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Our House Part Two


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I never knew they used worms like that for gardens and stuff -- I know they use them for fishing. We used to fish a long time ago, but rarely do anymore ... my husband probably got sick of having to re-bait my hook every 5 minutes. I must be a sissy,but I dont like touching worms, or jamming them onto a fishing hook. YEK .

I will touch the fish,but not the worm .


Stay safe tonite !

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Hi Jude

Wow, May 9th is pretty fast for a house closing ! It usually drags out for a couple months when you sell to someone else who has to sell their house, then wait on all the inspectors, loan approvals, etc .

I'm glad it is going so fast for you guys .

Another realtor is paying cash for it and is going to gut it and flip it. No bank involved or anything!

The shawl is beautiful ! Are you making it in the pink or do they have it in other colors too ? I like the pink a lot .

It's supposed to be coral, I think - but even if it isn't, it'll get used alot.:D The kit comes with the one color....they do have other colors available, but then you have to buy the pattern book separate, etc.

Also, I guess I need to make a run over to the tote CAL -- your colors sound pretty !

They are nice colors - deep colors, not pale:hook

~~~~*~~~~~*Nope, no fisher girl here!*~~~~*~~~~~~*~~~~ not gonna touch em.....nope, nope nope! lol

You must not have grown up with brothers:lol:lol

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'nite, ladies - going back to work on my tote while the Yankees are on...and the Rangers (hockey) and later, MI-5.....:):):):):):):)

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Hey Ladies :hi


Home from work :clap Having some sweet potato fries :drool Wonderful snack!!!


Toni - Keep yourself safe during those storms :hug Did you finish your project so you can start a tote yet?


Wrennie - Catskills? Hmmmm..............


Judy - Beautiful blanket :manyheart


Trish - Have fun this weekend. So, what's dd having?


Linda - I hope you get your straightening done before John gets home. Glad his trip was successful :yes


Mary1 - :yay for Luke getting his shapes


Cindy -I have to be in the mood to clothes shop too, otherwise I just walk around aimlessly :lol I browse, in and out....if it doesn't catch my eye, I don't need it :lol


Julie - still waiting to hear back from southwest for my bro :xfin They said he should hear back in a week or so and it'll be a week tomorrow. I honestly think he might have a hard time finding something though :( I have to keep myself organized and disciplined because I don't have much free time so if I don't use it wisely, nothing will get done :(

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Forgot: Here is the 2nd baby blanket made using squares my older friend made and gave to me. I bordered them with white, whipstitched them and made a border. Came to 21 by 24 inches.




Well, it's my Friday:cheer Just need to make it through the next 11 hours and I can start my weekend. Hopefully the weather holds out and we're not "roughing" it in the rain:lol Have a wonderful time!!!!!


My dd finds out what the baby is today!!!!!!!! We are totally hoping for a girl, but as long as it's healthy we're happy.

So-----is she having a Girl or a Boy?






Okay. Dumb question time. Where do the noodles go? :think You put the sauce down, then a layer of noodles (3 across), then the ricotta, eggplant, sauce, mozzarella, repeat.


Yup! I finished the book last night. All 757 pages of it in 2 1/2 days. :devil It was just soooooooo hard to put down. WOW!!!!!:cheer



Joanne ~ Your tote colors are great. Beautiful work! :hook

Thank you!:hug


I'm home today catching up on the usual stuff. I babysat for Luke yesterday and we had great fun playing. :lol He's putting blocks in the right places in the shape sorter toys! Cute!!!!



Hello everyone. I had considered doing some more clothes shopping too, but I'm not in the mood at all. Funny, I WAS in the mood and stopped at Kohl's on my way home to use my 30% off coupon!!! Got a few tops to wear to work!!!:yes



Joanne, I really liked that tote you posted yesterday, and one in shades of blue sounds really nice as well. Hope your work day is going well, and is less frustrating than yesterday. It was just busy- not as frustrating- and I didn't get home till 7:30 (but I did stop at Kohl's) Got out of work at 5:30 Thanks - I do like the dark orchid one!!! These totes are fun!


Guess I'll dig around in my sewing room and see if any of my many WIPs are calling to me.

So which one(s) called your name???


