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Afghan boredom

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Am I the only one, who gets excited about an afghan pattern, and starts it only to get 26-30 rows and finds that they are completely bored with crocheting the afghan?


I'm really disappointed in myself. This is the 2nd afghan I have started and found myself bored with it. Its turning out so beautiful; I was pleased with my work and progress. When I started, I couldnt wait to finish it. Now I cant seem to get myself to crochet more than three or four stitches at a time...


What do you do if/when you get bored with your WIP?

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I switch to something little and quick. I find that if I make a hat or something like that, I have a sense of accomplishment, which usually re-energizes me to get cracking on my big project. But I think we all have those moments where we get bored by our project. :hug

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I switch to something little and quick. I find that if I make a hat or something like that, I have a sense of accomplishment, which usually re-energizes me to get cracking on my big project. But I think we all have those moments where we get bored by our project. :hug


Little and quick...sounds like what I need...I guess I'm going to look through my patterns and see if I can find something like that :)


I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sometimes gets bored by a WIP.

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something quick works for me too. Dishcloths usually work perfectly. it's that instant gratification thing I think. I also sometimes intentionally do something that works up really quick, like a baby afghan or something double stranded ( with k or n hook), works up super quick!

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I'm the same way!!! I have like project ADD or something haha I agree with taking a break from it and doing something little in between... it's completely normal (in my opinion!!) to have 2 or 3 (or 5 hehe) projects going at the same time and just choose which one you want to work on for a little while. I always remind myself that crocheting should be fun and if I'm "making myself do it" then it's not fun anymore :cheer

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I usually work on two different afghans that I can switch between (or more...), plus have some quick squares I whip up when I'm tired of the ghans. Plus sometimes I'll grab some yarn and a pattern I haven't tried yet and play around with it, then go back to one of the ghans.

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I agree with the others, take a break from the afghan and work on something quick to get a sense of accomplishment out of and then go back to the afghan. I have at least 3 wips piled up by my chair and I alternate working on them. I try not to have more than 3 going at a time.

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I agree with the others, take a break from the afghan and work on something quick to get a sense of accomplishment out of and then go back to the afghan. I have at least 3 wips piled up by my chair and I alternate working on them. I try not to have more than 3 going at a time.


I do the same thing.:yes

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I'm another one who switches betweeen projects. I have one that requires my complete attention for when I'm 'listening' to tv, and more mindless ones when I'm watching a show. Can you listen to music or books on cd while you work? I want to get some books on cd from the library and try crocheting to that.

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I usually work one project at a time. I'm normally ok with that, except when it comes to something big like an afghan. Because I get bored I will end up crocheting scarves or something like that because I know I can finish them in a short amount of time.


I really want to finish the afghan, I love the way its coming out. I wasnt happy about the colors at first, but being that my stash is low, I used what I had on hand.


I think I'm going start another project or two (especially when working on some thing like an afghan). I love to go through all my patterns :D

I always remind myself that crocheting should be fun and if I'm "making myself do it" then it's not fun anymore :cheer


That is a good thing to remind myself, because it's not fun trying to make my self finish something.

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I'm afraid if I start another project, I might not come back to the first one...out of sight, out of mind, you know? To get that sense of accomplishment without putting aside the project, I chart my progress. Say I have 60 more rows, I make a chart showing 2 rows per day I need to complete. I know within the month I'll be done with the afghan. I get the sense of satisfaction from completing my 2 rows each day (which usually turns out to be a lot more as I get the enjoyment of checking off multiple days at a time) and stlll remain on task.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll find what works best for you. Please post pics of the afghan when you've finished it!

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I think everyone gets bored on a long project. The answer to that is.....more projects! :devil I have 3 big ones I'm working on at once, an ongoing ami thing and 2 on hold that might be reactivated at any time. Believe it or not I actually finish almost everything I start.


Since I work in spurts on everything at once, I usually have long periods where not much is getting done. Then, all st once, I finish 4 or 5 things. :hook That keeps me from getting bored with afghans. I love them. I do a lot of them. So I keep changing things up.:yarn


That's the best possible advice from jillkap. I have "given myself permission" to quit on a few things that just weren't any fun.

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I also have several projects going at the same time (don't want the Craft Police to come after me since it is a law that we should have more than one project going, LOL) so that when I either get too tired to work on an involved project or just don't want to do it for a while, I have something else to fall back on. And it seems I end up doing more projects than originally planned. It's a good thing since I do a lot for charity and this way there are more items to donate.


LI Roe

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Afghans are always slow goers for me. I too stop and work on smaller projects when "pattern boredom" descends. Right now I am working on Vanna White's Christmas Afghan. Besides having it about half done I also have finished two doilies, a table topper and some little yarn "do-hickes" in order to get passed the ho-hum periods of repetitive afghan crocheting.

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I guess I'm the weirdo here in that I only work on one project at a time, unless you want to count a knit project and a crochet project. And even then, I usually only work on one at a time. I have to work on several projects at a time at work, and I'm finding as my hormones change that multi-tasking isn't as easy as it used to be. :lol This month was the exception, as I had to make a last minute baby blanket and a pet swap package while knitting a blanket. If you think crocheting a blanket is slow going, don't try knitting one. I started this blanket in January and I'm only half-way through. :eek



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Usually when I get bored with a large project, I work on another project too. But, so that I won't forget the boring project, I make a deal with myself to work at least one row a day on the boring project. That way it doesn't become a UFO and it will eventually get done, one row at a time.

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I always have lots of projects going at the same time. Sometimes I have to stop and force myself to finish some before I will allow myself to go on to the next.


Maybe you should try like the 63 square sampler afghan where every square is different?


Or say you have a favorite TV show (NCIS?!!) and work on that afghan during that hour. Just try some little tricks to get you through.


You will find when you complete you project the satisfaction of a job well done will trump the boredom! Hope I helped a tiny bit and good luck!



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