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Our House Part Two


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Cindy- Have to admit- I do remember "Kids Say the Darndest Things":lol


I hope you get your grilling in today. I can't get motivated to weave in the ends of the babyghan- so close to being done- if not for those darn ends. I feel like starting something new- but not sure what- maybe a shrug for me since DD liked hers. We'll see, but in the meantime I hear DH stirring so time to get breakfast going!

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Good morning ladies :hi


Nothing new here to report from my end. Planning on the car wash today ;) Thank you Joanne, Mary1, and Cindy for your compliments on the scarf and sweater. I'm in love iwth my new scarf and am surprised that my sister didn't confiscate it before I left :lol I did leave the pattern with her though and told her that she could handle it :lol


Cheeria - Happy belated birthday!!!!!! Sounds like Jaedon has a great imagination on him :lol


Joanne - Thanks for the coffee, but I'm still passing it up for tea right now....so there's sure to be enough for the other ladies, otherwise I probably would've finished it and had to make a new pot :blush:lol


Mary1 -Have fun with your gardening and planting :yes I have to clean out my pots for this year :think


Cindy - So, which WIP called your name the loudest? And you're right, this is my knit sweater :eek:xfin So far, so good.

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Hi Wrennie

That'd be a great help if your friend stopped in to help me quilt ! And we are seeing signs of spring here too. It has been a beautiful couple of days. It's nippy out,but bright blue sky and sunshine. Looks great !


I sent her a pm at the forum we usually see each other at.


Happy belated birthday Cheeria!


Cool scarf Marissa. I think I have that pattern printed out somewhere.:think


I went to the thrift store yesterday morning. When I got there Leatrice (a lady who was volunteering and lives right in town) said 'isn't it awful about the library?'

huh? :think I hadn't heard anything.

Well, turns out at 3 am saturday morning it burned up. The structure is still standing but the windows upstairs are blown out, the front downstairs window is all black from soot, boarded up front door.:cry

I live in a tiny town (really it is! No grocery store, no traffic light, year round population 388) The library was small, but it was ours. Upstairs had a room that was a fly fishing museum, we can never get that stuff back/replaced.:sigh I am really bummed.


news article with pictures http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2011/03/19/blotter/doc4d84d2d83312c426415557.txt

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Hi house, busy, busy me. I couldn't sleep in this morning had tons of laundry to do, then food shopping. This evening my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings took me to Red Lobster to celebrate my birthday.


:birthday a day late! Glad it was such a nice one


Good morning and HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!:flower


Funny that it was actually warmer on the last day of winter than it is going to be today for the First Day of Spring! But it's here, it's really here- SPRING!!!!:cheer:yay


Off to get my coffee. I guess Mary2 got in late or is still at the bunny show- so I'm going to make enough coffee for all!


Happy Spring to you too! Did you see that gorgeous moon last night. AWESOME!

Thanks for the :coffee just got another cup.


See you later!


Good morning. It's a cold and gloomy first day of spring here. I'm hoping it doesn't rain, because I am marinating chicken for dinner, and I'd planned for dh to put it on the grill.


Sure hope you get to cook out and sorry it's cold and gloomy there.


Cindy- Have to admit- I do remember "Kids Say the Darndest Things":lol


I remember too.

I hope you get your grilling in today. I can't get motivated to weave in the ends of the babyghan- so close to being done- if not for those darn ends. I feel like starting something new- but not sure what- maybe a shrug for me since DD liked hers. We'll see, but in the meantime I hear DH stirring so time to get breakfast going!


It's like that tea cozy, I should finish it, but really want to start the diaper bag and changing blanket for my grandson's fiance for the baby that's due in August


I went to the thrift store yesterday morning. When I got there Leatrice (a lady who was volunteering and lives right in town) said 'isn't it awful about the library?'

huh? :think I hadn't heard anything.

