh its got lots of possibilties

Blacklight? What is that????? I must know!


Not been on much. alot going on. friend has me hemming a bunch of dresses for her in her words "I want to make sure they are short enough for the cruise." I am a christian woman and at points feel I am doing something wrong making the so short lol. Also working on a t shirt quilt for her. Plus I taught myself to Filet crochet because a friend wants a table runner doley with her daughters last name on it.  Shew alot on my plate. 

You are a good friend to do that for her! And NO one wants to see me in something short!


Hello lovelies! 

Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday  :hug

Aw I love kids birthdays! Such a great excuse to spoil them :) treating kiddles all weekend isn't weak, it what makes you supermom!! Lol 

Funny how all the way across the pond here we too are getting cooler temps! Today is cloudy and quite breezy, stilly muggy though (do you guys say muggy in your neck of the woods?!), think we may be due a storm later too. 


Typical that after days and days of clear skies today it has to cloud up, while the relief is welcome, the local RAF air show is on and I was hoping to see some planes from my garden. I did see the Red Arrows though, they flew right over our house really low and loud! Love the Red Arrows! Maybe next year I'll be well enough to actually go the show :)


Ooooh it's 3pm here... not long til I can have ice cream again!! 


Becca x

Cool! I'll take the title if I can get it! Kiddles doesn't agree all the time but......


Yes we sure do say muggy! A local Chicago weather person loves to say....are you ready....juicy! If it is humid, she says juicy! Makes me laugh every time! Where in the world?


Welcome becca!! 


Wow, I can't get enough sleep around here between puppies who need their treat and not let me sleep in to dh who is whistling and singing getting ready for work...I wouldn't have it any other way though.


QVC is having Christmas in July this weekend!!! I'm so excited!! I've got my stash bags around my chair.....I still have to have laundry, groceries, puppies to wash and housework to do though. 

Howdy! Oh and I finally have your two squares ready to mail out this next week!


Have a great afternoon all!


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ello all!

my poor attempt at an enlish accent maybe, or did I jut forget the h, lol  My grandmum, whom was English, and came over on a boat long long ago when she herself was a child,  used to have the weirdest words for things, we just got used to it, like bumper shoot, for umbrella, and jumper for sweater! I still use those words, lol it rubbed off on me I guess, and grandmum lived with us since probably i was born!!


goings on all around us all i see, from fairs, to puppy washings, lol


I just got back from the grocery store and unloaded and put away, with help, lol so now Im having a bite of lunch, and a cool drink, it's still hot out there, and MUGGY, we say it here too, lol  but at least a little better on the way, and rain maybe, it's been about a month since we have had any meausruable rain to speak of....


Gonna do the edging on my FRIENDSHIP ghan you all made, sometime this weekend, then will post a pic! I got some (most actually) of everyones they sent, with only a couple or four left over for the start of another ghan!!


Found some gold flakes in our flower garden, we think it might be gold, lol we're rich, we're rich, right!

Gotta stake a claim, put up a sign, get a gun to shoot any claim jumpers out among the Impatients and the marigolds!!!!!! :yay  :no  :cry So say your prayers you dirty rotten claim jumpers!!!! lol

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Whoa, wait they make batik panda bear fabric!????? Momma would want some of dat!

I am pretty sure I have found it, yes. :) I don't think I *have* any, because I probably found it when looking for penguin batik fabric for a quilt backing and since I needed enough for a quilt backing, I wasn't buying anything else! I... kinda want to go to the local quilt shop now. Haven't been there in a while. I think they're just about to close, though....


I was volunteering at a local kids' race this morning, and when I got back about 11:30 I discovered that my husband was reorganizing my yarn for me!  :thair  He emptied out the box that had been designated "yarn most likely to be used in the next few months, including all the skeins for my rainbow-ghan" and PUT the rainbow-ghan in it, and then stuffed all the other yarn into a bin that was almost full so now that bin couldn't be closed. And he put yarn and fabric into a container that I'd taken outside for Little Viking to use as a water table yesterday - that had been brought back in but not cleaned out.  :2nono  He means well, but we drive each other nuts with that. He can't stand that my mental organization frequently includes "Ok, so this project is currently living on the back of the couch, that one is in a paper bag half under the bed...," and when he tries to clean things up I go nuts because then I can never find anything. Earlier this year I finally found a box of quilt squares that I'd literally been looking for for years, ever since he put them in the shed without checking with me (actually, the one I got the penguin batik fabric for). Fortunately for him, the mice had not gotten to them! Of course, now the bag of fabric for the appliques has ended up in storage who knows where....  :reyes  Sigh. There's still plenty to do with that one until I find the rest of the fabric, though.


Ok, just needed to get that off my chest! :D Going to go patch a hole in a pillow now. Dumb dog loves to chew holes in our couch pillows. There aren't currently any on the couch because of that!

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WOW,  i would freak if anyone tried to re organize my craft room....aaak, the thought of it just makes me shudder!!!!! I know where everything is, doesn't matter if no one else does, not their room, right, lol


Most of the time I can pin point anything at will when I am looking, unless I have reorganized, lol and then I look in the old place first, duh, and remember i moved it!    


Well on the gold thing, and being rich and all, did some research, it's a mineral, mica flakes, or verniculite in the soil, quite common in potting and top soils.. Those little flakes,are put in to help with moisture, and such......sigh, oh well, never know till you try, right, lol ( i would probably win the lottery too, if ever I bought a ticket!)   


sat in the sun for a short while, Im fair, so overdoing the sun never has a good turn out, lol   now im in again, and headed off to find something to do!       later squares!!!!!!!

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I am pretty sure I have found it, yes. :) I don't think I *have* any, because I probably found it when looking for penguin batik fabric for a quilt backing and since I needed enough for a quilt backing, I wasn't buying anything else! I... kinda want to go to the local quilt shop now. Haven't been there in a while. I think they're just about to close, though....


I was volunteering at a local kids' race this morning, and when I got back about 11:30 I discovered that my husband was reorganizing my yarn for me!  :thair  He emptied out the box that had been designated "yarn most likely to be used in the next few months, including all the skeins for my rainbow-ghan" and PUT the rainbow-ghan in it, and then stuffed all the other yarn into a bin that was almost full so now that bin couldn't be closed. And he put yarn and fabric into a container that I'd taken outside for Little Viking to use as a water table yesterday - that had been brought back in but not cleaned out.  :2nono  He means well, but we drive each other nuts with that. He can't stand that my mental organization frequently includes "Ok, so this project is currently living on the back of the couch, that one is in a paper bag half under the bed...," and when he tries to clean things up I go nuts because then I can never find anything. Earlier this year I finally found a box of quilt squares that I'd literally been looking for for years, ever since he put them in the shed without checking with me (actually, the one I got the penguin batik fabric for). Fortunately for him, the mice had not gotten to them! Of course, now the bag of fabric for the appliques has ended up in storage who knows where....  :reyes  Sigh. There's still plenty to do with that one until I find the rest of the fabric, though.


Ok, just needed to get that off my chest! :D Going to go patch a hole in a pillow now. Dumb dog loves to chew holes in our couch pillows. There aren't currently any on the couch because of that!

Oh no he didn't! I feel a smack coming on for him! LOL

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