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Our House Part Two


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Good morning!


I ended up going upstairs when the angels were bowling and the wind was howling last night- and never made it back downstairs to my laptop- it was just a little too comfortable in my bed- with hook in hand and watching Biggest Loser- they were in New Zealand - what beautiful scenery!


Positive thoughts and prayers to all who need them! :hug Another busy day in Paradise ahead of me so I'd best be getting ready- but, at least it's Hump Day already!!!


Oh, Cindy- I could easily be bribed with time and a half :yes----but alas, that is never offered where I work- How many days off do you have now before working again?


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning. Joanne, I have to teach "advanced cardiac life support" classes tomorrow, and then work on the unit on Friday. Work is offering money for extra work, because we are really short staffed. The upheaval a work has caused quite a few people to quit.


Hopefully I can stay home all day today. I think I am finally going to start spring cleaning. I really need to get rid of all the excess stuff in my kitchen cabinets. When we visited my parents last week, my mom gave me some cut glass serving bowls that had belonged to my grandmothers. I would like to use them, but I can't even find a place for them at the moment. I'm even beginning to think that having 5 sets of dishes in the kitchen is too many! (It used to be 6, but I gave a set to DS when he moved out.)

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Good morning, peeps!

Joanne, yup, the angels were bowling last night...scary storm, mostly for the wind...but we got up and except for a few long sticks laying on the ground (sent esp for Sparkie) we survived without major damage. Sounded like a freight train for a bit though:eek Glad you made it home OK.


~~*Hello my pretties*~~ Hope the day has gone well for all!! OMG is allllll I can say for my day here!!! 3 more to go! lol On my way home, then homemade pizza at My parents! (my step dad goes in for a test and to see specialist in the morning- they found a tumor in his bowel, they are checking it out tomorrow) Prayers are needed!

Will update you tomorrow! Loves to you all------found out last night that a good friend of mine is pregnant (she's due in June!) I made THE CUTEST lil beanie w/ big flower!

The ying and the yang of life - hugs and prayers for your SD, sweetie. And I guess your friend is having a girl?:lol Don't forget that we love pics of any and all things here:yes


Here I am after another 12 hour day at work. (Today they bribed me with time and a half.) It was a very good day, but I'm tired.People don't realize how hard nursing is unless they've seen you gals in action up close and personal. I hope you had a good night's sleep.:hug

Dh says both his parents are fine today.

That's such good news!

Hopefully I can stay home all day today. I think I am finally going to start spring cleaning. I really need to get rid of all the excess stuff in my kitchen cabinets. When we visited my parents last week, my mom gave me some cut glass serving bowls that had belonged to my grandmothers. I would like to use them, but I can't even find a place for them at the moment. I'm even beginning to think that having 5 sets of dishes in the kitchen is too many! (It used to be 6, but I gave a set to DS when he moved out.)

I have such a couple of sets of dishes: ancient ones from my mom (made in Occupied Japan - if that tells you anything!) and a set of stonewear that weigh a ton. I keep looking for a new set that catches my eye but nothing so far.

And kitchens. Ick. My cabinet exteriors need to be cleaned desperately! Some oil and elbow grease should do it - that, and a sunny day so i can SEE what I'm doing:lol

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I finally just got my taxes finished up, in the envelope, and ready to go so will swing past the post office on my way to work :clap

Finished BF's last night, have to remember to mail it today


Wrennie - So sorry to hear about your customer :hug Did you get to have some trout yesterday?

No trout, he didn't get bait or even mention it.


Hi Wrennie

hope you find some really nice yarn on your yarn run this week.

Sorry to hear about your friends house. That would be so heartbreaking to lose everything like that .

Me too!:yes



Still working some on my embroidery ... not my favorite crafting thing to do, so I work a little on it,then lay it down a bit .

Can we see?

I read a lot more now ,which is a good thing because I hadnt done that much for a long time .

Theres the positive side for you!

Will check in later-- hope everyone is doing well and has a good day .:)


Good luck with the HL trip.



That's a shame about the house that burned down. And after all their hard work building it. Sorry about the kitties, but glad that no one else was hurt.

