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Our House Part Two


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Cindy, I can identify with your shopping woes...as a 60-something, short-waisted, "endowed" woman I have a hard time shopping for anything! I DID find 2 pairs of comfortable sandals at Penney's yesterday - buy one, pay $1 for the other. So for 41 dollars I'm set for years!:lol

Next will be shopping for some white summer pants and a top or two. I'm dreading that!:P


It'll be fun having the Kindle AND Nook! Freebies from both!

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Hey there ladies :hi


I'm just getting home from meeting up with my cousins (mother and daughter) So, I've come to a cross roads and have to choose....I either wash the car or workout....I'm going with the workout :think I don't have time for both if I want to veg and craft for the evening :lol Since I didn't get much crafting done all week :eek My poor baby will have to hold out for me :(


Just wanted to check in quick before heading up to workout :yes


Oh Judy, Beautiful blanket :manyheart

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Marisa- Don't forget the map too!:lol Sounds like you had a nice extended lunch with your cousins!!! Enjoy your workout and the rest of the evening!!!


Judi- Love the blanket and the border you put on it!!


We had our eggplant parm AND eggplant lasagne! Actually DH wanted parm, DD wanted eggplant lasagne so I made both! I opted to eat the eggplant lasagne and let me tell you- it was good!! I'm so full- and we have lots of leftovers!:yay


Cindy- I chucked when reading your post about DH buying you both a Kindle- sure sounds like a guilty present to me!!:lol I think that's why my DH bought me the IPad- he was probably feeling guilty about some "toys" he had bought for himself! Hope you had a nice relaxing day!


I went into a slight panic that I was running out the main color on the StashBuster tote so I went out to the garage where I keep the bulk of my yarn stash in containers. I found 1 skein of the color I needed :whew What a relief!!!


DD has gone back to working on her paper, DH is watching basketball, and I'm going to work some more on the tote!


Judy- Don't forget- Yankees- 8:05 ESPN!!!;)

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~~Hello girlies~~~ I've missed you over the last week, only being able to pop in for a minute here and there! I can't go back and read everything, I apolagize! I hope you are all doing well and have had an enjoyable weekend!


I worked yesterday morning in the RAIN---OMG---It needs to GO FAR FAR away! Then when I was done, went to Aree's softball tournament---they were 2 hours behind for rain delay so I didn't miss a thing when I got there. My Mom took her down for me since I wouldn't of originally been done working in time. We had fun chillin' together! Just in time to dry out the sun came out at about 1130 or so and BLARED alllll the rest of the day, it was so nice and my skin says so too! lol it's a lil pink still today and tender! I go right into a nice brown so I love it! Mom's a whitie so she got it bad! Then she just goes back to whitey again lol. The girls played 3, won all 3, even played a 12 and Under team and smoked them. Our lil 10 yr. old pitcher even had to switch to a bigger softball just before the game and STILL smoked them! It was great! I was bushed when I got home since the day had started at 0330!

I did get a lady at the ball game excited to help make hats and scarves to my "OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" so that was cool!

Today has been a lazy day, I did my dishes, some laundry, folded some laundry (still more to fold) and....vaccumed my basement (I have a full finished basement) and I did a little crocheting---I finally got the straps added to Aree's lil Hexagon Easter backpack. She's excited to get to use it to hunt eggs with lol.

All else is well.

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Kiyo, what a busy day you had!! I'll be working on scarves for you...by the end of September I hope to have a batch to send. I have some yarn that's a washable wool blend - is that okay to use?


Judi- Love the blanket and the border you put on it!!


We had our eggplant parm AND eggplant lasagne! Actually DH wanted parm, DD wanted eggplant lasagne so I made both! I opted to eat the eggplant lasagne and let me tell you- it was good!! I'm so full- and we have lots of leftovers!:yaySounds yummy:)


DD has gone back to working on her paper, DH is watching basketball, and I'm going to work some more on the tote!

