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Our House Part Two


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What pattern are you using?

I'm using Lyn's Round Ripplehttp://project-angel-kisses.150m.com/roundripple.html


Judy- So far I think it's going ok- I was in the Michael's in North Brunswick- not impressed- it doesn't seem like they re-stocked since the last time I was there 2 wks ago! ACMoore seems better- and it's too bad they closed the one near you.

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Trish- Love your avatar- brings a smile to my face too!!!


Toni- I love that felted purse- I have that one saved- one of these days I'll actually try it! I have the yarn, just not the time- seems like something else always catches my fancy! I was also wondering what is a "gravity wave"?


Enjoy the races!

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Hi House!!!:clap It's another rainy day here. It is supposed to clear up after today an dwe can finally start having a spring.


You all looked like you were having so much fun-great picture!!!!


Cindy-love the booties! Hope your back feels better soon!:hug


Joanne-fabulous find on the jeans-I never try anything on either!:lol


Julie-Hey there!:hug


Thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my family!


That is my very happy 8 month old grandbaby! He is a riot!


The other pic is from my dd's wedding in Oct. Just so you know who is who-from the left: My ex, my oldest son, me, my oldest daughter, her hubby who is holding their baby, my youngest son, my youngest daughter, my dil and the little one in the burgundy dress is my granddaughter (ds and dil)!


Just thought it'd be fun to show you all!


Hope you have a fabulous day!!!!!!:manyheart

Beautiful family, Trish. Grandson's picture is adorable. You just have to smile back at it.



How is everyone today?

Just wanted to pop in real quick and say :hi HI

Been stayin' busy ... testing patterns... keepin' hubby safe and making sure he takes all his meds. Stayin' on top of checking Michaels levels. He had a nice big plate of eggs this morning... (plenty of protein) I'm going to cut him a cucumber here in a few so he can keep those kidneys workin' good!


Sunflower hotpad I'm testing for CroJulee... front .... I have the back to do yet... but this is really neat



Petal 6 point Round Ripple I'm testing for crochetluvknot





catch up more later



Hi, Tammy. Beautiful work as usual.


I think I'm going to take a nap now that John is home. They got rained out this morning.

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I just called and I have to report for Jury Duty tomorrow. I sure hope I can crochet while I'm sitting there all day! I'll have my Nook with me too. I was hoping that I'd be excused, but my number wasn't in the group of those that don't have to report.


Dinner is done and now it's time to relax again for the rest of the evening!


Enjoy your nap Linda

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Joanne, I hope you get lots of hooking done while you sit there tomorrow!


Mary1, I sure hope youfeel better now. I've been through food poisoning twice, and if that's what it is, it's no picnic.:(


'nite ladies....:hug:manyheart

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Trish- Love your avatar- brings a smile to my face too!!!


Toni- I love that felted purse- I have that one saved- one of these days I'll actually try it! I have the yarn, just not the time- seems like something else always catches my fancy! I was also wondering what is a "gravity wave"?


Hard to explain, but you are buffeted by wave after wave after wave of wind. Thought it would tear my old house apart.

Here's what someone described it as:

A gravity wave is a vertical wave. The best example I can think of in describing what a gravity wave looks like is to think of a rock being thrown into a pond. Ripples or circles migrate from the point the rock hits the water. An up and down motion is created. With increasing distance from the point where the rock hit the water, the waves becomes less defined (the waves are dampening).


Enjoy the races! I turned on my heated mattress pad and TV and lay in bed. Not sure how much of the first part of the race I watched but the ending was AWESOME!



That's it for me. I still don't feel good and am going to get off of here. Talk to Y'all tomorrow sometime.

