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Our House Part Two


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Hi Cheeria

Sorry you and the grandbabes have another illness. Them things are no fun,and harder to handle when you have others to take care of too. I sure hope it goes away soon so you can all feel good again .

I'm glad you got to go to the movies,but sorry the wait for the ride took so long. That would be very frustrating .




You funny thing ! Yea, I remembered you said your boyfriend was from Tennessee ,so figured you would end up sneaking off with him and leaving the rest of us hunting for you ! He'd get to spend time with you and we'd miss out ! ( That'd be ok though , I'm sure you miss him )


Hi Linda

Glad you got a little extra rest today--you must have been whooped . Hope you guys have a good afternoon !

Sorry I didnt check in again til now --sleeping in my chair . Good grief, I am turning into a little old grandma ..... OH YEA, I AM one .

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Hello housemates!


Julie- is the "flag" outside flapping in the breeze? The sun came out this afternoon- which was nice and it's great to have the daylight when I get home from work!


Marisa and Cheeria- Sorry to hear you both have colds!! Hope your day went well today!


Linda- That's great that John will be home earlier than planned. How's your tooth feeling?


Cindy- I hope you had a good day today with the GS and not doing a whole lot- Great to be off in the middle of the week!!


Wrennie- Rain, no ville- yea, that's not fun. Hope the day got better!


Judy- Did you have a good day?


Well, I'm going to log off- I am very tired- (gee, I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 4AM). I'm thinking of doing what Julie did- and fall asleep in my chair for a quick catnap



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Read back quick, time change has me getting up late (for now) and work blocked this site so I can't even lurk at work anymore. :(

Rain, 100% chance, today. Rain makes me tired, time change makes me tired, I'm screwed.....


Where I work, everything is blocked too :( It was overcast and not very warm this morning, but sun is out now and I sat on porch swing with porch kitty for a while.


Morning house, the lil darlings and myself are battling coughing and stuffy nose and I don't think the IV treatment I received on Friday help this situation at all for my immune system is compromise. So here me and my lil darlings sit coughing, sneezing with drippy noses. Yuck :( Other then that I'm fine but most days tired maybe because of my cold. I have not done any crochet since Saturday and hopefully today I can get back into working on my doily-ghan which if I may say so my self is coming along nicely. Sunday late afternoon my DH and myself went to the movies to see The Adjustment Bueau, it was okay just a different twist on a love story. The bummer was having to wait two and a half hour inside of a close, darken Mall for my DH van to come and pick him up. As the minutes and hours ticked by it took away the great mood I was in just to be out and about with my DH. So that's all for now House, sending HUGS. :hug:hug


Sorry everyone is sick again and that you had to wait so long for the van to come. :hug:hug:hug

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Kiyo, when you said Lebanon, I thought AL not TN :lol I live in Lebanon, Alabama. :lol


Marisa, how did your work day go?


Joanne, did you get a nap? Feel better.


Linda, much better time for John to get home! Makes everyone happy :yes


Julie, Judy, Cindy and everyone else I may have missed, I'm still thinking about you.


Have to call my mother and decide what I want to eat for supper.


Hugs and Prayers to all.

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Before I read today's posts I wanted to share something before I forget. I was working a crossword puzzle from yesterdays paper and the ziggy comic was on it.....and I thought of Julie and the rest of you ladies :D


He was at the psychiatrist's office and tells the doc "I tried to face reality............but reality knows judo" :rofl It was extra funny to me since all the big girl panty talk :ghug

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Before I read today's posts I wanted to share something before I forget. I was working a crossword puzzle from yesterdays paper and the ziggy comic was on it.....and I thought of Julie and the rest of you ladies :D


He was at the psychiatrist's office and tells the doc "I tried to face reality............but reality knows judo" :rofl It was extra funny to me since all the big girl panty talk :ghug

Oh, that's a hoot!!!!:lol


Well, I was busy making some more granny squares for the lapghan I'm working on and got out for a walk with Sparkie.:lol I also made corned beef, cabbage, and mashed potatoes today - leftovers for tomorrow!:D


Off to watch the Yankees and weave in some ends on thos grannies.


CU all in the AM:hug:manyheart

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Hey ladies

One more check in before checking out for the night .



As to the question about whether my big underpants are flapping on the flagpole :

If you could see the SUN, then the underpants must be at half staff . They would block OUT the sun if they were hanging right .