We watched the Rangers hockey team this afternoon - and they won! Best of 7, so down by one game means they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Judy- Don't forget- Yankees- 8:05 ESPN!!!;)

Im ready!:D:D:D:D

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The Yankees won!!!:clap


And as if I don't have enough WIP's, I started another project! I'm working on a Stash Buster Tote (Mary 2 and Tammy (and maybe Toni?) made one- designed by Sue (Turtlelvr). I think I'm catching crochet ADD!!!!:lol


I've got the Sixer/Miami game on now and am cheering along with Marisa for the Sixers!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Julie- I think I'm going to get Yankee Monopoly for DD's BF this year for his birthday! They both love to play board games and host game nights at their place. And since he is such a Yankee fan, thought that might be a good gift! Have you decided on colors for your house? Any idea when you may starting all your renovations?


Hope everyone is enjoying their day- and can't wait to hear about Wrennie's trip to HL!!

Did ya get that tote done? :D

Thanks everyone for the great comments on my babies.


Julie...I have 9 boys and 3 girls and love them all so much...its amazing how they can feel lie your own.Trentys full name is Trenty Merrie Grigartis and they named their son Wesley Billy-Bob Grigartis(we call him B-Bob)...yes you read that right...my son is nuts.


Tammy....i still have one at home to that's 15 so i know how you feel...hes a really easy one though and pretty much raises himself...hes home-schooled so i dont even have to get up early and he pretty much keeps my hours.


This is the closest i have to all of them together...the only ones missing here are 4 of my grandsons because they live down here and weren't up in WV to get in the photo and this was before my newest Elizabeth was born.

Look at all those babies! LOVE IT!!

My three still at home are 10, 12, and 15. They're good boys!! But sure to keep me busy!!! Right now its Track... Baseball... Choir and Band.



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Here are photos of my accomplishments today.


The "bleepin" tea cozy that I don't have a teapot to stage it on




My version of the Stash Buster Tote from Sue:



OMGoodness... you did such a good job on both!!!!

Morning folks

Well, it's still dark out here so not sure what the weather has up for today. Hope not as much rain as yesterday. Feel so sorry for all the people getting hit by the storms down south. Stay safe Toni ! (and Linda-- I think one of the storms may have touched someplace in your state, if I remember the article I just read )


Well, not much new here. If the weather cooperates we need the back yard mowed today and Sam needs to spray for ants. We get them really bad here in the spring .... have every year we have lived in this house .


I'll try to lasso him into taking a photo of the lap quilt today too. He was gone all day yesterday and working on someone's mini laptop today -- and I mean MINI ! It is about 1/3 smaller than mine . Really cute ! He said he wouldnt recommend buying one, they arent very well made inside ..guess thats why it's almost new and broken already .


Tam- forgot to ask how your night out was last night ?


Will check in later-- howdy to all I missed .

Oh I hate ants... but our big pest is lady bugs! grrr.. those things are all over!

My husband and youngest one David each have NetBooks... they love their little laptops! Ken's job requires him to be able to jump on someones data base and fix an issue an any hour of the day or night.. .so having that NetBook is awesome cuz he carries it EVERYWHERE!

Oh......... sweetie............my night was so nice!!! Had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays with my mom and sis-in-law... then went to Village Inn for coffee and pie. We talked.. and Laughed till we were crying and our tummys hurt! I hope we do that again soon!

Good morning!!!

I woke up at 3:30 or so and was wide awake so came downstairs to work on the stash buster tote- and lo and behold, I had to frog 3 rows of it!:eek Yup- added stitches somewhere!!:eek That's what I get for paying attention to something else while I'm crocheting! I re-did those 3 rows and then went back upstairs and tried to fall back asleep- no luck there- but I did stay in bed for a while.


Tammy- Hope you had a wonderful night out last night!!


The sun is shining, the wind has died down and it is a lovely day outside so far- The trees are budding and the grass is growing and all looks right with the world outside my window (and now I can see the dust that I missed yesterday:lol)


Time to get ready and go get bagels- DD should be here around 9- and hopefully, I'll get some more done on the baby blanket and get the tote finished today while she is working on her paper.

Oh no... I hate when my number count is off and I have to frog a project back to fix it. Of course you know I havent slept right for months now... so I do alot of crocheting in the middle of the night. Well.. I've gotten pretty good at that.. not too many mistakes anymore... BUT... I did try to write up a pattern recently and discovered that writing a pattern in the middle of the night when you're really still half asleep... isnt such a grand idea... LOL

What kind of bagels do you like? do put anything on them?

