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Our House Part Two


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Forgot to say, I have now been a cville member for 6 years !!!


:cheer And you are the reason so many of us are here! I joined the 'Ville when I saw the Happy Yellow House Cal and couldn't resist the quilt ghans. :manyheart

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Julie ~ The pattern is wonderful! It would be great hanging on a wall.


Toni ~ I hope today wasn't too rough for you and that you're able to get lots of rest. :manyheart


Hi Miss Kiyo! Do you have to work this weekend?


Cindy ~ Enjoy your evening. Don't feel guilty about not going to work...maybe your back will improve more quickly now. :yes


Lots accomplished around here today and I even crocheted for an hour. :hook

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For those who were asking, here is a link to the lap quilt I am working on . I have ALMOST one of the small stars done .


I'll post some progress when I get it far enough to tell what I am making. I am enjoying it so far and it looks pretty . Hope I can stick with it . No clue what to do with it when done, it is mainly to keep my hands busy . Maybe I'll seal it away in a box I am making for Cam, of all my stuff I want him to have when I go on that last elevator ride.

That's pretty!!!

Forgot to say, I have now been a cville member for 6 years !!!

:yay:manyheart:hug:yay....and you're the one who keeps me here by making it so interesting;)

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'morning, peeps!

Sparkie had a good night and is comfortable this morning. I still didn't sleep well...have my own physical issues that do that to me now and then, and last night was one of them.

I think this is what happens when we get "older":lol:lol:lol


Marisa, you're right not to push the working out...we don't want you to have a replapse and not be able to get up here for our "weet up"!


Welcome!:hug Crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embrodery, weaving, quilting...you'll find someone here who does any - sometime ALL - of those things! If youwant any help on anything, just shout....:)



I tried a prestamped lapquilt once....gave up on it though. I changed colors in my bedroom and it was supposed to be a wall hanging:blush

Can you show us a link for it??


Off I go...making sure I don't meet everyone on Sat with my gray showing. 11 AM appointment:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


:lol:lol I had to laugh!!! Seems the timing of our meet ups is NOT good for my hair coloring schedule. I go next Wednesday evening after work- so I'm afraid you all will see some of my gray showing!!:lol:lol

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Well, I decided to do the light and comfortable workout and I feel better that I did something :lol I definitely did not push myself. Have my bfast now and then off to work :sigh


Judy - my grays will be showing since I'm well over due and they won't get done until I go home again since my mom does mine :lol They show pretty nicely against my dark hair, but usually if it falls right, you can only see a couple in the front :devil Hope you feel better :hug


Linda - I hope your allergies don't act up too much today, that's a huge jump in pollen :( Take care of yourself and Kim :hug I'm really thinking I will just start my practice from scratch, but it seems finding the space is the biggest obstacle :lol We'll push through though ;)


:lol Glad that I'll be in good company with my grays showing!:lol


I know you'll find the right place- when it's meant to be, it WILL be!! :yes

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Julie ~ The pattern is wonderful! It would be great hanging on a wall.


Toni ~ I hope today wasn't too rough for you and that you're able to get lots of rest. :manyheart


Hi Miss Kiyo! Do you have to work this weekend?


Cindy ~ Enjoy your evening. Don't feel guilty about not going to work...maybe your back will improve more quickly now. :yes


Lots accomplished around here today and I even crocheted for an hour. :hook




Hey girlie----Actually our company owner is getting married tomorrow night up in Idaho about 2 hours away and then we were all going to do a little partying after and i figured I wouldn't bum out on a good time since I usually work every saturday! So.....I took the day off! Can you believe it! ===How are you?

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Happy Thursday, everyone! Gracie got me up at 3:30, then she and Zoe ran up and down the stairs for a while. :rolleyes They both went back to sleep, but their mom couldn't...going to be a long day. :lol Hope you day wasn't TOO long


Chrizty ~ Hi and Welcome! I hope you'll join in when you can. :yesI second that:)


Linda ~ Oh, that's good news about the tooth feeling better. I have consumed lots of mashed potatoes and gravy because of dental work. :D


Julie ~ Looking forward to pictures! How is Mr. Cam doing? Will you see him this weekend?