Yeah, they were lucky except for the kitties.


I thought I posted a pic of my baby blanket this morning after my first post :think Oh well, here it is but the lighting in not great.....

Very pretty!

:mdust ~*~*~*~*~GoOd MoRnInG hOuSe!!!~*~*~*~*~:mdust


How is everyone this sun shiney morning? Sun is shinning bright here... but still only 46* out. Suppose to get up in the low 70's today. Hope so... Patrick has a Track Meet today.


Hubby is feeling good today. Fever still Gone! :yay

He also had a nice morning chat with daughter before she left for the day. Gave her a time limit! Its time to grow up! She's NOT happy!

Michael is still doin' good... getting through cold.. with still no signs of relapse. Thank you God!

Mom is doing great... she goes in today to get her stapels out. :whew that will feel better I'm sure!

Patrick has a Track Meet today. :D cant wait to go watch him! I'll be taking some crocheting with me!

David........ Oh.. he is my silly little guy! He is the only one that comes in from playing ... Filthy! LOL.. He digs for bugs.. builds stuff... hunts for stuff... etc.


Me.................. still here crocheting! Trying to hold tight and keep sane. Or as much as I can.

I think today I will work on socks for my mom while at the Track Meet.

I did finish the Tote I tested for Sue (TurtleLvr)



And I created this dishcloth and wrote the pattern up and posted it in the patterns section



I made another 'Stash Buster' tote. This is one of 4 I will be making. They are for friends to carry during Baseball season..... team colors are Purple & White. :D



Okay... need to get some other things done before I have to take off for my hour drive to the Meet.


Have a Great Day all! :hug

Thank you again EVERYONE for all your love and prayers!





Glad hubby's doing ok.

Very nice projects!


Pics of the totes I've finished are here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=127241


Very nice!


Lots to do today. Pray for my friend Jan who has a migraine. ugh....:(

Feel better Jan!


Dusti, yep, those little birds love their nectar. I see one feeder is almost empty, so will have to wash and refill it. I love the summer time when they are getting ready to fly south and I have 30-50 at feeders at a time. They are so fun to watch.


I missed a post somewhere. I'm guessing you're talking hummingbirds. I can't wait for the first one to get back here! Of course he always surprises me and I think it's a bee buzzing my head and I duck! :lol

Wrennie, I've been trying to talk my neighbor into a trip to HL. We haven't made it yet :sigh

We started planning this trip 6 weeks ago. This is the first weekend one of us isn't doing something or working. It better not get messed up!! :lol

So sorry to hear about your customer's house burning down. That has to be heartbreaking for the family.

Yeah, it is.


Now, without further ado, TADA! Here is the tote I tested for Turtleluvr





I'm even beginning to think that having 5 sets of dishes in the kitchen is too many! (It used to be 6, but I gave a set to DS when he moved out.)

You sound like me.

I have 2 sets in the kitchen that are mine. Packed up in the garage are moms, grandmas, great grandmas, great aunts, grandmas other ones.....and other odds and ends. I'll never be short a plate! :rofl


I spent my first 20 minutes here today reporting a spammers posts. Why do people think they can come to a community like this one, post spam, about asian escorts even, and think they can get away with it ?? Really, some people have a lot of nerve. Makes me mad. Wish I was moderator here too so I could *ZaP* them!

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Well, off to spiff up the place a little before heading out later. I'm picking up a friend and we're heading out for our annual visit with a "crochet friend" who is in her 80's.

It's funny how you form friendships.


My friend Mary, who I'm picking up, is a licensed home health care aide. Years ago she was working for another friend of mine (who has MS). THe 3 of us became friends.

Then I met Jean, the 80- something lady, years ago while we were both in a hospital waiting room biding time while our husbands were with their doctors - and of course I was crocheting:hook And she does beautiful hook work!

Turns out I already knew Jean's husband from when I went to weekday Mass.

Then after time Mary became a friend and occasional caregiver for Jean's husband, who suffered from Parkinson's before he died.


Now that your head is spinning:lol:lol:lol:lol


I'm always amazed at how friendships evolve and form. Like us here in cyberspace...and the physical meetup group that has evolved from here.