Good morning ladies :hi


I already did my grocery shopping this morning and am sitting to have breakfast now, only not having breakfast :eek:lol I still had some leftovers from last week that I needed to finish up and since I just loaded up with new and fresh stuff, figured I'd better just eat it now :lol


Last night I finished that other 2 sections of map, which finished up that insurance company, now to mark of bc/bs and I can better make some determinations. I also did get to work on a square a bit and it's 8ish inches now, needs to be 12. I'm meeting my cousin for lunch later on so have time to clean up the veggies and fruit I got.



Doesnt that feel good to have errands done early?!

Where did you go for lunch?



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Oh, here's the baby blankie (24 inches square) my friend made, using FPDC. I just added the border....

Wow............ thats pretty!!!!

Hello everyone. Having a very lazy Sunday here.


Dh bought "us" a Kindle last night. He said it was for me, (he bought himself a new camera earlier in the week, and I think he was feeling guilty!), but he is reading on it at the moment. Its okay...I have my Nook Color. I think I like the Nook better, but there are things about the Kindle that I like as well. I like the buttons to turn pages, but I miss the touch screen for everything else. And the Kindle is much lighter than the Nook.


I haven't done much crafting this weekend. I went shopping yesterday, since I desperately need some new clothes. (I hate shopping for myself...) It was gloomy and raining, and it seemed every one in town was out shopping. I bought a $14 sweater, and some flan pans. I wanted to buy a skirt or dress, but no luck there. Very few skirts to be found, and most the dresses were way too revealing for an overweight 50 something woman. The styles that might have been suitable were in awful fabrics. Might have to make do with my old stuff yet another year.


Judy, your friends baby blanket looks very nice.


And the Christmas Tree Shop sounds fun. I don't think I've ever seen one. (I like that sort of shopping!)

Aww... hubbys are so funny when they have 'guilt gifts'... LOL... thats really neat that you have a Nook and a Kindle... you'll get the best of both worlds! :D

Omy... I hate clothes shopping for myself.

I have 2 pairs of shoes... TWO! thats all. 2 pairs of jeans... a couple sweat pants.. handful of PJ pants and tons of t-shirts. Having 5 of my 6 kids being boys... I dont tend to be "girly" much! But it never fails.. I can never find stuff that I like.. that looks good on... etc. So I try to avoid clothes for me. LOL



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Marisa- Don't forget the map too!:lol Sounds like you had a nice extended lunch with your cousins!!! Enjoy your workout and the rest of the evening!!!


Judi- Love the blanket and the border you put on it!!


We had our eggplant parm AND eggplant lasagne! Actually DH wanted parm, DD wanted eggplant lasagne so I made both! I opted to eat the eggplant lasagne and let me tell you- it was good!! I'm so full- and we have lots of leftovers!:yay


Cindy- I chucked when reading your post about DH buying you both a Kindle- sure sounds like a guilty present to me!!:lol I think that's why my DH bought me the IPad- he was probably feeling guilty about some "toys" he had bought for himself! Hope you had a nice relaxing day!


I went into a slight panic that I was running out the main color on the StashBuster tote so I went out to the garage where I keep the bulk of my yarn stash in containers. I found 1 skein of the color I needed :whew What a relief!!!


DD has gone back to working on her paper, DH is watching basketball, and I'm going to work some more on the tote!


Judy- Don't forget- Yankees- 8:05 ESPN!!!;)


I didn't do any mapping today :eek I decided to take a day off since I did 2 whole sections yesterday. Plus, I need to get the provider directory for bc/bs. I did finish a second square to mail out, so as soon as she pm's me her address, I'll be able to take them both to the post office tuesday mornng before work :yes


OMGoodness... you did such a good job on both!!!!



Oh I hate ants... but our big pest is lady bugs! grrr.. those things are all over!

My husband and youngest one David each have NetBooks... they love their little laptops! Ken's job requires him to be able to jump on someones data base and fix an issue an any hour of the day or night.. .so having that NetBook is awesome cuz he carries it EVERYWHERE!

