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Our House Part Two


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Wrennie - I know how you feel, sometimes you just have to stop and put it away and do something more mindless for the time being :yes

:yes Exactly, mindless! Thats what I need for a bit. I felt like I couldn't read a pattern all of a sudden.


Rise and Shine!


I hope that any of you that experienced some of the severe weather are ok. We are under a severe thunderstorm watch now.

Did you say shine? Its too dreary to shine here, again.:rain Not sure if we're supposed to get:storm. We did some yesterday. If we do maybe the power will go out and we an go home from work! Oh goody!!:yay

The rain makes me tired but I am glad its not snow!


Very cute pictures of Luke!

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First round of rain passed through- but no thunder or lightening!:)


Julie- I just started watching this season's DWTS last night- kept forgetting about it the previous couple of weeks. The outfits are beautiful and I did enjoy the way they had to choose a song and dance. And of course, I had to keep switching back and forth because the Yankees were playing! But I caught most of the dances! It is amazing how the football players seem to do well!


Marisa- Hope that if you did have hail it missed your car!!! Have a good day at work today! I already finished one of my squares for a comfortghan- basic granny since I can do them quickly and I feel bad that I had promised some and then forgot about them:eek


Wrennie- Now why would you wish the power to go off so you can leave work:lol

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Good morning, peeps!


Humidity...UGH:P...it's reminder of summers in NJ. I sure hope we get a little Spring weather before summer hits.


Joanne, that was a good game last night. I think the home plate ump squeezed Mariano a bit, but it ended up ok. I love how Posada is hitting...has to make him feel better about not catching since he's contributing so much!


Not a whole lot unfortunately. I have made some progress organizing the basement, which means that I'm one step closer to getting my sewing area set up and organized. Then I can start getting caught up on some of my sewing projects!

Nice....a real corner for your sewing!! I had to go through some machinations the other day when I wanted to use my machine to stitch up a bag lining. And the lighting where it sits is nonexistent, so I depend on the tiny light in the machine. We have way too much furniture in this house..and no basement, so no option there.

Speaking of basements, I heard about a pregnant coyote who made her den in someone's basement. I think it was up in the Bronx, or another spot in northern NYC, I hope they didn't scare the poor momma when they removed her.


Well, household stuff to do this AM...and am hoping to try my little lamp sometime today to see if I can manage to work on some xs UFOs. If that doesn't work I can truthfully say my xs days are behind me and move forward. There's still embroidery...which I like, too. Just looking for a change of pace now and then. The knitting has been great, too - gives my hands a break from crocheting. I added several more rows to the scarf last night.:)


BBL! Sparkie's appointment is at 1PM,

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And as for the house-- we need lots of odds and ends done in here -- we need to get a new bathtub put in, new door put on the downstairs doorway that goes upstairs,since they used to have one here and someone took it out-- we rarely use the upstairs anymore so wanna close it off .

We need our back sliding doors taken out ,and a regular door put in,then walls built to fill in the extra space .

New kitchen window,then outside we need roof,siding,and all new doors and garage door,so look out !!!Big money ahead .

It's all stuff that has needed done for a long time now,we keep talking about it but not doing it,so now is the time .

Sounds like you are going to have a almost new house when you get done there, Miss Julie.


Got a bunch more done downstairs last night. Still have a bunch of sorting and pitching to do, but the big stuff is done. Last night I wrestled with the mattress on the bed so that I could change the bed skirt. Talk about a job and a half when done alone! But it's done and the bed is remade with all new comforter and pillow shams.


We had storms in the night. I know we got a lot of rain and a few dead branches knocked out of the trees. The power went out for a while about 4:00 am, but not sure for how long. It's back on now. It's a lot chillier outside than it was yesterday, too.


Kiyo, I saw Riverdance once and they are totally awesome. Aree must have had a real blast.


Enjoy your last day off, Joanne.


