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Our House Part Two


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Good morning ladies :coffee


My sixers lost last night in OT :( They just gave up too :eek I guess they forgot that they're supposed to fight to the end! I worked on the baby blanket at the game and am on my 5th square now :clap


My sister woke me up this morning telling me it's supposed to rain and overnight snow in Pitt. So we're hoping the snow waits until after we get there :xfin I'll have to see how to pack now :think I also have to decide what projects to take with me :think


Wrennie - :yay for seeing the chipmunk


Cidny - rain/snow/rain/snow I hope it ends soon for you :hug


Julie - My turtles are trixie and snapper :lol


Mary1 - :yay for sleeping in yesterday, how'd the babysitting go?


Tam - Don't stop and appologize!!!! Keep going with your rant and just let it out, don't try to bottle it up inside :hug :hug You dd IS being disrespectful and unfair, try having another talk with her, so get up and leave the house before she's supposed to and see how she handles that situation :think She wouldn't just leave them alone would she :think


Linda - I hope you have fun at the expo today :yay


Judy - :yay on the knit square. I was thinking about picking up that book too try out too, so I can learn something new :lol


Marlene - Is dh feeling better now? I just had some chinese earlier this week too :lol


Toni - :yay fot getting almost caught up with orders at work. How's the flooding situation there?


Mary2 - :yay for baby bunnies, but sorry that the peanuts are just so worrisome on you :hug I hope they make it :xfin


Joanne - Nice to go visit DD and at least your getting advance notice on your babysitting schedule :lol I'm coming back on sunday evening, well I think my flight gets in at 5:35 :yes


I've got another thread or 2 to check into before going up for my workout. I may stop back before work, but if not I will be here after work before heading to the airport :yes

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Morning Cindy

You hit the nail on the head. when little kids are involved, it is SO much harder to take a stand sometimes,because you are in the middle looking at both sides. The ADULT is doing things that irritate you,but the kids will pay the price if you don't step in . Life sometimes gets tricky when you are faced with those situations .


And WE are supposed to be getting another SNOWSTORM starting tonite ... I am about at wit's end with this winter weather . Ridiculous .



HideyHo Jude --what you up to today ?




Great names for your turtles. Trixie sounds like she may have stood on the streetcorners looking for business in a former life,and Snapper sounds like a real he-man turtle ,so they make a good couple !

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Hi, Jules...

I feel the need for a yarn run to Michaels:D

It's cloudy and rain is coming....and I want something bright to play with.

I'm still making grannies, too, and will be making more today. I'm using the extra saltines you made for our flag project as the centers....and my tons of small balls of yarn to make random colored rounds...:hook

I'll also make a few rows on my knit square.:D

Oh...and a little light cleaning if I feel like it.

Somehow I'm only in a cleaning mood when it's sunny out.:devil

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I "shopped" in my stash first...and found some nice bright colors...already planning a "neverending square" ghan with them....want to make some more grannies I'm currently making before starting that bright one. The turqua, pinks, all baby but bright colors for that next one - for the NICU.

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:waving hello house!


Just a quick run by after work and now getting ready to go for blood work and get groceries when my sister gets here.


Also, thought I would send you this wonderful bouquet of daffy's to brighten your day!




I'll be back later this afternoon/evening to catch up. Don't have to much fun while I'm away! :lol

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I love you guys!!!!!!

thank you so much for being so understanding and supportive! I totally needed to hear all your wonderfully supportive words this morning. Especially after the newest issue. My daughter took the 2yr old to the doc because of a rash... found out he has scabies. :sigh................ I just want to curl up in a corner.

Doc said that he most likely got it from daycare.

So... its a day of scrub the house... lots of laundry... and keep Michael and hubby away from the grandson.

I'm tired!

Okay...back to laundry..............



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It's interesting learning more about these bunnies. Another subject I know NOTHING about . I like those big old bunnies with the ears that hang down -- do you know what they are called ? We see them at the Fair every year .


French Lops. I have had them for years, but due to a wrist injury it is difficult for me to handle the big breeds a lot anymore. So I only have one big overgrown pet left. His name is Friendly. He buzzes like a bee when he is happy :D

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I love you guys!!!!!!

thank you so much for being so understanding and supportive! I totally needed to hear all your wonderfully supportive words this morning. Especially after the newest issue. My daughter took the 2yr old to the doc because of a rash... found out he has scabies. :sigh................ I just want to curl up in a corner.