Oh......... sweetie............my night was so nice!!! Had dinner at Ruby Tuesdays with my mom and sis-in-law... then went to Village Inn for coffee and pie. We talked.. and Laughed till we were crying and our tummys hurt! I hope we do that again soon!



Oh no... I hate when my number count is off and I have to frog a project back to fix it. Of course you know I havent slept right for months now... so I do alot of crocheting in the middle of the night. Well.. I've gotten pretty good at that.. not too many mistakes anymore... BUT... I did try to write up a pattern recently and discovered that writing a pattern in the middle of the night when you're really still half asleep... isnt such a grand idea... LOL

What kind of bagels do you like? do put anything on them?



Doesnt that feel good to have errands done early?!

Where did you go for lunch?








I do love being done early :yes We walked around a little outside shopping area, and ate at the Corner Bakery/Cafe which was really yummy. I got the half sandwich/side salad combo. I've never eaten there before, but have had their coffee :think


Well, Wednesday is my brother and sil's anniversary so am putting a card in the mail for them with a gift card for the Cracker Barrel. And it's also my sister's bf's bday, so am putting a card in the mail for him. I'll stop and get a birthday lottery scratch off ticket in the morning to put in the card too :yes But his gift is being sent separately. My parents and I got him a Costco membership. He really likes Costco and my sister had a membership through my brother who worked there. He recently lost his job with them and so she no longer has the membership. She does have one for Sam's, but since he likes Costco better, we got that for him. My sister doesn't really care, she stops at whichever is convenient....I feel the same as her :lol On another note, my bro had an interview on thurs with Southwest and we're waiting to hear back on that. That would be awesome because then they'd be able to come visit more often :think So may I ask for some prayers sent for him to get this job :ghug


Thanks a bunch ladies, catch y'all in the AM :c9

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Good morning!!

Marisa- Of course- prayers and positive thoughts that your bro gets the job with the airlines- how neat that would be that you'd then get to see your niece and nephews (and of course bro and sil) more often!!! Great gift idea, BTW- on both fronts- the Costco membership and Cracker Barrel!:drool It sounds like you had a lovely afternoon with your cousins!!!


Tammy- YES, I did finish the Stash Buster Tote! Love it!! Great pattern by Sue!! I'll get pics up tonight after work! Glad to hear you had a nice dinner out- :yes


Judy :clap The Yankees won! Too bad about CC not getting the win (yet again)- it's like he can't catch a break!! But glad that the team got the "W"! We watched the Rangers game too- and my reason is that my SIL is a huge Rangers fan!!! And then we had the NY Knicks/Celtics game on and were switching back and forth between that and the Yankees- it was a good game, but Celts won by 2-


Kiyo- :cheer WTG to Aree on the softball tourny!!! Sounds like you had a great time and glad that mother nature cooperated and there was a rain delay so you were there on time!


Julie- So how many games of Clue did you play yesterday?


Toni- Was Johnson who won the race who you were rooting for? I read that it was quite the race and a thrilling end!


Running out of time to post more indy's- but to ALL have a good day!!! Gotta run- hoping to get out a little early (but at the very least ON TIME) since DD is here and I'd like to spend a little time with her- I asked her to plan her break time around when I get home from work. She's making good progress on her paper!

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Good morning ladies and welcome to Monday :coffee


Nothing new here since last night :lol


Joanne - :yay for finishing the tote, I may have to pick up that pattern myself :think I love everyones bags and can't wait to see yours. I watched the knicks/celts last night and boy was I surprised that it was close all game :yes


I hope y'all have a great day :hug

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Morning everyone! Got my :coffee and getting ready to log on to work to seay hello. I'll catch up with everyone later this afternoon. After work, need/have to work in the yard some. Need to start weedeating. Then, shower and finish the last two rows on the tote I'm testing for turtlelvr (Sue), then I can catch up with everyone!


Have a great day!

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Wrennie--:lol:lol:lol Oh THAT CTS!! I love that store. I also had gotten some solar lights there about a month ago- but it was too cold to put them in- Just need to get some mulch to put down then I can put in the solar lights!

