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Our House Part Two


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~* Wrennie---I LOVE to make hats, they are so fun and then I LOVE to add big fat flowers to them and girlie them out! add brims for fun, oh so much you can do!

hmmm, hadn't thought of girlie-ing them up. Now I need a few flowers to crochet!


:yuck:yuck:yuck:yuckAnd.......I would keep them......where in my house??? lol

You don't want my answer to this do you?:loco


In a bucket of damp spagnum moss in a cool place in the garage or some such. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

thats not my answer...... :eek



Here's the finished photo. I added three photos to the thread I created for it in Purses and Bags.

Very nice!


Hi, gals!

Mission accomplished with the house! Should close on it before Mother's Day!:)

I hope everything goes smoothly for you!


hello everyone. Woke up to snow today! It was coming down so hard that visibility was pretty much zero when I went to work. It fell until about noon, then the sun came out and melted a lot of it.

yuck, snow! I'm glad it melted!!


Wrennie- I still didn't put my solar lights in- and as a matter of fact, put that on the list of things to do Saturday weather permitting! First we need to put some mulch down and then I'll place them where I want them. Hope you didn't overdo today on your day off!!


Of course I did.



I joined the Crochet Tote Addicts CAL for those of us who are becoming addicted to Sue (Turtlelvr's) tote patterns. And here is a pic of the Stash Buster Tote that I finished last night. RH SS in Dark Orchid and Lavender. I love this pattern!

Pretty colors!


Wrennie - Did you finish everything that needed to get done?

Almost. I didn't vacuum or pay bills. Everything else is done. I was a zombie by 7pm tho'.:lol


Back to work today.:yuck I'm really not liking my job much these days. The district/area is short staffed and we're always running around to other branches to work. Its a very disconnected feeling. And nothing is "where it belongs" when you're not home. And of course every office does things a little bit different and i always feel like I'm doing something wrong at other places.

I did hear McDonalds is hiring, all over the country. Not sure what thats all about. I think they're adding 50,000 jobs, if I heard right 1/2 asleep this morning. Are they trying to solve our unemployment problems all by themselves?? :lol I am glad they're doing it, but is it sustainable?


Does anyone use Nutro brand pet food? ie maxcat or natural choice. If you go to their website and sign up for the my nutro rewards program you get a $10 off coupon for a bag of dry food. :cat

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Getting ready to head upstairs for my workout :yes Just had a cup of yogurt first and of course my coffee :lol


I did some more mapping last night :yes I flipped between my sixers and dtws.


Joanne - Well, I'm hoping my boys do better when they're back home here on thursday and yep....I have tix :clap I'm selling my tix for game 4 (sunday's game) thought because its easter sunday at 1 in the afternoon :( It's painful for me to do :lol But my mom's happy I decided not to skip out on easter to go to the game :yes


Wrennie - I hope hope work goes well for you today and isn't very chaotic :hug When your getting frustrated, just keep reminding yourself that at least you have a job to get frustrated at :yes That's what I do anyway :lol

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'morning, peeps!


Wrennie, Sparkie eats Eukanuba....sorry....


Have to run and get dressed, since we have no idea when the guy will get here to service the AC for the season. You know the drill: between 9 and 12:lol



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hello everyone. Woke up to snow today! It was coming down so hard that visibility was pretty much zero when I went to work. It fell until about noon, then the sun came out and melted a lot of it..

Oh SNOW? No snow here... just big time thunderstorms here over night and this morning. Finally let up. :whew

Wow, Cindy - you lucked out on the snow melting!!:eek

I think I would hibernate if I lived up there...:lol


Right now I'm working on bordering more squares I was given so I can make a small baby ghan.


Have a great night, everyone:hug:manyheart

oh.... are you making another baby blanket for charity? or is it for someone special?

Hello everyone!!!


Cindy- Wow! SNOW!!! :eek I'm so glad we had a nice sunny day here today- of course I spent most of the day indoors, but it was nice to go outside at lunchtime!!! Yes, DD is here until tomorrow- She said she got a lot done on her paper- and some other things and is upstairs at the dining room table busy as a bee!


I could get used to having her here- She made a delicious pasta salad for dinner and it was ready when I got home from work~~


Judy- :clap for selling the in-law's house!! Great news and it seems like a pretty fast closing too!!! That's wonderful!


Toni Love that tote too!!! Very pretty color you used!