Judy ~ Yay for Sparkie doing so well. :manyheartYup that is great news!


Joanne ~ I love DD's MIL - and it's wonderful that you like eachother. Sure makes things easier! August will be here before you know it! :c9I am very lucky that we all get along so well!!! I've heard some horror stories from others! It's really wonderful that my SIL has such a wonderful famly!!!


Cindy ~ I sure hope your back is better today. :hug I hope that your back will be good as new quickly- too bad Marisa doesn't live closer!!


Hi to all of the House!


I plan on being here all day - and hope to squeeze in a little crocheting.:hook


Good morning all. I did end up calling in today, although I feel kind of guilty about it. I called in last night, but I set my alarm for 5:30 in case my back would be all better today. It's definitely improved, but I don't think I could work. When it really bothers me I get out the heating pad, and that seems to improve it quite a bit. I always feel guilty if I call out of work- I must say (and I'm crossing fingers/toes and everything else) that I haven't had to in over 2 years!


I haven't done much yet this morning. I am in a mood to read, so that's mostly what I've been occupying myself with. I am going to do some laundry this afternoon though.


We are celebrating ,my fil's birthday tonight with a family dinner out, and after dinner dh and I will get groceries. Have fun at the dinner- and make sure DH carries in all the groceries!!


Its really pretty outside today. Yesterday's ice hasn't melted yet, and it snowed just a tiny bit last night. Today the sun is shining and everything is sparkling.

It turned out to be a nice afternoon- I'm hoping that is the end of the snow/cold/hail, etc, etc.


Forgot to say, I have now been a cville member for 6 years !!!
That's awesome! I'm so glad I have gotten to know you- I just celebrated my 2nd year!


Here's a lapghan - going to the Nursing home.

Marisa might recognize her work in here;)

Great job, Judy (and Marisa) Have fun at your book club tonight!
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Home Sweet Home!


Julie- that stamped lap quilt is so pretty- can't wait to see the progress pics- and I agree, it would make a nice wall hanging!!!


Kiyo- Hidy ho to you! You were on early today! Hope your day was a good one!


Marlene- Hope you had fun crafting today - making the bowling ball garden decoration.


Linda- That is a crazy high pollen count!!! Good thing you and Kim are staying indoors!!! Hopefully by the time you read this, your mouth/jaw is feeling even better!


Had a good day at work- One of the gals I work with was off today to watch her 3 year old nephew so she brought him to see where she works and we all had lunch together- he is such a cutie pie- we had fun with him. I love that age!


Off to get dinner....

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Good evening ladies :hi


I'm just breezing through tonight. I did read through the posts, just not as thoroughly as I usually do :blush


Julie - your lap quilt will be great, very pretty :yes


Cindy - Glad you are on the mend :hug


judy - Great lap ghan :wink Have fun at the book club


Toni - Hope your treatment went well today and didn't tire you out too much :hug


A big hey, how are ya to everyone else in the house!!!!!!!

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Just a quick HI HOUSE! I didn't sleep well, got up WAYYYY to early and logged on to work at 5am.


Now I'm tired but have to get ready for my chemo treatment and getting groceries this afternoon. My sister should be calling me soon saying she's on her way.



Hope chemo went well and you got some time to rest a bit.

For those who were asking, here is a link to the lap quilt I am working on . I have ALMOST one of the small stars done .


I'll post some progress when I get it far enough to tell what I am making. I am enjoying it so far and it looks pretty . Hope I can stick with it . No clue what to do with it when done, it is mainly to keep my hands busy . Maybe I'll seal it away in a box I am making for Cam, of all my stuff I want him to have when I go on that last elevator ride.

Very pretty, Julie.

Here's a lapghan - going to the Nursing home.

Marisa might recognize her work in here;)

Another gorgeous lapghan there, Judy! :clap :clap :clap

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Dinner is done and just finished watching "Idol"- What a talented bunch of singers! I was so happy that the judges used their save tonight and saved Casey!


Toni- Hope your chemo went well today and that you will get a good night's sleep- you were up early! Hugs, my friend!


Mary2- How was your day today? How is the "madaming" going?