Well, turns out at 3 am saturday morning it burned up. The structure is still standing but the windows upstairs are blown out, the front downstairs window is all black from soot, boarded up front door.:cry

I live in a tiny town (really it is! No grocery store, no traffic light, year round population 388) The library was small, but it was ours. Upstairs had a room that was a fly fishing museum, we can never get that stuff back/replaced.:sigh I am really bummed.


news article with pictures http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2011/03/19/blotter/doc4d84d2d83312c426415557.txt


Living in an area with many small towns, I know how devastating losing the library would be. Makes me sad to think of all those books lost and the musuem gone.



Well, time to think about what I'm going to wear today that will go well with a mask and latex gloves :lol

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☃ღೋGood Morning House☃ღೋ

Thank you all so much for the love and prayers! You have no idea how much they are appreciated!

Dr. didnt say much yesterday... just that things are on track. Well.. what the heck does that mean? He babbled... said... good job and off he went for his rounds. He's not hubby's normal doctor.... so you get what you get sometimes. You can bet when I get up there today... I'm going to step on someones neck till they talk to me. I want more than just... "things are on track" I'm exhausted....... mentally and physically........... I want answers!

Anyway........ As soon as all the boys wake up... we'll head out to see Ken today.

We did have a nice time last night... the event was 'Donkey Basketball' And let me tell you... the boys and I laughted alot.

So what is Donkey Basketball you may ask..... well.. .its playing basketball while riding a donkey... yes a real donkey. Teachers against students (16yrs or older) Too funny!



I have been getting crochet time in. I sit and crochet at the hospital all day while visiting with hubby.

Back when Michael was hurting so bad from this relapse... Ken and I bought him a special teddy bear. We named him Thinagain. Thinagain's job was to keep Michael encouraged that the water weight would come off and he would be thin again. Well..... Michael may be 12 yrs old... but Thinagain is he BEST friend. He goes everywhere with us. So the other day... "Thinagain" told me he was cold at night and needed a blanket. How could I say no to a cute litte teddy bears face.

So............. I made him a blanket



Well........ Thinagain has a friend.......... David's tiny little big eyed monkey.... apparently he needed a blanket too.......... LOL



I've gotten charity squares made for ladies that were in need.

I'm taking my scrap granny'ghan to work on today. I also finished testing a cute little Summer Girls Top.



Okay... need a coffee refill....... while I wait for my babies to wake up... so glad they are sleeping!






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Good morning peeps.

Sunny and cold this AM....but that moon last night. WOW!


Cheeria, I'm so sorry I missed your B'day yesterday:( It sounds like your familymade it special -I'm so glad!:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Wrennie, that's such a sad picture of your burnt out library.:hug:hug:hug:hug


Tam, I hope Ken is getting better :hug:hug:hug

Well, I finished the back piece of my sweater :clap So I have a pic of that to share....as well as a pic of the belle scarf I made last weekend when I was in Pitt :D I'll wait until tomorrow to start a front panel of the sweater and think I will finish up the square that I have in progress for the baby 9 patch that I've been working on at the sixers games (no home games this past week so it's been a little neglected :( ) Then I will read for the remainder of the night until I head to bed. Have the Pitt basketball game on now with :xfin it's a close one.

Great work, Marisa!:cheer

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Tam...I just saw your post. Yes...you have to pin doctors down most of the time.


Nice pics of your work - and the donkeys are too funny!


Have a good morning, my friends.

BBL some time.:hug

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Hi house, busy, busy me. I couldn't sleep in this morning had tons of laundry to do, then food shopping. This evening my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings took me to Red Lobster to celebrate my birthday. It was real nice and I received a dozen yellow, pinkish roses, a Visa gift card from my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings gave me a starbucks card and two birthday scratch off. It was very nice and I even decided to have one fancy drink. I'm back to working on my doily ghan but I was a little upset for I lost my favorite hook with the bamboo handle. After church tomorrow I'm going to run up to AC Moore to see if I can replace it. I hope everyone in the house is doing well and I'm so sorry I haven't been around much but now that my 9 soon to be 10 month old grand darling is crawling around and standing up I have to keep my eyes on him so he don't get into things he's not suppose to get into. :P I have something funny to share with the group, one of my husband's aide came in on Friday and she have wrap a scarf around her head and knotted it into a type of bun shaped in the back of her head, well when Jaedon who is 3 years old seen her he ask her "Why do you have a fish on your head", we all looked at him and burst out laughing. He said grandma she have a fish on her head. :lol:lol I wonder where little chidren come up with the cutest things to say. :think Night house. :hug:hug:hug