Catch you all again when I can. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Faile - WTG on your organizing :clap


Joanne - I agree, great comeback for Kirstie. My mom text me to remind me to vote, complete with the phone # and that I needed to do it 10 times!!!!! I'm telling you she's really into Hines apparently :think:rofl


night night ladies :c9


I LOVE Kirstie! It was a great recovery! i like the young kid(can't remember his name) AND YES----YOU NEED TO VOTE LOL

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I ran out to the library to return some books and some tapes and got caught in a downpour on the way back to my car. They must have been having some sort of function at the library because the parking lot was full!! I had no idea, since I'm usually not home on a Tuesday morning!


I made one square for a comfortghan and am going to work on another.


Judy- I did see the last inning- and I agree with you about the ump. BTW- I love that Mariano is now wearing the "old fashioned" uniform!!! Hope all goes well at Sparkie's appointment.


Linda- Wow- moving a mattress by yourself is not an easy feat. Sure hope your back will be ok! Glad to hear that the power outage was short lived.


Thinking of Toni- as I read that there were some bad storms in Alabama. Hope all is well!


Kiyo- Hello there- weren't you supposed to be posting some pictures last night?:devil:lol. Hope all is going well at work today!


Off to make lunch and then hook for a bit! See you later

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Joanne, that WAS some downpour!! I was running around shutting windows!


Appt for Sparks is changed to 6:30 tonight - vet's DD is still sick. Oh, well....

And despite all the candles and pet strength Febreeze my house still smells like wet dog:yuck


Tried a little xs...and even witht he light, which did make it easier to see and do, my eyes felt the strain after only 5 minutes.:(


Back to the ironing board...

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Hello! Just wanted to pop in to say hey & how y'all doing? :ghug




TAB!!!! How are you!?!! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods these days!

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~~Joanne,,.......YES I was supposed to post some and...........I got side tracked lol----BUT--Ihave a couple......please hold.....

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And so......I can't get my photos from my phone to my computer for some reason!! Looks like it's going to have to be tomorrow. :0( Sorry

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Hello everyone. Super busy day at work again. Three days off now though.

We will be going to visit my mom and dad tomorrow, and staying at least until Thursday evening.


Its been a nice sunny day here today, and we are supposed to have some real spring like weather coming up. (although there is snow in tonight's forecast.)


Well, I'd better go see about dinner.



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The sun has come out but there are clouds in the sky- and the temps dipped quite a bit with the rain that came through. I just looked at the extended forecast- and it's chance of rain for the next 10 days!!!:eek I guess April Showers .........


Since it was raining most of the day, I didn't go for the pedicure I had planned on- and with the forecast the way it is for the next week, I don't think I'll be wearing sandals anyway!:no


Cindy- Enjoy your days off and time with your parents!


Kiyo- I guess I can be patient and wait until tomorrow to see your pics!!! Hope your day is going well.


Tab- Glad to see a post- how are you and the boys and Doah?:hug


Tammy- How's Michael doing?

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Hello everyone. Super busy day at work again. Three days off now though.

We will be going to visit my mom and dad tomorrow, and staying at least until Thursday evening.


Its been a nice sunny day here today, and we are supposed to have some real spring like weather coming up. (although there is snow in tonight's forecast.)


Well, I'd better go see about dinner.



Enjoy your time off - and away!:cheer

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So, although the vet appointment was "only" for a recheck, how would you feel about this scenario:

Yesterday, before 9AM, the doctor's tech called me to say the doc wouldn't be able to come in till evening and would have to cancel the afternoon appointment. I had so much going I couldn't swing another 20 minute trip each way that same night. Monday's are so busy and tiring for me, plus I added the "me" time for the movie.

I rescheduled for today at 1PM.


I got a call from the tech after 9 AM today - the vet's DD is still sick and has to cancel. Could I come in this evening. I made it for 6:30PM tonight....


At 4:30PM this afternoon the appointment desk called (tech too embarrassed??) to cancel for today.

I told them to forget it...


Never had this happen to me before. This vet place is huge, but I wanted the same vet to see him and I had a question or two for her.

I miss Susie's former vet, who left this particular hospital along with another vet to start their own small practice. It's also about 20 min away. With a GSD it can be hard to handle him for certain procedures...and my wonderful local vet is the only doctor in that practice, so...I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place for any situation out of the ordinary.


Oh, well. Sparkie is happy, anyway.