Doc said that he most likely got it from daycare.

So... its a day of scrub the house... lots of laundry... and keep Michael and hubby away from the grandson.

I'm tired!

Okay...back to laundry..............






Oh dear......

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Toni, thanks for the flowers. They are gorgeous!


I went shopping with DD this morning. I bought some pretty fabric to make baby shoes, (haven;t made any more of them yet, Joanne), and a Lands End cardigan from Sears for $13.50. (regular 49.50) I also bought a new coffee pot, since my old one is failing. For the last few days we've had lukewarm coffee. (yuck!!)


Anyhow, now I have to do laundry. Work tomorrow and then we are going out with another couple to dinner and a travelogue.

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Thanks for sharing the daffodils with us ! Looks great !



Oh my gosh ... you poor thing ... Scabies ? WOW . I didnt even know people still got that ! And you certainly dont need it in your home with 2 others who shouldnt be around it ! Sure hope this problem gets quickly resolved .



Your big old bunny sounds cute . I always like the big bunnies, big strong looking cats ... not sure why ,but they look like they are tough and strong maybe .



Sounds like your shopping adventure was a success !

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I love you guys!!!!!!

thank you so much for being so understanding and supportive! I totally needed to hear all your wonderfully supportive words this morning. Especially after the newest issue. My daughter took the 2yr old to the doc because of a rash... found out he has scabies. :sigh................ I just want to curl up in a corner.

Doc said that he most likely got it from daycare.

So... its a day of scrub the house... lots of laundry... and keep Michael and hubby away from the grandson.

I'm tired!

Okay...back to laundry..............





Oh, good Grief! Just what you don't need! Feel free to vent it helps to let some of the steam escape in a safe environment. Sounds like it's time DD did some growing up to me.


I am back from my first day at the Sewing and Quilt Expo. It's great! Had a good time with Rosie today. We both did a "make it & take it" project at one of the booths today. It involved silk screen painting and needle felting on a silk scarf. I cheated and silk screened both ends of mine and skipped the felting part. I now have a hand decorated scarf for my mom for Mother's Day/birthday. :D


I bought 10 yards of turquoise sequins which may or may not end up as part of the Challenge Quilt and then got a 6' x 12' hardwood split rail scroll frame for use in my counted cross stitch work. It looks like it will help hold the fabric nicedly for working on it. And it wasn't expensive which was extra nice.


We went to the class on creating our own signature chop this afternoon and it was super neat. I ended up taking the monogram I've used for a long time on my work and have come up with a modification on it that excites me. It's not there yet, but it's definitely coming.


I have three classes tomorrow and another "make it & take it" project set up too. One of the booths has small and large Heddle Looms for sale, so I'm going to try it out and may be getting one. :think Not sure which one yet, but it's something I've been thinking about for a while now. My DD has had a loom for beadwork for a long time and does beautiful things on it and Marlene's stuff is soooooo pretty. Can you tell? I'm really interested in this, too. :lol I've got enough spending money to cover either one. And lots of yarn and thread in my stash, too. Decisions, decisions. I have to take my sewing machine with me both of the next two days. One of the classes tomorrow is on creating a quilt and the one Saturday is on doing free motion quilting. :yay Hands on with an instructor should be lots of fun.

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Good evening house mates!


Oh, Toni, the daffodils brightened up my day- it is so gloomy, gray and rainy out and they were like a burst of sunshine! Thank you so much for sharing that picture!!!!


Tammy- I am so sorry to hear about the scabies on top of everything else! I sure hope that DD is helping with doing the laundry- bed sheets/clothes, etc! Please know we are here for you!


Judy- one of my co-workers was mentioning today about an animal shelter in Hunterdon County (where she lives) that she brings old towels/blankets to and asked if we had any. So I now have the perfect project for my scraps- and I can just bring them to work and give them to her. One of my other co-workers said "I'll take a scrap blanket for me- I'm not fussy about colors or if they match or anything!":lol


Cindy- Sounds like a very succesful shopping trip!!! And I love the bargain you got on the Lands End sweater---as my mother always said, just like a commercial- NEVER PAY FULL PRICE!!!;)


Julie- Can't believe you are getting snow again! Thank goodness all we are getting is rain- and hopefully North Jersey isn't getting the flooding again. My DD would love to have you visit. She only works 3 days /week (12 hour shifts) so she has 4 days at home- I told her to enjoy her free time, because when the baby comes, she'll be wishing for some alone time!