Oh darlin'........ I'm sorry I missed your birthday


LOL... fish on her head! Love it! :lol

I'm glad you had a good birthday sweetie! :hug



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Tam- Those pics of donkey basketball put a big smile on my face-:D it sure does look like a lot of fun!!! Your story about Thinagain and the monkey needing blankets was so cute- as are their new blankies!! The summer top is adorable! I hope you get some much needed answers today! :hug


Wrennie- That is heartbreaking about the library! :( It's so hard when things are lost that are irreplaceable!


Judy and Toni- Yes, I did the moon last night- the night before there was also a gorgeous moon, but last night's was awesome!!! Hope you both have a good day today!


Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol


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Tam- Those pics of donkey basketball put a big smile on my face-:D it sure does look like a lot of fun!!! Your story about Thinagain and the monkey needing blankets was so cute- as are their new blankies!! The summer top is adorable! I hope you get some much needed answers today! :hug


Wrennie- That is heartbreaking about the library! :( It's so hard when things are lost that are irreplaceable!


Judy and Toni- Yes, I did the moon last night- the night before there was also a gorgeous moon, but last night's was awesome!!! Hope you both have a good day today!


Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol

Oh... that blanket is cute!!!!

Great job!!

Thanks for the compliments! :hook

Yeah... Donkey Basketball was funny!



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The cotton seems to be ok I guess ,just havent spent much time with it yet,so not sure . The past few days have just been kinda "LOST" .... not sure WHAT I did with my time. I am beginning to wonder if I was abducted by aliens . I seem to have a missing block of time, and strange DRILL HOLES on my body parts . We DO have a dead spot of grass in the back yard too .




Hope you get your sewing machine working ! We're gonna have quite a few sewers in here if this keeps up !

Glad Mary's mother is ok. Wow, I wouldnt be used to hospitals like that ,that make you wait so long for a bed ! We're not used to big towns,so maybe it's common in them.




Glad you are having a nice quiet weekend off .



Sorry you didnt sleep well, those nights are bad because you feel tired the whole next day .Hope you can grab a nap .

Sunny and beautiful here too,but COLD .

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Sorry if I asked before, which I probably did, I just have NO memory ; what colors are you using for your flannelghan and who is it for ? They are so nie and warm and squishy .





What color is the yarn called for your sweater ? You,little missie, sure have talent -- look at all the crochet and now knitting projects you complete ! How'd you learn to do all the crafty stuff ? Did your mom or grandma teach you ? The sweater will be so pretty .

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! Sorry we missed it,but glad you had a good one .And yep, those kids sure can come up with some funny lines sometimes !



I envy you being able to do yardwork this early ! It is starting to look much better outside and beautiful sunshine,but really too cold to do much outside yet . I'm happy just to see SUN .



You sound like me with the crafting. I just sit here thinking about working on stuff, but never get much accomplished. Kinda like a truck stuck in the mud . Somedays I just turn the keys off and enjoy the view .

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Good to hear from you. I was wondering what the doc said. I know what you mean when you have to see a different one than your regular doc-- they dont seem to know as much about your history,etc,so they dont really fill you in on things like you want them to .

Sure hope you can nail one today and get the answers you need !


Very cute little blankies for the animals,and I remember donkey basketball. they used to have it up at our highschool,but not sure if they do it anymore.Since we dont have aanyone that age up there ,we kinda lost track of what they are doing .

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Good morning, housemates. It's overcast here today, but still nice out. The trees are budding and starting to have tiny leaves on them. More flowers are out and it feels so nice. Loving it. Not sure what I'm doing today.