Anywho, CU all later today sometime! Have a good one, my friends.:hug:manyheart

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I have such a couple of sets of dishes: ancient ones from my mom (made in Occupied Japan - if that tells you anything!) and a set of stonewear that weigh a ton.


Oooh occupied Japan. That'd be WW2 era, no?


I keep looking for a new set that catches my eye but nothing so far.


Want to come look in my garage?

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WOW yens are so chatty, dont know if Ill ever catch up from my last post lol. I had to open up "notepad" to try to keep up with posting back and im still lost:lol thats good though.

Wrennie, Have fun on your trip to Hobby Lobby:D!!! Sorry bout your customer.:(

Judianne, I LOVE your nine patch!!! Thats like what I want to do, making crochet afgans like quilting blocks.:hook

rii698, love your water front property! haha sounds like the kids had a blast. Somthing the boys would of donr when they were younger.

Shaylen, Thats so beauitful!good job on it.

Marpan I love that baby blanket,

Teakaycee, your tote are so nice!

ok I love everyones projects:D

Ive learned to make a granny square! whoohoo!:yay Im haveing so much fun I may never knit again:lol Its soooooo addicting!! I cant stop:lol

I got a DVD called Crochet stitches in motion and learned from it.;) I also learned to change the yarns to changge colors. Now I have more projects I want to do on top of all the other many projects, first is to make a irish chain using small grannysquares.

Hope everyone has a good day:)

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Good morning, my friends. It's partly sunny and partly cloudy. Seems to be alternating so far today. Kim had a rough night last night and slept very little and through up a couple of time as well. Hopefully she will rest up today and feel better. Her doctor appointment went very well. We ran a bunch of quick errands yesterday afterwards. It was good to get everything done, but the down side is that we both got a huge dose of pollen. Kim chugged a large Starbucks frappachino, which may be part of why she couldn't sleep last night. Too much caffeine in too short a time. She's sleeping at the moment. Nothing on today's agenda except a shower for Kim and catching up on laundry. I'll have to keep a close eye on her today.


Last night I finally got to watch "Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time" from start to finish. I'd caught bits and pieces before, but last night was the first time I got to see the whole thing. It's great!

I thought I posted a pic of my baby blanket this morning after my first post :think Oh well, here it is but the lighting in not great.....

That's lovely, Marisa.

Hubby is feeling good today. Fever still Gone! :yay Yay!!!!!

He also had a nice morning chat with daughter before she left for the day. Gave her a time limit! Its time to grow up! She's NOT happy!

No wonder she's upset. She's had it easy for a year. Good for hubby laying down the law.

Michael is still doin' good... getting through cold.. with still no signs of relapse. Thank you God!


Mom is doing great... she goes in today to get her stapels out. :whew that will feel better I'm sure!

Patrick has a Track Meet today. :D cant wait to go watch him! I'll be taking some crocheting with me!

David........ Oh.. he is my silly little guy! He is the only one that comes in from playing ... Filthy! LOL.. He digs for bugs.. builds stuff... hunts for stuff... etc.

They called my son "The Bug Man" when he was in Cub Scouts. Anybody needing to get rid of bugs, he was the guy to do it. :lol :lol

Me.................. still here crocheting! Trying to hold tight and keep sane. Or as much as I can.

I think today I will work on socks for my mom while at the Track Meet.

I did finish the Tote I tested for Sue (TurtleLvr)



And I created this dishcloth and wrote the pattern up and posted it in the patterns section


I like.

I made another 'Stash Buster' tote. This is one of 4 I will be making. They are for friends to carry during Baseball season..... team colors are Purple & White. :D


I like both of them, although I would probably go for the brown one.

Okay... need to get some other things done before I have to take off for my hour drive to the Meet.

Good luck to Patrick. Hope he did/does well.

Have a Great Day all! :hug

Thank you again EVERYONE for all your love and prayers!

:heart :mug


Weather is slowly getting there. Was down to 27 last night. Not cold enough for DH to kick the frost fan on the soft fruit trees. They aren't out quite far enough yet.