Mary1- Sounds like you may have finally had a chance to do some crocheting today? What are you working on?


Wrennie- I still didn't put my solar lights in- and as a matter of fact, put that on the list of things to do Saturday weather permitting! First we need to put some mulch down and then I'll place them where I want them. Hope you didn't overdo today on your day off!!


Linda- I was happy to hear that Kim is doing well- seems like you caught what was brewing just in the nick of time!!! Enjoy your girl time w/out John home and I'm sure the oriental fabric you got was worth every penny you spent.


Tammy- Love the siggy you made up for Kiyo!!


Kiyo- It must have felt good to only be doing your own job today!


Marisa- Hope your day went by quickly- mine flew by- and I have so much work to get done- I'm kind of feeling a little overwhelmed, but am determined that I'm not going to let it get to me. It is what it is and I am one person who can only get so much done in a day- I have to keep repeating that to myself- I tend to want to get everything done perfectly and NOW- and that's not going to happen- at least the NOW part!:lol


I joined the Crochet Tote Addicts CAL for those of us who are becoming addicted to Sue (Turtlelvr's) tote patterns. And here is a pic of the Stash Buster Tote that I finished last night. RH SS in Dark Orchid and Lavender. I love this pattern!

LOVE your tote!!!

Hey ladies :hi


Home from work and the sixers are getting ready to play at 7 (in Miami) for game 2 :cheer:yay:xfin I did some research at work :eek shhhhh....so I'm going to do more mapping while watching the game :yes


Toni - awesome tote :manyheart I can't wait til she has the pattern available.


Wrennie - Did you finish everything that needed to get done?


Judy - :yay gread news on the house


Linda - Glad to hear that Kim's doing better :hug Have fun with your girls time :wink


Kiyo - Hope all is well, I have one scarf started for you :blush All my crafting kinda got put on hold during this mapping project :(


Mary1 - Prayers out to you and everyone being affected :hug I hope you get some rain soon :xfin Have fun hooking


Tam - Hey there miss chickadee :D How's everything going over there? Are things starting to calm down at all for you yet?


Cindy - snow!!!! :eek At least most of it melted, that's the not-so-bad part about getting it at this time of year :yes



Hey there back at ya sweetie! :D Other than the continued insanity of my daughter and her kids... things are going good. Hubby is doing well.. Michael is hangin' tough... Patrick and David are good. Me.......... I'm just exhausted. My stomach has been bothering me alot lately... but oh well.



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It's a cash deal on the house - another realtor bought it for a flip:lol

It's in such bad shape she's more than welcome to it....:D


...and I joined the tote CAL...:eek



LOL... its gotten so bad for me... I have now sketched out a dozen totes to design. I have one designed and written out.. just need to type it up nice and neat and have it tested. :hook

Going to call it a night- I've got the coffee all set up for the morning!


I started another Stash Buster tote tonight-- this time in Vanna's Choice- Denim Mist and Colonial Blue. You can't really tell the difference between the rounds of the Denim Mist and the rounds of the Denim Mist with the Colonial Blue which is kind of the look I wanted to try for this one- and also use up some stash!!!


See you in the AM!

LOL... I have another Stash Buster ready for my hook too! :hook

Good morning Glories!!!


Another day in Paradise about to start- and it'll be a very busy day for me. Can't wait to come home so I can work some more on the 2nd Stash Buster tote (SBT) !!!


Sorry about the Sixers loss, Marisa, but hopefully you made good headway on your mapping!!


Mary2- I saw your newest SBT and that's great that it brought in 75.00 at the rabbit show auction!


Tam- I saw the Granny Go round one that you tested for Sue- Beautiful- just like the one Toni tested- Looks like this is going to be another one I MUST try!!


Again, I'm out of time- so have a good day everyone!!! See you on the flip side!

Thanks for the compliment! It was a fun tote to make!



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Glad to hear all your progress Tam :hug


Judy - Hopefully they come sooner rather than later......maybe they're there now :think


I need to rumage through my stash to find some colors to make this stashbuster in....I bought it yesterday or sunday :think and am feeling left out of all the fun that I didn't start one yet :(

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in a bucket of damp spagnum moss in a cool place in the garage or some such. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol





no thank you i must pass this time!

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Good Morning~~~ Clear blue sky today.........not so sure how warm it will get though, it was pretty chilly out this mornin'!


Love the stashbuster totes I'm seeing--I just might have to purchase that patter too and join the thread for addicts and......and.....and.......


WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter!


Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!


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Good morning my friends. Sunny with a few high light clouds today. I'm reading Jean M. Auel's latest book, The Land of Painted Caves. Reading? More like devouring it. I started it the day before yesterday and I'm already over half way through it. I just can't put it down. Whenever I'm not taking care of Kim or the house I'm reading. It's fabulous! Needless to say, I haven't done any crocheting since starting it. I am down to the last one, maybe two rows on the RR. I love how it's turning out.


Linda- I was happy to hear that Kim is doing well- seems like you caught what was brewing just in the nick of time!!! Enjoy your girl time w/out John home and I'm sure the oriental fabric you got was worth every penny you spent.

Oh yeah! Well worth it.

I joined the Crochet Tote Addicts CAL for those of us who are becoming addicted to Sue (Turtlelvr's) tote patterns. And here is a pic of the Stash Buster Tote that I finished last night. RH SS in Dark Orchid and Lavender. I love this pattern!

Beautiful tote. :clap :clap

:D Other than the continued insanity of my daughter and her kids... things are going good. Hubby is doing well.. Michael is hangin' tough... Patrick and David are good. Me.......... I'm just exhausted. My stomach has been bothering me alot lately... but oh well.






Please take care of yourself, Tammy. :hug :hug :hug It's not worth getting an ulcer over and DD needs to grow up and start taking care of herself and her kids.

no thank you i must pass this time!

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl I grew up on a farm with a bunch of fishing family. What can I say?

WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter!


Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!

Aree's backpack is gorgeous! Can't help you with Inga's bag. Haven't done it.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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At 9:15 the service guy came...Sparkie got his loving (same guy every year)...went to the food store for a quick run, took Sparkie for a walk, went to the PO and library...had baked nachos for lunch...and here I sit:lol


Time to get my rear in gear and do a little cleaning in my kitchen (shelves, counters, etc)


The squares I mentioned were made by my older friend and it'll be a small blankie for the NICU. I also have saltines and larger squares to do (Phyllis, from HMB, gave them to me), too. First need to weave in ends!;)



I saw a beautiful wrap in Herrschner's made with Bamboo cotton and an E hook...and it has been speaking to me over the last few catalogues:c9 The page is sitting open here on my desk. :devil




WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter!

I started one...and got turned around attaching it - it got frogged and squares were used for a pet ghan:P

Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!

Beautiful backpack!!!!:clap

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Good day ~ How are you all doing on this Tuesday? Not sure where my days are going, but they are just zipping past, and I had a bunch of pages of posts to read through since my last visit :blush The girls and I are fine. We had about 6 inches of snow over the weekend, and there is a chance we could get another 2-3 inches by tomorrow, but we are still here :snow We did a bunch of fun cooking throughout the weekend -- chocolate chip cookies made in the waffle iron, homemade frosting that required LOTS of beating by hand :wink , stromboli with homemade dough, oh, and 7 Layer Salad with ingredients to layer. Yes, it was a good weekend :yes I did a bit of crocheting. I alternated between a baby dress in soft green and my purse. Today, laundry's running around in the machine, we are having leftovers for dinner, so I do not need to fix any new food, and I am catching up on my e-mails and with all of you.


My goodness, have you gals been bit by the tote-making bug :hook. Toni and Joanne, your Stashbusting Totes are great, as is the Granny tote (cannot remember the correct name off of the top of my head, but the one you tested for Sue...) :clap


Precious pictures of your grandbabies, Shay. Oh my goodness, they are beautiful. How fun to get them all together :manyheart


Faile ~ I've looked at the ball winders on occasion. Glad you are happy with your purchases. Did you buy more yarn, just so that you could play with your new toys? :devil Your crafting corner must look so neat with those little cakes of yarn waiting to go into a project. o


Pretty tea cozy, too, Toni :rose So sorry it gave you such fits, but it is a beautiful accomplishment. Will you see your friend for whom you were making it? I'll bet she loves it.


Nice job on the border of the baby blanket, Judy. You have such talent for blending colors, patterns, and even different crafters into finished projects :clap.


Joanne ~ your eggplant lasagne and parmesan sounded delicious :drool DH is not a fan of eggplant dishes, but, since he is not home this week... :idea I just made a plan for Friday's dinner. And, leftovers are the best!! The flavors get to blend together a bit more, and no thinking or fussing for another day -- my kind of meal.