Trish, no sun until Friday. At least it will be nice Saturday to go to Trade Day. :yay It's acres of flea market type stuff from live plants, to fresh fruits and veggies, to livestock, just about anything you'd ever want or need or not need :lol Haven't been there in a while, so looking forward to going with my neighbor and her family.
That sounds like a lot of fun Toni!!! Hopefully the sun will be out and it'll be a glorious day for you!!!




What was I thinking?;) DD wants to have a garage sale and decided a week from Friday/Saturday was good for them...so I said "of course, I'll help." :lol Oh well, all I have to do is open any closet or cupboard and I'll have plenty to contribute. :lol



Jules....here's the shawl kit. Uses #10 Bamboo thread and an E hook:D


..and I just ordered it!

It's going to be beautiful!!!!


Hey Ladies :hi


Home from work :clap Having some sweet potato fries :drool Wonderful snack!!!:droolYUMMY!!!!




Wrennie - Catskills? Hmmmm.............. I second that...mmmmmmm.......


Judy - Beautiful blanket :manyheart Agreed!!


Trish - Have fun this weekend. So, what's dd having? My question exactly!


Linda - I hope you get your straightening done before John gets home. Glad his trip was successful :yes


Mary1 - :yay for Luke getting his shapes


Cindy -I have to be in the mood to clothes shop too, otherwise I just walk around aimlessly :lol I browse, in and out....if it doesn't catch my eye, I don't need it :lolYup, she does! ;)


Julie - still waiting to hear back from southwest for my bro :xfin They said he should hear back in a week or so and it'll be a week tomorrow. I honestly think he might have a hard time finding something though :( I have to keep myself organized and disciplined because I don't have much free time so if I don't use it wisely, nothing will get done :(

Sounds like me!!!

Thinking positve thoughts that'll work out for your bro- and Happy Anniversary to them and Happy Birthday to your Sis's BF!!!


WTG on starting the tote, Marisa- and Judy. Toni- have you succumbed to starting another one? Mary1- You should join us with the tote making- it's fun!


Judy and Marisa- I heard back from Cheeria. The meet up is a go on 4/30!!!! (And Wrennie- you could drive down from the Catskills if you'd like:)


Off for the night- haven't even done a stitch of anything and I want to work on my Stash Buster (aka Stress Buster) tote!!


See you in the AM!

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Thanks Joanne, I will send the wishes to their owners :lol My sisters bf got the costco membership certificate in the mail today :clap My bro and sil also got their gift cards today. I just put them in the mail on monday so am surprised since they had to go all the way to phoenix.


I started a sleeve to my sweater while I waited for my laptop to boot up....and by start, I mean like 3 rows :lol but hey, a start is a start. Then the laptop came on and so I did some mapping. I finished doing the portion that encompasses the 2 insurance companies together. Still have quite a bit to go though.


Now, I've decided I'm going to head upstairs early and get a bit of reading in :book Up early to workout, but will be in with my :coffee beforehand....pot is set and ready to go :wink


Sixers game tomorrow night and am bringing my tote to work on :D

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Okay, so none of my WIPs said a word to me today, and as a result I was forced to clean!:eek

I vacuumed, dusted, cleaned closets, cleaned the fridge, and even polished all my kitchen cabinets. I was considering moving onto the bathroom cabinets, but I'm afraid that once I get down on the floor to do the bottom cabinets, I won't be able to get back up again. Guess I've done enough for today.


Joanne, glad you found some bargains at Kohls, and that work was a bit better today.


Good night everyone.

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Good morning!


Before I forget- Marisa- Have fun at the Sixers game tonight!!! I'll probably tune in and will be cheering along with you:cheer


Toni- Hope that the storms weren't too bad- and that the sun will come out! I just LOVE all the totes that you've made!!!


Judy- Did you see the end of the Rangers game? I'm really not a Rangers fan, but my Son-in-law is and I felt so bad that the way they lost after going into a second overtime! But, on a happier note- the Yankees won:clap


Cindy-You sure did get a lot of cleaning done- sounds like you have the Spring fever bug!!! I've got baby blankets calling my name, but I'm ignoring them right now- :) I'm sure they will get louder and louder though. Especially as the time for gifting them draws closer!