Yep, I do believe sometimes when you face life,it'd be easier to face a Judo expert !


You all have a good night. Will leave the locking up to someone else tonite ... Gonna check out early .

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Good evening ladies :hi


Now I've caught up. Work was alright today, but I continued to get progressively worse thoughout the day. At the start I was just tired from not sleeping well and by the afternoon I broke a fever :eek So then I took some ibuprofen which did help and I started sweating my butt off within an hour :eek I'll take another does before bed and put on some heavy pj's to help sweat it out overnight :xfin:think If I feel bad in the morning, I'll call off. But tomorrow's my late day, so we'll see how I feel come morning. Thanks for all your well wishes :hug :hug :hug


Toni - Did you finish your work early today? How was that coffee this morning :drool I've been loading up on tea with my cold and although I enjoy tea too, I do miss my coffee :think


Wrennie - Sorry your job blocked the ville....what's wrong with them :shrug


Judy - Glad you got in a walk with sparkie :yes Have fun with your grannies ;)


Julie - Did you try out the cotton today?


Cheeria - I hope you and the babies get well soon :hug :hug


Kiyo - Maybe we'll ALL go visit your other half :think:lol


Linda - :yay for John getting back early. How did your quilting come along today?


Joanne - I hope you sleep well during your nap and tonight too :yes



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Hi all,

Took a nice 45 minute catnap and feel much better- and here's hoping that I can fall asleep when it's time for bed!


Feel better Marisa!!! Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight!!!! Thanks for the laugh! That was a perfect comic!!!


Judy- How was your corned beef and cabbage? I'm not much of a fan- so I don't make it- but I always made it when my kiddos were growing up- you know- tradition and all that!!! But I do love Irish Soda Bread and a colleague of mine (who hails from Ireland) brought some in today- and will be bringing more tomorrow) and it was Delish!!!


Toni- Ahh, sitting on a porch swing!!! Sounds heavenly!! I would love to have one of those!!!


Well, off for the night-- I did lock the door- since it's dark out here now- and put the key in a safe spot (where Linda found it last night)


See you in the AM

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It was a springlike day here today, bright and sunny, and warm, (for March in Michigan!)

I didn't do much though, besides play with my grandsons.


I did manage to do a few loads of laundry, but that's about it. I have tomorrow off too, so I'll have to get at the cleaning in the morning. I suppose I could work at it now, but I don't feel like it. I think I'm going to read for a while and go to bed. Hopefully i will sleep better tonight.

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Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.

I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.

My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.

I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.

So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.



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More hugs and prayers for you Tam


Got the key out from under the mat. Hey earlybirds I have the coffee maker ready all you need to do it hit the start button..but I don't make no guarantees on the coffee since I don't drink it. Hope it don't float horse shoes. Checked the curtains and turned down the heat.


Hoping for some sunny weather finally here. Tired of gray..well actually spoiled because we usually have sun so we all get whiny when we don't get our sunshine.


Baby bunnies still doing good! :cheer

Getting ready for another rabbit show this weekend.

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Morning folks


Tam --- :hug:manyheart:hug So sorry all this stuff is hitting you all at once . Sure wish we all lived closer to you so we could be there to help you out .

Please keep us updated as you get the chance .



Hope everyone else is doing well ,and those under the weather are getting better each day .


I am half awake ,so not yet even got my YAKKER woken up full speed .


If I was a coffee person, I'd drink some of Mary's and see if it really DOES float horseshoes .

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Top o the Morning lassies!!!:clover


Tammy- :hug I am surely praying for you all! I can't even imagine all that you have to bear right now. Please take care of YOU! :hug:hug:hug


Mary2- I had a cup of the coffee- thanks for setting up the coffee pot. But, did you know that you can program it so that it is already made when we wake up? Nothing like waking up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee!!! And you did a good job on it- nice and strong- the way I like it- now whether or not it could float horseshoes I don't know- but it was good. Going to pour another cup and take it with me to Paradise in a bit!


Linda- Glad John got home earlier than expected. Have a good day-do you have your dentist appointment scheduled? Not sure if I missed a post or not.


Marisa and Cheeria- I hope this morning finds you on the mend. :hug


Julie- Good morning- it's nice to have some company here in the wee hours of the morning!!!