Well, I finished the back piece of my sweater :clap So I have a pic of that to share....as well as a pic of the belle scarf I made last weekend when I was in Pitt :D I'll wait until tomorrow to start a front panel of the sweater and think I will finish up the square that I have in progress for the baby 9 patch that I've been working on at the sixers games (no home games this past week so it's been a little neglected :( ) Then I will read for the remainder of the night until I head to bed. Have the Pitt basketball game on now with :xfin it's a close one.

Love the colors in the sweater and the scarf is lovely.

Hi house, busy, busy me. I couldn't sleep in this morning had tons of laundry to do, then food shopping. This evening my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings took me to Red Lobster to celebrate my birthday. It was real nice and I received a dozen yellow, pinkish roses, a Visa gift card from my DD and SIL and my lil grand darlings gave me a starbucks card and two birthday scratch off. It was very nice and I even decided to have one fancy drink. I'm back to working on my doily ghan but I was a little upset for I lost my favorite hook with the bamboo handle. After church tomorrow I'm going to run up to AC Moore to see if I can replace it. I hope everyone in the house is doing well and I'm so sorry I haven't been around much but now that my 9 soon to be 10 month old grand darling is crawling around and standing up I have to keep my eyes on him so he don't get into things he's not suppose to get into. :P I have something funny to share with the group, one of my husband's aide came in on Friday and she have wrap a scarf around her head and knotted it into a type of bun shaped in the back of her head, well when Jaedon who is 3 years old seen her he ask her "Why do you have a fish on your head", we all looked at him and burst out laughing. He said grandma she have a fish on her head. :lol:lol I wonder where little chidren come up with the cutest things to say. :think Night house. :hug:hug:hug

:birthday:cake:birthday Glad you had a nice day.


I remember both the books and the show.


I went to the thrift store yesterday morning. When I got there Leatrice (a lady who was volunteering and lives right in town) said 'isn't it awful about the library?'

huh? :think I hadn't heard anything.

Well, turns out at 3 am saturday morning it burned up. The structure is still standing but the windows upstairs are blown out, the front downstairs window is all black from soot, boarded up front door.:cry

I live in a tiny town (really it is! No grocery store, no traffic light, year round population 388) The library was small, but it was ours. Upstairs had a room that was a fly fishing museum, we can never get that stuff back/replaced.:sigh I am really bummed.


news article with pictures http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2011/03/19/blotter/doc4d84d2d83312c426415557.txt

I'm so sorry about your town's loss. I grew up near a tiny town and the library was such an important part of it so I feel your pain.

☃ღೋGood Morning House☃ღೋ

Thank you all so much for the love and prayers! You have no idea how much they are appreciated!

Dr. didnt say much yesterday... just that things are on track. Well.. what the heck does that mean? He babbled... said... good job and off he went for his rounds. He's not hubby's normal doctor.... so you get what you get sometimes. You can bet when I get up there today... I'm going to step on someones neck till they talk to me. I want more than just... "things are on track" I'm exhausted....... mentally and physically........... I want answers!

Thanks a lot, Doc. Just what does that mean? Sometimes doctor's forget to talk in layman's term and it's ultra frustrating. Hope you get better answers today.

Anyway........ As soon as all the boys wake up... we'll head out to see Ken today.

We did have a nice time last night... the event was 'Donkey Basketball' And let me tell you... the boys and I laughted alot.

So what is Donkey Basketball you may ask..... well.. .its playing basketball while riding a donkey... yes a real donkey. Teachers against students (16yrs or older) Too funny!


Oh, that looks like so much fun. I've seen donkey softball, but never donkey basketball. Glad you had a good time.

I have been getting crochet time in. I sit and crochet at the hospital all day while visiting with hubby.

Back when Michael was hurting so bad from this relapse... Ken and I bought him a special teddy bear. We named him Thinagain. Thinagain's job was to keep Michael encouraged that the water weight would come off and he would be thin again. Well..... Michael may be 12 yrs old... but Thinagain is he BEST friend. He goes everywhere with us. So the other day... "Thinagain" told me he was cold at night and needed a blanket. How could I say no to a cute litte teddy bears face.