Julie- Did you decide if you are going to take Sam up on his offer of going to the reunion motel?


I'm going to head in a little early today with the strong hope of getting out on time tonight!!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well Cindy, I guess it was fate that you got your cleaning done :lol Hopefully something will call your name loud and clear today :think


Joanne - I'm sure I'll feel your presence with me at the game tonight, where I'll be working on my tote :yes So far they're 0-2 for this round, so they totally need to step up!!!! If they lose these next 2, they're done! :eek


Last night I got some more mapping done, but still have quite a bit to go. I think I'll take it home with me for the weekend if it'll fit in the back of my car ok :think


Getting ready to workout in a bit, so don't feel like it this morning, but gotta kick my butt in gear :lol

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I know of 2 adventurous ladies in the group who just might be up for that!:lol:lol:lol:lol



Forgot: Here is the 2nd baby blanket made using squares my older friend made and gave to me. I bordered them with white, whipstitched them and made a border. Came to 21 by 24 inches.



Trish, no sun until Friday. At least it will be nice Saturday to go to Trade Day. :yay It's acres of flea market type stuff from live plants, to fresh fruits and veggies, to livestock, just about anything you'd ever want or need or not need :lol Haven't been there in a while, so looking forward to going with my neighbor and her family.

Sounds fun. Can I come?:D


Hey Ladies :hi


Home from work :clap Having some sweet potato fries :drool Wonderful snack!!!

Oh, yumyumyumyum!



Wrennie - Catskills? Hmmmm..............:yes:yes:yes:yes:yes

My town has some nice shops, so does nearby Woodstock. Then theres Kingston... Or we could just hang local and hook away!:hook


Would that be by chance Marisa and moi? :lol


Good morning everyone. It was chilly all day yesterday and gray. When I got home from work the sun was out and there was a warm wind. Now its chilly again. I wish the warm would stay and the chilly would go away. Enough already!

I have a ton of work to do in my gardens. Seems the crabgrass has wandered way back into my hill garden. The one type of sedum got too happy and has to be pulled off some other plants. Then theres the lamium. Boy is it aggressive. Not more aggressive than me with a shovel tho'! :lol The library will get a couple pots of that for their sale. I like the plant but it spreads way fast once estalished. Hmmm what else can I dig up for the library now that I'm thinking of it. Oh!!! That reminds me, I promised some plants to the mailman last fall. Gotta remember what they were now!

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Bonjour, peeps!:)


Would that be by chance Marisa and moi? :lol
Gee...what might make you think that?:rofl:rofl


Judy- Did you see the end of the Rangers game? I'm really not a Rangers fan, but my Son-in-law is and I felt so bad that the way they lost after going into a second overtime! But, on a happier note- the Yankees won:clap

I was so tired after not sleeping well the night before I rolled over and actually went to sleep before second overtime started. I thought they would lose. The Ranger goalie was looking as if he was having a problem with his leg in the 1st overtime:(

Yup...nice seeing the Yankees win! Swisher has been getting lots of walks lately, it seems...and no more slow start for Tex!

I hope your day goes better today:hug:manyheart

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Wrennie, enjoy your "gardening" - you sound liek a woman on a mission this morning:lol


Off to get the laundry done...check my last minute grocery list to tide us over the weekend...

It's sunny but very chilly this morning. The sun is nice.


Cindy You have to watch how much cleaning you do at once...I learned that the other day:P



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Good morning, my friends. It rained in the night and everything is really wet this morning. The sky is overcast, too. Don't know if we're supposed to get more or not. At least that explained why I hurt so much yesterday. I crawled in bed, got settled and don't think I moved the rest of the night last night. John got home about 9:00 last night. Just in time to put Kim to bed. And, yes I got everything done before he got here.


Hope everyone has a good day. Catch you all later.:manyheart

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Good morning, sun is shining, and wow, did I miss a lot of dust last night!