Cindy ~ Have you had a chance to get to know your new Kindle, or has you DH been monopolizing it, since he bought it for you? :lol I'll bet you are enjoying the variety of features offered between your two gadgets and the freebies.


Kiyo and Linda ~ I had to chuckle as I read through your chatter about the worms. I'm going to vote with Kiyo on this one. We used to dig worms for fishing with my grandpa, but that was a long time ago. I just :rofl, when I pictured you outside with your chopsticks, trying to pick up worms without touching them...yep, that's me, too :yes


Judy ~ congrats on the upcoming closing on your FIL's house :yay It does not matter who buys it, as long as it is not yours to worry about any more, right? :tup I hope all goes smoothly for the sale.


Mary ~ I have been hearing about the awful wildfires, and I hope they stay FAR away from you!! Glad to hear you had a chance to do some yard work and crocheting over the weekend. Wish I could send some (goodness, you could have ALL of it, if I could figure out a way :think) of our moisture down to you. Stay safe :hug


Julie ~ Glad to hear you got to spend time with Cam over the weekend. My brother and I played oodles of games as we were growing up, too. Clue, Monopoly, Checkers, Chess, Aggravation, Sorry, Can't Stop!, Skip-Bo...whenever we get together at my parents', the games come out, again. I was never very good at Trivial Pursuit, but Scattergories is a favorite, as long as there are more than just the two of us to play. I forgot to mention how pretty your new embroidery project looks. Are you seeing progress on it?


Marisa, Tam, Mary2, Marlene, and Everyone I missed ~ :hug:hug I will have to catch you on my next pass-through. Have a good afternoon.

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Good Morning~~~ Clear blue sky today.........not so sure how warm it will get though, it was pretty chilly out this mornin'!


Love the stashbuster totes I'm seeing--I just might have to purchase that patter too and join the thread for addicts and......and.....and.......


WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter!


Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!


Cute, cute backpack, Kiyo :clap Who are you kidding? Aree is going to be a doll in whatever she wears ;), but it is wonderful she is so looking forward to her special Easter outfit. Does it have to wait 'til Sunday, or are you hunting eggs somewhere before then?


Sorry, I cannot help you with the "Inga's Bag" pattern, either. Good luck to your mom on figuring out how to finish them.

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Cute, cute backpack, Kiyo :clap Who are you kidding? Aree is going to be a doll in whatever she wears ;), but it is wonderful she is so looking forward to her special Easter outfit. Does it have to wait 'til Sunday, or are you hunting eggs somewhere before then?


Sorry, I cannot help you with the "Inga's Bag" pattern, either. Good luck to your mom on figuring out how to finish them.


She wanted to wear her outfit today and I said HELLLLLO no! lol white leggins.....school..........muddy......rainy.........NOOOO WAY! lol If my mom get's this backpack lined before sunday then she might get to use it but they are out of school on Thurs. sooooo we shall see! No egg hunting before Sunday unless her Dad takes her somewhere on Sat. My day w/ her is Sun. church, big hunt at church, then dinner w/ my parents. ---Do you do something special with your girls for Easter? --

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Nice job on the border of the baby blanket, Judy. You have such talent for blending colors, patterns, and even different crafters into finished projects :clap.

thank you:blush

Judy ~ congrats on the upcoming closing on your FIL's house :yay It does not matter who buys it, as long as it is not yours to worry about any more, right? :tup I hope all goes smoothly for the sale.


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And these are just some of the moods I'm feeling ...........ugggggh!


Hope all is well with everyone- haven't noticed anything real crazy when I've been reading through- storms----yucky weather, snow, wind, tornadoes----everyone stay safe, be careful, take cover!


Just reading up on my Essential oils-and uses, it's pretty quiet here at the office thus.......I was trying to assemble some Easter cards that I have planned out and I forgot my adhesive! sO--I'm reading up on oils!

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Just reading up on my Essential oils-and uses, it's pretty quiet here at the office thus.......I was trying to assemble some Easter cards that I have planned out and I forgot my adhesive! sO--I'm reading up on oils!