Now that I'm home and have them assembled I wish I had gotten 2 packages. I may place them in their 'final spot today. I had them in full sun yesterday to get them all good and charged up. I love solar lights. I have a set of 3 mushrooms in a cluster that are solar and another is 2 mushrooms with a gnome on a hammock strung to them. Also a cat thats metal with a solar inside part that glows green at night. My yard looks like an alien landing strip! :rofl

They have a ton of lighthouse/seashell things so it's perfect for Steph's kitchen! My DD and I had bought bags of shells there in the fall for CHEAP and used them to make the centerpieces for her wedding reception. Easy- peasy- just bought glass hurricane lamps and candles at AC Moore on sale,some sand that is used in toy boxes and the shells. We put them together and they were beautiful and fit in with her wedding theme. She and my SIL were married down "the shore" - actually right by the bay- and the room where the reception had all glass windows overlooking the bay. Can't believe it's almost 3 years ago!!!


Steph is doing her wedding in seashore theme too. Their invitation had a lighthouse on it. Shells on the tables, blue & white decorations.


Glad you had a great day and your timing couldn't have been more perfect!


Toni- Have a good day today- and glad that your area was spared! We have a racetrack not too far from us at Englishtown Raceway Park- NHRA Supernationals will be held there in June. I live about 8 miles or so away and have never been. But there are lots of racing car fans around because of Raceway Park!

I went there when I was in my teens It was loads of fun!


We had a nice breakfast- DD and SIL came over as did DD's BF. BF left and will be back on Tuesday to pick up DD. DD and SIL just left as well since they have an engagement party to attend this afternoon. I'm going to run out since I forgot to get eggplant and I promised DD eggplant parm! What was I thinking yesterday:think





It sounds like you had a really full day of shopping and found some really nice things. I'm glad you got so many cool things .

That was funny that the lady with you thought she wouldnt spend that much. You could easily spend that much in a place with all those types of items ,couldnt you ?

Yes! And she found out that with me & Debbie along she didn't have a chance against all that stuff jumping into her cart!


Marisa- Don't forget the map too!:lol Sounds like you had a nice extended lunch with your cousins!!! Enjoy your workout and the rest of the evening!!!


Judi- Love the blanket and the border you put on it!!


We had our eggplant parm AND eggplant lasagne! Actually DH wanted parm, DD wanted eggplant lasagne so I made both! I opted to eat the eggplant lasagne and let me tell you- it was good!! I'm so full- and we have lots of leftovers!:yay

Leftovers? Can I con=me for leftovers? I love eggplant parm. My neighbor makes a way yummy one. I don't have a clue where to start to make it.


I went into a slight panic that I was running out the main color on the StashBuster tote so I went out to the garage where I keep the bulk of my yarn stash in containers. I found 1 skein of the color I needed :whew What a relief!!!


DD has gone back to working on her paper, DH is watching basketball, and I'm going to work some more on the tote!


Judy- Don't forget- Yankees- 8:05 ESPN!!!;)


I worked yesterday morning in the RAIN---OMG---It needs to GO FAR FAR away! Then when I was done, went to Aree's softball tournament---they were 2 hours behind for rain delay so I didn't miss a thing when I got there. My Mom took her down for me since I wouldn't of originally been done working in time. We had fun chillin' together! Just in time to dry out the sun came out at about 1130 or so and BLARED alllll the rest of the day, it was so nice and my skin says so too! lol it's a lil pink still today and tender! I go right into a nice brown so I love it! Mom's a whitie so she got it bad! Then she just goes back to whitey again lol. The girls played 3, won all 3, even played a 12 and Under team and smoked them. Our lil 10 yr. old pitcher even had to switch to a bigger softball just before the game and STILL smoked them! It was great! I was bushed when I got home since the day had started at 0330!

:cheerYay Aree's team!


I did get a lady at the ball game excited to help make hats and scarves to my "OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" so that was cool!

Yay! My bag is slowly filling up with stuff for you too!


I went out to hang the bird feeder and the wind is whipping and cold! I don't think I'm going to do anything outside today! (well, except move the solar lights to where I want them)

My friends came by last night with the offer of a gift. He used to have the same truck as me, got rid of the truck, but still has the cap. So its mine if I go get it. Come to think of it I wonder if he had the same bed I have... we'll have to see if it fits.