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Hey ladies :hi


I finally just settled down for the evening :eek My sixers lost in overtime and totally their own fault because they made WAY too many mistakes! Then ran to the mall quick to claim my free panties from victoria's secret, I had 2 coupons for them and 1 expires tomorrow....can't pass up a free pair :lol Then to the car wash....of course, it's sunday and it was nice out. Then came back home and did my workout, then showered. Now here I sit :whew


Julie - How exciting that Cam was over the weekend :hug


Mary1 - I hope your feeling much better by now :hug


Cindy - Glad to hear your back continues to improve :hug and WTG working on your WIP's :h5


Trish - Absolutely adorable picture and very infectious :manyheart Gorgeous wedding picture too :yes


Tam - All your testings are beautiful :yay and glad to hear that everyone is doing well right now :hug


Joanne - I'll post the pic of the pocketbook after I'm done with this post. And guess what!!!!! I'm still alive on my brackets now that all the front runners are out :D I'm the only 1 that has kentucky. In the next round if kent wins, then I win....if uconn wins then my sister's bf wins.....it's a win/win situation :lol All other teams that everyone else picked are out. Keep yourself busy at jury duty. I got called once, but apparently I don't have to go as a doctore because I'm expected to continue treating my patients :yes


Wrennie - How's your rr coming along? We sure did have a great time together yesterday:yes


Toni - Your bag is gorgeous :clap And I love everything amish.....they make the best stuff :yes


Judy - How are your gold stars coming? Pasta sounds yummy.....I'm still full from our brunch buffet at the game earlier :eek


Linda - I hope your nap helped you feel a bit better :yes

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Here is the pocketbook I got while shopping yesterday....it is so cute and I fell in love with it immediately :lol



Marisa- I LOVE it! And how cute that it says Chocolate!!! Nice find!!:)

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Marisa- I found my VS coupons so I guess I'll have to stop tomorrow after Jury Duty to claim my free pair! And also get a new "girl holder" for $10.00 off!!


My bracket is totally shot- so I'll be rooting for you to win!!! The VCU/Kansas game was great as was the UNC/Kentucky game- I love watching March Madness when it gets down to the Elite Eight/Final Four and the Championship. I'll be in Boston next weekend so hopefully we can catch some of the games. I'm liking the Cinderella team, VCU- it would be kind of neat to see them advance.

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Marisa- I found my VS coupons so I guess I'll have to stop tomorrow after Jury Duty to claim my free pair! And also get a new "girl holder" for $10.00 off!!


My bracket is totally shot- so I'll be rooting for you to win!!! The VCU/Kansas game was great as was the UNC/Kentucky game- I love watching March Madness when it gets down to the Elite Eight/Final Four and the Championship. I'll be in Boston next weekend so hopefully we can catch some of the games. I'm liking the Cinderella team, VCU- it would be kind of neat to see them advance.


Well, VCU can't hurt me at all.....all of our teams from that half of the bracket are out so that game won't make a difference. If Kent wins just the next round, I win.....so I don't NEED them to take it all to win :bounce Now I'm really excited about it.....I had myself counted out next to those other teams :lol Just goes to show.....it ain't over til it's over.


Oh, and I gave my $10 coupon to the lady behind me since I wasn't using it....she was excited since she was buying 3 support systems :lol

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~~ Happy Sunday ladies~~ Had to come in to work since we all left early on friday----unfortunately........I didn't get to go to the wedding!!! :0( I had a migrane hit me while I was here and it made me have to use the trash can!! I felt so bad. I ended up going home and going to bed for the afternoon. I've only had 2 in my life so it was horrible! I'm good now!

been crocheting a lot today- I'm making granny square bags for my mom and Aree's God mom for Easter so I've had my hook a hookin'! Plus trying to teach my cousin in Idaho how to crochet, via- text messaging and video text, kind of funny. She's catching on though pretty quick but doing her stitches so tight it hurts her hands lol.

All else is well---hope all of you are well this weekend! It's cold and snowed a little this morning! Dang it----where's the Spring?

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I've been gone too long. I'm going to catch up on everything tomorrow I hope. Been sicker than a dog for about three weeks. But now feeling better.


So here we go.


At work now I have to move each and every table and chair and booth seat every night so they can be swept and mopped under every time. :thair Like I wasn't working hard enough as it is. So now I don't get done any of the extra stuff I used to because it takes three hours or more to get that done each night. Of course I won't do it on Friday or Saturday nights because we can't start it until three am and I get off at six.