Then theres the lamium. Boy is it aggressive. Not more aggressive than me with a shovel tho'! :lol The library will get a couple pots of that for their sale. I like the plant but it spreads way fast once estalished. Hmmm what else can I dig up for the library now that I'm thinking of it. Oh!!! That reminds me, I promised some plants to the mailman last fall. Gotta remember what they were now!


My first experience with Lamium was abput 10 years ago, it was in a hanging basket. In the fall I tossed the soil and the plants into the woods. Next spring the Lamium started growing again. The soil that the roots were in was still in a pot shaped mound on top of the ground, but that plant looked as healthy as could be. I picked it up, divided it and replanted it in hanging baskets again. I've done that every year since. Not only that, I have given pieces of that original plant to many people. I like it for hanging baskets and pots, because it trails over the sides, and the leaves are pretty.

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Wrennie, you just made me remember that I forgot to tell you that when I got home yesterday I noticed my mint and parsley coming up from last year :clap:yay Now I totally need to clean all the dead stuff out of there. Last year was the first time I planted anything, so this is all new to me and I thought my dad left gardening shears here, but apparently not :think


Linda - :yay for getting everything done in time and I'm sure Kim didn't really want to go to bed when John finally got home :no


Have a great day Judy and Cindy.....and the rest of you ladies that have not checked in yet today :yes:wink


'See' y'all tomorrow morning :hug

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Plants coming up here. Tomatoes are up and growing in the greenhouse hydroponically. Have to get in there and get some work done on those today.


Hopefully new baby bunny litters over the next few days

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~*~*~*~*~Good Morning my girlies*~*~*~*~*~*~ All sounds well in the house! Thank heavens! I'm not well though........:0) Needless to say....I'm experiencing something i've NEVER experienced in my life and don't care if I ever do it again!! I think the Pizza I ate the other night must of turned into cement in my innards!!! Aint nothin' movin'!!!! My bosses are just a tad bit older than me (2 brothers) and they think it's funny! lol Sooooo......I'm preparing for the jokes!

I have another Inga's bag almost done for ME---black, white and pink! LOVE IT!!! Will post pictures shortly!

Now I am going to do blue, white and red for Aree's softball team colors! Will be great to put snacks, drinks, my projects as I sit there and sun myself!

~*~*~*~*~ Love to you all ! I will be poppin in and out!~*~*~**~*~*~~

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Morning Ladies,


Toni, Great news all around on your chemo, your eyes and your blood work. Getting your independence back would be wonderful!


Judy, Beautiful baby blanket and pretty shawl.


Trish, Have fun camping and maybe the weather man will be wrong on the rain.


Cheeria, Hi! Glad all is well! Have fun with your weaving. Glad the grandbabies are doing well to.


Tab, When your all done with school all will be worth it. Hang in there!


Cindy, Are you getting a craft day or a working day after all the cleaning yesterday? I looked up lamium and it would be pretty in hanging basket.

I'll have to use some this year.


Wrennie, I looked up the lamium plant and it is pretty. Enjoy your gardening time today.


Mary, Isn't fun watching the grandbabies going through all the different learning stages?


Linda, Hope your weather calms down so you can feel better today.


Joanne, Hope your work settles down soon. Sounds like you picked up some bargins at Kohl's.


Julie, I'll get here as often as I can. I may have to start coming in, in the morning. I take gd (Jocelyn) to school 4 times a week and have to pick her up to. Somedays I make a stop at the store. Went for a zipper at the next town over and forgot it so I need to go back there today and get one. Walmart here didn't have the right one.


Kiyo, You don't know what your missing never been fishing. Serenity and peaceful for starters. Maybe your bf fishes and he could take you. I love fishing and hope to go when the bluegills are bedding. Gd (Jocelyn) and Grandpa just went out last weekend to get some worms for her to take to school for there worm bed. Gd even touched them. They won't hurt you!


Woke up today and the heater went out. Son will take care of it in awhile.

I cleaned it out tuesday and must not of put something back the right way.

The sun is finally out today.:yay Payton has soccer practice today. A game saturday morning then we will head over to my house for the rest of the weekend.

