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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Dear Sue:

Now you really got to tell us the how to's for the mini stash buster that would for sure save me some time for making some for gift giving for x-mas and I can do the stand size ones for like the nurses and doctor etc..

Okay so I hope to see and hear all about it ...





Now now Lilli, you'll just have to wait and see! I hope to have a pattern written up by next week.


I made this teal and turquoise bag for my mom for Mothers day, and after seeing the neapolitan bag with the flower I just had to add one to mom's bag.

Made a rose and added a shank and button (got that inspiration from Sue and the bag she did for me that had the button type things for shoes). The button is 7/8" and used the shank of my G hook to space between the button and rose when sewing them together then wrapped yarn around the stitches and f/o.


OH MY! Love it!!


Here's my first and definitely not my last stash buster tote. Thanks Sue for a great pattern, very easy to follow along and very fast to work up. and for the giveaway, I might not have purchased the pattern yet, as I was reall tying to be good and finish my corner to corner.Once I saw the pattern in my email I didn't last much longer, hehe. :)

My tote is done in rhss ocean and turqua, I like the way it turned out. I haven't lined this one but I think I will other bags. I bought some clearance fabric from HL (I was about 3/4 of the way finished and already addicted and planning more):D:D

I like this one, but after seeing all the pretty ones posted here I am looking forward to playing around with color combinations. Thanks again for this CAL and the wonderfully addictive pattern.:clap





Great job! Its really pretty!!


Oh, I see. So they are not actually "felted" with felt material on the inside of the bag! LOL I thought y'all were taking felt and sewing it somehow on the inside of the bag :lol. Guess I take things too literal lol. Thanks, the next one I make I will try 'felting' it.




Cool, LOVE the felted bags! Im going to try what your Aunt Kuddles told you....:) cause we all know Aunties know best!



Mama Kuddles. ;) She's not my real Mom, but she likes to tell me what to do so... :sofunny



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Awe how cute that rose looks....

Great job dear and the tote looks awesome too..




I made this teal and turquoise bag for my mom for Mothers day, and after seeing the neapolitan bag with the flower I just had to add one to mom's bag.

Made a rose and added a shank and button (got that inspiration from Sue and the bag she did for me that had the button type things for shoes). The button is 7/8" and used the shank of my G hook to space between the button and rose when sewing them together then wrapped yarn around the stitches and f/o.

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Hi Valerie:


I love the colors of your bag... You have done a great job and i'm happy to see that its not just your first that you Will be making more.





Here's my first and definitely not my last stash buster tote. Thanks Sue for a great pattern, very easy to follow along and very fast to work up. and for the giveaway, I might not have purchased the pattern yet, as I was reall tying to be good and finish my corner to corner.Once I saw the pattern in my email I didn't last much longer, hehe. :)

My tote is done in rhss ocean and turqua, I like the way it turned out. I haven't lined this one but I think I will other bags. I bought some clearance fabric from HL (I was about 3/4 of the way finished and already addicted and planning more):D:D

I like this one, but after seeing all the pretty ones posted here I am looking forward to playing around with color combinations. Thanks again for this CAL and the wonderfully addictive pattern.:clap




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Dear laVonne:


I love the black botton then that lovely colorful yet dark colors in the center..


Can you tell me how much fabric you got there for your bag? That will give me a idea as how much fabric i need to line a tote.


I love that fishy fabric..


Now you got me thinking.... If i can learn to line these stash buster totes I can buy cat or dogie or fabric with both and line the totes for the animal clinic staff for gifts for christmas... that would be awesome...


So if you can tell me how much fabric yardage that is that will help me ....




Im guessing a little over a half yard. Havent done anything yet i've been working overtime at work. Planning on getting it done this friday my day off.

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:rofl I just realized I shortchanged my first SB tote by a round of v stitches :eek Oh well, I'll do this one the same since they're for my mom and aunt :shrug Everytime I counted the rounds up I started counting at 7 instead of 6 up to 20 :oops:rofl Thought you could all use a little chuckle at my expense :wink
thanks for the laugh Marisa---but really, no one will ever know- and I won't tell:lol


Here they are all felted!!


Kuddles bag





Each shrunk a few inches each way (height and width).



Love them felted!!!!



My 15yr old (as of yesterday... it was his birthday) is a happy baby because of the gifts and fun he had with us the last couple days we celebrated.

Took him to Red Lobster for his birthday dinner. Its his FAVORITE ...



He loved his gifts! He got a new Wii... (ours broke) a new iPod touch... (his was stolen) and two certificates. One for a trip to the DMV to aquire his learners permit.. and one for a new Used car. He said it was the best birthday ever. :D

[ATTACH]38830[/ATTACH] I'm sure it was!!!!


I whipped this up yesterday while sitting with hubby during his chemo treatment. I made a baby blanket for some friends and decided to make a bag to give it in.