At home, been trying to clean things up. Getting tired of looking at the mess all around me. Don't even want to crochet until I have a spot cleaned for it. :eek Making headway even though it doesn't always seem like it.


Signed up for a membership at Genesis Health Club here in town. I'm going to start my workouts tomorrow. I plan on getting in shape gradually. I definitely don't expect miracles right away. But healthier body and looking better will come I just have to make it work.


I think that's about it. For now anyway. Talk more later after I catch up with the messages tomorrow. IF I Have Time. You all know how that goes.

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~~Hey Shannon Honey!!! Have missed you!!! Was thinking about you the other day actually, wondered how you were doing. Glad to see a post from you! I am in the SAME boat as you actually lol. (my honey informed me of a cruise we are going to go on......hmmmmm....I have a lot I want to lose and get in shape for!

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Back from errands--I went to Michael's and they didn't have any great bargains- other than I did get a few Sugar N' creme blue and white twists cotton yarn for 99 cents to make some washcloths for grandson to be. I went to AC Moore before heading into the grocery store and they had the sugar n' creme on sale for 1.09 so I picked up brown, orange and yellow. I found a cute duck baby bib pattern that I want to make.


Groceries are all put away and I'm hoping to relax the rest of the afternoon.


Tam- Love the projects- and I just love how you stage all your pictures- so professional! Glad to hear that Michael and DH are doing well. Keeping them in my daily prayers! Hope things are calming down a bit for you- and that DD is starting to act more like an adult.


Off to hook for a bit.

oooooooooh... nice snags at Michaels and AC Moore today! :hook

Thanks for the compliments hon! Yep... Michael and Hubby are hangin' in there! Hubby goes for more blood work tomorrow. So you're daily prayers will be good as we need his numbers to be good!

ah... daughter is still the same. I'm so darn tired from it all! Hubby did tell her the other day.. as soon as her taxes come in..she needs to move out! She was NOT happy about that! Its been a year... she needs to be on her own!

Thats a farmer in my book!


Very nice work Tam! I love that sunflower!

Thank you dear! :hug



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:hi everyone! Woke up to storms again this morning and not feeling up to par. :eek Lay in bed watching morning news and Sunday Morning then decided I needed to get up. Was going to work today, but just not up to it. I'll relax and make more :turtle legs. All the heads are made and the tails still need to be made, but they are coming along.


Kiyo, I see you found my first felted purse post, not sure I posted this one, but to date, it's my favorite and I gave it to a swap partner! Have yarn to make one for myself. This is an M. Purdy pattern. Very easy to do.



Well, that's it for me. Racing getting ready to start and not sure if I'm going to crochet, or just lay on the sofa and watch it.

Wow.... Nice purse!!!

Awesome work!


I'm making some gold star squares for a lady who assembles ghans for Heartmade Blessings, and I hope to have at least 3 for her by the time we meet on Wed.

Joanne and Cheeria, she also lives in the Old Bridge area;)

Making meat sauce for pasta today - and no trip to delicious orchards today.....

Thanks sweetie!

Beautiful family, Trish. Grandson's picture is adorable. You just have to smile back at it.


Hi, Tammy. Beautiful work as usual.


I think I'm going to take a nap now that John is home. They got rained out this morning.

Thank you!!! :D



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Good morning!


Shannon- It was good to "hear" from you- sorry that you haven't been well, but good news is that you are now feeling better. Good luck with the gym- and remember to start out slowly and ease your way into it.


Toni- Thanks for the explanation on the gravity wave. Hope that this morning finds you feeling a bit better.


Kiyo- That's a shame that you had to miss the wedding because of a migraine. Knock wood, cross fingers, etc I've never had one- and don't ever want to have one. Have fun making your granny square bags!


Cindy and Marisa- Have a good day at work!


Julie- How was your weekend with Cam?


Linda- Did you nap your way through until the morning?