Linda- Hope you had a great day at the Expo- can't wait to hear all about it.


Marisa- you must be getting excited- just read that U Pitt lost to UConn in the Big East tourny- did you read about how Rutgers got ripped off by not one, but two ref errors!!!!:angry


Off to start dinner- BBL!

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Oh, good Grief! Just what you don't need! Feel free to vent it helps to let some of the steam escape in a safe environment. Sounds like it's time DD did some growing up to me.


I am back from my first day at the Sewing and Quilt Expo. It's great! Had a good time with Rosie today. We both did a "make it & take it" project at one of the booths today. It involved silk screen painting and needle felting on a silk scarf. I cheated and silk screened both ends of mine and skipped the felting part. I now have a hand decorated scarf for my mom for Mother's Day/birthday. :D


I bought 10 yards of turquoise sequins which may or may not end up as part of the Challenge Quilt and then got a 6' x 12' hardwood split rail scroll frame for use in my counted cross stitch work. It looks like it will help hold the fabric nicedly for working on it. And it wasn't expensive which was extra nice.


We went to the class on creating our own signature chop this afternoon and it was super neat. I ended up taking the monogram I've used for a long time on my work and have come up with a modification on it that excites me. It's not there yet, but it's definitely coming.


I have three classes tomorrow and another "make it & take it" project set up too. One of the booths has small and large Heddle Looms for sale, so I'm going to try it out and may be getting one. :think Not sure which one yet, but it's something I've been thinking about for a while now. My DD has had a loom for beadwork for a long time and does beautiful things on it and Marlene's stuff is soooooo pretty. Can you tell? I'm really interested in this, too. :lol I've got enough spending money to cover either one. And lots of yarn and thread in my stash, too. Decisions, decisions. I have to take my sewing machine with me both of the next two days. One of the classes tomorrow is on creating a quilt and the one Saturday is on doing free motion quilting. :yay Hands on with an instructor should be lots of fun.


Oh, I'm so happy that you had such a great day! I love hearing your excitement!! Sounds like an awesome time and tomorrow sounds like it should be loads of fun too!!!!:hug

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Linda, sounds like you had a wonderful day!


Joanne, I was in Penney's here today, and it is a mess too. I asked and they said that they are doing major remodeling and re-arranging in a bunch of their stores, so maybe that's what's going on in yours too. It was such a mess there that I didn't do any shopping there, although DD bought a purse.

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Linda, sounds like you had a wonderful day!


Joanne, I was in Penney's here today, and it is a mess too. I asked and they said that they are doing major remodeling and re-arranging in a bunch of their stores, so maybe that's what's going on in yours too. It was such a mess there that I didn't do any shopping there, although DD bought a purse.

That's what I figured and when I told DD about it last night- she said why didn't you ask someone? :lol Good question- I should have, but by the time I had been in a few stores trying on pants and then in JCP just trying to find them and then trying them on- I was so ready to get home!!!!

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I love you guys!!!!!!

thank you so much for being so understanding and supportive! I totally needed to hear all your wonderfully supportive words this morning. Especially after the newest issue. My daughter took the 2yr old to the doc because of a rash... found out he has scabies. :sigh................ I just want to curl up in a corner.

Doc said that he most likely got it from daycare.

So... its a day of scrub the house... lots of laundry... and keep Michael and hubby away from the grandson.

I'm tired!

Okay...back to laundry..............






Oh, Tam, I'm so sorry to hear this! With your DH and your son's medical issues, this is the last thing you needed right now!!! Oh, and venting and being a bit unhappy, even angry is a normal reaction to it all. You can't hold everything in all the time, it will make you ill yourself!!!



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Hi all! Glad you enjoyed the first daffy's of the season from my yard. They always cheer me up on these damp, dreary, dark days. All told, we got about 6" of rain. Even the dry bed streams are over the banks! Again, I'm very thankful for the hill behind my house :lol


The tea cosy designer got back with me with some re-written instructions. I'm going to try them out this weekend and see what happens :hook I'll let y'all know too, so anyone who would like to have them, can. She said if this worked, she would re-write the pattern online.