[ATTACH]38829[/ATTACH] Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful


okay... off to get some serious crocheting done today!!! And the bag and blanket wasn't serious crocheting????:lol:lol:lol





Another little show & share .................


This is my newest design..........its done all in one piece.

My Reversible Clutch.....

[ATTACH]38838[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38839[/ATTACH] Love it!!!:manyheart




I would love to join this CAL.
Welcome to our crazy tote-addicted CAL!!! Glad you decided to join in the fun!!!:clap


Your not alone there!!!! I made several things for the grandkids for Easter, did I take a pic, no :no. Did I get a pic of the kids with them, nooooo :no, could I kick myself, yes :yes. lol
Don't kick yourself!!! But do try to remember to take pics next time:yes



Thank you so much for starting up this CAL. I've not made many totes, but I absolutely love the chit chat :blah and the pics :gallery. You rock girl!!! :2rock

Me too- it's lots of fun!!!


glad everybody is enjoying getting together and chatting and "hooking" :lol

i had originally started this thread as a kind of a joke toward sue but when it went "viral" so to speak i was indeed pleased. where else can you come and "meet up and chat" where it doesnt matter if youre still in your jhammies or if your hairs a mess (or your house)

well im off for now to try and finish surfing the ville and try to go do something constructive

Pray tell, what constructive things did you get done today? Hope your shoulder is starting to feel better!!



so if you use brown, it's Little Buster Brown. :lol:P
I can not believe you said that!!!:rofl:rofl


:waving HI everyone starting my addiction tonight with my first one!! :lol sitting wondering what colors :lol
Oh, and you will be addicted!!!!


I made this teal and turquoise bag for my mom for Mothers day, and after seeing the neapolitan bag with the flower I just had to add one to mom's bag.

Made a rose and added a shank and button (got that inspiration from Sue and the bag she did for me that had the button type things for shoes). The button is 7/8" and used the shank of my G hook to space between the button and rose when sewing them together then wrapped yarn around the stitches and f/o.

I love the colors and the flower looks awesome!!!! She's going to love it for sure!!!:)


Here's my first and definitely not my last stash buster tote. Thanks Sue for a great pattern, very easy to follow along and very fast to work up. and for the giveaway, I might not have purchased the pattern yet, as I was reall tying to be good and finish my corner to corner.Once I saw the pattern in my email I didn't last much longer, hehe. :)

My tote is done in rhss ocean and turqua, I like the way it turned out. I haven't lined this one but I think I will other bags. I bought some clearance fabric from HL (I was about 3/4 of the way finished and already addicted and planning more):D:D

I like this one, but after seeing all the pretty ones posted here I am looking forward to playing around with color combinations. Thanks again for this CAL and the wonderfully addictive pattern.:clap




That's exactly how I felt- I was working on baby blankets for my first grandson to be and for a step grandson- and lo and behold Sue designs this awesome tote and I can't stop making them:lol Your's came out beautiful!!!


Just got done with #5 this one is ILTY in lt peach and sherbert stripe [ATTACH]38870[/ATTACH] I think Im hopelessy hooked on these bags..
I think I am too!! This is a beauty- love the colors!!!!


Had a long day at work, and now I am hoping to finish #5!!!!!


Have a fun-filled crochet tote filled night!!!:hug

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Hobby Lobby..what more can I say? Bought yarn to make a red white and blue one for a special friend. Kinda my adopted grandma. Bought yarn to make my gd and gs each a tote to use when they go back and forth from mommies to daddies house. I know they will get lost, but it's a good excuse to make another tote! :rofl

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Another little show & share .................


This is my newest design..........its done all in one piece.

My Reversible Clutch.....








OMG!!! I love it :manyheart I will NEED to get this pattern (along with some others of yours) when available :bounce


I made this teal and turquoise bag for my mom for Mothers day, and after seeing the neapolitan bag with the flower I just had to add one to mom's bag.

Made a rose and added a shank and button (got that inspiration from Sue and the bag she did for me that had the button type things for shoes). The button is 7/8" and used the shank of my G hook to space between the button and rose when sewing them together then wrapped yarn around the stitches and f/o.


Awesome job on the flower :yes


Just got done with #5 this one is ILTY in lt peach and sherbert stripe [ATTACH]38870[/ATTACH] I think Im hopelessly hooked on these bags..


Absolutely gorgeous, I like how the yarn fell into pattern :manyheart



And one of my quotes is missing :think:( I saw 3 photobucket pics that were gorgeous (but I don't remember who's they were :eek ) That's what I get for trying to be in a hurry to get to my :yarn and :hook:lol

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Dear Crochetluvknot:


I love your tote ... peachy cool....




Just got done with #5 this one is ILTY in lt peach and sherbert stripe [ATTACH]38870[/ATTACH] I think Im hopelessly hooked on these bags..
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constructiveness went out the window....

i got MAYBE 2 rows of my current SBT done and fell asleep when hubby got home.......


and just woke up and its nearly time for my coupon show


theres always tomorrow!!!