Marisa- Forgot to ask- did you do any "hooking" at the game? (the crochet kind, of course:lol) Have a good night


Linda- How are you doing with the allergies? Is there any lowering of the pollen count in the near future for your neck of the woods?


Tam- Thinking of you and your DH- hope all is well!:hug


Mary2- I've got the coffee pot all set up for the morning!:tup I know how busy you are with the bunnies!


Night all!

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For those who were asking, here is a link to the lap quilt I am working on . I have ALMOST one of the small stars done .


I'll post some progress when I get it far enough to tell what I am making. I am enjoying it so far and it looks pretty . Hope I can stick with it . No clue what to do with it when done, it is mainly to keep my hands busy . Maybe I'll seal it away in a box I am making for Cam, of all my stuff I want him to have when I go on that last elevator ride.


I really like that!

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Dinner is done and just finished watching "Idol"- What a talented bunch of singers! I was so happy that the judges used their save tonight and saved Casey!


Toni- Hope your chemo went well today and that you will get a good night's sleep- you were up early! Hugs, my friend!


Mary2- How was your day today? How is the "madaming" going?


Marisa- Forgot to ask- did you do any "hooking" at the game? (the crochet kind, of course:lol) Have a good night


Linda- How are you doing with the allergies? Is there any lowering of the pollen count in the near future for your neck of the woods?


Tam- Thinking of you and your DH- hope all is well!:hug


Mary2- I've got the coffee pot all set up for the morning!:tup I know how busy you are with the bunnies!


Night all!


I agree with you on Idol :yes It was a very emotional save too!!!!


I did work on a square for the baby 9 patch, actually I finished the one that was started and got another just started :clap I'm now on my 7th.

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Afternoon everyone!


Joanne, thanks for setting up the coffee, but I got up early with full intentions of logging on to work and telling them I didn't feel good, when my conscience set in and I just started to work. :sigh Love spring, don't love the pollen!


Yes, I got to watch the races and my driver won!! :jumpyay


Tam, I am sooooooo happy to hear things are good with Ken and that he's coming home. Hopefully, by now, he's already there. God is good.


Linda, you sure are quilt happy! I miss those days.


Mary, I love the divine hat you did, can't wait to see the scarf.


Marisa, Cindy, and all others who just popped in to say hi and off to work you go :hi


Check back later, need to check other Ville goings on. See they were offline for a while today, glad I was working!

Thanks sweetie! He's home and doin' good! :hug

hope that pollen isnt buggin' ya too much!

Glad to hear such good news!

Thanks hon!!!! :D



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Hey, ladies...


In a couple of hours we're off to the big veterinary practice 20 minutes away (Susie used to go there). He hurts his leg at times from running, and gets better on its own, so I didn't bring it up here days ago when it happened again....even though his attitude and play drive are still pretty good, the swelling in his back leg has gotten worse.:( Poor guy...seeing him try to lay down so carefully and try not to use it...it hurts to watch.


CU all tomorrow, most likely....