Pics of the totes I've finished are here http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=127241


I am 2/3 of the way through another one and started another :lol. Ran out of one color on the 2/3 one and the yarn was over on the table and I didn't feel like getting up to get it..so I started another :hook


Lots to do today. Pray for my friend Jan who has a migraine. ugh....:(

:hug :hug :hug to Jan. Love the totes.

Now, without further ado, TADA! Here is the tote I tested for Turtleluvr



Absolutely beautiful, Toni. :clap :clap

~~*Hello my pretties*~~ Hope the day has gone well for all!! OMG is allllll I can say for my day here!!! 3 more to go! lol On my way home, then homemade pizza at My parents! (my step dad goes in for a test and to see specialist in the morning- they found a tumor in his bowel, they are checking it out tomorrow) Prayers are needed!

Will update you tomorrow! Loves to you all------found out last night that a good friend of mine is pregnant (she's due in June!) I made THE CUTEST lil beanie w/ big flower!

:hug :hug :hug to stepdad. That pizza sounds yummy.

Good morning. Joanne, I have to teach "advanced cardiac life support" classes tomorrow, and then work on the unit on Friday. Work is offering money for extra work, because we are really short staffed. The upheaval a work has caused quite a few people to quit.

Hope the staffing gets evened out soon, but in the mean time it's nice to get the extra money for working extra.

Hopefully I can stay home all day today. I think I am finally going to start spring cleaning. I really need to get rid of all the excess stuff in my kitchen cabinets. When we visited my parents last week, my mom gave me some cut glass serving bowls that had belonged to my grandmothers. I would like to use them, but I can't even find a place for them at the moment. I'm even beginning to think that having 5 sets of dishes in the kitchen is too many! (It used to be 6, but I gave a set to DS when he moved out.)

:lol :lol :lol Sounds like us and all the sets of dishes we have.

WOW yens are so chatty, dont know if Ill ever catch up from my last post lol. I had to open up "notepad" to try to keep up with posting back and im still lost:lol thats good though.

Ive learned to make a granny square! whoohoo!:yay Im haveing so much fun I may never knit again:lol Its soooooo addicting!! I cant stop:lol

I got a DVD called Crochet stitches in motion and learned from it.;) I also learned to change the yarns to changge colors. Now I have more projects I want to do on top of all the other many projects, first is to make a irish chain using small grannysquares.

Hope everyone has a good day:)

Oh, yeah! You are definitely hooked on hooking. :lol :lol :lol Crocheting goes so much faster than knitting and there are so many marvelous patterns out there that I could do nothing but a new pattern every day and still not finish all of them.


Have a wonderful day everyone. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Toni, your pizza sounds YUMMO!:D


And here's the 9 patch.

Made with 4 inch squares it came to 35 inches square.

I used 3 different brands of yarn: lavender was Bernat, soft white was RH, and the beige was Caron One pounder in Lace. For the Caron I went down from an H to a G hook to get the same gauge.

I finished it with sc, using hdc where needed to even out the edge.


Evening Ladies!!


Thanks for the welcome back(im one of those people who when sick pulls in my head and hides from the world,i didn't even have my sister Sissie to hound me this time because she been such a mess i kept allot from her allso,so sorry for just leaving y'all hanging)....it was a great day for me...i cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom,i could just see my DH pumping his fist in the air :lol....after that i sat on the front porch and crocheted my little heart out...it was so nice and warm(82 degrees)then i made homemade Spigitti sauce and it was great.Now im going to sit in front of the tv and crochet some more.


Judy....Love those colors together.


This is what i got done today!!


I thought I posted a pic of my baby blanket this morning after my first post :think Oh well, here it is but the lighting in not great.....


Oh ladies..................those are awesome projects!!!!

Judy .. .that nine patch is so cute!

Shay........wow.. cool ... you've been busy! Missed you!

Marisa... .very pretty baby blanket!!!



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Thought I'd stop by again. 2 cabinets done so far, plus the top half of the china cabinet in the dining area. (I also have china in a wall unit in the living room.....) The bottom half of the cabinet has 24 place settings of Christmas dishes, and they are all in china protectors, so I am not going to do much with them. I already have a boxful of discards.