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#13???? holy cow! my #13 is still running about in my mind

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Tonight I made linings for my 2 SB's :yay Not yet stitched into the bag, but ready for that step. Still working on the 2nd bag, so I guess I'm working that one inside out :think:lol I did the other suggestion of making a tube and attaching a circle to the bottom and I added a little pocket inside too :D They're not perfect, but not bad either. The checkered granny went to the post office today to head out to my SIL, so I'll be waiting to hear from her when she gets it...Oh, the boys will be sooo surprised when something arrives for mommy and not them :eek:lol (my nephews are 6,4, and 2) They get regular packages mostly from my parents since they're in phoenix and we're in PA :(


Have a great night everyone and my bed is now screaming :c9

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You guys need to put all your totes on ravelry so we can see them in one place. I'm too tired to go back through 65 pages! :lol That way, we could look under projects and show them all off together. :)


I've only done two but I've done comfortghan and friendshipghan squares, helping make penguin and ninja bowling sets, have to help with 2 bearghans, make 2 or more horses (1 for charity and 1 for gift) and start another stash buster for a gift. No time to go back through that many pages!


Some beautiful totes, ladies.

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not the best picture..but it is still #13 :cheer:hook


Beautiful. What yarn colors are those? I've been wanting to find a lavender and blue mix or blue/purple. I love those two colors together. :c9

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#13 should be finished tonight..unless I actually work on the baby blanket I'm making instead...I really am getting something else done.. for a little while


not the best picture..but it is still #13 :cheer:hook

O.k. Mary, quit being a show off. lol #13 is beautiful!! :yes


You guys need to put all your totes on ravelry so we can see them in one place. I'm too tired to go back through 65 pages! :lol That way, we could look under projects and show them all off together. :)


2 of the 3 I've made are on my Rav page. (see siggy line below)

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Mary- Love the color combo of #13!!!! I'm almost done with #5- just the handles to do! This one is lavender and grey.


Marisa- WTG on getting the lining done. And with a little pocket no less!!! I would love to try my hand at lining it, but not so sure how I feel about doing it all by hand since I don't have a sewing machine!


Stephanie- I have my totes on Ravelry on my projects page and also joined the group Turtles TLC and put them there. http://www.ravelry.com/groups/turtles-tlcs.


Have a good day everyone! Off to get ready for another fun-filled day in Paradise (aka work- and really not so much fun:lol)

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not the best picture..but it is still #13 :cheer:hook


Mary- Love the color combo of #13!!!! I'm almost done with #5- just the handles to do! This one is lavender and grey.


Marisa- WTG on getting the lining done. And with a little pocket no less!!! I would love to try my hand at lining it, but not so sure how I feel about doing it all by hand since I don't have a sewing machine!


Stephanie- I have my totes on Ravelry on my projects page and also joined the group Turtles TLC and put them there. http://www.ravelry.com/groups/turtles-tlcs.


Have a good day everyone! Off to get ready for another fun-filled day in Paradise (aka work- and really not so much fun:lol)


Well honestly, I wouldn't recommend it :lol Remember I did my sister's Inga bag lining by hand and after that said 'never again' But lucky I came into a sewing machine from my mom's cousin and am very very very grateful :yes However, that call is yours. The reason that one was rough too was because I wanted a solid outer fabric (that would show through the holes) and a fun inside fabric. Just using a solid piece probably wouldn't be too crazy :think

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Well honestly, I wouldn't recommend it :lol Remember I did my sister's Inga bag lining by hand and after that said 'never again' But lucky I came into a sewing machine from my mom's cousin and am very very very grateful :yes However, that call is yours. The reason that one was rough too was because I wanted a solid outer fabric (that would show through the holes) and a fun inside fabric. Just using a solid piece probably wouldn't be too crazy :think


I just a brainstorm!!! My middle DD is coming over on Sunday for Mother's Day and she has a small sewing machine!!! I'm going to ask her to bring it with her if she can so she can help me with the lining!!!

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Yet you don't mind me! Just like my real DD!



Well, DUH! :lol


Just got done with #5 this one is ILTY in lt peach and sherbert stripe [ATTACH]38870[/ATTACH] I think Im hopelessly hooked on these bags..


Love it Dawn!!


not the best picture..but it is still #13 :cheer:hook


Mary, you are hopelessly addicted. :rofl



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Just got done with #5 this one is ILTY in lt peach and sherbert stripe [ATTACH]38870[/ATTACH] I think Im hopelessly hooked on these bags..




Dang! Now I want some sherbet!



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I just a brainstorm!!! My middle DD is coming over on Sunday for Mother's Day and she has a small sewing machine!!! I'm going to ask her to bring it with her if she can so she can help me with the lining!!!


That is awesome! You go girl!!!


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More prayers are needed for Toni (dobermama).....we heard from her but her mother is not doing well at all....she needs all the prayers we have and can give....



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