Oh... poor baby!!! :hug

wonderful news, Tam!:hug:manyheart

Thanks sweetie! :hug

~~~ AFTERNOON MY GIRLS~~~ hope this finds you well! Site has been down all morning! I was trying to pop in earlier and see how the weekend farred (sp?) you all!


Julie----speaking of family....... I put my big girl undies on on Sat and......went to dinner and faced all of those whom I haven't seen since 5 yrs. ago when Dad passed away. WOW- it took a lot for me to go, but I did it!!! They invited me and so I figured it was on them! All went well---it was a bday party for my Dad's twin brother, therefore, YES, they do look a lot alike and LOTS of similarities! WOW----yes,.......I cried a lot! Still really hard for me. I needed to go though and I am glad I did!


I also tried felting over the weekend! I made a little round bag with a drawstring, forgot to take a picture I got so excited I left it hanging up on the lamp to dry! lol.


Got an exciting bit of news.....my honey thinks we need to go on a cruise here in the near future!! We shall see.....he didn't give me any exacts but I'm excited, yet stressed----I have to start dieting today so I don't look like a "FRUMP" in my swimming suit- cuz I plan on being oiled up and in the sun with a drink in one hand and his sexy self on the other!! lol Ohhhhh wait........not so sure he's going to be too hip on the tanning part---he doesnt' quite need it!!! but...you know what I mean.


LOVES to you all- when I have a minute I will go back and catch up!

Oooooooh... .a Cruise! too fun!!!

Fantastic news tam!!! Love it!!!

Thanks dear!!! :hug

Hello all!:hi Tried to get on earlier today but obviously the 'ville was having a lazy morning!!!!:lol


I know that I am sadly lacking in the posting department:blush But I have been:lurking and keeping up on everyone's posts.


Joanne-thanks so much for thinking about me while I've been MIA:hug!


Tam-:cheer for hubby coming home and his tests coming out well.:hug


Judy- Hope his leg feels better soon!

:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart to everyone else!


Life has a funny way of :box smacking you up side the head when you're least expecting it!:eek DD16 had a Dr.'s appointment last week to try and figure out what is going on with her. We got the test results back and she has iron deficient anemia. Her level was at 9, normal is between 47-110! Needless to say she is taking iron pills and hopefully she will start to feel better soon. They have no clue why it's so low, hopefully it's not because her body can't absorb it properly. She goes back in 3 to 4 months for another blood test.


Other stuff is going on but I'll make it through and all will be right again!


Hope you all have a fabulous rest of your day!

Thanks hon!

Omy........ iron deficient... wow! will pray for your DD!!! :hug

Hooray!!!!! :yay :yay :yay


Hope your daughter responds well to the iron. :hug :hug


I got on earlier today but lost two posts to cyberspace and then couldn't make the 'ville pull up at all. It's sunny and nice here today. Went to the oral surgeon. He had a cancellation for tomorrow morning, so it's coming out at about 10:30. Good thing, too, because he's off the rest of the week and I'd have had to wait another week to have it done.


Wrennie, if your new library is looking for books to get up and going again, please let me know. I have quite a few books I would be willing to donate. We'll be moving to a smaller place in the not too distant future and will have to downsize, so finding a new home for some of my books where they'll be used would be wonderful. I have most a shelf of books on the orient and oriental art and culture as well as a number of series of books, some in hardback and some in softcover. Also some research type books on various topics.


I finished the baby quilt this afternoon. Now on to other things. :devil

Horray is right ... hehehehe... I'm glad hubby is home!

hello all,

I stopped at the book sale and picked up a few audiobooks- my newest addiction for commuting back and forth to work. I got James Patterson "Step on a Crack" and Jodi Piccoult "Nineteen Minutes" Also picked up a couple of paperbacks- "Olive Kitteridge" by Elizabeth Strout which won the Pulitzer Prize so I figure it must be good and "Sacred" by Dennis Lehane.


Of course, what is a jaunt to a book sale would be complete without picking up crochet books? I got Plain and Fancy Crochet (1991) and also Yarn Cocktails. There were so many books!! The proceeds benefit the library and since the library is in the town where I raised my girls- I always like to support it. We spent many an evening in that library!


Judy- Hope all is ok with Sparkie!!! I know how worried you must be!!


Trish- Hopefully with some iron, your DD will be fine. Glad you checked in- it was good to see a post from you.


Julie- I see that the Ville was down today- saw that they posted on Facebook-something about the server. Glad it's up and running again.


Cindy- Hope you had a good day at work today- hi, ho, hi ho!!!


Marisa Good luck with the depositions- that's crazy having one tonight and another one tomorrow morning- you are going to be all 'lawyered" out!! Hope the antibiotics took care of every last germ!