So............. I made him a blanket


Cute! :clap :clap

Well........ Thinagain has a friend.......... David's tiny little big eyed monkey.... apparently he needed a blanket too.......... LOL


Also cute! :clap :clap

I've gotten charity squares made for ladies that were in need.

I'm taking my scrap granny'ghan to work on today. I also finished testing a cute little Summer Girls Top.


Lovely. :clap :clap

Okay... need a coffee refill....... while I wait for my babies to wake up... so glad they are sleeping!


Hope you have a good day. :hug :hug :hug

Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol

Good luck with the ends, Joanne.

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So sorry about the town library. Wow, that would be devastating here. Our little old library is 3rd most popular in the county ( I guess most book checkouts) ,so it'd be greatly missed here .

We have a large population of a church group here that are very close in beliefs to Amish and Mennonite,so they have large families,and use the library VERY frequently .

I know in the summer, it is a madhouse down there when they have the summer reading club .Those moms usually check out their MAX ( 50 books) at a time. They bring boxes in to carry them home .


I wonder if your town could take book donations and set up a temporary library in a spare room of maybe your city hall or police or fire station ? Some public type building ?



HideyHo Jude

whatcha up to, going to the orchard today ?



Glad you got the babyghan done. It's very pretty. Are those the colors the nursery will be or hasnt she decided yet ?

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Cindy - So, which WIP called your name the loudest? And you're right, this is my knit sweater :eek:xfin So far, so good.


Well, that's the problem, none of them are calling loudly. Therefore I need to start something new......





I went to the thrift store yesterday morning. When I got there Leatrice (a lady who was volunteering and lives right in town) said 'isn't it awful about the library?'

huh? :think I hadn't heard anything.

Well, turns out at 3 am saturday morning it burned up. The structure is still standing but the windows upstairs are blown out, the front downstairs window is all black from soot, boarded up front door.:cry

I live in a tiny town (really it is! No grocery store, no traffic light, year round population 388) The library was small, but it was ours. Upstairs had a room that was a fly fishing museum, we can never get that stuff back/replaced.:sigh I am really bummed.


news article with pictures http://www.dailyfreeman.com/articles/2011/03/19/blotter/doc4d84d2d83312c426415557.txt


That's awful about the library. Will your town replace it, do you think?

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Tam, I hope that today you get good news about Ken, Hopefully they will have the CT scan results to share with you, and the spots will be gone!

Nice crochet projects too, especially that little girls top.

I've never ehard of donkey basketball, but I bet its fun to watch, (and to play!)



Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol


Its beautiful! And aren't you glad you finished it now? I always leave ends for a few days too, I hate weaving them in, but it's never as bad as I anticipate. I'd like to get into the habit of weaving them in as I progress, but so far that hasn't happened.

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Hey ladies :hi


I just got back from the car wash and she's now sparkley clean :yes At least for today....I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow :shrug Now I'm beat.


Wrennie - So sorry to hear about your library :hug :hug That is devastating and you're right, you can't get that stuff back :hug


Toni - So what did you find to match your gloves and mask? :lol


Tam - Donkey bball must have been hysterical to watch :rofl The bear and monkey blankets are cute, great idea and the girls top is adorable. Good luck getting answers today :xfin


Judy - Thanks :hug


Joanne - :yay for finished the ghan. I hate those pesky ends too!


Julie - I think that color is called lakeside :think One of my mom's cousins taught me how to knit and crochet when I was in high school, I just don't tend to knit much at all. My mom claims to know how to crochet, but I've never seen it :lol And her mom did the stamped cross stitch, but that's all I remember seeing her do and I've never seen the other grandma do any crafting either :think


Linda - Thanks :hug So what did you decided to do today?


Cindy - :lol that's cute, I guess you're right though....if nothings calling loud enough then start something new :devil What will the lucky project be?