However, DD is sleeping since she worked last night and is on again tonight, so I need to be very quiet, and that is definitely slowing me down.

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~~Good Morning~~

First off..............LOVE EVERYONES WORK!! Colors, patterns, etc!!! I will get photos up, I promise!

Chrizty----You're addicted,.....it's ok! You Tube has awesome how to videos as well. and all of us in here are handfuls of help or suggestions of where to get it!


Love to you all.........kind of a nervewracking morning until Mom gets back here to work to give me the update on Ken......(I think we'===meaning Aree and I distract his thinking of things that "could be" so that's why we've been invited over there so much for dinner these past few days". My brother and I are his only kids---and we're step at that but now that our Dad has passed, he's all that we have! Freed (Aree) is the only grandbaby sooooo you KNOW she gets her way! WIll keep you all updated after noonish THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS AND HUGS!

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Good Wednesday morning, All!


Yesterday was simply lovely. We had sunshine, highy 40s, and a light breeze. The girls wore spring coats, stretch gloves and rubber boots to school. Sounds like quite the ensembles, doesn't it? It felt good to them, too, after so many months of snowpants, heavy boots and wool caps :yes Both teachers let the children have an extra 15 minutes to play outside after their lessons in the afternoon, and that made for *very* happy kiddos. We picked DH up from work early and took the girls out for dinner in larger town 75 miles away. My "schedule" of household chores, such as it is, was interrupted, so I plan to finish the laundry and do a quick run-through with the vacuum this morning. While in the car, I finished the trim on my shrug and attached one arm. The final one should be on by tonight, and then I can take a photo.


Speaking of photos, what lovely totes you shared, Tam, Mary2 and Toni. I feel like working on a bag for myself after seeing all of your pretty work :hook Your blanket turned out so pretty, too, Marisa. Tam, I saved your dishcloth pattern, and I think I will make a couple to tuck into MIL's present for Mother's Day -- perfect timing, and thank you for sharing. Shay, I do not think I have seen that Grandmother's Garden pattern, but look at you go! VERY PRETTY flowers you have there, to start.


Marlene ~ Awwww, Maya and the other grandchildren sound so happy to have you back home. Good luck keeping up with their energy levels. It's good to see you.


Cheeria ~ I knew I had read that you were trying your hand at Navajo weaving. It sounds as though you are enjoying yourself. Sorry to hear about your computer, but I am glad you are back on-line, again.


Wrennie~ How sad it was to read about the fire at your customer's house. That's heartbreaking. Wow! Do you ever have dishes to choose from. Holiday tables at your house must be beautiful with all of those sets to choose from. Ooooh, a shopping trip to Hobby Lobby. DH found one for me last summer, and we had a grand time browsing through all of the departments. Yes, I made a few purchases, too. I hope your boss was understanding and let you organize your patterns and yarn quantities during the work-day, yesterday ;) Have fun :shop


Cindy ~ Glad to hear MIL and FIL are feeling a bit better. I agree -- sheets aired-out on the clothesline are such a treat.



Joanne ~ I will not catch up with you until your return from Paradise, but I do hope you had a good day :hug The sign you found for yourself last weekend was simply perfect.


Mary ~ Sounds busy at your house. :clap for DH's eyesight remaining unchanged. My Gramma has macular degeneration, and we have, finally, convinced her to explore treatment options this spring, once she returns home from Hawaii. 'Til this point, she has not even wanted to talk about the situation, but her eyesight is failing, fast, and I think she is getting scared :cry I am hopeful she can find an understanding doctor and feel comfortable with a plan. Your days with Luke must have been so much fun! I wish I could send some of our water down to all of you, somehow :yes


Linda ~ Good luck with the pollen count dropping. I hope you feel better and better as the week progresses. Your evening in bed with a book must have been a nice change-of-pace.


Mary2 and Kiyo ~ prayers being sent for your loved ones, who are dealing with health issues.


Judy ~ have a great day out with your friends. Your visits must be interesting with so many shared interests and intersecting backgrounds.