I took today off. So obviously I will be working my tail off! :rofl I have the grooms pants to hem, some shirts to sort out for a yard sale I'm going to have some time this spring. Anyone need any stuff? I have lots of stuff to get rid of. Then I really need to vacuum, run to town for my prescriptions I forgot to get saturday on my way home, and clean out the fridge cause tomorrow is trash day.

Everyone have a great day!

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Hi, peeps!! I read through the other posts from last night....just need to get moving here. Monday is a busy one, and today will b busier....


*Judy kid* ANything is fine! Can't be choosy in this situation! Loves to you!
OK - I'll label any with the wool blend in them in case of allergies....



Have a good one, my friends!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning my friends. It's blue skies and sunshine here today. John flies to California for meetings and filming of some stuff for work this morning and won't be back until late Wednesday, so it's "Girl Time" here. Not damage here from the storms Friday evening and night. Lots of rain and there was a leak in the kitchen, but otherwise we're fine. Lots of trees down and power outages to the north and south of us though and a few people killed by trees falling on trailers and homes.


Went to lunch with Rosie and John on Saturday and worked on cleaning in the downstairs: took 6 bags of stuff to GoodWill, one trash bag of recycleables, and one bag of trash.


Rosie and I went to the local quilt store on Saturday and I spend more than I should have on oriental material that was on sale. :P Then yesterday we went to a traveling Antique mall that's her in Cumming once a month. I found a wonderful hat for Kim to wear at the Kentucky Derby party and a looooong gold necklace for me to wear. Rosie was looking for a headboard for their queen sized bed and had me on the lookout for a cross necklace for her John. No luck on the headboard, but we did find a beautiful sterling silver Jerusalem cross for John. She's going to give it to him for Easter.


Here's my Friday Photo. These are the last two pair of socks I made. Have another pair started, well one sock waiting for it's mate :lol



Beautiful socks, Toni.

Hi gang


The next lap quilt I ordered has several different quilt designs all on one. I'll find it online and post it here in a bit .


That's a gorgeous sampler quilt, Julie.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.....


So when I openned up the package that was in my mailbox....it's an amazing tote bag that Dusti made for me :yay She does absolutely beautiful work and I'm sure the picture doesn't do it justice :no I am just beside myself it's not even funny I did have a heads up since she had to ask for my address :lol but had no clue what she could be sending me :think She also included some binder tabs to use while sorting all my practice/business info and a very lovely note that brought tears to my eyes :blush


Thanks soooo much again Dusti :hug


So without further ado, here is my new tote and one of Dusti's finished projects for the week :manyheart

What a lovely tote bag, Marisa and Dusti! :clap :clap :clap

Dusti...that is really pretty and so sweet of you.


Got a new photo of my 2 oldest Granddaughters.Its so hard to believe i have 12 Grandbabies all under age 7(makes me feel old)


Gracie 4 & Trenty 3....they are to sweet.I sure miss them.

What sweeties!

I worked a bit on moms socks yesterday...but got distracted by a purse pattern in my head. So after all the math.. and all the diagram drawing ... and all the crocheting and frogging... I think I am finally on my way to getting it created!

shhh................ I have a dinner date with my mom and sis-in-law. I wrote it in code on the family calender so that the daughter wouldnt beg to come! Its a night out for the three of us ALONE! I'm so excited!



Can't wait to see the purse. I'm glad the three of you had such a wonderful evening together. You deserve some time out to yourself.

I did it! I did it! I did it! :woo :woo the tea cozy is DONE, DONE, DONE and instructions are in trash. I will NEVER make another one. I don't have a teapot to take picture on so the photo is a flat one and I haven't uploaded it from camera yet.


Also, finished this morning, my stash buster tote. Picture still in camera, but it's finished. Feels good, two projects finished this morning and worked a couple of hours.


It's to cold and damp and dreary and windy to work in yard :( so I crocheted. Now racing is coming on, so will work on the flannelghan's final panel. Maybe get the borders started tomorrow.

:rofl :rofl :rofl I'm so glad the tea cozy if finished. I'd ditch the instructions, too, after so much trouble with them. It did turn out very nicely.

Julie...I have 9 boys and 3 girls and love them all so much...its amazing how they can feel lie your own.Trentys full name is Trenty Merrie Grigartis and they named their son Wesley Billy-Bob Grigartis(we call him B-Bob)...yes you read that right...my son is nuts.