To all- here's a little Irish ditty for St. Patrick's Day


May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far.


It's time for this Irish lassie to get dressed (in GREEN, of course) and head to Paradise


See you later.



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More hugs and prayers for you Tam


Got the key out from under the mat. Hey earlybirds I have the coffee maker ready all you need to do it hit the start button..but I don't make no guarantees on the coffee since I don't drink it. Hope it don't float horse shoes. Checked the curtains and turned down the heat.


Hoping for some sunny weather finally here. Tired of gray..well actually spoiled because we usually have sun so we all get whiny when we don't get our sunshine.


Baby bunnies still doing good! :cheer

Getting ready for another rabbit show this weekend.

Thank you for your prayers and love!

The coffee is great!

I havent even paid attention to what the weather is to be here today... it was beautiful yesterday!

:yay... so happy about the bunnies!!! :hug

you have a great day!

Morning folks


Tam --- :hug:manyheart:hug So sorry all this stuff is hitting you all at once . Sure wish we all lived closer to you so we could be there to help you out .

Please keep us updated as you get the chance .



Hope everyone else is doing well ,and those under the weather are getting better each day .


I am half awake ,so not yet even got my YAKKER woken up full speed .


If I was a coffee person, I'd drink some of Mary's and see if it really DOES float horseshoes .

Oh darlin'... I wish we lived closer too! :hug

Thanks for your love!!!!

Top o the Morning lassies!!!:clover


Tammy- :hug I am surely praying for you all! I can't even imagine all that you have to bear right now. Please take care of YOU! :hug:hug:hug


Mary2- I had a cup of the coffee- thanks for setting up the coffee pot. But, did you know that you can program it so that it is already made when we wake up? Nothing like waking up to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee!!! And you did a good job on it- nice and strong- the way I like it- now whether or not it could float horseshoes I don't know- but it was good. Going to pour another cup and take it with me to Paradise in a bit!


Linda- Glad John got home earlier than expected. Have a good day-do you have your dentist appointment scheduled? Not sure if I missed a post or not.


Marisa and Cheeria- I hope this morning finds you on the mend. :hug


Julie- Good morning- it's nice to have some company here in the wee hours of the morning!!!


To all- here's a little Irish ditty for St. Patrick's Day


May you have the hindsight to know where you've been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far.


It's time for this Irish lassie to get dressed (in GREEN, of course) and head to Paradise


See you later.



God Bless you my friend... thank you for your prayers!

Gotta love automatic start on coffee makers... :D

you have a fun St. Patricks day!



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Good morning, peeps! :D


Judy- How was your corned beef and cabbage? I'm not much of a fan- so I don't make it- but I always made it when my kiddos were growing up- you know- tradition and all that!!! But I do love Irish Soda Bread and a colleague of mine (who hails from Ireland) brought some in today- and will be bringing more tomorrow) and it was Delish!!!

Corned beef and cabbage were yummo:D Irish soda bread is a fov carb addiction of mine...I have a couple of recipes for it that I want to try. If it comes out okay I may bring some samples with me to our meetup next week;)

It was a springlike day here today, bright and sunny, and warm, (for March in Michigan!)

I didn't do much though, besides play with my grandsons.


I did manage to do a few loads of laundry, but that's about it. I have tomorrow off too, so I'll have to get at the cleaning in the morning. I suppose I could work at it now, but I don't feel like it. I think I'm going to read for a while and go to bed. Hopefully i will sleep better tonight.

Did you have a good night?? There's not much worse in life than not sleeping well IMO. And playing with your grandsons sounds like a perfect day:c9

Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.


I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.


My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.


I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.


So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.





Tam...prayers for all of you. Just a thought: you might need some help from a doctor for anxiety/depression. There's nothing wrong with seeking that kind of help. You need to take care of yourself first or you can't be of help to anyone else.:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

Hoping for some sunny weather finally here. Tired of gray..well actually spoiled because we usually have sun so we all get whiny when we don't get our sunshine.

We're having a beautiful, sunny morning here! Supposed to get into the upper 60's:)

Baby bunnies still doing good! :cheer

Getting ready for another rabbit show this weekend.

Oh, good for the babies!!!!!:clap

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popping in quick to say happy st patricks day!

No time to read back now. off to work.


Hope your day goes well. We'll be here when you get back!:hug

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Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.


I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.


My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.