My friend who I made the baby 9 patch for...she just started working with essential oils. She's already made soaps (which are wonderful:c9) and is now trying her hand at lotions....:D

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She wanted to wear her outfit today and I said HELLLLLO no! lol white leggins.....school..........muddy......rainy.........NOOOO WAY! lol If my mom get's this backpack lined before sunday then she might get to use it but they are out of school on Thurs. sooooo we shall see! No egg hunting before Sunday unless her Dad takes her somewhere on Sat. My day w/ her is Sun. church, big hunt at church, then dinner w/ my parents. ---Do you do something special with your girls for Easter? --

Oh, I hear you with the white leggings and a mucky school yard...ick! The more I analyze it, I know I like snowpants, because the girls can wear all of their pretty dresses, funky tights, or leggings to school, and then can play anything on the playground without wrecking an outfit. Now, we have to be so careful, and it just is not easy, when they are happiest zipping from-here-to-there or hanging upside down on the monkey bars. Ahhh well. We'll make the best of it, right? BUT, we mums get to veto the white leggings and lacy dresses to school until the mud and rain go away :yes As for Easter, the Bunny does a pretty good job of hiding dyed and chocolate eggs at our house, so we do not go anywhere for a hunt. Actually, I cannot even recall hearing about any community-sponsored hunts around town this year, now that you mention it :think Hmmm, that's odd. Growing up, we used to go in the church's basement with our classmates from Sunday School after the service. We always have a fancier breakfast, and then I fix the big meal for the evening meal. This year, not knowing if DH is going to be here or not, I am holding-off on doing my grocery shopping, as I do not know how many people we will have join us for dinner, but I will know after talking with him this evening. We usually have 10-12 guests, and I love to cook, so this holiday is always a fun chance to try a bunch of new recipes.


Good luck keeping Aree out of her outfit until Sunday. Have a good rest of your day :2spin

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First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

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First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer

FANTABULOUS news, Toni :hug:hug:hug I am so happy to read all of the good reports you had to share. Yippeeeeeee:yay:yay

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~DuStI~~ Remind me what your hubby does that he's gone---I am thinking I may of read somewhere but have forgotten. SOrry honey! I try to remember everything best I can and dang it I think I have a case of CRS! lol


How fun that you like to cook! Since I got divorced, it's not much fun cooking for just myself--course I guess I could cook and put meals in the freezer but that would be too much planning for me lol Aree she'd rather complain about everything than eat whats right lol. Holiday meals are pretty quiet for us since it's only my parents and myself and Aree that live here. My brother is in Denver and so that's not too many for too much excitement! We're getting older! Maybe one of us needs to have a baby! LOL

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Good Morning~~~ Clear blue sky today.........not so sure how warm it will get though, it was pretty chilly out this mornin'!


Love the stashbuster totes I'm seeing--I just might have to purchase that patter too and join the thread for addicts and......and.....and.......


WHO HAS MADE INGA"S BAG??? Im not a sewing girl or a fabric girl so I handed all the bags off to my mama and she's not quite sure how to get them done~ any hints to make it easier on her? I need 2 of them by Easter!


Here is Aree's new Easter backpack! Cant wait for her to put her lil top on and carry this--she's excited too!


Nice bag.

I made Inga's bag a few years ago, and finally got it finished, but I had an awful time sewing the squares together. I just couldn't figure out how to fit them into a bag shape. I don't remember having trouble lining mine, but my memory isn't always the best!

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First, before I try to catch up with everyone, I have GOOOD NEWS!!!


Doing the happy clog dance here!!! Chemo suspended for one month so I can get my eyes done. Called eye doctor and procedure can and will be done on May 5th!!! Plus, my blood work today was the best it's been since this began!!! YIPPEE!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer


This is great news!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Getting ready to head upstairs for my workout :yes Just had a cup of yogurt first and of course my coffee :lol


I did some more mapping last night :yes I flipped between my sixers and dtws.


Joanne - Well, I'm hoping my boys do better when they're back home here on thursday and yep....I have tix :clap I'm selling my tix for game 4 (sunday's game) thought because its easter sunday at 1 in the afternoon :( It's painful for me to do :lol But my mom's happy I decided not to skip out on easter to go to the game :yes

I'm sure she is:yes And you can use the $ from selling the tix to buy the gas to travel to your Mom's:lol


Wrennie - I hope hope work goes well for you today and isn't very chaotic :hug When your getting frustrated, just keep reminding yourself that at least you have a job to get frustrated at :yes That's what I do anyway :lol

That's what I do too- I was very frustrated today. I feel very overwhelmed and pulled in a million directions, but I am just taking deep breaths and figure this too shall pass- and I am grateful that I do have a job to be frustrated at!

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