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Judy- How frustrating! I think I'm missing something because it seems that each vet is 20 min away one way. Susie's old vet who left the practice to go out on his own and the one that keeps canceling on you. Would it be worth it to go to the one that you used for Susie even if that vet is the only one in the practice!


Glad that Sparkie is ok- and at least you can enjoy the Yankees tonight- and they are winning already 3-0- Tex is doing so good so early in the season!!!:clap

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work went quick again and the other doc is off tomorrow so it will surely be super busy for me. Then a sixers game tomorrow night :yes


Joanne - sounds like you got quite a bit done today :clap


Judy - sorry about the vet headache :hug


Linda - Did the storms let up?


Kiyo - I sure did vote....all 10 times too :lol


Tab - Hey there, how are ya?


Cindy - enjoy your few days off and visiting with your parents :hug


Heading to the tv in a few. Just waiting for some rice to fluff up to have with the concoction I put in the crock pot today :lol

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day! (how neat that I only have to work 3 days this week!!)


Judy- Can't believe the Yanks let CC's great outing end up in a loss! I didn't see that part of the game (thank goodness) since I was watching Biggest Loser. This weekend will be good though with the Yanks vs Red Sox. My DD is actually going to be at Sunday night's game! Of course, she said when they got their pack of tickets for the season,(6 games) she didn't realize that it was an 8PM evening game on a Sunday night in the beginning of April- which translates into a cold night in Beantown and tired day at work Monday:lol)


Marisa- Well, I'm glad to see your voting for Hines Ward on DWTS kept him on the show another week;) Not surprised on who was voted off. Have fun at your Sixers game tonight!


Linda- How did the appointment at the dentist go? Is the packing all gone now?


Faille- How fun:clap new yarn:clap and a new book- have fun making socks! That's something I've never done, but am intrigued by!


Julie- What did you think of Biggest Loser? I was so sad that Courtney had to go home- I even had tears in my eyes- she is so inspirational!!! I was rooting for her to go all the way!!


Toni- Thinking of you---hope things are ok----


Cheeria- How's the weaving coming along? You really have your hands full right now between watching your grandbabies and learning a new craft! Have you done any shopping lately? I thought of you when I got the sale ad for JCPenney in the mail yesterday!


Tammy- How's things on the home front- any more progress with DD? How's Michael?


Cindy- Enjoy your time with your parents!


Marlene- Thinking of you on your journey home!


Time to finish getting ready for my return to my 'new job' in my 'old dept' in Paradise. I have my "cut and color" tonight after work so I'll see you later!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to all who need them!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's morning already :eek It wasn't a good day for Philly sports yesterday. Both the sixers and the phillies lost :( although the sixers loss was expected against Boston :lol But, I surely didn't expect the Phils to lose to the Mets :think Sixers play the Knicks tonight, which could really go either way and should be a good game :yes


Faile - How exciting to be getting some fun new yarn :bounce Have fun with the socks, I've done a few and enjoyed them :yes


Joanne - Have a great day back to work and your dd's tired monday will be well worth it :yes


I won't be back until tomorrow morning.

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Just a quick fly-by hello! I have been busy and haven't had time to check in or chat. Hopefully, after work today.


Y'all have a great day!

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First round of rain passed through- but no thunder or lightening!:)

We had warm in the morning, 54*, then cool in the afternoon, then frozen rain/snow in the evening and cooler, 45*, Then sunshine. Wacky weather!


Wrennie- Now why would you wish the power to go off so you can leave work:lol

I dunno' :lol


So, although the vet appointment was "only" for a recheck, how would you feel about this scenario:

Yesterday, before 9AM, the doctor's tech called me to say the doc wouldn't be able to come in till evening and would have to cancel the afternoon appointment. I had so much going I couldn't swing another 20 minute trip each way that same night. Monday's are so busy and tiring for me, plus I added the "me" time for the movie.

I rescheduled for today at 1PM.


I got a call from the tech after 9 AM today - the vet's DD is still sick and has to cancel. Could I come in this evening. I made it for 6:30PM tonight....


At 4:30PM this afternoon the appointment desk called (tech too embarrassed??) to cancel for today.