I'm heading up to get my shower, be back when I'm squeeky clean (just like my car :lol )

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Okay, I just finished making another quilt sandwich, or partial quilt sandwich anyway. I dug out the lake wallhanging and got the sandwich for the tree and reeds done. I want that to stand out more so it gets its own sandwich in addition to the overall sandwich. Looks like quilting gets the nod today on crafting. When my back gives out I'll switch to crocheting or reading. :blush

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Good morning and HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!:flower


Funny that it was actually warmer on the last day of winter than it is going to be today for the First Day of Spring! But it's here, it's really here- SPRING!!!!:cheer:yay


same here..it's trying to SNOW! :angry


CHEERIA-:bday:cake:birthday Sorry it's late- but it sounds like you had a wonderful birthday celebration!!! Hope you can find the bamboo handled hook at ACM today- did you get your 50% off coupon?


Nothing worse than losing your favorite hook. I've been using the soft touch clover hooks and can't stand to use a regular hook much anymore!


Marisa- The sweater is coming out great! And I like your Belle scarf- It IS quick and easy to do- I love mine!

I made one of those for the ladies night at church a few months ago. in RED!



Off to get my coffee. I guess Mary2 got in late or is still at the bunny show- so I'm going to make enough coffee for all!

Mary 2 didn't get home until almost midnight and still had to put rabbits back in their cages and feed and water everyone. I forgot to check the door and everything..sorry :lol



See you later!


Hope you all have a great Sunday! Had a wonderful worship time in church today :cheer:cheer

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Hi all,


Mary2- No problem about not getting the coffee set up for this morning- very understandable since you got in so late last night! How'd the bunnies do?


Cindy- Yes, I 'm glad I tackled the pesky ends today- it does feel good to have the blanket done! Usually I do weave in as I work on something- but this time I didn't.:think. It really wasn't as terrible as I was anticipating it would be- but the thought of doing it was kind of overwhelming.


Julie- The room is currently yellow- but they are not sure whether they are going to change it or not- they haven't decided on a 'theme' for the baby's room yet- I just used the colors I did, because I wanted something bright!!! As soon as they pick out a theme, I'll probably make a blanket in those colors- and still have the baseball one to make too!


It ended up being a nice sunny day today- cooler than yesterday but still nice. DH and I went to the cafe where they have Jazz on Sunday- and I brought some cotton yarn and made a washcloth- he played on his Ipad and then we walked for a bit. We stopped at the library on the way home and I renewed my audiobook (it's 16 CD's and I'm only on CD #9 and it was due back on Tuesday). I also got a book "Baby Crochet" to peruse and see if anything strikes my fancy.


Linda- While we were at the library, they had some quilts on display from a local artisan- I immediately thought of you- they are so pretty!:manyheart DH says to me, why don't you make things like that? So I said, because I don't know how!!! And I don't have a sewing machine! They are so beautiful, though. But for now I'd better stick with the :crocheting


Dinner is done- I opted to make beef stew in the crock

pot- so it's dinner without the cooking!

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I'm baaaaaaack:D


Well, I had my breakfast and after being fortified with yet another cup of coffee, I decided to just bite the bullet and weave in the ends on my grandson-to-be's ghan. I'm glad I got it finished- it had been calling my name for a few days now!!!:lol

That blanket is gorgeous!! Did you mke up the pattern? I don't remember if you mentioned where you got it form...:think

HideyHo Jude

whatcha up to, going to the orchard today ?

How did you know?:lol:lol:lol

We weren't in the mood for much of anything heavy, so just got a small package of cinnamon raisin danish, fruits and veggies....AND (not my idea...but a wonderful one) a half gallon of Welsh Farms mint chocolate chip ice cream. Just had some....

I forgot how wonderfully decadent it tastes:devil

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I have a commision for a baby ghan from a friend of mine - her stepson and wife are expecting their first. A girl. So far she likes the baby 9 patch ghan (I told her to surf on my crochet blog). We'll see. The mom-to-be isn't into color, so we'll have to figure out a cute pattern that'll work in some lilac or soft purple along with the main "color", cream:P

I refuse to make a cream colored baby ghan....and my friend loves purple:lol


Anywho...off I go...CU all tomorrow.


Joanne, I'm making Irish Soda Bread tomorrow:D...

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