Joann, what pattern do you use to make fabric baby shoes? They sound interesting.


Linda, sounds like you are having to much fun at the Expo. Wish I could have gone, but not being able to drive is really putting a damper on a lot of things I used to take for granted. I've been to quite a few quilt shows and one sewing expo in Orlando. Then when I moved here, went to the Collinsville quilt walk two years. It is so neat to see the quilts and all the old restored homes they open up to show the quilts in.


Mary, love the bunny stories. Growing up, my cousins had a couple of big ole floppy eared bunnies that were litter trained and had the run of the house. They were so soft to hold!


To everyone hi and hope I didn't miss anyone. Just hard to read and remember everything and need to post this before I lose it, like I did the big one I wrote last night.

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Hi all! Glad you enjoyed the first daffy's of the season from my yard. They always cheer me up on these damp, dreary, dark days. All told, we got about 6" of rain. Even the dry bed streams are over the banks! Again, I'm very thankful for the hill behind my house :lol That sure is a lot of rain!!


The tea cosy designer got back with me with some re-written instructions. I'm going to try them out this weekend and see what happens :hook I'll let y'all know too, so anyone who would like to have them, can. She said if this worked, she would re-write the pattern online.


Joann, what pattern do you use to make fabric baby shoes? They sound interesting. It's not me who is making fabric baby shoes (although it'd be kind of cool to make them if I could sew)- It's Cindy who is making them- I know all these names- it's a wonder I remember my own sometimes:lol:lol


Linda, sounds like you are having to much fun at the Expo. Wish I could have gone, but not being able to drive is really putting a damper on a lot of things I used to take for granted. I've been to quite a few quilt shows and one sewing expo in Orlando. Then when I moved here, went to the Collinsville quilt walk two years. It is so neat to see the quilts and all the old restored homes they open up to show the quilts in.


Mary, love the bunny stories. Growing up, my cousins had a couple of big ole floppy eared bunnies that were litter trained and had the run of the house. They were so soft to hold!


To everyone hi and hope I didn't miss anyone. Just hard to read and remember everything and need to post this before I lose it, like I did the big one I wrote last night.

I know what you mean about losing the posts. I always try to remember to check off the little box when you log in that says remember me- I know I've lost posts when I've forgotten to do that especially when they are long!


Hope yo have a good night!

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Thank you everyone for the positive support with Lily. Her tests came back with great results....no brain dysfunction. Her seizure like movements are really neck spasms from her torticollis, which is great news. I feel horrible that lily & her parents have to go through all of this due to a dr.'s incompetence.


I hope all of you are doing well. I'm on my iPod again so it's hard to respond to you all individually. Just know that I am thinking of you all! :ghug

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Judy- one of my co-workers was mentioning today about an animal shelter in Hunterdon County (where she lives) that she brings old towels/blankets to and asked if we had any. So I now have the perfect project for my scraps- and I can just bring them to work and give them to her. One of my other co-workers said "I'll take a scrap blanket for me- I'm not fussy about colors or if they match or anything!":lol

That's great - and remember, animals are color blind:lol:lol:lol That's nice t hear that your other co-worker appreciates hand made stuff, too! I know I'm going to have to find some place to store a few of my afghans....running out of room:lol

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That's great - and remember, animals are color blind:lol:lol:lol That's nice t hear that your other co-worker appreciates hand made stuff, too! I know I'm going to have to find some place to store a few of my afghans....running out of room:lol



You can store them at my house if you'd like :devil

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Linda, it's wonderful "hearing" the excitement in your voice about tha expo!! And to have afriend who shares your love for all that is a real blessing.


Toni, thanks for letting us know about the pattern. I'll be curious to see if it's just a simple fix or not.


Thank you everyone for the positive support with Lily. Her tests came back with great results....no brain dysfunction. Her seizure like movements are really neck spasms from her torticollis, which is great news. I feel horrible that lily & her parents have to go through all of this due to a dr.'s incompetence.


I hope all of you are doing well. I'm on my iPod again so it's hard to respond to you all individually. Just know that I am thinking of you all! :ghug

That's good news....it's so hard seeing little ones go through health problems:hug:manyheart


Well, off I go for the night. :hug:manyheart

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