This is the closest i have to all of them together...the only ones missing here are 4 of my grandsons because they live down here and weren't up in WV to get in the photo and this was before my newest Elizabeth was born.

My mom has a dozen greatgrandchildren now. I just have one grandchild. The picture is adorable. I'm amazed there aren't at least 3 of them squirming and/or making faces.

Here are photos of my accomplishments today.


The "bleepin" tea cozy that I don't have a teapot to stage it on




My version of the Stash Buster Tote from Sue:



They both turned out lovely, Toni. :clap :clap

Last night I finished that other 2 sections of map, which finished up that insurance company, now to mark of bc/bs and I can better make some determinations. I also did get to work on a square a bit and it's 8ish inches now, needs to be 12. BBL

Yay! You're doing great on your mapping and planning. :clap :clap

We hit CTS first, shopped every aisle and left with 2 full carts between the three of us. I told Steph to join the email list so she could get a coupon for $10 off $50 or more. She said 'theres no way I'm spending that much there'. Well, she did! And then some. And yes she did print the coupon.

She's doing her kitchen in light house/ seashells. She found a bunch of stuff. Me & Deb both got a set of solar walkway lights for our gardens, I got some perrenials for the garden, astilbe and globe thistle. I got an enamel on iron dutch oven(pot), so I can get rid of the old potch marked, chipped, miscolored one that was my mothers. They got a bunch of table cloths and spring table runners. Other odds & ends too.

Then we hit HL, I got ILTY and ILTC, well, cause I love the stuff :lol I have a couple of tank style tops I want to make with it. Those projects have to wait till I finish altering Stephs fiance's pants for the wedding, and the doily ghan, and some other projects. I have too many going and it overwhelms me so I have to finish something up!

Steph didn't get any yarn but she found an iron bear coat rack/ row of hooks, and some little things for her nephew for Easter.

Then we hit up red robin (YUM) I had my favorite Cobb Salad. I wish someone around here would make a good Cobb salad.

On the way out of Poughkeepsie we stopped at a Tractor Supply because Stephs (soon to be) MIL raises goats and she needed nursing nipples for bottle feeding. Well their dogs all got something, I got some soil for my garden pots, and off we went for home finally. Just then..... it started to rain! Perfect timing, we were done!

Sounds like the perfect outing. Lots of good buys and lots of good food.

Oh, here's the baby blankie (24 inches square) my friend made, using FPDC. I just added the border....

Judy, that's an adorable blanket. The edging you put on it is perfect.

[quote name=LovinThis32;I did get a lady at the ball game excited to help make hats and scarves to my "OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" so that was cool!

Today has been a lazy day' date=' I did my dishes, some laundry, folded some laundry (still more to fold) and....vaccumed my basement (I have a full finished basement) and I did a little crocheting---I finally got the straps added to Aree's lil Hexagon Easter backpack. She's excited to get to use it to hunt eggs with lol.

All else is well.[/quote]

Congratulations to Aree on her team's wins. After that much sun I'd be fried to a crisp and covered in blisters.


During my cleaning this weekend I found some more scarves and hates for your project so I'll have quite a few headed your way before long, too.


Sounds like an adorable backpack for an adorable young lady.

I do love being done early :yes We walked around a little outside shopping area, and ate at the Corner Bakery/Cafe which was really yummy. I got the half sandwich/side salad combo. I've never eaten there before, but have had their coffee :think


Well, Wednesday is my brother and sil's anniversary so am putting a card in the mail for them with a gift card for the Cracker Barrel. And it's also my sister's bf's bday, so am putting a card in the mail for him. I'll stop and get a birthday lottery scratch off ticket in the morning to put in the card too :yes But his gift is being sent separately. My parents and I got him a Costco membership. He really likes Costco and my sister had a membership through my brother who worked there. He recently lost his job with them and so she no longer has the membership. She does have one for Sam's, but since he likes Costco better, we got that for him. My sister doesn't really care, she stops at whichever is convenient....I feel the same as her :lol On another note, my bro had an interview on thurs with Southwest and we're waiting to hear back on that. That would be awesome because then they'd be able to come visit more often :think So may I ask for some prayers sent for him to get this job :ghug


Thanks a bunch ladies, catch y'all in the AM :c9

Sounds like a couple of well thought out gifts.