Toni- You sound like me- I don't miss work- even on those days when I don't feel good, I drag myself in. Congrats on your racer winning his race!!!


Tammy- Wonderful news- Ken is hopefully home by now!!!! Made my day!!!


Off to eat dinner- BBL!!!

Thanks sweetie! Made my day too! :D



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Hi Ladies!


Tam, That's wonderful news about Ken coming home. Glad you and the boys got to go out and have some fun saturday night. They use to have that kind of basketball/donkey games years ago where I went to school. I've never been but I bet it was a lot of fun. All your projects are awesome. It's nice the monkey and bear could let you know they needed blankets.


Cindy, I remember Art Linkletter and "Kids say the Darndest Things". The restaurant your hubby took you to the other night looked like a romantic place to go. Keep those warm temps up there please. We'll be heading home soon and it is really warm here.


Marisa, Glad to hear Mary's mother is home. Good to hear your feeling better to. Hope that one dose takes care of you. Your sweater looks great. That's a nice color to. A cute scarf to. Glad your getting your sewing machine fixed at your work. Hope it is an easy fix.


Mary1, Glad Luke is feeling better. He has a whole new world now that he is walking. Hope your Mom's birthday dinner went well. My Grandpa had Alzeheimer for 7 years.


Joanne, Congrats on WW. How sweet of hubby to remember your first date anny and buy you roses. That's a nice babyghan for your grandson.


Judy, Hope nothing to serious is wrong with Sparkie's leg. We had corn beef dinner on St. Patricks Day to. We made dinner for 106 people that day. Quite an easy dinner to do.


Julie, That was a pretty baby oblong round ripple. I think it would be a pretty placemat to. You can come in my family we will adopt you. Glad Cam came and spent sometime with you this weekend.


Linda, Your just a quilting away there. Way to go finishing up the baby quilt. Glad you had the weekend off. It's good you can get right in tomorrow and get that tooth taken care of.


Mary2, How was the bunny show? I like your FROG!


LeAnna, Congrats on the sewing machine!


Wrennie, I'm sure your up to 1000 points now. Congrats! Sad news about your library.


Cheeria, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! It sounds like you had a nice day with the family. Kids do say the darnest things.


Trish, Prayers that the iron pill helps raise the iron levels.


Kiyo, Good to you DBF is coming back in May and wants to go on a cruise. I've never been and not sure that I want to either. But everyone that I know who has been on one have always had a good time.


Toni, I never liked missing work either. Glad your driver won. I'll have to see who it was I have heard.


I'll be back in later. Going to go play cards.

Thanks hon!!! We're pretty happy hubby is home!

Thanks for the compliments too!

Guess what ladies..........tonights deposition was cancelled :clap:yay Boy oh boy was I excited :lol They sure pay nice, but I don't care, I just hate them :(


I stopped at the wawa and got some soup on my way home, which was yummy :yes and I was on the phone with my parents for quite a while. I got pictures today of an office out in Pitt, well just outside and forwarded it to my parents and my sister, so we were chatting about that. My sister didn't see them yet and might not until tomorrow. But she's going to meet the guy (or his wife) to check out the office for me :think Right now he only sees him maintenance patients on saturdays while he's transitioning. He's selling because of some personal situations that are preventing him from putting the energy and time into building and running the practice so took a job working for someone else. He continues to see his regulars so as not to leave them 'high and dry' :lol and is willing to remain as such during a transition period as necessary.


That's about all that's new here today. Still feeling not so great and congested :( But again, improving overall :yes Just slow, but hey....that's better than not at all :yes


Wrennie - I sure hope your library is able to rebuild and that the community will come together :xfin


Julie - What did you make for dinner?


Tam - :yay:clap:woo Wonderful news!!!!! Continued prayers all around :hug :hug What time the dr finally show up? Did Ken still come home today?


Toni - :yay for your driver's win and I'm the same way with work. I very rarely call out, I hated doing it last week but just knew I had to. In the 6 years I've worked at my job, that was my 4th sick day :eek


Cindy - Sometimes a slow day is nice to be thrown into the mix of all the crazy ones :yes (not too many though :lol)


Judy - How did Sparkie make out at the vet with his leg?


Kiyo - Glad your big girl panties got you through dinner :hug Cant' wait to see a pic of the felting and :yay for a cruise.....I've never been on one, but would love to go. Maybe you'll let me hide in your suitcase if I promise not to be a nuiscence (sp?)


Trish - I hope the iron helps dd out immensely and that she's able to absorb it :xfin


Linda - I hope the oral surgery goes smoothly tomorrow :hug :hug