I told them to forget it...


Never had this happen to me before. This vet place is huge, but I wanted the same vet to see him and I had a question or two for her.

I miss Susie's former vet, who left this particular hospital along with another vet to start their own small practice. It's also about 20 min away. With a GSD it can be hard to handle him for certain procedures...and my wonderful local vet is the only doctor in that practice, so...I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place for any situation out of the ordinary.


Oh, well. Sparkie is happy, anyway.

Gah! How aggravating! Glad Sparky's ok tho'.


Worked on my sweater a little bit yesterday. It's getting there bit by bit.

Have a good one everyone!

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Morning folks



Good to hear from you. Hope things are going ok for you .



Will be looking for photos when you get the chance .



Wow, what a mess with the vet ancelling and re-changing appointments so often within such a short time . Can you start going to the old vet instead ? The one who you liked who is in a different office ?



How are things back in your new/old job ?



Hope you have a nice 3 day vacation and visit !



Glad you got to order some new yarn and patterns. Keep us posted on how your sock-making goes .



Thinking of you -- hope all is well and you didnt wear yourself out .



Enjoy the game tonite. Hope your team wins .


Toni - how you doing ?



Thinking of you --bet them babies are keeping you hopping !


Mary 1 --- how's things down your way ? Has any of that bad southern weather caused any problems over in your area ?


Mary 2--is you weather shaping up yet ? Ours is a little biy of a weather smorgasbord this week --lots of rain ,mostly ,but little peeks of sun here and there .



Hey there, how are you ?


Miss Tam

Thinking of you --hope things have quieted down a little for you .



Hope you guys are making your way home safely --



Hello to everyone else--sorry if I missed anyone ..

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Good morning, peeps!:D


Judy- How frustrating! I think I'm missing something because it seems that each vet is 20 min away one way. Susie's old vet who left the practice to go out on his own and the one that keeps canceling on you. Would it be worth it to go to the one that you used for Susie even if that vet is the only one in the practice!

I was in a dither...and didn't write clearly...:blush

The Red Bank Vet hosp is in Tinton Falls (20 min South of me). That's where Susie always went because of their facilities. The vet who she used to see at RBVH is the one who left last year to start (with another former coworker) a small place about 1 mile or less down the road from RBV.

Both aren't exactly around the corner...unlike the vet up here (5 minutes or so away), who has a small place and where i go for routine stuff.

All my contacts have been with female vets, which I like, and which my GSDs seem to do better with.

The RBVH has 356 days, 24/7 vets and appointments available.

I just ordered some yarn from KnitPicks. I'm looking forward to it's arrival and playing with some really nice stuff. I ordered a lace weight yarn and a couple different sock weight yarns. Oh and a book with lots of crochet patterns for socks. I'm thinking I want to try the toed ones.

That sounds like fun! :yayI hope it gets to you really fast!

Good morning and Happy Hump Day! (how neat that I only have to work 3 days this week!!)

That must feel like a vacation!

Judy- Can't believe the Yanks let CC's great outing end up in a loss! Girardi left Soriano in a bit too longI didn't see that part of the game (thank goodness) since I was watching Biggest Loser. This weekend will be good though with the Yanks vs Red Sox. My DD is actually going to be at Sunday night's game! Of course, she said when they got their pack of tickets for the season,(6 games) she didn't realize that it was an 8PM evening game on a Sunday night in the beginning of April- which translates into a cold night in Beantown and tired day at work Monday:lol)

There are just some things worth losing sleep over:lol


When I was younger I remember watching the NY Rangers (hockey) play Vancouver for the Stanley Cup...and staying awake till almost 2 AM to see those west coast games! And then getting up with hubby when he would get up for work at 5AM. I always saw him out the door...every day.:)

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Hi, Jules!


The bigger vet hospital has the testing equipment, specialists if needed, along with the blocks of time they can give you if you need it....the sheer number of vets on staff give you lots of options if you need them.

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Jules, I was reading over your list of home improvements you need to get done...pretty long list!

Is your bedroom on th elower floor? I was wondering when you mentioned closing off the upstairs.

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