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For my husbands coworker


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My husband comes home from work this morning & says, "so and so wants to know if you can make 2 hats for her?"


I say, "Well, yeah, What does she want & when does she want them by?" Me thinking she'll want them on Saturday.


He replies, "She wants a Brown Owl and a Pink Pig. I need to take them with me when I go to work tonight." O.o Whoa.. Okay -


I have spent nearly all day making a dadgum pig hat. I couldn't find a pattern I liked, so I winged it. I'm going to have to improve for anymore I make. The ears about killed me!! The good thing about the pig, is that I only have a tennis ball sized ball of yarn left from about half a skien!! Totally helped me bust through some stash!


The owl hat - took me about a total of 1.5 hours.



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I've had to churn out a hat in a day, but TWO!?!? Your DH is lucky to have such a patient and understanding wife, lol! :) If you PM me, I can give you a 'pattern' I came up with for pig ears....they are worked in the round so they are double thickness and are a nice 'piggy ear' shape...work up fast and easy :)


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I didn't figure I would be able to get it done, and figured I'd have to meet her sometime today - but I REALLY wanted to get them done, because it's a little extra $$ to go shop with for Christmas! (or buy more yarn with) haha!

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You are sure a good sport! I can't believe anyone would ask that of you -- especially on Christmas eve!!! I would have laughed too. Hope she is appropriately grateful. Many of us slow pokes could not even have finished two hats that quickly! I hope she understands this was way above and beyond normal service! Good job btw!

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