Tammy- Positive thoughts that Ken's #'s are good!!!:hug And good for him for telling DD that she needs to move out and be on her own. :hug


Tab, Steff, LeAnna, Val - sending a big hi and thinking about you!


Judy- Hope that Sparkie is continuing to feel good! I'm going to bring some cotton yarn with me to Jury Duty since they are small- I 'll work on some washcloths- and also probably throw a skein of something into my bag and start a scarf. Never too early to start on Christmas gifts


Off to get ready for an exciting day! (trying to be positive here:lol:lol)

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Nothing new to report this morning, I did a few rows of knitting last night before going upstairs and then read a bit before going to sleep :yes


Kiyo - Sorry about your migraine and that it made you miss the wedding :hug :hug


Shannon - Glad to hear you are feeling better now :hug And work sounds like work alright :hug


Tam - WTG to dh for stepping up and telling dd that enough is enough :yes Prayers for his blood levels today and for YOU too, because you're running yourself ragged :hug :hug


I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll be lingering around for the next 45 min or so since I took my shower last night :D

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Morning ladies

I'm going to ATTEMPT to catch up with posts this morning, so here goes :



Glad Sparkie seems to be doing better and you guys all got to sleep in a little on Saturday .



Sounds like you guys have a few of those weather setbacks this time of year too. We get a beautiful day or two ( not super warm yet,but somedays you can wear your sweatshirt out instead of a big coat),then it goes back to spitting snowflakes . Gets frustrating !




sorry you guys are getting so much rain,but at least maybe the pollen will settle down for a bit .

Great news that the hunters bagged a turkey. Now that sounds good !!




I had to chuckle when you were talking about trying to work on your afghan and when you get so tired you start making mistakes. I do the same thing --sometimes if I am up too late , I have recently gotten into the habit of playing Mahjong on the computer before I go to bed, and keep telling myself that I will play til i clear the board,but rarely do...anyhow, Ill be playing,then fall sound asleep,wake up,play a little, fall asleep again. No wonder I never win !




What time of year is the Derby ? Sorry I lost track of when it is. It sure seems to roll around fast every year ! Time goes by so fast the older I get .



To the Meetup Ladies

You guys looked so happy and relaxed like you had a great time. Glad you got to meet again . Mary looks like a really friendly,happy person . Great to see you guys adding on more and more to the meetup gang ! someday, you may need to get more tables and chairs to hold everyone !




Sounds like the shower was a great success . Hope your back is settling down a bit since you have to work today !


Great bargain on the pants. I LOVE finding deals like that . Sounds like you guys had a fun shopping adventure. I'm not real big on shopping myself . I'm a little odd for a lady because I think the majority of ladies love shopping for clothes and shoes,but I only do it when absolutely necessary. I do love buying purses though .




Glad you had a weekend off from your bunnie shows-- maybe it's nice to have one off once in awhile so you can do other stuff !







Sounds like your meetup was fun,plus your bread was well liked ! And home-made pasta sauce ? Wow, you oughta try our for ****'s Kitchen ! I'd be like the guy they had on there one year -- the first show when they have to make their Signature Dish,and the guy made sausage gravy and biscuits.

Gordon had a conniption over it --said it looked like something a dog wouldnt eat,and he threw it away .

I think he needs to refine his taste buds ! Anyone throwing away gravy is committing a serious offense in my books !




hope your weather didnt get too bad for you on the weekend !


What are the tapesters you are making ? I take it they are turtles ?




Soiunds as though you packed a lot of fun into your Saturday. Love the new purse ! It is so pretty !

Sounds like the office you were thinking about may not be the one you were searching for. it was good of your sister to help you out by getting a good look at it and finding out a lot for you .




I liked your story of being married to a carpenter then a farmer . Glad your second time around worked out so well and it soundss like you are very content now, so sometimes we wonder why stuff happens in life,but on down the road, we find out why !




Hope your jaw stops hurting soon ! that is no fun ... and sounds like you have a few quilt projects grabbing your attention right now !