Hi, Chrizty. It sounds as though you are picking up crochet tips and talents left-and-right. If there is any way we can help, just give a shout-out. Otherwise, we are happy to keep you buried in new pattern ideas and inpiration :lol Here is a quick picture of the Double Irish Chain I made a couple of years back. post-20536-135897649205_thumb.jpg It was a labor of love, as I donated it to my daughter's school for a fundraiser. The pattern is so pretty. What colors are you using?


Julie ~ What's your weather like, today? Our forecast is calling for a sleet/rain mixture over the weekend, so it is not entirely spring, yet, but the robins are returning, and I saw Canadian geese flying north--they are returning home, too. Did you find someplace to go, yesterday, and just window shop?


Everyone Else ~~ Have a great day. I will try to get back here, after the girls are home from school. Talk to you, later :crocheting

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Good Morning House........ :mug


How is everyone this fine sunny morning? Its a fine 61* here!

Track Meet went well... Patrick did real good. What a long afternoon/evening! Meet started at 1pm and didnt end up 9pm

Today I'm working on a pair of Anket Socks for my mom for Easter! So far ...so good!

I need to run to the store later on my way to get the boys from school. The normal stuff... Milk..(6gal) Creamer..(1gal) cereal... crackers... bananas..(3 bunches) apples (2bags) etc.

Tonight its baseball practice for two of the boys! :yay I love baseball!

I think tonight.. its going to be Sub Sandwiches for dinner. Nights like this make it hard to have a real 'sit down dinner'

okay.. .need more coffee!!!!!!!!!!

catch up more later



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finished projects from last night...uh..errr..this morning :D


I was sound asleep and a friend (kinda a son :yes) came in at 11 and woke me up..well Moose woke me up growling at him :rolleyes I sleep in the recliner and he and DH sat and talked for 1/2 hour.


So then I couldn't get back to sleep until about 1:30..and what else is there to do??? :hook


They were both WIP and it was great to get them both finished.



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Hello HOUSE! Worked this morning and then did up some dishes. Trying to get caught up here and in my email. Probably going to lay down in a bit. I didn't sleep well and really am tired.


Good morning!


I ended up going upstairs when the angels were bowling and the wind was howling last night- and never made it back downstairs to my laptop- it was just a little too comfortable in my bed- with hook in hand and watching Biggest Loser- they were in New Zealand - what beautiful scenery!


Sounds like a good place to be to me. Bed, hook, TV :yes

I watched season premiere of Deadliest Catch last night. Hopefully this year won't be as sad as last year was.[/QUOTE]


Good morning. Joanne, I have to teach "advanced cardiac life support" classes tomorrow, and then work on the unit on Friday. Work is offering money for extra work, because we are really short staffed. The upheaval a work has caused quite a few people to quit.


Extra money is always good, as long as you don't wear yourself out.


I'm even beginning to think that having 5 sets of dishes in the kitchen is too many! (It used to be 6, but I gave a set to DS when he moved out.)


Yep, that might be too many sets when you can eat off only one plate at a time. Since I live alone and do NOT like to wash dishes, I use the heavy duty "country china" (that's what the holder says on it) paper plates :rofl If company comes, they get real dishes though


I spent my first 20 minutes here today reporting a spammers posts. Why do people think they can come to a community like this one, post spam, about asian escorts even, and think they can get away with it ?? Really, some people have a lot of nerve. Makes me mad. Wish I was moderator here too so I could *ZaP* them!


That is SOOOO annoying!


My friend Mary, who I'm picking up, is a licensed home health care aide. Years ago she was working for another friend of mine (who has MS). THe 3 of us became friends. Then I met Jean, the 80- something lady, years ago while we were both in a hospital waiting room biding time while our husbands were with their doctors - and of course I was crocheting:hook And she does beautiful hook work!

Turns out I already knew Jean's husband from when I went to weekday Mass.

Then after time Mary became a friend and occasional caregiver for Jean's husband, who suffered from Parkinson's before he died.