Joanne - Not only did I have the 2 deps back to back, but they were for the SAME patient :think So weird.

Ken is home and the dr. didnt show up until evening.... grrr... sometimes I tell ya! Thank you for the continued prayers! They are still needed!

Hi Ladies,


Hubby and I got all the skirting around the trailer. Two weeks ago we had a cover put over it. That will protect it from all the heat and or any bad storms they may have. They have to come back as fix it as it isn't straight. So next year when we want to put a deck down it will never be straight and a real pain to try and get it straight. The owner of the park went to the company and told them they had to come and fix it. Problem is they sell the covers and hire people from out of town to put them up so we have to wait until they have another job in are area .

Things are winding down here in the park. We will be heading home sometime in April. On are way home we will stop and visit with Hubby's sister and her family. They live near Houston.

Maya has been complaining about her stomach hurting and has a lot of gas so DD took her to the doctor friday. They said she has to much acid in her stomach and gave her a prescription for something. I can't remember what it is. DD said Maya cries every morning now when she has to go to daycare, but after she is there for awhile she is okay. She'll be ready to come spend sometime with us. I don't think she is going to spend the whole summer with us this year. So she keeps her spot at daycare.

My DS and his family still need everyones prayers.

I lost a friend to cancer about 10 days ago. And found out another friend has cancer. It's in his brain and isn't curable. He's in a nursing home. He formed a band and my ex played in the band. The made an album. Glad I have that to listen to and hear his singing (the friends). Not sure if he will ever be able to sing again. They are giving him speech therapy. His cousin is keeping people updated weekly. Things are not looking to good, but you never know. Miracles do happen. But on top of this cancer he has MS and they believe he has dementia. Not sure if they tested for that yet or not.

Going to lunch tomorrow with all the ladies. The owner here is taking us to lunch for are birthdays. Last week the kitchen fund took us for lunch for all are hard work.

We went to a rattle snack race saturday. I didn't find it to interesting. What was interesting was they had a booth and there was a whole bunch of snakes in there and they opened a sleeping bag up partially and layed it down on the ground and a man crawled in it. They put 13 snakes in there with him. When they were done he carefully crawled out.

I'll catch you all tomorrow sometime. I'll check the coffee and see if we need any made. Have a good night everyone.

Prayers for everyone we can't have to many.

Good grief sweetie!

:mdust Praying Praying Praying:mdust for you... your family and friends!!! :hug



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So very glad to hear that your husband is doing so much better and may get to come home ! GREAT !!!



Sorry your poor pup has a bad leg. Hope the vet can help him with it .



A cruise sounds like fun . Hope you get to go ! Glad you were able to go to the family dinner .



hope your girl is ok and they can pinpoint why this happened .

Thanks hon........... its so nice to have him home again!

About Sparkie

The vet checked him and besides the bad fluid build up she didn't like how unusually large the inner part of his upper thighbone was...and she found an enlarged lymph node on the back of that leg.

We're taking him back in for an xray early Wed AM (he needs to fast so he can be sedated for it) so they can "rule out" a tumor.

And today is a year since Susie went to the Rainbow Bridge:(

I had a rough few hours during the night, to say the least.

tg for my crocheting - it helps distract me.

Oh sweetie.................. :hug

bless your heart! PRAYERS for Sparkie!!!



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I'm home. Actually been home for about 40 minutes. This one was stubborn and he had to dig out both roots, but he got all of them. Now it's just recuperating. Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon, but that's the only other thing on the calendar for this week, so shouldn't be bad at all.


:hug :hug :hug

Oh hon.................. :hug :hug :hug

~~My latest projects!~~ The FELTING was awesome!! I loved it!

Wow............. how nice!

love them both!!!



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Mary2- How was your day today? How is the "madaming" going?


Got a lot done on Tuesday, a few yesterday, but didn't have time to get any done today. I try to wait for days that are bright and sunny..and today was not one of them. Didn't matter anyway since I didn't have time :lol


Mary2- I've got the coffee pot all set up for the morning!:tup I know how busy you are with the bunnies!



thanks! I'll get the door and the shades. My dd is over to help with the pet food and she and I just went through my closet... :eek Suffice it to say there is a LOT more room in there now :cheer:cheer

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