You poor thing-- that sick stomach stuff is hideous, isnt it ? Sure hope you are feeling better today ! Sorry you missed out on your yard work,but maybe this week you will get to it .



Thanks for the photos. That grandbaby is so precious ! Love to see babies with them big grins on their face ! Shows they are happy and well taken care of -- I also think it is so cute when they first get those couple of teeth in the front !

The wedding photo was so pretty. Love the dresses -- those new wedding dresses where they toss in a splash of color are so pretty .

And can I ask how tall the son in law is ? Either he is really tall or your family are all really short . He looks like a pro basketball player !



Hey there Tam

Great work on your test projects,and great news that your husband and son are both on the upswing and improving again !

Good for your husband to put his foot down with your girl. Sometimes adult kids kinda need a swift nudge to get them to handle their lives ... I think it is SO much harder to be the parent of adults .Rough thing to do because they sometimes make real bad decisions, and you try to tell them or offer advice and they go against it then end up in a jam ...

Much more fun when they are toddlers .




sounds like you are working away on more baby items. what colors are you using for your new rr ?



sorry you are not feeling well. I hope maybe today will be a little better for you .

Your felted purse was really pretty ! Nice work !



Maybe you could invite the HMB lady to one of your guy's meetups if she has the tme and interest !





Hope your jury duty doesnt turn into any long event. Maybe they will end up sending you home,but it sounds like you are going well supplied with things to do while you wait .



What a cute purse ! Such pretty colors . Glad you got your fancy underwears ! I just get the old lady ones . Never did have fancy underwears . I did step out of the box a little bit and buy COLORED ones the last time,so I consider that quite an achievement for me. I'm ppretty much a one-horse person. Eat the same foods, wear the same clothes, have the same hair... just not very adventuresome .


Hey Kiyo !

Good to see you on a weekend . Sorry you had such a killer headache. I get them often and hate them-they are horrible . Sorry you missed the wedding . Sounds like you have some new crochet projects to keep you occupied !


Hi Shannon

So good to hear from you.Sorry your job is getting to be more of a pain in the rump . Maybe you will find another one and it'll be one that suits you better and isnt so rough .

Good for you for signing up at the gym. I had intentions of doing that myself,but just havent peeled my lazy buns off my chair long enough to do it . I KNOW I'd use it if I paid for it because I hate wasting money,so it's just getting my UP there to pay that is my biggest hurdle .



Morning Joanne

I THINK I am caught up now. Everyone pardon me for posting to some of you in different spots at different times in my post. I just did the multi quote thing and responded as I came to each post .



We had a good time with Cam, but I will have to admit that it ran a little long this weekend . I always love spending time with Cam, but he is getting older now ( almost 9) and much harder to keep entertained . He is kinda like me,so he needs something to do constantly , but he gets bored with one thing after he figures it out ,so it's hard to keep him occupied for long amounts of time .

We had some new board games and card games and played all of them til he whooped us both ...

We also colored Easter eggs really early ,but figured it'd keep him occupied a bit,so that helped .

He's also coming up on the "almost 12 syndrome",so that is quite the challenge . When you are younger and your kids do that, it's irritating,but manageable.

When you are 53, not so easy . I really like kids and love the teen years,but the gap between little kids and teens -- that TWEEN age .... rough .

They tend to think they know it all and also get mouthy and disrespectful at times ,which I dont tolerate well at all. I think kids should respect their elders . I refuse to punish Cam .Not my job . It's just not an easy situation,because he needs to learn to be respectful but I refuse to be overly strict with him .

The best solution I have found is to tell him if he continues with that behavior, I am taking him home. So far,that works . I was BORN with -29 % patience ,and it has reached about -842 % now ..... so the age factor has a role in it too.

I knew he'd get to that stage. Just very difficult to figure out how to handle it when it is not my kid and i'm not comfortable with reprimanding him very much .

This will pass though ... I'm sure I will enjoy his teen years. I think that is such a cool age !




I THINK I am caught up. Let's see if this thing will POST now and hope I'm not another 17 posts behind ! :lol

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