Now that your head is spinning:lol:lol:lol:lol


Well, it sounds like you'll have a wonderful crafty time with friends. No matter how you all got there!!!


Good morning, my friends. It's partly sunny and partly cloudy. Seems to be alternating so far today. Kim had a rough night last night and slept very little and through up a couple of time as well.


Hopefully, she's doing much better by this post. :hug


Absolutely beautiful, Toni. :clap :clap


Thank you, I had so much fun making it and during the storms, I was in a "zone" working on it. :hug


Thought I'd stop by again. 2 cabinets done so far, plus the top half of the china cabinet in the dining area.


You've certainly been busy! I worked and then did dishes. Contemplating going out and working in yard or a nap. Seems I'm always tired by this time of afternoon. [/QUOTE]


~~Good Morning~~


Love to you all.........kind of a nervewracking morning until Mom gets back here to work to give me the update on Ken......(I think My brother and I are his only kids---and we're step at that but now that our Dad has passed, he's all that we have! Freed (Aree) is the only grandbaby sooooo you KNOW she gets her way! WIll keep you all updated after noonish THANK YOU FOR THE PRAYERS AND HUGS!


:heartto you too! And continued prayers and :hug


Good Wednesday morning, All!


Yesterday was simply lovely. We had sunshine, highy 40s, and a light breeze. The girls wore spring coats, stretch gloves and rubber boots to school. Sounds like quite the ensembles, doesn't it? It felt good to them, too, after so many months of snowpants, heavy boots and wool caps :yes


I remember those days from when I was little living in MI.

Here is a quick picture of the Double Irish Chain I made a couple of years back. [ATTACH]37971[/ATTACH] It was a labor of love, as I donated it to my daughter's school for a fundraiser. The pattern is so pretty. What colors are you using?


Oh, my! That is simply AWESOME!!!! Maybe since I can't quilt any longer I could crochet me one, NOT! Don't have the patience for putting all those squares together. :eek


finished projects from last night...uh..errr..this morning :D


Love your projects! The divine hat is one of my favorite patterns for adults and the military babies I do hats for.


I was sound asleep and a friend (kinda a son :yes) came in at 11 and woke me up..well Moose woke me up growling at him :rolleyes I sleep in the recliner and he and DH sat and talked for 1/2 hour.


Would NOT have made me happy to be woke up. QUOTE]


Think that about catches me up. If I missed anyone, not intentional.

:hug:hug:hugEveryone BBL

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I thought I posted a pic of my baby blanket this morning after my first post :think Oh well, here it is but the lighting in not great.....


That is very pretty....what pattern did you use....i need to get one made for my new Grand-baby.


:mdust ~*~*~*~*~GoOd MoRnInG hOuSe!!!~*~*~*~*~:mdust


How is everyone this sun shiney morning? Sun is shinning bright here... but still only 46* out. Suppose to get up in the low 70's today. Hope so... Patrick has a Track Meet today.


Hubby is feeling good today. Fever still Gone! :yay

He also had a nice morning chat with daughter before she left for the day. Gave her a time limit! Its time to grow up! She's NOT happy!

Michael is still doin' good... getting through cold.. with still no signs of relapse. Thank you God!

Mom is doing great... she goes in today to get her stapels out. :whew that will feel better I'm sure!

Patrick has a Track Meet today. :D cant wait to go watch him! I'll be taking some crocheting with me!

David........ Oh.. he is my silly little guy! He is the only one that comes in from playing ... Filthy! LOL.. He digs for bugs.. builds stuff... hunts for stuff... etc.


Me.................. still here crocheting! Trying to hold tight and keep sane. Or as much as I can.

I think today I will work on socks for my mom while at the Track Meet.

I did finish the Tote I tested for Sue (TurtleLvr)



And I created this dishcloth and wrote the pattern up and posted it in the patterns section



I made another 'Stash Buster' tote. This is one of 4 I will be making. They are for friends to carry during Baseball season..... team colors are Purple & White. :D



Okay... need to get some other things done before I have to take off for my hour drive to the Meet.


Have a Great Day all! :hug

Thank you again EVERYONE for all your love and prayers!