Maya is sick again. Sore throat and fever. My Mom has gone to stay with her. She was going to take her to the doctor so waiting to see what to hear from DD.

Need to go get in the shower. Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Plants coming up here. Tomatoes are up and growing in the greenhouse hydroponically. Have to get in there and get some work done on those today.


Hopefully new baby bunny litters over the next few days

Good luck with the baby bunnies. Hope they are healthy.

~*~*~*~*~Good Morning my girlies*~*~*~*~*~*~ All sounds well in the house! Thank heavens! I'm not well though........:0) Needless to say....I'm experiencing something i've NEVER experienced in my life and don't care if I ever do it again!! I think the Pizza I ate the other night must of turned into cement in my innards!!! Aint nothin' movin'!!!! My bosses are just a tad bit older than me (2 brothers) and they think it's funny! lol Sooooo......I'm preparing for the jokes!

I have another Inga's bag almost done for ME---black, white and pink! LOVE IT!!! Will post pictures shortly!

Now I am going to do blue, white and red for Aree's softball team colors! Will be great to put snacks, drinks, my projects as I sit there and sun myself!

~*~*~*~*~ Love to you all ! I will be poppin in and out!~*~*~**~*~*~~

Hope things start moving soon so you can be more comfortable. :hug

Marlene- BF does fish and I will just go tanning and crochet while he fishes lol! The worms.....I'm still not convinced lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl Worms are very good for gardens and lawns as well as for fish bait. They aren't even slimy.

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Hopefully new baby bunny litters over the next few days


~*~*~*~*~Good Morning my girlies*~*~*~*~*~*~ All sounds well in the house! Thank heavens! I'm not well though........:0) Needless to say....I'm experiencing something i've NEVER experienced in my life and don't care if I ever do it again!! I think the Pizza I ate the other night must of turned into cement in my innards!!! Aint nothin' movin'!!!! My bosses are just a tad bit older than me (2 brothers) and they think it's funny! lol Sooooo......I'm preparing for the jokes! working with men is always a challenge:lol I hope you feel better soon...:hug

I have another Inga's bag almost done for ME---black, white and pink! LOVE IT!!! Will post pictures shortly!

Now I am going to do blue, white and red for Aree's softball team colors! Will be great to put snacks, drinks, my projects as I sit there and sun myself!

~*~*~*~*~ Love to you all ! I will be poppin in and out!~*~*~**~*~*~~

It sounds like you're hooked on those bags!! Looking forward to pics...



Linda, it;s funny you should say the worms aren't slimy. I used to have a thing against snakes...till my goddaughter, when she was about 3, brought me into her older brothers room to show me his snake. She took it out of the terrarium for me to touch.:eek

...well, I didn't want to look like a wuss, so I touched it - and was surprised. Not slimy or icky at all...I guess worms are the same....

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Our weekend plans have changed yet again. :rolleyes John is leaving with Mark for the hunting lodge tonight and will be back some time Sunday afternoon. So more girl time around here. :think Guess I'll work on some scarves for the April Charity CAL. :yarn:crocheting:yarn

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Wrennie, enjoy your "gardening" - you sound liek a woman on a mission this morning:lol


Nope, had to work today. Thats really thinking ahead planning for the weekend if it idesnt rain.


Wrennie, you just made me remember that I forgot to tell you that when I got home yesterday I noticed my mint and parsley coming up from last year :clap:yay Now I totally need to clean all the dead stuff out of there. Last year was the first time I planted anything, so this is all new to me and I thought my dad left gardening shears here, but apparently not:think

Mint is a perennial that once established will spread greedily. You can keep it contained in deep pots or plant it where you can mow around it to keep it tamed.

Parsley on the other hand is a biennial. So you can still use it this year but it will send out seed heads. Keep pinching them off if you want to keep getting parsley, or let it go to seed and plant those for next year.



Just popping in.

I WON turtle lovers red granny tote down in give aways, doing the happy dance!

Have a good night.

I may go out in the garden now and pull a coupe of those pesky weeds.

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