I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.


So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.






Oh my Tam, :hug:hug:hug Continuing to pray for all of you.


Hope all goes well with your ds, he's awfully young to need a stent. I think in all the years I have worked in critical care, I've only seen one person under 30 get a stent placed.


How is your dh doing?

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Good morning. I slept very well last night. (In fact I slept until 8:45. which is really late for me.)


Today I need to grocery shop and do a little cleaning.


I'm having a bridal shower for my nephews fiancee next Saturday and the co-hostess, (his aunt from his mothers side) is coming over here tonight so we can plan it. I only know her to say hi to, so I want to get things ship-shape here. When we decided to do this, we thought it would be a good way to get to know each other a little better.


DD made herself another purse yesterday afternoon. She is really taking to sewing. This is the second purse in a week. She cut another one out too.

She has to work tonight, so she may have finished that one too, as she was planning to stay up half the night, so that she could sleep part of the day today.


Not sure what else I will do today. I still haven't fixed the doily-ghan, so maybe I will tackle that.

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Top o' the Mornin' to all my housemates. It's a beautiful day here in north Georgia. Sun is shining, birds are singing, and I got a long night's sleep so that I'm back to being well rested. I think I'm going to work on a charity scarf and the baby quilt for my niece today. In addition to folding all the clothes that I washed yesterday. No crafting yesterday, as there is always a ton of extra stuff to do on the day that John gets home from a trip. And last night I crashed early on.


Before I read today's posts I wanted to share something before I forget. I was working a crossword puzzle from yesterdays paper and the ziggy comic was on it.....and I thought of Julie and the rest of you ladies :D


He was at the psychiatrist's office and tells the doc "I tried to face reality............but reality knows judo" :rofl It was extra funny to me since all the big girl panty talk :ghug

Love it! :lol

Well, I was busy making some more granny squares for the lapghan I'm working on and got out for a walk with Sparkie.:lol I also made corned beef, cabbage, and mashed potatoes today - leftovers for tomorrow!:D

CU all in the AM:hug:manyheart

I LOVE corned beef and cabbage! Plus potatoes, onions, and carrots. Nothing better. In fact, I think I'll add that to the shopping list.

Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.


I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.


My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.


I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.


So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.





Oh sweetie! As if you didn't have enough on your plate already. :hug :hug :hug :hug You are definitely in my prayers multiple times a day. Do remember to take care of you. The suggestion on antidepressants is a good one too. I am on them full time and they have literally saved my life.


Hope that today is good one for all of you.


:hug :hug :hug to all of you who are under the weather.

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Good Evening all……………

I am here asking for lots of prayers.

As you all know.. .my hubby is in the hospital fighting a fever that has been caused by a bacterial and fungal infection. He was diagnosed with Leukemia back in October… so you know this is not a good thing.


I just found out today that one of my older sons (28yrs old) is going in tomorrow for a heart cath test which they suspect a blockage and will then put in a stint.


My daughter is living with us with her three kids.. has been for almost a year now.. and its starting to take its toll on me. I have three young ones still that I’m trying to raise.. I cant be raising hers too.


I’ve become physically weak…. I eat only because I know I have to… but not because I want to… I’m nauseous for 2-3 hours after eating.


So……………………….. Any and all prayers would be so very much appreciated!!!!

Thank you!!!!!

I'm going to post this in the Prayer Request area also.






Sending many prayers your way for you, dh, ds, and the whole family!!!! :hug :hug :hug

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Good morning housemates :hi Yep, still morning :yes


Mary woke me up at 5:30 this morning to let me know she was taking her mom to the hospital, she wasn't breathing right and with all her health issues, they can't wait anything out so she took her immediately. She has some fluid in her chest and is being admitted to the hospital. So some prayers for Mary's mom please :hug


Then I woke up just after 9 and my temp made it to about 103 so I called the doc and went right over. Luckily they had some cancellations this morning :whew so I didn't even have to wait when I got there :clap I have a sinus infection and he gave me an antibiotic which I just got home from filling, had some toast and took the first dose. Decided to drop in to update you before I crawled back into bed. If I wake up feeling better after the meds get a chance to kick in, I'll truck into work later on :think I feel bad knowing that Mary's not there either :eek We'll see how I feel and go from there :yes


I hope you all have a great day, but right now my bed is hollering for me :lol

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