Tammy my friend...i am so glad things are working out better now and that they are all feeling better...love your totes :hug


Now, without further ado, TADA! Here is the tote I tested for Turtleluvr




Love the way it runs together.


finished projects from last night...uh..errr..this morning :D


I was sound asleep and a friend (kinda a son :yes) came in at 11 and woke me up..well Moose woke me up growling at him :rolleyes I sleep in the recliner and he and DH sat and talked for 1/2 hour.


So then I couldn't get back to sleep until about 1:30..and what else is there to do??? :hook


They were both WIP and it was great to get them both finished.


Very cute and i love the colors you used.


Chrizty.....The best advise i can give you is to weave as you go and do small sections at a time...ive done about 3 of them,this is the one i did last and boy did it take a while but so worth it in the end.Most people dont like sewing together but for me its calming.


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Wow you Ladies are hard to keep up with :P


I woke with a headache so im just taking it slow today and making some green hexagons...i will need lots of them...im making it king size so i have a ways to go...i have done 176 hexs so far and sewed them together.


Dusti...this was not a pattern...i didn't like the one with the small hexs so i made my own hexagon so it would be more solid.


Off to find my DS who has gotten to quiet!!!

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Want to come look in my garage?

Hah!! And yes..the dishes are WW2 era - and show it.:lol

WOW yens are so chatty, dont know if Ill ever catch up from my last post lol. I had to open up "notepad" to try to keep up with posting back and im still lost:lol thats good though.It was hard keeping up when I first joined - but you get used to it!

Judianne, I LOVE your nine patch!!! Thats like what I want to do, making crochet afgans like quilting blocks.:hookThanks!

Ive learned to make a granny square! whoohoo!:yay Im haveing so much fun I may never knit again:lol Its soooooo addicting!! I cant stop:lolAnd you're in the perfect place - you're always going to be encouraged by any or all of us in your new vice hobby:D

I got a DVD called Crochet stitches in motion and learned from it.;) I also learned to change the yarns to changge colors. Now I have more projects I want to do on top of all the other many projects, first is to make a irish chain using small grannysquares.

Making the saltines (what we call the 2 round grannies) is addictive! many of us have made ghans using them, so you have built in mentors here.

My advice: don't wait till you have a huge pile before you start attaching them, and also leave a long tail (at least 2 side's worth of the square) so you can attach using the same color and without having to attach a new piece of yarn.

Good luck!:cheer

Judy .. .that nine patch is so cute!




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Shay - love your work...and Dusti - gorgeous!!!


We had a wonderful visit with Jean. She loves to talk and though she lives with one of her (5) DD's, in a small addition built for her, there are some things you can only share with friends... she's always so happy to see us.

She gave me a baby blankie she didn't quite know how to finish...so I get the easy part. Just need to make the edging and give it to my nurse neighbor for the NICU.:D


Off I go to pick up some yarn and play.

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.........whEW........NOTHING serious......as of right now----just gallbladder, or possible irritable bowel!!



:yay:cheer:clap That's wonderful news :clap:cheer:yay

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Chrizty.....The best advise i can give you is to weave as you go and do small sections at a time...ive done about 3 of them,this is the one i did last and boy did it take a while but so worth it in the end.Most people dont like sewing together but for me its calming.



Oh, my that is absolutely AWESOME! WOW! :heart :heart :heart it!

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Shay - love your work...and Dusti - gorgeous!!!


We had a wonderful visit with Jean. She loves to talk and though she lives with one of her (5) DD's, in a small addition built for her, there are some things you can only share with friends... she's always so happy to see us.

She gave me a baby blankie she didn't quite know how to finish...so I get the easy part. Just need to make the edging and give it to my nurse neighbor for the NICU.:D


Off I go to pick up some yarn and play.


Glad you are back and had a good time. Sweet of her to give you the blankie to finish.

My mom does that, something she can't say to my sister (caregiver), she'll say to me. I try to just let her talk and not get in middle ;)

I took my nap, steam cleaned the dining room floors and had my shower. Now I'm refreshed and have no idea what I'm going to do. Probably sit and crochet.

TTL :hug:hug:hug

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