All for now. Got to get Kim started on her morning routine. :manyheart

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Okay, I forgot to post an update on Kim. She is doing much, much better. We got her on medicine just in time and she has turned the corner and is doing well. One more day and I'm not sure we would have avoided another serious bout with pneumonia, but it didn't happen and she's doing well. Yay!!!! Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. I know they helped, too.

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~Good Morning girlies~~ Happy day from the land of GIANT WORMS AND RAIN!!! OMG---there are HUGE worms allllllll over the place and it's grossing me out! A few of my friends have chickens and they told me to catch them and I said----UMMMM......if I were out there trying to pick them up with tongs or chop sticks, my poor neighbors would think I was catching them to put in my stir fry or chow mein!!!! YUCK!!

Ever sooo sick of the rain though!!!

Today is busy as ever, glad to be doing my job again, I don't have to be so tense and scared I'm going to mess up or forget to get someone a load! I did well! Guess that's a good thing (maybe they will give me a nice bonus :0)

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Wrennie honey, you need to slow down, you made me tired just reading your plans for the day :0) and THANK YOU for filling your bag with goodies for me!

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Okay, I forgot to post an update on Kim. She is doing much, much better. We got her on medicine just in time and she has turned the corner and is doing well. One more day and I'm not sure we would have avoided another serious bout with pneumonia, but it didn't happen and she's doing well. Yay!!!! Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. I know they helped, too.

That's terrific news!!!

It's nice having girl time...and shopping for your fav quilt fabric is a great way to spend the time.:c9


Kiyo, you're too funny...the worms....ick.


Well, off again for the afternoon - looks like we have a buyer for my in-laws house.:yay

Step FIL is living with a nephew these days and deeded us the house to do whatever we want with it. It's in very poor shape, so we're just happy to be able to get rid of it. Anywho - we have to go down there this afternoon and sign papers at the realtor's.

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Good Morning -almost noon - Ladies. :) Lots of great pictures lately! I hope you all had a good weekend.


Tam ~ Love all of your work! Your mom's socks are so cute and I really like the crocodile stitch, too. Good for you for having an evening out. :clap


Toni ~ Yay for finishing the tea cozy! You did a beautiful job with a really challenging pattern. The socks and tote are wonderful. :hook


Dusti ~ More snow! It sounds like you and the girls are doing good while DH is gone. The tote you sent to Marisa is gorgeous!


Marisa ~ What a fun surprise. :yay I love the color of the tote and know you will have plenty of uses for it! Your research sounds like a great way to narrow down areas for an office...and your time spent will be worth it!


Julie ~ Oooh - the Quilt Sampler is so pretty! Thanks for sharing the link. We also played lots of "Clue" - I think it's great that a lot of board games are still available, since so many things are electronic now.


Shay ~ Your grandchildren are just adorable.:c9 How is your flower garden coming along?


Judy ~ Beautiful job on the baby ghan border! Yep, the Rangers slipped a little in NY this weekend. :lol


Joanne ~ How nice that your DD came for a visit. :yes


Linda ~ Oh, that's great news about Kim! Your weekend sounds like fun - and I'm glad you got to spend time with Rosie and John. :)


Kiyo ~ :lol Giant worms and rain...no way would I gather worms, either. ;) Your Saturday sounds crazy busy, but I'm glad you made it to Aree's game!


Hi to those I've missed, too. :manyheart

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Judy ~ That's great news about FIL's house!


Our weekend was interesting, to say the least. Friday, the winds were gusting up to 60 mph from the west - bringing smoke and ash from all the wildfires with them. We're about 45 miles from the largest fires, but there are some in the county next to us. Saturday was gorgeous with light winds, but the air was filled with smoke. I planted and mulched 7 flats of flowers! We're in desperate need of rain...until we get some, I'll be doing lots of watering.:yes Yesterday was high winds from the south - more smoke from other fires. :( Certainly nothing as bad as the storms in the east...thoughts and prayers for those affected by the tornadoes. :hug


Off to spend some time with my hook for a change. :hook

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